<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2013 Georg Ehrke georg@ownCloud.com * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ namespace OC\Preview; if (extension_loaded('imagick')) { class SVG extends Provider { public function getMimeType() { return '/image\/svg\+xml/'; } public function getThumbnail($path,$maxX,$maxY,$scalingup,$fileview) { try{ $svg = new \Imagick(); $svg->setBackgroundColor(new \ImagickPixel('transparent')); $content = stream_get_contents($fileview->fopen($path, 'r')); if(substr($content, 0, 5) !== '<?xml') { $content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>' . $content; } $svg->readImageBlob($content); $svg->setImageFormat('png32'); } catch (\Exception $e) { \OC_Log::write('core', $e->getmessage(), \OC_Log::ERROR); return false; } //new image object $image = new \OC_Image(); $image->loadFromData($svg); //check if image object is valid return $image->valid() ? $image : false; } } \OC\Preview::registerProvider('OC\Preview\SVG'); }