
 * Copyright (c) 2013 Robin Appelman <icewind@owncloud.com>
 * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
 * later.
 * See the COPYING-README file.

namespace OC\User;

use OC\Hooks\Emitter;

 * Class Session
 * Hooks available in scope \OC\User:
 * - preSetPassword(\OC\User\User $user, string $password, string $recoverPassword)
 * - postSetPassword(\OC\User\User $user, string $password, string $recoverPassword)
 * - preDelete(\OC\User\User $user)
 * - postDelete(\OC\User\User $user)
 * - preCreateUser(string $uid, string $password)
 * - postCreateUser(\OC\User\User $user)
 * - preLogin(string $user, string $password)
 * - postLogin(\OC\User\User $user)
 * - logout()
 * @package OC\User
class Session implements Emitter {
	 * @var \OC\User\Manager $manager
	private $manager;

	 * @var \OC\Session\Session $session
	private $session;

	 * @var \OC\User\User $activeUser
	protected $activeUser;

	 * @param \OC\User\Manager $manager
	 * @param \OC\Session\Session $session
	public function __construct($manager, $session) {
		$this->manager = $manager;
		$this->session = $session;

	 * @param string $scope
	 * @param string $method
	 * @param callable $callback
	public function listen($scope, $method, $callback) {
		$this->manager->listen($scope, $method, $callback);

	 * @param string $scope optional
	 * @param string $method optional
	 * @param callable $callback optional
	public function removeListener($scope = null, $method = null, $callback = null) {
		$this->manager->removeListener($scope, $method, $callback);

	 * get the manager object
	 * @return \OC\User\Manager
	public function getManager() {
		return $this->manager;

	 * set the currently active user
	 * @param \OC\User\User $user
	public function setUser($user) {
		if (is_null($user)) {
		} else {
			$this->session->set('user_id', $user->getUID());
		$this->activeUser = $user;

	 * get the current active user
	 * @return \OC\User\User
	public function getUser() {
		if ($this->activeUser) {
			return $this->activeUser;
		} else {
			$uid = $this->session->get('user_id');
			if ($uid) {
				$this->activeUser = $this->manager->get($uid);
				return $this->activeUser;
			} else {
				return null;

	 * try to login with the provided credentials
	 * @param string $uid
	 * @param string $password
	 * @return bool
	public function login($uid, $password) {
		$this->manager->emit('\OC\User', 'preLogin', array($uid, $password));
		$user = $this->manager->get($uid);
		if ($user) {
			$result = $user->checkPassword($password);
			if ($result and $user->isEnabled()) {
				$this->manager->emit('\OC\User', 'postLogin', array($user, $password));
				return true;
			} else {
				return false;
		} else {
			return false;

	 * logout the user from the session
	public function logout() {
		$this->manager->emit('\OC\User', 'logout');

	 * Set cookie value to use in next page load
	 * @param string $username username to be set
	 * @param string $token
	public function setMagicInCookie($username, $token) {
		$secure_cookie = \OC_Config::getValue("forcessl", false); //TODO: DI for cookies and OC_Config
		$expires = time() + \OC_Config::getValue('remember_login_cookie_lifetime', 60 * 60 * 24 * 15);
		setcookie("oc_username", $username, $expires, \OC::$WEBROOT, '', $secure_cookie);
		setcookie("oc_token", $token, $expires, \OC::$WEBROOT, '', $secure_cookie, true);
		setcookie("oc_remember_login", true, $expires, \OC::$WEBROOT, '', $secure_cookie);

	 * Remove cookie for "remember username"
	public function unsetMagicInCookie() {
		unset($_COOKIE["oc_username"]); //TODO: DI
		setcookie("oc_username", null, -1);
		setcookie("oc_token", null, -1);
		setcookie("oc_remember_login", null, -1);