['start' => new DateTime(...), 'end' => new DateTime(...)]] * @param integer|null $limit - limit number of search results * @param integer|null $offset - offset for paging of search results * @return array an array of events/journals/todos which are arrays of arrays of key-value-pairs * @since 13.0.0 */ public function search( $pattern, array $searchProperties = [], array $options = [], $limit = null, $offset = null, ): array { $this->loadCalendars(); $result = []; foreach ($this->calendars as $calendar) { $r = $calendar->search($pattern, $searchProperties, $options, $limit, $offset); foreach ($r as $o) { $o['calendar-key'] = $calendar->getKey(); $result[] = $o; } } return $result; } /** * Check if calendars are available * * @return bool true if enabled, false if not * @since 13.0.0 */ public function isEnabled(): bool { return !empty($this->calendars) || !empty($this->calendarLoaders); } /** * Registers a calendar * * @since 13.0.0 */ public function registerCalendar(ICalendar $calendar): void { $this->calendars[$calendar->getKey()] = $calendar; } /** * Unregisters a calendar * * @since 13.0.0 */ public function unregisterCalendar(ICalendar $calendar): void { unset($this->calendars[$calendar->getKey()]); } /** * In order to improve lazy loading a closure can be registered which will be called in case * calendars are actually requested * * @since 13.0.0 */ public function register(\Closure $callable): void { $this->calendarLoaders[] = $callable; } /** * @return ICalendar[] * * @since 13.0.0 */ public function getCalendars(): array { $this->loadCalendars(); return array_values($this->calendars); } /** * removes all registered calendar instances * * @since 13.0.0 */ public function clear(): void { $this->calendars = []; $this->calendarLoaders = []; } /** * loads all calendars */ private function loadCalendars(): void { foreach ($this->calendarLoaders as $callable) { $callable($this); } $this->calendarLoaders = []; } /** * @return ICreateFromString[] */ public function getCalendarsForPrincipal(string $principalUri, array $calendarUris = []): array { $context = $this->coordinator->getRegistrationContext(); if ($context === null) { return []; } return array_merge( ...array_map(function ($registration) use ($principalUri, $calendarUris) { try { /** @var ICalendarProvider $provider */ $provider = $this->container->get($registration->getService()); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error('Could not load calendar provider ' . $registration->getService() . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $e, ]); return []; } return $provider->getCalendars($principalUri, $calendarUris); }, $context->getCalendarProviders()) ); } public function searchForPrincipal(ICalendarQuery $query): array { /** @var CalendarQuery $query */ $calendars = $this->getCalendarsForPrincipal( $query->getPrincipalUri(), $query->getCalendarUris(), ); $results = []; foreach ($calendars as $calendar) { $r = $calendar->search( $query->getSearchPattern() ?? '', $query->getSearchProperties(), $query->getOptions(), $query->getLimit(), $query->getOffset() ); foreach ($r as $o) { $o['calendar-key'] = $calendar->getKey(); $o['calendar-uri'] = $calendar->getUri(); $results[] = $o; } } return $results; } public function newQuery(string $principalUri): ICalendarQuery { return new CalendarQuery($principalUri); } /** * @since 31.0.0 * @throws \OCP\DB\Exception */ public function handleIMipRequest( string $principalUri, string $sender, string $recipient, string $calendarData, ): bool { $userCalendars = $this->getCalendarsForPrincipal($principalUri); if (empty($userCalendars)) { $this->logger->warning('iMip message could not be processed because user has no calendars'); return false; } /** @var VCalendar $vObject|null */ $calendarObject = Reader::read($calendarData); if (!isset($calendarObject->METHOD) || $calendarObject->METHOD->getValue() !== 'REQUEST') { $this->logger->warning('iMip message contains an incorrect or invalid method'); return false; } if (!isset($calendarObject->VEVENT)) { $this->logger->warning('iMip message contains no event'); return false; } $eventObject = $calendarObject->VEVENT; if (!isset($eventObject->UID)) { $this->logger->warning('iMip message event dose not contains a UID'); return false; } if (!isset($eventObject->ATTENDEE)) { $this->logger->warning('iMip message event dose not contains any attendees'); return false; } foreach ($eventObject->ATTENDEE as $entry) { $address = trim(str_replace('mailto:', '', $entry->getValue())); if ($address === $recipient) { $attendee = $address; break; } } if (!isset($attendee)) { $this->logger->warning('iMip message event does not contain a attendee that matches the recipient'); return false; } foreach ($userCalendars as $calendar) { if (!$calendar instanceof ICalendarIsWritable && !$calendar instanceof ICalendarIsShared) { continue; } if ($calendar->isDeleted() || !$calendar->isWritable() || $calendar->isShared()) { continue; } if (!empty($calendar->search($recipient, ['ATTENDEE'], ['uid' => $eventObject->UID->getValue()]))) { try { if ($calendar instanceof IHandleImipMessage) { $calendar->handleIMipMessage('', $calendarData); } return true; } catch (CalendarException $e) { $this->logger->error('An error occurred while processing the iMip message event', ['exception' => $e]); return false; } } } $this->logger->warning('iMip message event could not be processed because the no corresponding event was found in any calendar'); return false; } /** * @throws \OCP\DB\Exception */ public function handleIMipReply( string $principalUri, string $sender, string $recipient, string $calendarData, ): bool { /** @var VCalendar $vObject|null */ $vObject = Reader::read($calendarData); if ($vObject === null) { return false; } /** @var VEvent|null $vEvent */ $vEvent = $vObject->{'VEVENT'}; if ($vEvent === null) { return false; } // First, we check if the correct method is passed to us if (strcasecmp('REPLY', $vObject->{'METHOD'}->getValue()) !== 0) { $this->logger->warning('Wrong method provided for processing'); return false; } // check if mail recipient and organizer are one and the same $organizer = substr($vEvent->{'ORGANIZER'}->getValue(), 7); if (strcasecmp($recipient, $organizer) !== 0) { $this->logger->warning('Recipient and ORGANIZER must be identical'); return false; } //check if the event is in the future /** @var DateTime $eventTime */ $eventTime = $vEvent->{'DTSTART'}; if ($eventTime->getDateTime()->getTimeStamp() < $this->timeFactory->getTime()) { // this might cause issues with recurrences $this->logger->warning('Only events in the future are processed'); return false; } $calendars = $this->getCalendarsForPrincipal($principalUri); if (empty($calendars)) { $this->logger->warning('Could not find any calendars for principal ' . $principalUri); return false; } $found = null; // if the attendee has been found in at least one calendar event with the UID of the iMIP event // we process it. // Benefit: no attendee lost // Drawback: attendees that have been deleted will still be able to update their partstat foreach ($calendars as $calendar) { // We should not search in writable calendars if ($calendar instanceof IHandleImipMessage) { $o = $calendar->search($sender, ['ATTENDEE'], ['uid' => $vEvent->{'UID'}->getValue()]); if (!empty($o)) { $found = $calendar; $name = $o[0]['uri']; break; } } } if (empty($found)) { $this->logger->info('Event not found in any calendar for principal ' . $principalUri . 'and UID' . $vEvent->{'UID'}->getValue()); return false; } try { $found->handleIMipMessage($name, $calendarData); // sabre will handle the scheduling behind the scenes } catch (CalendarException $e) { $this->logger->error('Could not update calendar for iMIP processing', ['exception' => $e]); return false; } return true; } /** * @since 25.0.0 * @throws \OCP\DB\Exception */ public function handleIMipCancel( string $principalUri, string $sender, ?string $replyTo, string $recipient, string $calendarData, ): bool { /** @var VCalendar $vObject|null */ $vObject = Reader::read($calendarData); if ($vObject === null) { return false; } /** @var VEvent|null $vEvent */ $vEvent = $vObject->{'VEVENT'}; if ($vEvent === null) { return false; } // First, we check if the correct method is passed to us if (strcasecmp('CANCEL', $vObject->{'METHOD'}->getValue()) !== 0) { $this->logger->warning('Wrong method provided for processing'); return false; } $attendee = substr($vEvent->{'ATTENDEE'}->getValue(), 7); if (strcasecmp($recipient, $attendee) !== 0) { $this->logger->warning('Recipient must be an ATTENDEE of this event'); return false; } // Thirdly, we need to compare the email address the CANCEL is coming from (in Mail) // or the Reply- To Address submitted with the CANCEL email // to the email address in the ORGANIZER. // We don't want to accept a CANCEL request from just anyone $organizer = substr($vEvent->{'ORGANIZER'}->getValue(), 7); $isNotOrganizer = ($replyTo !== null) ? (strcasecmp($sender, $organizer) !== 0 && strcasecmp($replyTo, $organizer) !== 0) : (strcasecmp($sender, $organizer) !== 0); if ($isNotOrganizer) { $this->logger->warning('Sender must be the ORGANIZER of this event'); return false; } //check if the event is in the future /** @var DateTime $eventTime */ $eventTime = $vEvent->{'DTSTART'}; if ($eventTime->getDateTime()->getTimeStamp() < $this->timeFactory->getTime()) { // this might cause issues with recurrences $this->logger->warning('Only events in the future are processed'); return false; } // Check if we have a calendar to work with $calendars = $this->getCalendarsForPrincipal($principalUri); if (empty($calendars)) { $this->logger->warning('Could not find any calendars for principal ' . $principalUri); return false; } $found = null; // if the attendee has been found in at least one calendar event with the UID of the iMIP event // we process it. // Benefit: no attendee lost // Drawback: attendees that have been deleted will still be able to update their partstat foreach ($calendars as $calendar) { // We should not search in writable calendars if ($calendar instanceof IHandleImipMessage) { $o = $calendar->search($recipient, ['ATTENDEE'], ['uid' => $vEvent->{'UID'}->getValue()]); if (!empty($o)) { $found = $calendar; $name = $o[0]['uri']; break; } } } if (empty($found)) { $this->logger->info('Event not found in any calendar for principal ' . $principalUri . 'and UID' . $vEvent->{'UID'}->getValue()); // this is a safe operation // we can ignore events that have been cancelled but were not in the calendar anyway return true; } try { $found->handleIMipMessage($name, $calendarData); // sabre will handle the scheduling behind the scenes return true; } catch (CalendarException $e) { $this->logger->error('Could not update calendar for iMIP processing', ['exception' => $e]); return false; } } public function createEventBuilder(): ICalendarEventBuilder { $uid = $this->random->generate(32, ISecureRandom::CHAR_ALPHANUMERIC); return new CalendarEventBuilder($uid, $this->timeFactory); } public function checkAvailability( DateTimeInterface $start, DateTimeInterface $end, IUser $organizer, array $attendees, ): array { $organizerMailto = 'mailto:' . $organizer->getEMailAddress(); $request = new VCalendar(); $request->METHOD = 'REQUEST'; $request->add('VFREEBUSY', [ 'DTSTART' => $start, 'DTEND' => $end, 'ORGANIZER' => $organizerMailto, 'ATTENDEE' => $organizerMailto, ]); $mailtoLen = strlen('mailto:'); foreach ($attendees as $attendee) { if (str_starts_with($attendee, 'mailto:')) { $attendee = substr($attendee, $mailtoLen); } $attendeeUsers = $this->userManager->getByEmail($attendee); if ($attendeeUsers === []) { continue; } $request->VFREEBUSY->add('ATTENDEE', "mailto:$attendee"); } $organizerUid = $organizer->getUID(); $server = $this->serverFactory->createAttendeeAvailabilityServer(); /** @var CustomPrincipalPlugin $plugin */ $plugin = $server->getPlugin('auth'); $plugin->setCurrentPrincipal("principals/users/$organizerUid"); $request = new Request( 'POST', "/calendars/$organizerUid/outbox/", [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/calendar', 'Depth' => 0, ], $request->serialize(), ); $response = new Response(); $server->invokeMethod($request, $response, false); $xmlService = new \Sabre\Xml\Service(); $xmlService->elementMap = [ '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}response' => 'Sabre\Xml\Deserializer\keyValue', '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}recipient' => 'Sabre\Xml\Deserializer\keyValue', ]; $parsedResponse = $xmlService->parse($response->getBodyAsString()); $result = []; foreach ($parsedResponse as $freeBusyResponse) { $freeBusyResponse = $freeBusyResponse['value']; if ($freeBusyResponse['{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}request-status'] !== '2.0;Success') { continue; } $freeBusyResponseData = \Sabre\VObject\Reader::read( $freeBusyResponse['{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-data'] ); $attendee = substr( $freeBusyResponse['{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}recipient']['{DAV:}href'], $mailtoLen, ); $vFreeBusy = $freeBusyResponseData->VFREEBUSY; if (!($vFreeBusy instanceof VFreeBusy)) { continue; } // TODO: actually check values of FREEBUSY properties to find a free slot $result[] = new AvailabilityResult($attendee, $vFreeBusy->isFree($start, $end)); } return $result; } }