getSystemValue('htaccess.IgnoreFrontController', false) === true || getenv('front_controller_active') === 'true')) { $baseUrl .= '/index.php'; } if (!\OC::$CLI && isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; } else { $method = 'GET'; } $host = $request->getServerHost(); $schema = $request->getServerProtocol(); $this->context = new RequestContext($baseUrl, $method, $host, $schema); // TODO cache $this->root = $this->getCollection('root'); } /** * Get the files to load the routes from * * @return string[] */ public function getRoutingFiles() { if ($this->routingFiles === null) { $this->routingFiles = []; foreach (\OC_APP::getEnabledApps() as $app) { try { $appPath = $this->appManager->getAppPath($app); $file = $appPath . '/appinfo/routes.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { $this->routingFiles[$app] = $file; } } catch (AppPathNotFoundException) { /* ignore */ } } } return $this->routingFiles; } /** * Loads the routes * * @param null|string $app */ public function loadRoutes($app = null) { if (is_string($app)) { $app = $this->appManager->cleanAppId($app); } $requestedApp = $app; if ($this->loaded) { return; } $this->eventLogger->start('route:load:' . $requestedApp, 'Loading Routes for ' . $requestedApp); if (is_null($app)) { $this->loaded = true; $routingFiles = $this->getRoutingFiles(); foreach (\OC_App::getEnabledApps() as $enabledApp) { $this->loadAttributeRoutes($enabledApp); } } else { if (isset($this->loadedApps[$app])) { return; } try { $appPath = $this->appManager->getAppPath($app); $file = $appPath . '/appinfo/routes.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { $routingFiles = [$app => $file]; } else { $routingFiles = []; } } catch (AppPathNotFoundException) { $routingFiles = []; } if ($this->appManager->isEnabledForUser($app)) { $this->loadAttributeRoutes($app); } } foreach ($routingFiles as $app => $file) { if (!isset($this->loadedApps[$app])) { if (!\OC_App::isAppLoaded($app)) { // app MUST be loaded before app routes // try again next time loadRoutes() is called $this->loaded = false; continue; } $this->loadedApps[$app] = true; $this->useCollection($app); $this->requireRouteFile($file, $app); $collection = $this->getCollection($app); $this->root->addCollection($collection); // Also add the OCS collection $collection = $this->getCollection($app . '.ocs'); $collection->addPrefix('/ocsapp'); $this->root->addCollection($collection); } } if (!isset($this->loadedApps['core'])) { $this->loadedApps['core'] = true; $this->useCollection('root'); $this->setupRoutes($this->getAttributeRoutes('core'), 'core'); require __DIR__ . '/../../../core/routes.php'; // Also add the OCS collection $collection = $this->getCollection('root.ocs'); $collection->addPrefix('/ocsapp'); $this->root->addCollection($collection); } if ($this->loaded) { $collection = $this->getCollection('ocs'); $collection->addPrefix('/ocs'); $this->root->addCollection($collection); } $this->eventLogger->end('route:load:' . $requestedApp); } /** * @param string $name * @return \Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection */ protected function getCollection($name) { if (!isset($this->collections[$name])) { $this->collections[$name] = new RouteCollection(); } return $this->collections[$name]; } /** * Sets the collection to use for adding routes * * @param string $name Name of the collection to use. * @return void */ public function useCollection($name) { $this->collection = $this->getCollection($name); $this->collectionName = $name; } /** * returns the current collection name in use for adding routes * * @return string the collection name */ public function getCurrentCollection() { return $this->collectionName; } /** * Create a \OC\Route\Route. * * @param string $name Name of the route to create. * @param string $pattern The pattern to match * @param array $defaults An array of default parameter values * @param array $requirements An array of requirements for parameters (regexes) * @return \OC\Route\Route */ public function create($name, $pattern, array $defaults = [], array $requirements = []) { $route = new Route($pattern, $defaults, $requirements); $this->collection->add($name, $route); return $route; } /** * Find the route matching $url * * @param string $url The url to find * @throws \Exception * @return array */ public function findMatchingRoute(string $url): array { $this->eventLogger->start('route:match', 'Match route'); if (str_starts_with($url, '/apps/')) { // empty string / 'apps' / $app / rest of the route [, , $app,] = explode('/', $url, 4); $app = $this->appManager->cleanAppId($app); \OC::$REQUESTEDAPP = $app; $this->loadRoutes($app); } elseif (str_starts_with($url, '/ocsapp/apps/')) { // empty string / 'ocsapp' / 'apps' / $app / rest of the route [, , , $app,] = explode('/', $url, 5); $app = $this->appManager->cleanAppId($app); \OC::$REQUESTEDAPP = $app; $this->loadRoutes($app); } elseif (str_starts_with($url, '/settings/')) { $this->loadRoutes('settings'); } elseif (str_starts_with($url, '/core/')) { \OC::$REQUESTEDAPP = $url; if (!$this->config->getSystemValueBool('maintenance') && !Util::needUpgrade()) { \OC_App::loadApps(); } $this->loadRoutes('core'); } else { $this->loadRoutes(); } $matcher = new UrlMatcher($this->root, $this->context); try { $parameters = $matcher->match($url); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException $e) { if (!str_ends_with($url, '/')) { // We allow links to apps/files? for backwards compatibility reasons // However, since Symfony does not allow empty route names, the route // we need to match is '/', so we need to append the '/' here. try { $parameters = $matcher->match($url . '/'); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException $newException) { // If we still didn't match a route, we throw the original exception throw $e; } } else { throw $e; } } $this->eventLogger->end('route:match'); return $parameters; } /** * Find and execute the route matching $url * * @param string $url The url to find * @throws \Exception * @return void */ public function match($url) { $parameters = $this->findMatchingRoute($url); $this->eventLogger->start('route:run', 'Run route'); if (isset($parameters['caller'])) { $caller = $parameters['caller']; unset($parameters['caller']); unset($parameters['action']); $application = $this->getApplicationClass($caller[0]); \OC\AppFramework\App::main($caller[1], $caller[2], $application->getContainer(), $parameters); } elseif (isset($parameters['action'])) { $action = $parameters['action']; if (!is_callable($action)) { throw new \Exception('not a callable action'); } unset($parameters['action']); unset($parameters['caller']); $this->eventLogger->start('route:run:call', 'Run callable route'); call_user_func($action, $parameters); $this->eventLogger->end('route:run:call'); } elseif (isset($parameters['file'])) { include $parameters['file']; } else { throw new \Exception('no action available'); } $this->eventLogger->end('route:run'); } /** * Get the url generator * * @return \Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGenerator * */ public function getGenerator() { if ($this->generator !== null) { return $this->generator; } return $this->generator = new UrlGenerator($this->root, $this->context); } /** * Generate url based on $name and $parameters * * @param string $name Name of the route to use. * @param array $parameters Parameters for the route * @param bool $absolute * @return string */ public function generate($name, $parameters = [], $absolute = false) { $referenceType = UrlGenerator::ABSOLUTE_URL; if ($absolute === false) { $referenceType = UrlGenerator::ABSOLUTE_PATH; } /* * The route name has to be lowercase, for symfony to match it correctly. * This is required because smyfony allows mixed casing for controller names in the routes. * To avoid breaking all the existing route names, registering and matching will only use the lowercase names. * This is also safe on the PHP side because class and method names collide regardless of the casing. */ $name = strtolower($name); $name = $this->fixLegacyRootName($name); if (str_contains($name, '.')) { [$appName, $other] = explode('.', $name, 3); // OCS routes are prefixed with "ocs." if ($appName === 'ocs') { $appName = $other; } $this->loadRoutes($appName); try { return $this->getGenerator()->generate($name, $parameters, $referenceType); } catch (RouteNotFoundException $e) { } } // Fallback load all routes $this->loadRoutes(); try { return $this->getGenerator()->generate($name, $parameters, $referenceType); } catch (RouteNotFoundException $e) { $this->logger->info($e->getMessage(), ['exception' => $e]); return ''; } } protected function fixLegacyRootName(string $routeName): string { if ($routeName === 'files.viewcontroller.showfile') { return 'files.view.showfile'; } if ($routeName === 'files_sharing.sharecontroller.showshare') { return 'files_sharing.share.showshare'; } if ($routeName === 'files_sharing.sharecontroller.showauthenticate') { return 'files_sharing.share.showauthenticate'; } if ($routeName === 'files_sharing.sharecontroller.authenticate') { return 'files_sharing.share.authenticate'; } if ($routeName === 'files_sharing.sharecontroller.downloadshare') { return 'files_sharing.share.downloadshare'; } if ($routeName === 'files_sharing.publicpreview.directlink') { return 'files_sharing.publicpreview.directlink'; } if ($routeName === 'cloud_federation_api.requesthandlercontroller.addshare') { return 'cloud_federation_api.requesthandler.addshare'; } if ($routeName === 'cloud_federation_api.requesthandlercontroller.receivenotification') { return 'cloud_federation_api.requesthandler.receivenotification'; } if ($routeName === 'core.ProfilePage.index') { return 'profile.ProfilePage.index'; } return $routeName; } private function loadAttributeRoutes(string $app): void { $routes = $this->getAttributeRoutes($app); if (count($routes) === 0) { return; } $this->useCollection($app); $this->setupRoutes($routes, $app); $collection = $this->getCollection($app); $this->root->addCollection($collection); // Also add the OCS collection $collection = $this->getCollection($app . '.ocs'); $collection->addPrefix('/ocsapp'); $this->root->addCollection($collection); } /** * @throws ReflectionException */ private function getAttributeRoutes(string $app): array { $routes = []; if ($app === 'core') { $appControllerPath = __DIR__ . '/../../../core/Controller'; $appNameSpace = 'OC\\Core'; } else { try { $appControllerPath = $this->appManager->getAppPath($app) . '/lib/Controller'; } catch (AppPathNotFoundException) { return []; } $appNameSpace = App::buildAppNamespace($app); } if (!file_exists($appControllerPath)) { return []; } $dir = new DirectoryIterator($appControllerPath); foreach ($dir as $file) { if (!str_ends_with($file->getPathname(), 'Controller.php')) { continue; } $class = new ReflectionClass($appNameSpace . '\\Controller\\' . basename($file->getPathname(), '.php')); foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) { foreach ($method->getAttributes(RouteAttribute::class, ReflectionAttribute::IS_INSTANCEOF) as $attribute) { $route = $attribute->newInstance(); $serializedRoute = $route->toArray(); // Remove 'Controller' suffix $serializedRoute['name'] = substr($class->getShortName(), 0, -10) . '#' . $method->getName(); $key = $route->getType(); $routes[$key] ??= []; $routes[$key][] = $serializedRoute; } } } return $routes; } /** * To isolate the variable scope used inside the $file it is required in it's own method * * @param string $file the route file location to include * @param string $appName */ private function requireRouteFile($file, $appName) { $this->setupRoutes(include $file, $appName); } /** * If a routes.php file returns an array, try to set up the application and * register the routes for the app. The application class will be chosen by * camelcasing the appname, e.g.: my_app will be turned into * \OCA\MyApp\AppInfo\Application. If that class does not exist, a default * App will be initialized. This makes it optional to ship an * appinfo/application.php by using the built in query resolver * * @param array $routes the application routes * @param string $appName the name of the app. */ private function setupRoutes($routes, $appName) { if (is_array($routes)) { $routeParser = new RouteParser(); $defaultRoutes = $routeParser->parseDefaultRoutes($routes, $appName); $ocsRoutes = $routeParser->parseOCSRoutes($routes, $appName); $this->root->addCollection($defaultRoutes); $ocsRoutes->addPrefix('/ocsapp'); $this->root->addCollection($ocsRoutes); } } private function getApplicationClass(string $appName) { $appNameSpace = App::buildAppNamespace($appName); $applicationClassName = $appNameSpace . '\\AppInfo\\Application'; if (class_exists($applicationClassName)) { $application = $this->container->get($applicationClassName); } else { $application = new App($appName); } return $application; } }