>> [ass'user_id' => ['app_id' => ['key' => 'value']]] */ private array $fastCache = []; // cache for normal config keys /** @var array>> ['user_id' => ['app_id' => ['key' => 'value']]] */ private array $lazyCache = []; // cache for lazy config keys /** @var array>>> ['user_id' => ['app_id' => ['key' => ['type' => ValueType, 'flags' => bitflag]]]] */ private array $valueDetails = []; // type for all config values /** @var array ['user_id' => bool] */ private array $fastLoaded = []; /** @var array ['user_id' => bool] */ private array $lazyLoaded = []; /** @var array, strictness: ConfigLexiconStrictness}> ['app_id' => ['strictness' => ConfigLexiconStrictness, 'entries' => ['config_key' => ConfigLexiconEntry[]]] */ private array $configLexiconDetails = []; private bool $upgradedTo31 = false; public function __construct( protected IDBConnection $connection, protected IConfig $config, protected LoggerInterface $logger, protected ICrypto $crypto, ) { } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $appId optional id of app * * @return list list of userIds * @since 31.0.0 */ public function getUserIds(string $appId = ''): array { $this->assertParams(app: $appId, allowEmptyUser: true, allowEmptyApp: true); $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->from('preferences'); $qb->select('userid'); $qb->groupBy('userid'); if ($appId !== '') { $qb->where($qb->expr()->eq('appid', $qb->createNamedParameter($appId))); } $result = $qb->executeQuery(); $rows = $result->fetchAll(); $userIds = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $userIds[] = $row['userid']; } return $userIds; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @return list list of app ids * @since 31.0.0 */ public function getApps(string $userId): array { $this->assertParams($userId, allowEmptyApp: true); $this->loadConfigAll($userId); $apps = array_merge(array_keys($this->fastCache[$userId] ?? []), array_keys($this->lazyCache[$userId] ?? [])); sort($apps); return array_values(array_unique($apps)); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * * @return list list of stored config keys * @since 31.0.0 */ public function getKeys(string $userId, string $app): array { $this->assertParams($userId, $app); $this->loadConfigAll($userId); // array_merge() will remove numeric keys (here config keys), so addition arrays instead $keys = array_map('strval', array_keys(($this->fastCache[$userId][$app] ?? []) + ($this->lazyCache[$userId][$app] ?? []))); sort($keys); return array_values(array_unique($keys)); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param bool|null $lazy TRUE to search within lazy loaded config, NULL to search within all config * * @return bool TRUE if key exists * @since 31.0.0 */ public function hasKey(string $userId, string $app, string $key, ?bool $lazy = false): bool { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); $this->loadConfig($userId, $lazy); if ($lazy === null) { $appCache = $this->getValues($userId, $app); return isset($appCache[$key]); } if ($lazy) { return isset($this->lazyCache[$userId][$app][$key]); } return isset($this->fastCache[$userId][$app][$key]); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param bool|null $lazy TRUE to search within lazy loaded config, NULL to search within all config * * @return bool * @throws UnknownKeyException if config key is not known * @since 31.0.0 */ public function isSensitive(string $userId, string $app, string $key, ?bool $lazy = false): bool { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); $this->loadConfig($userId, $lazy); if (!isset($this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key])) { throw new UnknownKeyException('unknown config key'); } return $this->isFlagged(self::FLAG_SENSITIVE, $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['flags']); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param bool|null $lazy TRUE to search within lazy loaded config, NULL to search within all config * * @return bool * @throws UnknownKeyException if config key is not known * @since 31.0.0 */ public function isIndexed(string $userId, string $app, string $key, ?bool $lazy = false): bool { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); $this->loadConfig($userId, $lazy); if (!isset($this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key])) { throw new UnknownKeyException('unknown config key'); } return $this->isFlagged(self::FLAG_INDEXED, $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['flags']); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app if of the app * @param string $key config key * * @return bool TRUE if config is lazy loaded * @throws UnknownKeyException if config key is not known * @see IUserConfig for details about lazy loading * @since 31.0.0 */ public function isLazy(string $userId, string $app, string $key): bool { // there is a huge probability the non-lazy config are already loaded // meaning that we can start by only checking if a current non-lazy key exists if ($this->hasKey($userId, $app, $key, false)) { // meaning key is not lazy. return false; } // as key is not found as non-lazy, we load and search in the lazy config if ($this->hasKey($userId, $app, $key, true)) { return true; } throw new UnknownKeyException('unknown config key'); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $prefix config keys prefix to search * @param bool $filtered TRUE to hide sensitive config values. Value are replaced by {@see IConfig::SENSITIVE_VALUE} * * @return array [key => value] * @since 31.0.0 */ public function getValues( string $userId, string $app, string $prefix = '', bool $filtered = false, ): array { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $prefix); // if we want to filter values, we need to get sensitivity $this->loadConfigAll($userId); // array_merge() will remove numeric keys (here config keys), so addition arrays instead $values = array_filter( $this->formatAppValues($userId, $app, ($this->fastCache[$userId][$app] ?? []) + ($this->lazyCache[$userId][$app] ?? []), $filtered), function (string $key) use ($prefix): bool { // filter values based on $prefix return str_starts_with($key, $prefix); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); return $values; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param bool $filtered TRUE to hide sensitive config values. Value are replaced by {@see IConfig::SENSITIVE_VALUE} * * @return array> [appId => [key => value]] * @since 31.0.0 */ public function getAllValues(string $userId, bool $filtered = false): array { $this->assertParams($userId, allowEmptyApp: true); $this->loadConfigAll($userId); $result = []; foreach ($this->getApps($userId) as $app) { // array_merge() will remove numeric keys (here config keys), so addition arrays instead $cached = ($this->fastCache[$userId][$app] ?? []) + ($this->lazyCache[$userId][$app] ?? []); $result[$app] = $this->formatAppValues($userId, $app, $cached, $filtered); } return $result; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $key config key * @param bool $lazy search within lazy loaded config * @param ValueType|null $typedAs enforce type for the returned values * * @return array [appId => value] * @since 31.0.0 */ public function getValuesByApps(string $userId, string $key, bool $lazy = false, ?ValueType $typedAs = null): array { $this->assertParams($userId, '', $key, allowEmptyApp: true); $this->loadConfig($userId, $lazy); /** @var array> $cache */ if ($lazy) { $cache = $this->lazyCache[$userId]; } else { $cache = $this->fastCache[$userId]; } $values = []; foreach (array_keys($cache) as $app) { if (isset($cache[$app][$key])) { $value = $cache[$app][$key]; try { $this->decryptSensitiveValue($userId, $app, $key, $value); $value = $this->convertTypedValue($value, $typedAs ?? $this->getValueType($userId, $app, $key, $lazy)); } catch (IncorrectTypeException|UnknownKeyException) { } $values[$app] = $value; } } return $values; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param ValueType|null $typedAs enforce type for the returned values * @param array|null $userIds limit to a list of user ids * * @return array [userId => value] * @since 31.0.0 */ public function getValuesByUsers( string $app, string $key, ?ValueType $typedAs = null, ?array $userIds = null, ): array { $this->assertParams('', $app, $key, allowEmptyUser: true); $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); if ($this->isUpgradedTo31()) { $qb->select('userid', 'configvalue', 'type'); } else { $qb->select('userid', 'configvalue'); } $qb->from('preferences') ->where($qb->expr()->eq('appid', $qb->createNamedParameter($app))) ->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('configkey', $qb->createNamedParameter($key))); $values = []; // this nested function will execute current Query and store result within $values. $executeAndStoreValue = function (IQueryBuilder $qb) use (&$values, $typedAs): IResult { $result = $qb->executeQuery(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $value = $row['configvalue']; try { $value = $this->convertTypedValue($value, $typedAs ?? ValueType::from((int)($row['type'] ?? 0))); } catch (IncorrectTypeException) { } $values[$row['userid']] = $value; } return $result; }; // if no userIds to filter, we execute query as it is and returns all values ... if ($userIds === null) { $result = $executeAndStoreValue($qb); $result->closeCursor(); return $values; } // if userIds to filter, we chunk the list and execute the same query multiple times until we get all values $result = null; $qb->andWhere($qb->expr()->in('userid', $qb->createParameter('userIds'))); foreach (array_chunk($userIds, 50, true) as $chunk) { $qb->setParameter('userIds', $chunk, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR_ARRAY); $result = $executeAndStoreValue($qb); } $result?->closeCursor(); return $values; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param string $value config value * @param bool $caseInsensitive non-case-sensitive search, only works if $value is a string * * @return Generator * @since 31.0.0 */ public function searchUsersByValueString(string $app, string $key, string $value, bool $caseInsensitive = false): Generator { return $this->searchUsersByTypedValue($app, $key, $value, $caseInsensitive); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param int $value config value * * @return Generator * @since 31.0.0 */ public function searchUsersByValueInt(string $app, string $key, int $value): Generator { return $this->searchUsersByValueString($app, $key, (string)$value); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param array $values list of config values * * @return Generator * @since 31.0.0 */ public function searchUsersByValues(string $app, string $key, array $values): Generator { return $this->searchUsersByTypedValue($app, $key, $values); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param bool $value config value * * @return Generator * @since 31.0.0 */ public function searchUsersByValueBool(string $app, string $key, bool $value): Generator { $values = ['0', 'off', 'false', 'no']; if ($value) { $values = ['1', 'on', 'true', 'yes']; } return $this->searchUsersByValues($app, $key, $values); } /** * returns a list of users with config key set to a specific value, or within the list of * possible values * * @param string $app * @param string $key * @param string|array $value * @param bool $caseInsensitive * * @return Generator */ private function searchUsersByTypedValue(string $app, string $key, string|array $value, bool $caseInsensitive = false): Generator { $this->assertParams('', $app, $key, allowEmptyUser: true); $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->from('preferences'); $qb->select('userid'); $qb->where($qb->expr()->eq('appid', $qb->createNamedParameter($app))); $qb->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('configkey', $qb->createNamedParameter($key))); $configValueColumn = ($this->connection->getDatabaseProvider() === IDBConnection::PLATFORM_ORACLE) ? $qb->expr()->castColumn('configvalue', IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) : 'configvalue'; if ($this->isUpgradedTo31()) { // search within 'indexed' OR 'configvalue' only if 'flags' is set as not indexed // TODO: when implementing config lexicon remove the searches on 'configvalue' if value is set as indexed if (is_array($value)) { $where = $qb->expr()->orX( $qb->expr()->in('indexed', $qb->createNamedParameter($value, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR_ARRAY)), $qb->expr()->andX( $qb->expr()->neq($qb->expr()->bitwiseAnd('flags', self::FLAG_INDEXED), $qb->createNamedParameter(self::FLAG_INDEXED, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)), $qb->expr()->in($configValueColumn, $qb->createNamedParameter($value, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR_ARRAY)) ) ); } else { if ($caseInsensitive) { $where = $qb->expr()->orX( $qb->expr()->eq($qb->func()->lower('indexed'), $qb->createNamedParameter(strtolower($value))), $qb->expr()->andX( $qb->expr()->neq($qb->expr()->bitwiseAnd('flags', self::FLAG_INDEXED), $qb->createNamedParameter(self::FLAG_INDEXED, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)), $qb->expr()->eq($qb->func()->lower($configValueColumn), $qb->createNamedParameter(strtolower($value))) ) ); } else { $where = $qb->expr()->orX( $qb->expr()->eq('indexed', $qb->createNamedParameter($value)), $qb->expr()->andX( $qb->expr()->neq($qb->expr()->bitwiseAnd('flags', self::FLAG_INDEXED), $qb->createNamedParameter(self::FLAG_INDEXED, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)), $qb->expr()->eq($configValueColumn, $qb->createNamedParameter($value)) ) ); } } } else { if ($caseInsensitive) { $where = $qb->expr()->eq($qb->func()->lower($configValueColumn), $qb->createNamedParameter(strtolower($value))); } else { $where = $qb->expr()->eq($configValueColumn, $qb->createNamedParameter($value)); } } $qb->andWhere($where); $result = $qb->executeQuery(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { yield $row['userid']; } } /** * Get the config value as string. * If the value does not exist the given default will be returned. * * Set lazy to `null` to ignore it and get the value from either source. * * **WARNING:** Method is internal and **SHOULD** not be used, as it is better to get the value with a type. * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param string $default config value * @param null|bool $lazy get config as lazy loaded or not. can be NULL * * @return string the value or $default * @throws TypeConflictException * @internal * @since 31.0.0 * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading * @see getValueString() * @see getValueInt() * @see getValueFloat() * @see getValueBool() * @see getValueArray() */ public function getValueMixed( string $userId, string $app, string $key, string $default = '', ?bool $lazy = false, ): string { try { $lazy ??= $this->isLazy($userId, $app, $key); } catch (UnknownKeyException) { return $default; } return $this->getTypedValue( $userId, $app, $key, $default, $lazy, ValueType::MIXED ); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param string $default default value * @param bool $lazy search within lazy loaded config * * @return string stored config value or $default if not set in database * @throws InvalidArgumentException if one of the argument format is invalid * @throws TypeConflictException in case of conflict with the value type set in database * @since 31.0.0 * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading */ public function getValueString( string $userId, string $app, string $key, string $default = '', bool $lazy = false, ): string { return $this->getTypedValue($userId, $app, $key, $default, $lazy, ValueType::STRING); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param int $default default value * @param bool $lazy search within lazy loaded config * * @return int stored config value or $default if not set in database * @throws InvalidArgumentException if one of the argument format is invalid * @throws TypeConflictException in case of conflict with the value type set in database * @since 31.0.0 * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading */ public function getValueInt( string $userId, string $app, string $key, int $default = 0, bool $lazy = false, ): int { return (int)$this->getTypedValue($userId, $app, $key, (string)$default, $lazy, ValueType::INT); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param float $default default value * @param bool $lazy search within lazy loaded config * * @return float stored config value or $default if not set in database * @throws InvalidArgumentException if one of the argument format is invalid * @throws TypeConflictException in case of conflict with the value type set in database * @since 31.0.0 * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading */ public function getValueFloat( string $userId, string $app, string $key, float $default = 0, bool $lazy = false, ): float { return (float)$this->getTypedValue($userId, $app, $key, (string)$default, $lazy, ValueType::FLOAT); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param bool $default default value * @param bool $lazy search within lazy loaded config * * @return bool stored config value or $default if not set in database * @throws InvalidArgumentException if one of the argument format is invalid * @throws TypeConflictException in case of conflict with the value type set in database * @since 31.0.0 * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading */ public function getValueBool( string $userId, string $app, string $key, bool $default = false, bool $lazy = false, ): bool { $b = strtolower($this->getTypedValue($userId, $app, $key, $default ? 'true' : 'false', $lazy, ValueType::BOOL)); return in_array($b, ['1', 'true', 'yes', 'on']); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param array $default default value * @param bool $lazy search within lazy loaded config * * @return array stored config value or $default if not set in database * @throws InvalidArgumentException if one of the argument format is invalid * @throws TypeConflictException in case of conflict with the value type set in database * @since 31.0.0 * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading */ public function getValueArray( string $userId, string $app, string $key, array $default = [], bool $lazy = false, ): array { try { $defaultJson = json_encode($default, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); $value = json_decode($this->getTypedValue($userId, $app, $key, $defaultJson, $lazy, ValueType::ARRAY), true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); return is_array($value) ? $value : []; } catch (JsonException) { return []; } } /** * @param string $userId * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param string $default default value * @param bool $lazy search within lazy loaded config * @param ValueType $type value type * * @return string * @throws TypeConflictException if type from database is not VALUE_MIXED and different from the requested one */ private function getTypedValue( string $userId, string $app, string $key, string $default, bool $lazy, ValueType $type, ): string { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); if (!$this->matchAndApplyLexiconDefinition($userId, $app, $key, $lazy, $type, default: $default)) { // returns default if strictness of lexicon is set to WARNING (block and report) return $default; } $this->loadConfig($userId, $lazy); /** * We ignore check if mixed type is requested. * If type of stored value is set as mixed, we don't filter. * If type of stored value is defined, we compare with the one requested. */ $knownType = $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['type'] ?? null; if ($type !== ValueType::MIXED && $knownType !== null && $knownType !== ValueType::MIXED && $type !== $knownType) { $this->logger->warning('conflict with value type from database', ['app' => $app, 'key' => $key, 'type' => $type, 'knownType' => $knownType]); throw new TypeConflictException('conflict with value type from database'); } /** * - the pair $app/$key cannot exist in both array, * - we should still return an existing non-lazy value even if current method * is called with $lazy is true * * This way, lazyCache will be empty until the load for lazy config value is requested. */ if (isset($this->lazyCache[$userId][$app][$key])) { $value = $this->lazyCache[$userId][$app][$key]; } elseif (isset($this->fastCache[$userId][$app][$key])) { $value = $this->fastCache[$userId][$app][$key]; } else { return $default; } $this->decryptSensitiveValue($userId, $app, $key, $value); return $value; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * * @return ValueType type of the value * @throws UnknownKeyException if config key is not known * @throws IncorrectTypeException if config value type is not known * @since 31.0.0 */ public function getValueType(string $userId, string $app, string $key, ?bool $lazy = null): ValueType { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); $this->loadConfig($userId, $lazy); if (!isset($this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['type'])) { throw new UnknownKeyException('unknown config key'); } return $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['type']; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param bool $lazy lazy loading * * @return int flags applied to value * @throws UnknownKeyException if config key is not known * @throws IncorrectTypeException if config value type is not known * @since 31.0.0 */ public function getValueFlags(string $userId, string $app, string $key, bool $lazy = false): int { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); $this->loadConfig($userId, $lazy); if (!isset($this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key])) { throw new UnknownKeyException('unknown config key'); } return $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['flags']; } /** * Store a config key and its value in database as VALUE_MIXED * * **WARNING:** Method is internal and **MUST** not be used as it is best to set a real value type * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param string $value config value * @param bool $lazy set config as lazy loaded * @param bool $sensitive if TRUE value will be hidden when listing config values. * * @return bool TRUE if value was different, therefor updated in database * @throws TypeConflictException if type from database is not VALUE_MIXED * @internal * @since 31.0.0 * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading * @see setValueString() * @see setValueInt() * @see setValueFloat() * @see setValueBool() * @see setValueArray() */ public function setValueMixed( string $userId, string $app, string $key, string $value, bool $lazy = false, int $flags = 0, ): bool { return $this->setTypedValue( $userId, $app, $key, $value, $lazy, $flags, ValueType::MIXED ); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param string $value config value * @param bool $lazy set config as lazy loaded * @param bool $sensitive if TRUE value will be hidden when listing config values. * * @return bool TRUE if value was different, therefor updated in database * @throws TypeConflictException if type from database is not VALUE_MIXED and different from the requested one * @since 31.0.0 * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading */ public function setValueString( string $userId, string $app, string $key, string $value, bool $lazy = false, int $flags = 0, ): bool { return $this->setTypedValue( $userId, $app, $key, $value, $lazy, $flags, ValueType::STRING ); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param int $value config value * @param bool $lazy set config as lazy loaded * @param bool $sensitive if TRUE value will be hidden when listing config values. * * @return bool TRUE if value was different, therefor updated in database * @throws TypeConflictException if type from database is not VALUE_MIXED and different from the requested one * @since 31.0.0 * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading */ public function setValueInt( string $userId, string $app, string $key, int $value, bool $lazy = false, int $flags = 0, ): bool { if ($value > 2000000000) { $this->logger->debug('You are trying to store an integer value around/above 2,147,483,647. This is a reminder that reaching this theoretical limit on 32 bits system will throw an exception.'); } return $this->setTypedValue( $userId, $app, $key, (string)$value, $lazy, $flags, ValueType::INT ); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param float $value config value * @param bool $lazy set config as lazy loaded * @param bool $sensitive if TRUE value will be hidden when listing config values. * * @return bool TRUE if value was different, therefor updated in database * @throws TypeConflictException if type from database is not VALUE_MIXED and different from the requested one * @since 31.0.0 * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading */ public function setValueFloat( string $userId, string $app, string $key, float $value, bool $lazy = false, int $flags = 0, ): bool { return $this->setTypedValue( $userId, $app, $key, (string)$value, $lazy, $flags, ValueType::FLOAT ); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param bool $value config value * @param bool $lazy set config as lazy loaded * * @return bool TRUE if value was different, therefor updated in database * @throws TypeConflictException if type from database is not VALUE_MIXED and different from the requested one * @since 31.0.0 * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading */ public function setValueBool( string $userId, string $app, string $key, bool $value, bool $lazy = false, int $flags = 0, ): bool { return $this->setTypedValue( $userId, $app, $key, ($value) ? '1' : '0', $lazy, $flags, ValueType::BOOL ); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param array $value config value * @param bool $lazy set config as lazy loaded * @param bool $sensitive if TRUE value will be hidden when listing config values. * * @return bool TRUE if value was different, therefor updated in database * @throws TypeConflictException if type from database is not VALUE_MIXED and different from the requested one * @throws JsonException * @since 31.0.0 * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading */ public function setValueArray( string $userId, string $app, string $key, array $value, bool $lazy = false, int $flags = 0, ): bool { try { return $this->setTypedValue( $userId, $app, $key, json_encode($value, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR), $lazy, $flags, ValueType::ARRAY ); } catch (JsonException $e) { $this->logger->warning('could not setValueArray', ['app' => $app, 'key' => $key, 'exception' => $e]); throw $e; } } /** * Store a config key and its value in database * * If config key is already known with the exact same config value and same sensitive/lazy status, the * database is not updated. If config value was previously stored as sensitive, status will not be * altered. * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param string $value config value * @param bool $lazy config set as lazy loaded * @param ValueType $type value type * * @return bool TRUE if value was updated in database * @throws TypeConflictException if type from database is not VALUE_MIXED and different from the requested one * @see IUserConfig for explanation about lazy loading */ private function setTypedValue( string $userId, string $app, string $key, string $value, bool $lazy, int $flags, ValueType $type, ): bool { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); if (!$this->matchAndApplyLexiconDefinition($userId, $app, $key, $lazy, $type, $flags)) { // returns false as database is not updated return false; } $this->loadConfig($userId, $lazy); $inserted = $refreshCache = false; $origValue = $value; $sensitive = $this->isFlagged(self::FLAG_SENSITIVE, $flags); if ($sensitive || ($this->hasKey($userId, $app, $key, $lazy) && $this->isSensitive($userId, $app, $key, $lazy))) { $value = self::ENCRYPTION_PREFIX . $this->crypto->encrypt($value); $flags |= self::FLAG_SENSITIVE; } // if requested, we fill the 'indexed' field with current value $indexed = ''; if ($type !== ValueType::ARRAY && $this->isFlagged(self::FLAG_INDEXED, $flags)) { if ($this->isFlagged(self::FLAG_SENSITIVE, $flags)) { $this->logger->warning('sensitive value are not to be indexed'); } elseif (strlen($value) > self::USER_MAX_LENGTH) { $this->logger->warning('value is too lengthy to be indexed'); } else { $indexed = $value; } } if ($this->hasKey($userId, $app, $key, $lazy)) { /** * no update if key is already known with set lazy status and value is * not different, unless sensitivity is switched from false to true. */ if ($origValue === $this->getTypedValue($userId, $app, $key, $value, $lazy, $type) && (!$sensitive || $this->isSensitive($userId, $app, $key, $lazy))) { return false; } } else { /** * if key is not known yet, we try to insert. * It might fail if the key exists with a different lazy flag. */ try { $insert = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); if ($this->isUpgradedTo31()) { $insert->insert('preferences') ->setValue('userid', $insert->createNamedParameter($userId)) ->setValue('appid', $insert->createNamedParameter($app)) ->setValue('lazy', $insert->createNamedParameter(($lazy) ? 1 : 0, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->setValue('type', $insert->createNamedParameter($type->value, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->setValue('flags', $insert->createNamedParameter($flags, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->setValue('indexed', $insert->createNamedParameter($indexed)) ->setValue('configkey', $insert->createNamedParameter($key)) ->setValue('configvalue', $insert->createNamedParameter($value)); } else { $insert->insert('preferences') ->setValue('userid', $insert->createNamedParameter($userId)) ->setValue('appid', $insert->createNamedParameter($app)) ->setValue('configkey', $insert->createNamedParameter($key)) ->setValue('configvalue', $insert->createNamedParameter($value)); } $insert->executeStatement(); $inserted = true; } catch (DBException $e) { if ($e->getReason() !== DBException::REASON_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION) { // TODO: throw exception or just log and returns false !? throw $e; } } } /** * We cannot insert a new row, meaning we need to update an already existing one */ if (!$inserted) { $currType = $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['type'] ?? null; if ($currType === null) { // this might happen when switching lazy loading status $this->loadConfigAll($userId); $currType = $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['type']; } /** * We only log a warning and set it to VALUE_MIXED. */ if ($currType === null) { $this->logger->warning('Value type is set to zero (0) in database. This is not supposed to happens', ['app' => $app, 'key' => $key]); $currType = ValueType::MIXED; } /** * we only accept a different type from the one stored in database * if the one stored in database is not-defined (VALUE_MIXED) */ if ($currType !== ValueType::MIXED && $currType !== $type) { try { $currTypeDef = $currType->getDefinition(); $typeDef = $type->getDefinition(); } catch (IncorrectTypeException) { $currTypeDef = $currType->value; $typeDef = $type->value; } throw new TypeConflictException('conflict between new type (' . $typeDef . ') and old type (' . $currTypeDef . ')'); } if ($lazy !== $this->isLazy($userId, $app, $key)) { $refreshCache = true; } $update = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); if ($this->isUpgradedTo31()) { $update->update('preferences') ->set('configvalue', $update->createNamedParameter($value)) ->set('lazy', $update->createNamedParameter(($lazy) ? 1 : 0, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->set('type', $update->createNamedParameter($type->value, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->set('flags', $update->createNamedParameter($flags, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->set('indexed', $update->createNamedParameter($indexed)) ->where($update->expr()->eq('userid', $update->createNamedParameter($userId))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('appid', $update->createNamedParameter($app))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('configkey', $update->createNamedParameter($key))); } else { $update->update('preferences') ->set('configvalue', $update->createNamedParameter($value)) ->where($update->expr()->eq('userid', $update->createNamedParameter($userId))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('appid', $update->createNamedParameter($app))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('configkey', $update->createNamedParameter($key))); } $update->executeStatement(); } if ($refreshCache) { $this->clearCache($userId); return true; } // update local cache if ($lazy) { $this->lazyCache[$userId][$app][$key] = $value; } else { $this->fastCache[$userId][$app][$key] = $value; } $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key] = [ 'type' => $type, 'flags' => $flags ]; return true; } /** * Change the type of config value. * * **WARNING:** Method is internal and **MUST** not be used as it may break things. * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param ValueType $type value type * * @return bool TRUE if database update were necessary * @throws UnknownKeyException if $key is now known in database * @throws IncorrectTypeException if $type is not valid * @internal * @since 31.0.0 */ public function updateType(string $userId, string $app, string $key, ValueType $type = ValueType::MIXED): bool { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); $this->loadConfigAll($userId); // confirm key exists $this->isLazy($userId, $app, $key); $update = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $update->update('preferences') ->set('type', $update->createNamedParameter($type->value, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->where($update->expr()->eq('userid', $update->createNamedParameter($userId))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('appid', $update->createNamedParameter($app))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('configkey', $update->createNamedParameter($key))); $update->executeStatement(); $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['type'] = $type; return true; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param bool $sensitive TRUE to set as sensitive, FALSE to unset * * @return bool TRUE if entry was found in database and an update was necessary * @since 31.0.0 */ public function updateSensitive(string $userId, string $app, string $key, bool $sensitive): bool { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); $this->loadConfigAll($userId); try { if ($sensitive === $this->isSensitive($userId, $app, $key, null)) { return false; } } catch (UnknownKeyException) { return false; } $lazy = $this->isLazy($userId, $app, $key); if ($lazy) { $cache = $this->lazyCache; } else { $cache = $this->fastCache; } if (!isset($cache[$userId][$app][$key])) { throw new UnknownKeyException('unknown config key'); } $value = $cache[$userId][$app][$key]; $flags = $this->getValueFlags($userId, $app, $key); if ($sensitive) { $flags |= self::FLAG_SENSITIVE; $value = self::ENCRYPTION_PREFIX . $this->crypto->encrypt($value); } else { $flags &= ~self::FLAG_SENSITIVE; $this->decryptSensitiveValue($userId, $app, $key, $value); } $update = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $update->update('preferences') ->set('flags', $update->createNamedParameter($flags, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->set('configvalue', $update->createNamedParameter($value)) ->where($update->expr()->eq('userid', $update->createNamedParameter($userId))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('appid', $update->createNamedParameter($app))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('configkey', $update->createNamedParameter($key))); $update->executeStatement(); $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['flags'] = $flags; return true; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $app * @param string $key * @param bool $sensitive * * @since 31.0.0 */ public function updateGlobalSensitive(string $app, string $key, bool $sensitive): void { $this->assertParams('', $app, $key, allowEmptyUser: true); foreach (array_keys($this->getValuesByUsers($app, $key)) as $userId) { try { $this->updateSensitive($userId, $app, $key, $sensitive); } catch (UnknownKeyException) { // should not happen and can be ignored } } // we clear all cache $this->clearCacheAll(); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId * @param string $app * @param string $key * @param bool $indexed * * @return bool * @throws DBException * @throws IncorrectTypeException * @throws UnknownKeyException * @since 31.0.0 */ public function updateIndexed(string $userId, string $app, string $key, bool $indexed): bool { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); $this->loadConfigAll($userId); try { if ($indexed === $this->isIndexed($userId, $app, $key, null)) { return false; } } catch (UnknownKeyException) { return false; } $lazy = $this->isLazy($userId, $app, $key); if ($lazy) { $cache = $this->lazyCache; } else { $cache = $this->fastCache; } if (!isset($cache[$userId][$app][$key])) { throw new UnknownKeyException('unknown config key'); } $value = $cache[$userId][$app][$key]; $flags = $this->getValueFlags($userId, $app, $key); if ($indexed) { $indexed = $value; } else { $flags &= ~self::FLAG_INDEXED; $indexed = ''; } $update = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $update->update('preferences') ->set('flags', $update->createNamedParameter($flags, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->set('indexed', $update->createNamedParameter($indexed)) ->where($update->expr()->eq('userid', $update->createNamedParameter($userId))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('appid', $update->createNamedParameter($app))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('configkey', $update->createNamedParameter($key))); $update->executeStatement(); $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['flags'] = $flags; return true; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $app * @param string $key * @param bool $indexed * * @since 31.0.0 */ public function updateGlobalIndexed(string $app, string $key, bool $indexed): void { $this->assertParams('', $app, $key, allowEmptyUser: true); foreach (array_keys($this->getValuesByUsers($app, $key)) as $userId) { try { $this->updateIndexed($userId, $app, $key, $indexed); } catch (UnknownKeyException) { // should not happen and can be ignored } } // we clear all cache $this->clearCacheAll(); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param bool $lazy TRUE to set as lazy loaded, FALSE to unset * * @return bool TRUE if entry was found in database and an update was necessary * @since 31.0.0 */ public function updateLazy(string $userId, string $app, string $key, bool $lazy): bool { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); $this->loadConfigAll($userId); try { if ($lazy === $this->isLazy($userId, $app, $key)) { return false; } } catch (UnknownKeyException) { return false; } $update = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $update->update('preferences') ->set('lazy', $update->createNamedParameter($lazy ? 1 : 0, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->where($update->expr()->eq('userid', $update->createNamedParameter($userId))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('appid', $update->createNamedParameter($app))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('configkey', $update->createNamedParameter($key))); $update->executeStatement(); // At this point, it is a lot safer to clean cache $this->clearCache($userId); return true; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * @param bool $lazy TRUE to set as lazy loaded, FALSE to unset * * @since 31.0.0 */ public function updateGlobalLazy(string $app, string $key, bool $lazy): void { $this->assertParams('', $app, $key, allowEmptyUser: true); $update = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $update->update('preferences') ->set('lazy', $update->createNamedParameter($lazy ? 1 : 0, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->where($update->expr()->eq('appid', $update->createNamedParameter($app))) ->andWhere($update->expr()->eq('configkey', $update->createNamedParameter($key))); $update->executeStatement(); $this->clearCacheAll(); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * * @return array * @throws UnknownKeyException if config key is not known in database * @since 31.0.0 */ public function getDetails(string $userId, string $app, string $key): array { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); $this->loadConfigAll($userId); $lazy = $this->isLazy($userId, $app, $key); if ($lazy) { $cache = $this->lazyCache[$userId]; } else { $cache = $this->fastCache[$userId]; } $type = $this->getValueType($userId, $app, $key); try { $typeString = $type->getDefinition(); } catch (IncorrectTypeException $e) { $this->logger->warning('type stored in database is not correct', ['exception' => $e, 'type' => $type]); $typeString = (string)$type->value; } if (!isset($cache[$app][$key])) { throw new UnknownKeyException('unknown config key'); } $value = $cache[$app][$key]; $sensitive = $this->isSensitive($userId, $app, $key, null); $this->decryptSensitiveValue($userId, $app, $key, $value); return [ 'userId' => $userId, 'app' => $app, 'key' => $key, 'value' => $value, 'type' => $type->value, 'lazy' => $lazy, 'typeString' => $typeString, 'sensitive' => $sensitive ]; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * * @since 31.0.0 */ public function deleteUserConfig(string $userId, string $app, string $key): void { $this->assertParams($userId, $app, $key); $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->delete('preferences') ->where($qb->expr()->eq('userid', $qb->createNamedParameter($userId))) ->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('appid', $qb->createNamedParameter($app))) ->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('configkey', $qb->createNamedParameter($key))); $qb->executeStatement(); unset($this->lazyCache[$userId][$app][$key]); unset($this->fastCache[$userId][$app][$key]); unset($this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $app id of the app * @param string $key config key * * @since 31.0.0 */ public function deleteKey(string $app, string $key): void { $this->assertParams('', $app, $key, allowEmptyUser: true); $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->delete('preferences') ->where($qb->expr()->eq('appid', $qb->createNamedParameter($app))) ->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('configkey', $qb->createNamedParameter($key))); $qb->executeStatement(); $this->clearCacheAll(); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $app id of the app * * @since 31.0.0 */ public function deleteApp(string $app): void { $this->assertParams('', $app, allowEmptyUser: true); $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->delete('preferences') ->where($qb->expr()->eq('appid', $qb->createNamedParameter($app))); $qb->executeStatement(); $this->clearCacheAll(); } public function deleteAllUserConfig(string $userId): void { $this->assertParams($userId, '', allowEmptyApp: true); $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->delete('preferences') ->where($qb->expr()->eq('userid', $qb->createNamedParameter($userId))); $qb->executeStatement(); $this->clearCache($userId); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param bool $reload set to TRUE to refill cache instantly after clearing it. * * @since 31.0.0 */ public function clearCache(string $userId, bool $reload = false): void { $this->assertParams($userId, allowEmptyApp: true); $this->lazyLoaded[$userId] = $this->fastLoaded[$userId] = false; $this->lazyCache[$userId] = $this->fastCache[$userId] = $this->valueDetails[$userId] = []; if (!$reload) { return; } $this->loadConfigAll($userId); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @since 31.0.0 */ public function clearCacheAll(): void { $this->lazyLoaded = $this->fastLoaded = []; $this->lazyCache = $this->fastCache = $this->valueDetails = []; } /** * For debug purpose. * Returns the cached data. * * @return array * @since 31.0.0 * @internal */ public function statusCache(): array { return [ 'fastLoaded' => $this->fastLoaded, 'fastCache' => $this->fastCache, 'lazyLoaded' => $this->lazyLoaded, 'lazyCache' => $this->lazyCache, 'valueDetails' => $this->valueDetails, ]; } /** * @param int $needle bitflag to search * @param int $flags all flags * * @return bool TRUE if bitflag $needle is set in $flags */ private function isFlagged(int $needle, int $flags): bool { return (($needle & $flags) !== 0); } /** * Confirm the string set for app and key fit the database description * * @param string $userId * @param string $app assert $app fit in database * @param string $prefKey assert config key fit in database * @param bool $allowEmptyUser * @param bool $allowEmptyApp $app can be empty string * @param ValueType|null $valueType assert value type is only one type */ private function assertParams( string $userId = '', string $app = '', string $prefKey = '', bool $allowEmptyUser = false, bool $allowEmptyApp = false, ): void { if (!$allowEmptyUser && $userId === '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException('userId cannot be an empty string'); } if (!$allowEmptyApp && $app === '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException('app cannot be an empty string'); } if (strlen($userId) > self::USER_MAX_LENGTH) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Value (' . $userId . ') for userId is too long (' . self::USER_MAX_LENGTH . ')'); } if (strlen($app) > self::APP_MAX_LENGTH) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Value (' . $app . ') for app is too long (' . self::APP_MAX_LENGTH . ')'); } if (strlen($prefKey) > self::KEY_MAX_LENGTH) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Value (' . $prefKey . ') for key is too long (' . self::KEY_MAX_LENGTH . ')'); } } private function loadConfigAll(string $userId): void { $this->loadConfig($userId, null); } /** * Load normal config or config set as lazy loaded * * @param bool|null $lazy set to TRUE to load config set as lazy loaded, set to NULL to load all config */ private function loadConfig(string $userId, ?bool $lazy = false): void { if ($this->isLoaded($userId, $lazy)) { return; } if (($lazy ?? true) !== false) { // if lazy is null or true, we debug log $this->logger->debug('The loading of lazy UserConfig values have been requested', ['exception' => new \RuntimeException('ignorable exception')]); } $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->from('preferences'); if ($this->isUpgradedTo31()) { $qb->select('appid', 'configkey', 'configvalue', 'type', 'flags'); } else { $qb->select('appid', 'configkey', 'configvalue'); } $qb->where($qb->expr()->eq('userid', $qb->createNamedParameter($userId))); if ($this->isUpgradedTo31()) { // we only need value from lazy when loadConfig does not specify it if ($lazy !== null) { $qb->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('lazy', $qb->createNamedParameter($lazy ? 1 : 0, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT))); } else { $qb->addSelect('lazy'); } } $result = $qb->executeQuery(); $rows = $result->fetchAll(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (($row['lazy'] ?? ($lazy ?? 0) ? 1 : 0) === 1) { $this->lazyCache[$userId][$row['appid']][$row['configkey']] = $row['configvalue'] ?? ''; } else { $this->fastCache[$userId][$row['appid']][$row['configkey']] = $row['configvalue'] ?? ''; } $this->valueDetails[$userId][$row['appid']][$row['configkey']] = ['type' => ValueType::from((int)($row['type'] ?? 0)), 'flags' => (int)$row['flags']]; } $result->closeCursor(); $this->setAsLoaded($userId, $lazy); } /** * if $lazy is: * - false: will returns true if fast config are loaded * - true : will returns true if lazy config are loaded * - null : will returns true if both config are loaded * * @param string $userId * @param bool $lazy * * @return bool */ private function isLoaded(string $userId, ?bool $lazy): bool { if ($lazy === null) { return ($this->lazyLoaded[$userId] ?? false) && ($this->fastLoaded[$userId] ?? false); } return $lazy ? $this->lazyLoaded[$userId] ?? false : $this->fastLoaded[$userId] ?? false; } /** * if $lazy is: * - false: set fast config as loaded * - true : set lazy config as loaded * - null : set both config as loaded * * @param string $userId * @param bool $lazy */ private function setAsLoaded(string $userId, ?bool $lazy): void { if ($lazy === null) { $this->fastLoaded[$userId] = $this->lazyLoaded[$userId] = true; return; } // We also create empty entry to keep both fastLoaded/lazyLoaded synced if ($lazy) { $this->lazyLoaded[$userId] = true; $this->fastLoaded[$userId] = $this->fastLoaded[$userId] ?? false; $this->fastCache[$userId] = $this->fastCache[$userId] ?? []; } else { $this->fastLoaded[$userId] = true; $this->lazyLoaded[$userId] = $this->lazyLoaded[$userId] ?? false; $this->lazyCache[$userId] = $this->lazyCache[$userId] ?? []; } } /** * **Warning:** this will load all lazy values from the database * * @param string $userId id of the user * @param string $app id of the app * @param bool $filtered TRUE to hide sensitive config values. Value are replaced by {@see IConfig::SENSITIVE_VALUE} * * @return array */ private function formatAppValues(string $userId, string $app, array $values, bool $filtered = false): array { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { //$key = (string)$key; try { $type = $this->getValueType($userId, $app, (string)$key); } catch (UnknownKeyException) { continue; } if ($this->isFlagged(self::FLAG_SENSITIVE, $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['flags'] ?? 0)) { if ($filtered) { $value = IConfig::SENSITIVE_VALUE; $type = ValueType::STRING; } else { $this->decryptSensitiveValue($userId, $app, (string)$key, $value); } } $values[$key] = $this->convertTypedValue($value, $type); } return $values; } /** * convert string value to the expected type * * @param string $value * @param ValueType $type * * @return string|int|float|bool|array */ private function convertTypedValue(string $value, ValueType $type): string|int|float|bool|array { switch ($type) { case ValueType::INT: return (int)$value; case ValueType::FLOAT: return (float)$value; case ValueType::BOOL: return in_array(strtolower($value), ['1', 'true', 'yes', 'on']); case ValueType::ARRAY: try { return json_decode($value, true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); } catch (JsonException) { // ignoreable } break; } return $value; } /** * will change referenced $value with the decrypted value in case of encrypted (sensitive value) * * @param string $userId * @param string $app * @param string $key * @param string $value */ private function decryptSensitiveValue(string $userId, string $app, string $key, string &$value): void { if (!$this->isFlagged(self::FLAG_SENSITIVE, $this->valueDetails[$userId][$app][$key]['flags'] ?? 0)) { return; } if (!str_starts_with($value, self::ENCRYPTION_PREFIX)) { return; } try { $value = $this->crypto->decrypt(substr($value, self::ENCRYPTION_PREFIX_LENGTH)); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->warning('could not decrypt sensitive value', [ 'userId' => $userId, 'app' => $app, 'key' => $key, 'value' => $value, 'exception' => $e ]); } } /** * match and apply current use of config values with defined lexicon * * @throws UnknownKeyException * @throws TypeConflictException * @return bool FALSE if conflict with defined lexicon were observed in the process */ private function matchAndApplyLexiconDefinition( string $userId, string $app, string $key, bool &$lazy, ValueType &$type, int &$flags = 0, string &$default = '', ): bool { $configDetails = $this->getConfigDetailsFromLexicon($app); if (!array_key_exists($key, $configDetails['entries'])) { return $this->applyLexiconStrictness($configDetails['strictness'], 'The user config key ' . $app . '/' . $key . ' is not defined in the config lexicon'); } /** @var ConfigLexiconEntry $configValue */ $configValue = $configDetails['entries'][$key]; if ($type === ValueType::MIXED) { // we overwrite if value was requested as mixed $type = $configValue->getValueType(); } elseif ($configValue->getValueType() !== $type) { throw new TypeConflictException('The user config key ' . $app . '/' . $key . ' is typed incorrectly in relation to the config lexicon'); } $lazy = $configValue->isLazy(); $flags = $configValue->getFlags(); if ($configValue->isDeprecated()) { $this->logger->notice('User config key ' . $app . '/' . $key . ' is set as deprecated.'); } $enforcedValue = $this->config->getSystemValue('lexicon.default.userconfig.enforced', [])[$app][$key] ?? false; if (!$enforcedValue && $this->hasKey($userId, $app, $key, $lazy)) { // if key exists there should be no need to extract default return true; } // default from Lexicon got priority but it can still be overwritten by admin $default = $this->getSystemDefault($app, $configValue) ?? $configValue->getDefault() ?? $default; // returning false will make get() returning $default and set() not changing value in database return !$enforcedValue; } /** * get default value set in config/config.php if stored in key: * * 'lexicon.default.userconfig' => [ * => [ * => 'my value', * ] * ], * * The entry is converted to string to fit the expected type when managing default value */ private function getSystemDefault(string $appId, ConfigLexiconEntry $configValue): ?string { $default = $this->config->getSystemValue('lexicon.default.userconfig', [])[$appId][$configValue->getKey()] ?? null; if ($default === null) { // no system default, using default default. return null; } return $configValue->convertToString($default); } /** * manage ConfigLexicon behavior based on strictness set in IConfigLexicon * * @see IConfigLexicon::getStrictness() * @param ConfigLexiconStrictness|null $strictness * @param string $line * * @return bool TRUE if conflict can be fully ignored * @throws UnknownKeyException */ private function applyLexiconStrictness(?ConfigLexiconStrictness $strictness, string $line = ''): bool { if ($strictness === null) { return true; } switch ($strictness) { case ConfigLexiconStrictness::IGNORE: return true; case ConfigLexiconStrictness::NOTICE: $this->logger->notice($line); return true; case ConfigLexiconStrictness::WARNING: $this->logger->warning($line); return false; case ConfigLexiconStrictness::EXCEPTION: throw new UnknownKeyException($line); } throw new UnknownKeyException($line); } /** * extract details from registered $appId's config lexicon * * @param string $appId * * @return array{entries: array, strictness: ConfigLexiconStrictness} */ private function getConfigDetailsFromLexicon(string $appId): array { if (!array_key_exists($appId, $this->configLexiconDetails)) { $entries = []; $bootstrapCoordinator = \OCP\Server::get(Coordinator::class); $configLexicon = $bootstrapCoordinator->getRegistrationContext()?->getConfigLexicon($appId); foreach ($configLexicon?->getUserConfigs() ?? [] as $configEntry) { $entries[$configEntry->getKey()] = $configEntry; } $this->configLexiconDetails[$appId] = [ 'entries' => $entries, 'strictness' => $configLexicon?->getStrictness() ?? ConfigLexiconStrictness::IGNORE ]; } return $this->configLexiconDetails[$appId]; } /** * This is a temporary method that MUST be removed on NC32/NC32+ * It seems that some apps might want to check user preferences before initiating * the upgrade process resulting in locking instance. * * @return bool */ private function isUpgradedTo31(): bool { if (!$this->upgradedTo31) { $this->upgradedTo31 = (str_starts_with($this->config->getSystemValue('version'), '31.') || str_starts_with($this->config->getSystemValue('version'), '32.')); } return $this->upgradedTo31; } }