<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2012 Bart Visscher <bartv@thisnet.nl> * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route; class OC_Route extends Route { /** * Specify the method when this route is to be used * * @param string $method HTTP method (uppercase) */ public function method($method) { $this->setRequirement('_method', strtoupper($method)); return $this; } /** * Specify POST as the method to use with this route */ public function post() { $this->method('POST'); return $this; } /** * Specify GET as the method to use with this route */ public function get() { $this->method('GET'); return $this; } /** * Specify PUT as the method to use with this route */ public function put() { $this->method('PUT'); return $this; } /** * Specify DELETE as the method to use with this route */ public function delete() { $this->method('DELETE'); return $this; } /** * Defaults to use for this route * * @param array $defaults The defaults */ public function defaults($defaults) { $action = $this->getDefault('action'); $this->setDefaults($defaults); if (isset($defaults['action'])) { $action = $defaults['action']; } $this->action($action); return $this; } /** * Requirements for this route * * @param array $requirements The requirements */ public function requirements($requirements) { $method = $this->getRequirement('_method'); $this->setRequirements($requirements); if (isset($requirements['_method'])) { $method = $requirements['_method']; } if ($method) { $this->method($method); } return $this; } /** * The action to execute when this route matches * @param string|callable $class the class or a callable * @param string $function the function to use with the class * * This function is called with $class set to a callable or * to the class with $function */ public function action($class, $function = null) { $action = array($class, $function); if (is_null($function)) { $action = $class; } $this->setDefault('action', $action); return $this; } /** * The action to execute when this route matches, includes a file like * it is called directly * @param $file */ public function actionInclude($file) { $function = create_function('$param', 'unset($param["_route"]);' .'$_GET=array_merge($_GET, $param);' .'unset($param);' .'require_once "'.$file.'";'); $this->action($function); } }