<?php /** * ownCloud - App Framework * * @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright 2012 Bernhard Posselt dev@bernhard-posselt.com * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ namespace Test\AppFramework\Db; use OCP\AppFramework\Db\Entity; use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\IsType; /** * @method integer getId() * @method void setId(integer $id) * @method integer getTestId() * @method void setTestId(integer $id) * @method string getName() * @method void setName(string $name) * @method string getEmail() * @method void setEmail(string $email) * @method string getPreName() * @method void setPreName(string $preName) * @method bool getTrueOrFalse() * @method bool isTrueOrFalse() * @method void setTrueOrFalse(bool $trueOrFalse) * @method bool getAnotherBool() * @method bool isAnotherBool() * @method void setAnotherBool(bool $anotherBool) */ class TestEntity extends Entity { protected $name; protected $email; protected $testId; protected $preName; protected $trueOrFalse; protected $anotherBool; public function __construct($name = null) { $this->addType('testId', 'integer'); $this->addType('trueOrFalse', 'bool'); $this->addType('anotherBool', 'boolean'); $this->name = $name; } } class EntityTest extends \Test\TestCase { private $entity; protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->entity = new TestEntity(); } public function testResetUpdatedFields(){ $entity = new TestEntity(); $entity->setId(3); $entity->resetUpdatedFields(); $this->assertEquals([], $entity->getUpdatedFields()); } public function testFromRow(){ $row = [ 'pre_name' => 'john', 'email' => 'john@something.com' ]; $this->entity = TestEntity::fromRow($row); $this->assertEquals($row['pre_name'], $this->entity->getPreName()); $this->assertEquals($row['email'], $this->entity->getEmail()); } public function testGetSetId(){ $id = 3; $this->entity->setId(3); $this->assertEquals($id, $this->entity->getId()); } public function testColumnToPropertyNoReplacement(){ $column = 'my'; $this->assertEquals('my', $this->entity->columnToProperty($column)); } public function testColumnToProperty(){ $column = 'my_attribute'; $this->assertEquals('myAttribute', $this->entity->columnToProperty($column)); } public function testPropertyToColumnNoReplacement(){ $property = 'my'; $this->assertEquals('my', $this->entity->propertyToColumn($property)); } public function testSetterMarksFieldUpdated(){ $this->entity->setId(3); $this->assertContains('id', $this->entity->getUpdatedFields()); } public function testCallShouldOnlyWorkForGetterSetter(){ $this->expectException(\BadFunctionCallException::class); $this->entity->something(); } public function testGetterShouldFailIfAttributeNotDefined(){ $this->expectException(\BadFunctionCallException::class); $this->entity->getTest(); } public function testSetterShouldFailIfAttributeNotDefined(){ $this->expectException(\BadFunctionCallException::class); $this->entity->setTest(); } public function testFromRowShouldNotAssignEmptyArray(){ $row = []; $entity2 = new TestEntity(); $this->entity = TestEntity::fromRow($row); $this->assertEquals($entity2, $this->entity); } public function testIdGetsConvertedToInt(){ $row = ['id' => '4']; $this->entity = TestEntity::fromRow($row); $this->assertSame(4, $this->entity->getId()); } public function testSetType(){ $row = ['testId' => '4']; $this->entity = TestEntity::fromRow($row); $this->assertSame(4, $this->entity->getTestId()); } public function testFromParams(){ $params = [ 'testId' => 4, 'email' => 'john@doe' ]; $entity = TestEntity::fromParams($params); $this->assertEquals($params['testId'], $entity->getTestId()); $this->assertEquals($params['email'], $entity->getEmail()); $this->assertTrue($entity instanceof TestEntity); } public function testSlugify(){ $entity = new TestEntity(); $entity->setName('Slugify this!'); $this->assertEquals('slugify-this', $entity->slugify('name')); $entity->setName('°!"§$%&/()=?`´ß\}][{³²#\'+~*-_.:,;<>|äöüÄÖÜSlugify this!'); $this->assertEquals('slugify-this', $entity->slugify('name')); } public function testSetterCasts() { $entity = new TestEntity(); $entity->setId('3'); $this->assertSame(3, $entity->getId()); } public function testSetterDoesNotCastOnNull() { $entity = new TestEntity(); $entity->setId(null); $this->assertSame(null, $entity->getId()); } public function testGetFieldTypes() { $entity = new TestEntity(); $this->assertEquals([ 'id' => 'integer', 'testId' => 'integer', 'trueOrFalse' => 'bool', 'anotherBool' => 'boolean', ], $entity->getFieldTypes()); } public function testGetItInt() { $entity = new TestEntity(); $entity->setId(3); $this->assertEquals('integer', gettype($entity->getId())); } public function testFieldsNotMarkedUpdatedIfNothingChanges() { $entity = new TestEntity('hey'); $entity->setName('hey'); $this->assertEquals(0, count($entity->getUpdatedFields())); } public function testIsGetter() { $entity = new TestEntity(); $entity->setTrueOrFalse(false); $entity->setAnotherBool(false); $this->assertThat($entity->isTrueOrFalse(), new IsType(IsType::TYPE_BOOL)); $this->assertThat($entity->isAnotherBool(), new IsType(IsType::TYPE_BOOL)); } public function testIsGetterShoudFailForOtherType() { $this->expectException(\BadFunctionCallException::class); $entity = new TestEntity(); $entity->setName('hello'); $this->assertThat($entity->isName(), new IsType(IsType::TYPE_BOOL)); } }