* * @author Joas Schilling * @author Robin Appelman * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ namespace OC\DB\QueryBuilder\FunctionBuilder; use OC\DB\QueryBuilder\QueryFunction; use OC\DB\QueryBuilder\QuoteHelper; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IFunctionBuilder; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryFunction; use OCP\IDBConnection; class FunctionBuilder implements IFunctionBuilder { /** @var IDBConnection */ protected $connection; /** @var IQueryBuilder */ protected $queryBuilder; /** @var QuoteHelper */ protected $helper; public function __construct(IDBConnection $connection, IQueryBuilder $queryBuilder, QuoteHelper $helper) { $this->connection = $connection; $this->queryBuilder = $queryBuilder; $this->helper = $helper; } public function md5($input): IQueryFunction { return new QueryFunction('MD5(' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($input) . ')'); } public function concat($x, ...$expr): IQueryFunction { $args = func_get_args(); $list = []; foreach ($args as $item) { $list[] = $this->helper->quoteColumnName($item); } return new QueryFunction(sprintf('CONCAT(%s)', implode(', ', $list))); } public function groupConcat($expr, ?string $separator = ','): IQueryFunction { $separator = $this->connection->quote($separator); return new QueryFunction('GROUP_CONCAT(' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($expr) . ' SEPARATOR ' . $separator . ')'); } public function substring($input, $start, $length = null): IQueryFunction { if ($length) { return new QueryFunction('SUBSTR(' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($input) . ', ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($start) . ', ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($length) . ')'); } else { return new QueryFunction('SUBSTR(' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($input) . ', ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($start) . ')'); } } public function sum($field): IQueryFunction { return new QueryFunction('SUM(' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($field) . ')'); } public function lower($field): IQueryFunction { return new QueryFunction('LOWER(' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($field) . ')'); } public function add($x, $y): IQueryFunction { return new QueryFunction($this->helper->quoteColumnName($x) . ' + ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($y)); } public function subtract($x, $y): IQueryFunction { return new QueryFunction($this->helper->quoteColumnName($x) . ' - ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($y)); } public function count($count = '', $alias = ''): IQueryFunction { $alias = $alias ? (' AS ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($alias)) : ''; $quotedName = $count === '' ? '*' : $this->helper->quoteColumnName($count); return new QueryFunction('COUNT(' . $quotedName . ')' . $alias); } public function octetLength($field, $alias = ''): IQueryFunction { $alias = $alias ? (' AS ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($alias)) : ''; $quotedName = $this->helper->quoteColumnName($field); return new QueryFunction('OCTET_LENGTH(' . $quotedName . ')' . $alias); } public function charLength($field, $alias = ''): IQueryFunction { $alias = $alias ? (' AS ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($alias)) : ''; $quotedName = $this->helper->quoteColumnName($field); return new QueryFunction('CHAR_LENGTH(' . $quotedName . ')' . $alias); } public function max($field): IQueryFunction { return new QueryFunction('MAX(' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($field) . ')'); } public function min($field): IQueryFunction { return new QueryFunction('MIN(' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($field) . ')'); } public function greatest($x, $y): IQueryFunction { return new QueryFunction('GREATEST(' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($x) . ', ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($y) . ')'); } public function least($x, $y): IQueryFunction { return new QueryFunction('LEAST(' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($x) . ', ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($y) . ')'); } public function case(array $whens, $else): IQueryFunction { if (count($whens) < 1) { return new QueryFunction($this->helper->quoteColumnName($else)); } $whenParts = array_map(function (array $when) { return 'WHEN ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($when['when']) . ' THEN ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($when['then']); }, $whens); return new QueryFunction('CASE ' . implode(' ', $whenParts) . ' ELSE ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($else) . ' END'); } }