loader = new StorageFactory(); } else { $this->loader = $loader; } if (!is_null($mountOptions)) { $this->mountOptions = $mountOptions; } $mountpoint = $this->formatPath($mountpoint); $this->mountPoint = $mountpoint; $this->mountId = $mountId; if ($storage instanceof Storage) { $this->class = get_class($storage); $this->storage = $this->loader->wrap($this, $storage); } else { // Update old classes to new namespace if (str_contains($storage, 'OC_Filestorage_')) { $storage = '\OC\Files\Storage\\' . substr($storage, 15); } $this->class = $storage; $this->arguments = $arguments; } if ($mountProvider) { if (strlen($mountProvider) > 128) { throw new \Exception("Mount provider $mountProvider name exceeds the limit of 128 characters"); } } $this->mountProvider = $mountProvider ?? ''; } /** * get complete path to the mount point, relative to data/ * * @return string */ public function getMountPoint() { return $this->mountPoint; } /** * Sets the mount point path, relative to data/ * * @param string $mountPoint new mount point */ public function setMountPoint($mountPoint) { $this->mountPoint = $this->formatPath($mountPoint); } /** * create the storage that is mounted */ private function createStorage() { if ($this->invalidStorage) { return; } if (class_exists($this->class)) { try { $class = $this->class; // prevent recursion by setting the storage before applying wrappers $this->storage = new $class($this->arguments); $this->storage = $this->loader->wrap($this, $this->storage); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->storage = null; $this->invalidStorage = true; if ($this->mountPoint === '/') { // the root storage could not be initialized, show the user! throw new \Exception('The root storage could not be initialized. Please contact your local administrator.', $exception->getCode(), $exception); } else { \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class)->error($exception->getMessage(), ['exception' => $exception]); } return; } } else { \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class)->error('Storage backend ' . $this->class . ' not found', ['app' => 'core']); $this->invalidStorage = true; return; } } /** * @return \OC\Files\Storage\Storage|null */ public function getStorage() { if (is_null($this->storage)) { $this->createStorage(); } return $this->storage; } /** * @return string|null */ public function getStorageId() { if (!$this->storageId) { $storage = $this->getStorage(); if (is_null($storage)) { return null; } $this->storageId = $storage->getId(); if (strlen($this->storageId) > 64) { $this->storageId = md5($this->storageId); } } return $this->storageId; } /** * @return int */ public function getNumericStorageId() { if (is_null($this->numericStorageId)) { $storage = $this->getStorage(); if (is_null($storage)) { return -1; } $this->numericStorageId = $storage->getCache()->getNumericStorageId(); } return $this->numericStorageId; } /** * @param string $path * @return string */ public function getInternalPath($path) { $path = Filesystem::normalizePath($path, true, false, true); if ($this->mountPoint === $path or $this->mountPoint . '/' === $path) { $internalPath = ''; } else { $internalPath = substr($path, strlen($this->mountPoint)); } // substr returns false instead of an empty string, we always want a string return (string)$internalPath; } /** * @param string $path * @return string */ private function formatPath($path) { $path = Filesystem::normalizePath($path); if (strlen($path) > 1) { $path .= '/'; } return $path; } /** * @param callable $wrapper */ public function wrapStorage($wrapper) { $storage = $this->getStorage(); // storage can be null if it couldn't be initialized if ($storage != null) { $this->storage = $wrapper($this->mountPoint, $storage, $this); } } /** * Get a mount option * * @param string $name Name of the mount option to get * @param mixed $default Default value for the mount option * @return mixed */ public function getOption($name, $default) { return $this->mountOptions[$name] ?? $default; } /** * Get all options for the mount * * @return array */ public function getOptions() { return $this->mountOptions; } /** * Get the file id of the root of the storage * * @return int */ public function getStorageRootId() { if (is_null($this->rootId) || $this->rootId === -1) { $storage = $this->getStorage(); // if we can't create the storage return -1 as root id, this is then handled the same as if the root isn't scanned yet if ($storage === null) { $this->rootId = -1; } else { $this->rootId = (int)$storage->getCache()->getId(''); } } return $this->rootId; } public function getMountId() { return $this->mountId; } public function getMountType() { return ''; } public function getMountProvider(): string { return $this->mountProvider; } }