{ "addressbook": { "author": "Nextcloud", "app": "dav", "since": "9.2.0", "parameters": { "id": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The id used to identify the addressbook on the instance", "example": "42" }, "name": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The display name of the addressbook which should be used in the visual representation", "example": "Contacts" } } }, "addressbook-contact": { "author": "Nextcloud", "app": "dav", "since": "9.2.0", "parameters": { "id": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The id used to identify the contact on the instance", "example": "42" }, "name": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The display name of the contact which should be used in the visual representation", "example": "John Doe" } } }, "announcement": { "author": "Joas Schilling", "app": "announcementcenter", "since": "9.2.0", "parameters": { "id": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The id used to identify the announcement on the instance", "example": "42" }, "name": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The announcement subject which should be used in the visual representation", "example": "file.txt" }, "link": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": false, "description": "The full URL to the file", "example": "http://localhost/index.php/apps/announcements/#23" } } }, "calendar": { "author": "Nextcloud", "app": "dav", "since": "9.2.0", "parameters": { "id": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The id used to identify the calendar on the instance", "example": "42" }, "name": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The display name of the calendar which should be used in the visual representation", "example": "Personal" } } }, "calendar-event": { "author": "Nextcloud", "app": "dav", "since": "9.2.0", "parameters": { "id": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The id used to identify the event on the instance", "example": "42" }, "name": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The display name of the event which should be used in the visual representation", "example": "Workout" } } }, "file": { "author": "Nextcloud", "app": "dav", "since": "9.2.0", "parameters": { "id": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The id used to identify the file on the instance", "example": "42" }, "name": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The file name which should be used in the visual representation", "example": "file.txt" }, "path": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The full path of the file for the user", "example": "path/to/file.txt" }, "link": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": false, "description": "The full URL to the file", "example": "http://localhost/index.php/f/42" } } }, "pending-federated-share": { "author": "Nextcloud", "app": "dav", "since": "9.2.0", "parameters": { "id": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The id used to identify the federated share on the instance", "example": "42" }, "name": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The name of the shared item which should be used in the visual representation", "example": "file.txt" } } }, "systemtag": { "author": "Nextcloud", "app": "core", "since": "9.2.0", "parameters": { "id": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The id used to identify the systemtag on the instance", "example": "23" }, "name": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The display name of the systemtag which should be used in the visual representation", "example": "Project 1" }, "visibility": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "If the user can see the systemtag", "example": "1" }, "assignable": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "If the user can assign the systemtag", "example": "0" } } }, "user": { "author": "Nextcloud", "app": "core", "since": "9.2.0", "parameters": { "id": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The id used to identify the user on the instance", "example": "johndoe" }, "name": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The display name of the user which should be used in the visual representation", "example": "John Doe" }, "server": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": false, "description": "The URL of the instance the user lives on", "example": "localhost" } } }, "user-group": { "author": "Nextcloud", "app": "core", "since": "9.2.0", "parameters": { "id": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The id used to identify the group on the instance", "example": "supportteam" }, "name": { "since": "9.2.0", "required": true, "description": "The display name of the group which should be used in the visual representation", "example": "Support Team" } } } }