<?php /** * ownCloud * * @author Frank Karlitschek * @author Michael Gapczynski * @copyright 2012 Frank Karlitschek frank@owncloud.org * @copyright 2012 Michael Gapczynski mtgap@owncloud.com * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MethodNotAllowedException; /** * Class to handle open collaboration services API requests * */ class OC_OCS { /** * reads input date from get/post/cookies and converts the date to a special data-type * * @param string HTTP method to read the key from * @param string Parameter to read * @param string Variable type to format data * @param mixed Default value to return if the key is not found * @return mixed Data or if the key is not found and no default is set it will exit with a 400 Bad request */ public static function readData($method, $key, $type = 'raw', $default = null) { if ($method == 'get') { if (isset($_GET[$key])) { $data = $_GET[$key]; } else if (isset($default)) { return $default; } else { $data = false; } } else if ($method == 'post') { if (isset($_POST[$key])) { $data = $_POST[$key]; } else if (isset($default)) { return $default; } else { $data = false; } } if ($data === false) { echo self::generateXml('', 'fail', 400, 'Bad request. Please provide a valid '.$key); exit(); } else { // NOTE: Is the raw type necessary? It might be a little risky without sanitization if ($type == 'raw') return $data; elseif ($type == 'text') return OC_Util::sanitizeHTML($data); elseif ($type == 'int') return (int) $data; elseif ($type == 'float') return (float) $data; elseif ($type == 'array') return OC_Util::sanitizeHTML($data); else return OC_Util::sanitizeHTML($data); } } /** main function to handle the REST request **/ public static function handle() { // overwrite the 404 error page returncode header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK"); if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { $method='get'; }elseif($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'PUT') { $method='put'; parse_str(file_get_contents("php://input"), $put_vars); }elseif($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $method='post'; }else{ echo('internal server error: method not supported'); exit(); } $format = self::readData($method, 'format', 'text', ''); $router = new OC_Router(); $router->useCollection('root'); // CONFIG $router->create('config', '/config.{format}') ->defaults(array('format' => $format)) ->action('OC_OCS', 'apiConfig') ->requirements(array('format'=>'xml|json')); // PERSON $router->create('person_check', '/person/check.{format}') ->post() ->defaults(array('format' => $format)) ->action(function ($parameters) { $format = $parameters['format']; $login = OC_OCS::readData('post', 'login', 'text'); $passwd = OC_OCS::readData('post', 'password', 'text'); OC_OCS::personCheck($format, $login, $passwd); }) ->requirements(array('format'=>'xml|json')); // ACTIVITY // activityget - GET ACTIVITY page,pagesize als urlparameter $router->create('activity_get', '/activity.{format}') ->defaults(array('format' => $format)) ->action(function ($parameters) { $format = $parameters['format']; $page = OC_OCS::readData('get', 'page', 'int', 0); $pagesize = OC_OCS::readData('get', 'pagesize', 'int', 10); if($pagesize<1 or $pagesize>100) $pagesize=10; OC_OCS::activityGet($format, $page, $pagesize); }) ->requirements(array('format'=>'xml|json')); // activityput - POST ACTIVITY $router->create('activity_put', '/activity.{format}') ->post() ->defaults(array('format' => $format)) ->action(function ($parameters) { $format = $parameters['format']; $message = OC_OCS::readData('post', 'message', 'text'); OC_OCS::activityPut($format, $message); }) ->requirements(array('format'=>'xml|json')); // PRIVATEDATA // get - GET DATA $router->create('privatedata_get', '/privatedata/getattribute/{app}/{key}.{format}') ->defaults(array('app' => '', 'key' => '', 'format' => $format)) ->action(function ($parameters) { $format = $parameters['format']; $app = addslashes(strip_tags($parameters['app'])); $key = addslashes(strip_tags($parameters['key'])); OC_OCS::privateDataGet($format, $app, $key); }) ->requirements(array('format'=>'xml|json')); // set - POST DATA $router->create('privatedata_set', '/privatedata/setattribute/{app}/{key}.{format}') ->post() ->defaults(array('format' => $format)) ->action(function ($parameters) { $format = $parameters['format']; $app = addslashes(strip_tags($parameters['app'])); $key = addslashes(strip_tags($parameters['key'])); $value=OC_OCS::readData('post', 'value', 'text'); OC_OCS::privateDataSet($format, $app, $key, $value); }) ->requirements(array('format'=>'xml|json')); // delete - POST DATA $router->create('privatedata_delete', '/privatedata/deleteattribute/{app}/{key}.{format}') ->post() ->defaults(array('format' => $format)) ->action(function ($parameters) { $format = $parameters['format']; $app = addslashes(strip_tags($parameters['app'])); $key = addslashes(strip_tags($parameters['key'])); OC_OCS::privateDataDelete($format, $app, $key); }) ->requirements(array('format'=>'xml|json')); // CLOUD // systemWebApps $router->create('system_webapps', '/cloud/system/webapps.{format}') ->defaults(array('format' => $format)) ->action(function ($parameters) { $format = $parameters['format']; OC_OCS::systemwebapps($format); }) ->requirements(array('format'=>'xml|json')); // quotaget $router->create('quota_get', '/cloud/user/{user}.{format}') ->defaults(array('format' => $format)) ->action(function ($parameters) { $format = $parameters['format']; $user = $parameters['user']; OC_OCS::quotaGet($format, $user); }) ->requirements(array('format'=>'xml|json')); // quotaset $router->create('quota_set', '/cloud/user/{user}.{format}') ->post() ->defaults(array('format' => $format)) ->action(function ($parameters) { $format = $parameters['format']; $user = $parameters['user']; $quota = self::readData('post', 'quota', 'int'); OC_OCS::quotaSet($format, $user, $quota); }) ->requirements(array('format'=>'xml|json')); // keygetpublic $router->create('keygetpublic', '/cloud/user/{user}/publickey.{format}') ->defaults(array('format' => $format)) ->action(function ($parameters) { $format = $parameters['format']; $user = $parameters['user']; OC_OCS::publicKeyGet($format, $user); }) ->requirements(array('format'=>'xml|json')); // keygetprivate $router->create('keygetpublic', '/cloud/user/{user}/privatekey.{format}') ->defaults(array('format' => $format)) ->action(function ($parameters) { $format = $parameters['format']; $user = $parameters['user']; OC_OCS::privateKeyGet($format, $user); }) ->requirements(array('format'=>'xml|json')); // add more calls here // please document all the call in the draft spec // http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services-1.7#CLOUD // TODO: // users // groups // bookmarks // sharing // versioning // news (rss) try { $router->match($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException $e) { $txt='Invalid query, please check the syntax. ' .'API specifications are here: ' .'http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services.' .'DEBUG OUTPUT:'."\n"; $txt.=OC_OCS::getdebugoutput(); echo(OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'failed', 999, $txt)); } catch (MethodNotAllowedException $e) { OC_Response::setStatus(405); } exit(); } /** * generated some debug information to make it easier to find faild API calls * @return debug data string */ private static function getDebugOutput() { $txt=''; $txt.="debug output:\n"; if(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) $txt.='http request method: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']."\n"; if(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) $txt.='http request uri: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\n"; if(isset($_GET)) foreach($_GET as $key=>$value) $txt.='get parameter: '.$key.'->'.$value."\n"; if(isset($_POST)) foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) $txt.='post parameter: '.$key.'->'.$value."\n"; return($txt); } /** * checks if the user is authenticated * checks the IP whitlist, apikeys and login/password combination * if $forceuser is true and the authentication failed it returns an 401 http response. * if $forceuser is false and authentification fails it returns an empty username string * @param bool $forceuser * @return username string */ private static function checkPassword($forceuser=true) { //valid user account ? if(isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) $authuser=$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; else $authuser=''; if(isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) $authpw=$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; else $authpw=''; if(empty($authuser)) { if($forceuser) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="your valid user account or api key"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); exit; }else{ $identifieduser=''; } }else{ if(!OC_User::login($authuser, $authpw)) { if($forceuser) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="your valid user account or api key"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); exit; }else{ $identifieduser=''; } }else{ $identifieduser=$authuser; } } return($identifieduser); } /** * generates the xml or json response for the API call from an multidimenional data array. * @param string $format * @param string $status * @param string $statuscode * @param string $message * @param array $data * @param string $tag * @param string $tagattribute * @param int $dimension * @param int $itemscount * @param int $itemsperpage * @return string xml/json */ private static function generateXml($format, $status, $statuscode, $message, $data=array(), $tag='', $tagattribute='', $dimension=-1, $itemscount='', $itemsperpage='') { if($format=='json') { $json=array(); $json['status']=$status; $json['statuscode']=$statuscode; $json['message']=$message; $json['totalitems']=$itemscount; $json['itemsperpage']=$itemsperpage; $json['data']=$data; return(json_encode($json)); }else{ $txt=''; $writer = xmlwriter_open_memory(); xmlwriter_set_indent( $writer, 2 ); xmlwriter_start_document($writer ); xmlwriter_start_element($writer, 'ocs'); xmlwriter_start_element($writer, 'meta'); xmlwriter_write_element($writer, 'status', $status); xmlwriter_write_element($writer, 'statuscode', $statuscode); xmlwriter_write_element($writer, 'message', $message); if($itemscount<>'') xmlwriter_write_element($writer, 'totalitems', $itemscount); if(!empty($itemsperpage)) xmlwriter_write_element($writer, 'itemsperpage', $itemsperpage); xmlwriter_end_element($writer); if($dimension=='0') { // 0 dimensions xmlwriter_write_element($writer, 'data', $data); }elseif($dimension=='1') { xmlwriter_start_element($writer, 'data'); foreach($data as $key=>$entry) { xmlwriter_write_element($writer, $key, $entry); } xmlwriter_end_element($writer); }elseif($dimension=='2') { xmlwriter_start_element($writer, 'data'); foreach($data as $entry) { xmlwriter_start_element($writer, $tag); if(!empty($tagattribute)) { xmlwriter_write_attribute($writer, 'details', $tagattribute); } foreach($entry as $key=>$value) { if(is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $k=>$v) { xmlwriter_write_element($writer, $k, $v); } } else { xmlwriter_write_element($writer, $key, $value); } } xmlwriter_end_element($writer); } xmlwriter_end_element($writer); }elseif($dimension=='3') { xmlwriter_start_element($writer, 'data'); foreach($data as $entrykey=>$entry) { xmlwriter_start_element($writer, $tag); if(!empty($tagattribute)) { xmlwriter_write_attribute($writer, 'details', $tagattribute); } foreach($entry as $key=>$value) { if(is_array($value)) { xmlwriter_start_element($writer, $entrykey); foreach($value as $k=>$v) { xmlwriter_write_element($writer, $k, $v); } xmlwriter_end_element($writer); } else { xmlwriter_write_element($writer, $key, $value); } } xmlwriter_end_element($writer); } xmlwriter_end_element($writer); }elseif($dimension=='dynamic') { xmlwriter_start_element($writer, 'data'); OC_OCS::toxml($writer, $data, 'comment'); xmlwriter_end_element($writer); } xmlwriter_end_element($writer); xmlwriter_end_document( $writer ); $txt.=xmlwriter_output_memory( $writer ); unset($writer); return($txt); } } public static function toXml($writer, $data, $node) { foreach($data as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $key = $node; } if (is_array($value)) { xmlwriter_start_element($writer, $key); OC_OCS::toxml($writer, $value, $node); xmlwriter_end_element($writer); }else{ xmlwriter_write_element($writer, $key, $value); } } } /** * return the config data of this server * @param string $format * @return string xml/json */ public static function apiConfig($parameters) { $format = $parameters['format']; $user=OC_OCS::checkpassword(false); $url=substr(OCP\Util::getServerHost().$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, -11).''; $xml['version']='1.7'; $xml['website']='ownCloud'; $xml['host']=OCP\Util::getServerHost(); $xml['contact']=''; $xml['ssl']='false'; echo(OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'ok', 100, '', $xml, 'config', '', 1)); } /** * check if the provided login/apikey/password is valid * @param string $format * @param string $login * @param string $passwd * @return string xml/json */ private static function personCheck($format, $login, $passwd) { if($login<>'') { if(OC_User::login($login, $passwd)) { $xml['person']['personid']=$login; echo(OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'ok', 100, '', $xml, 'person', 'check', 2)); }else{ echo(OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'failed', 102, 'login not valid')); } }else{ echo(OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'failed', 101, 'please specify all mandatory fields')); } } // ACTIVITY API ############################################# /** * get my activities * @param string $format * @param string $page * @param string $pagesize * @return string xml/json */ private static function activityGet($format, $page, $pagesize) { $user=OC_OCS::checkpassword(); //TODO $txt=OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'ok', 100, '', $xml, 'activity', 'full', 2, $totalcount, $pagesize); echo($txt); } /** * submit a activity * @param string $format * @param string $message * @return string xml/json */ private static function activityPut($format, $message) { // not implemented in ownCloud $user=OC_OCS::checkpassword(); echo(OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'ok', 100, '')); } // PRIVATEDATA API ############################################# /** * get private data and create the xml for ocs * @param string $format * @param string $app * @param string $key * @return string xml/json */ private static function privateDataGet($format, $app="", $key="") { $user=OC_OCS::checkpassword(); $result=OC_OCS::getData($user, $app, $key); $xml=array(); foreach($result as $i=>$log) { $xml[$i]['key']=$log['key']; $xml[$i]['app']=$log['app']; $xml[$i]['value']=$log['value']; } $txt=OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'ok', 100, '', $xml, 'privatedata', 'full', 2, count($xml), 0);//TODO: replace 'privatedata' with 'attribute' once a new libattice has been released that works with it echo($txt); } /** * set private data referenced by $key to $value and generate the xml for ocs * @param string $format * @param string $app * @param string $key * @param string $value * @return string xml/json */ private static function privateDataSet($format, $app, $key, $value) { $user=OC_OCS::checkpassword(); if(OC_OCS::setData($user, $app, $key, $value)) { echo(OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'ok', 100, '')); } } /** * delete private data referenced by $key and generate the xml for ocs * @param string $format * @param string $app * @param string $key * @return string xml/json */ private static function privateDataDelete($format, $app, $key) { if($key=="" or $app=="") { return; //key and app are NOT optional here } $user=OC_OCS::checkpassword(); if(OC_OCS::deleteData($user, $app, $key)) { echo(OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'ok', 100, '')); } } /** * get private data * @param string $user * @param string $app * @param string $key * @param bool $like use LIKE instead of = when comparing keys * @return array */ public static function getData($user, $app="", $key="") { if($app) { $apps=array($app); }else{ $apps=OC_Preferences::getApps($user); } if($key) { $keys=array($key); }else{ foreach($apps as $app) { $keys=OC_Preferences::getKeys($user, $app); } } $result=array(); foreach($apps as $app) { foreach($keys as $key) { $value=OC_Preferences::getValue($user, $app, $key); $result[]=array('app'=>$app, 'key'=>$key, 'value'=>$value); } } return $result; } /** * set private data referenced by $key to $value * @param string $user * @param string $app * @param string $key * @param string $value * @return bool */ public static function setData($user, $app, $key, $value) { return OC_Preferences::setValue($user, $app, $key, $value); } /** * delete private data referenced by $key * @param string $user * @param string $app * @param string $key * @return string xml/json */ public static function deleteData($user, $app, $key) { return OC_Preferences::deleteKey($user, $app, $key); } // CLOUD API ############################################# /** * get a list of installed web apps * @param string $format * @return string xml/json */ private static function systemWebApps($format) { $login=OC_OCS::checkpassword(); $apps=OC_App::getEnabledApps(); $values=array(); foreach($apps as $app) { $info=OC_App::getAppInfo($app); if(isset($info['standalone'])) { $newvalue=array('name'=>$info['name'], 'url'=>OC_Helper::linkToAbsolute($app, ''), 'icon'=>''); $values[]=$newvalue; } } $txt=OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'ok', 100, '', $values, 'cloud', '', 2, 0, 0); echo($txt); } /** * get the quota of a user * @param string $format * @param string $user * @return string xml/json */ private static function quotaGet($format, $user) { $login=OC_OCS::checkpassword(); if(OC_Group::inGroup($login, 'admin') or ($login==$user)) { if(OC_User::userExists($user)) { // calculate the disc space $user_dir = '/'.$user.'/files'; OC_Filesystem::init($user_dir); $rootInfo=OC_FileCache::get(''); $sharedInfo=OC_FileCache::get('/Shared'); $used=$rootInfo['size']-$sharedInfo['size']; $free=OC_Filesystem::free_space(); $total=$free+$used; if($total==0) $total=1; // prevent division by zero $relative=round(($used/$total)*10000)/100; $xml=array(); $xml['quota']=$total; $xml['free']=$free; $xml['used']=$used; $xml['relative']=$relative; $txt=OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'ok', 100, '', $xml, 'cloud', '', 1, 0, 0); echo($txt); }else{ echo self::generateXml('', 'fail', 300, 'User does not exist'); } }else{ echo self::generateXml('', 'fail', 300, 'You don´t have permission to access this ressource.'); } } /** * set the quota of a user * @param string $format * @param string $user * @param string $quota * @return string xml/json */ private static function quotaSet($format, $user, $quota) { $login=OC_OCS::checkpassword(); if(OC_Group::inGroup($login, 'admin')) { // todo // not yet implemented // add logic here error_log('OCS call: user:'.$user.' quota:'.$quota); $xml=array(); $txt=OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'ok', 100, '', $xml, 'cloud', '', 1, 0, 0); echo($txt); }else{ echo self::generateXml('', 'fail', 300, 'You don´t have permission to access this ressource.'); } } /** * get the public key of a user * @param string $format * @param string $user * @return string xml/json */ private static function publicKeyGet($format, $user) { $login=OC_OCS::checkpassword(); if(OC_User::userExists($user)) { // calculate the disc space $txt='this is the public key of '.$user; echo($txt); }else{ echo self::generateXml('', 'fail', 300, 'User does not exist'); } } /** * get the private key of a user * @param string $format * @param string $user * @return string xml/json */ private static function privateKeyGet($format, $user) { $login=OC_OCS::checkpassword(); if(OC_Group::inGroup($login, 'admin') or ($login==$user)) { if(OC_User::userExists($user)) { // calculate the disc space $txt='this is the private key of '.$user; echo($txt); }else{ echo self::generateXml('', 'fail', 300, 'User does not exist'); } }else{ echo self::generateXml('', 'fail', 300, 'You don´t have permission to access this ressource.'); } } }