setInterval(60 * 60 * 24); // can be deferred to maintenance window $this->setTimeSensitivity(TimedJob::TIME_INSENSITIVE); $this->appData = $appDataFactory->get('core'); } /** * @inheritDoc */ protected function run($argument): void { try { $this->taskMapper->deleteOlderThan(self::MAX_TASK_AGE_SECONDS); } catch (\OCP\DB\Exception $e) { $this->logger->warning('Failed to delete stale task processing tasks', ['exception' => $e]); } try { $this->clearFilesOlderThan($this->appData->getFolder('text2image'), self::MAX_TASK_AGE_SECONDS); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // noop } try { $this->clearFilesOlderThan($this->appData->getFolder('audio2text'), self::MAX_TASK_AGE_SECONDS); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // noop } try { $this->clearFilesOlderThan($this->appData->getFolder('TaskProcessing'), self::MAX_TASK_AGE_SECONDS); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // noop } } /** * @param ISimpleFolder $folder * @param int $ageInSeconds * @return void */ private function clearFilesOlderThan(ISimpleFolder $folder, int $ageInSeconds): void { foreach ($folder->getDirectoryListing() as $file) { if ($file->getMTime() < time() - $ageInSeconds) { try { $file->delete(); } catch (NotPermittedException $e) { $this->logger->warning('Failed to delete a stale task processing file', ['exception' => $e]); } } } } }