<?php abstract class OC_Minimizer { public function generateETag($files) { $fullpath_files = array(); foreach($files as $file_info) { $fullpath_files[] = $file_info[0] . '/' . $file_info[2]; } return OC_Cache::generateCacheKeyFromFiles($fullpath_files); } abstract public function minimizeFiles($files); public function output($files, $cache_key) { header('Content-Type: '.$this->contentType); OC_Response::enableCaching(); $etag = $this->generateETag($files); $cache_key .= '-'.$etag; $gzout = false; $cache = OC_Cache::getGlobalCache(); if (!OC_Request::isNoCache() && (!defined('DEBUG') || !DEBUG)) { OC_Response::setETagHeader($etag); $gzout = $cache->get($cache_key.'.gz'); } if (!$gzout) { $out = $this->minimizeFiles($files); $gzout = gzencode($out); $cache->set($cache_key.'.gz', $gzout); OC_Response::setETagHeader($etag); } // on some systems (e.g. SLES 11, but not Ubuntu) mod_deflate and zlib compression will compress the output twice. // This results in broken core.css and core.js. To avoid it, we switch off zlib compression. // Since mod_deflate is still active, Apache will compress what needs to be compressed, i.e. no disadvantage. if(function_exists('apache_get_modules') && ini_get('zlib.output_compression') && in_array('mod_deflate', apache_get_modules())) { ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); } if ($encoding = OC_Request::acceptGZip()) { header('Content-Encoding: '.$encoding); $out = $gzout; } else { $out = gzdecode($gzout); } header('Content-Length: '.strlen($out)); echo $out; } public function clearCache() { $cache = OC_Cache::getGlobalCache(); $cache->clear('core.css'); $cache->clear('core.js'); } } if (!function_exists('gzdecode')) { function gzdecode($data, $maxlength=null, &$filename='', &$error='') { if (strcmp(substr($data, 0, 9),"\x1f\x8b\x8\0\0\0\0\0\0")) { return null; // Not the GZIP format we expect (See RFC 1952) } return gzinflate(substr($data, 10, -8)); } }