
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Robin Appelman <icewind@owncloud.com>
 * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
 * later.
 * See the COPYING-README file.

namespace Test\DB;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SqlitePlatform;
use OC\DB\MDB2SchemaManager;
use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder;

 * Class Connection
 * @group DB
 * @package Test\DB
class ConnectionTest extends \Test\TestCase {
	 * @var \OCP\IDBConnection
	private $connection;

	public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void {

	public static function tearDownAfterClass(): void {

	protected static function dropTestTable() {
		if (\OC::$server->getConfig()->getSystemValue('dbtype', 'sqlite') !== 'oci') {

	protected function setUp(): void {
		$this->connection = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection();

	protected function tearDown(): void {

	 * @param string $table
	public function assertTableExist($table) {
		if ($this->connection->getDatabasePlatform() instanceof SqlitePlatform) {
			// sqlite removes the tables after closing the DB
		} else {
			$this->assertTrue($this->connection->tableExists($table), 'Table ' . $table . ' exists.');

	 * @param string $table
	public function assertTableNotExist($table) {
		if ($this->connection->getDatabasePlatform() instanceof SqlitePlatform) {
			// sqlite removes the tables after closing the DB
		} else {
			$this->assertFalse($this->connection->tableExists($table), 'Table ' . $table . " doesn't exist.");

	private function makeTestTable() {
		$schemaManager = new MDB2SchemaManager($this->connection);
		$schemaManager->createDbFromStructure(__DIR__ . '/testschema.xml');

	public function testTableExists() {

	 * @depends testTableExists
	public function testDropTable() {

	private function getTextValueByIntergerField($integerField) {
		$builder = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
		$query = $builder->select('textfield')
			->where($builder->expr()->eq('integerfield', $builder->createNamedParameter($integerField, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)));

		$result = $query->execute();
		return $result->fetchColumn();

	public function testSetValues() {
		$this->connection->setValues('table', [
			'integerfield' => 1
		], [
			'textfield' => 'foo',
			'clobfield' => 'not_null'

		$this->assertEquals('foo', $this->getTextValueByIntergerField(1));

	public function testSetValuesOverWrite() {
		$this->connection->setValues('table', [
			'integerfield' => 1
		], [
			'textfield' => 'foo'

		$this->connection->setValues('table', [
			'integerfield' => 1
		], [
			'textfield' => 'bar'

		$this->assertEquals('bar', $this->getTextValueByIntergerField(1));

	public function testSetValuesOverWritePrecondition() {
		$this->connection->setValues('table', [
			'integerfield' => 1
		], [
			'textfield' => 'foo',
			'booleanfield' => true,
			'clobfield' => 'not_null'

		$this->connection->setValues('table', [
			'integerfield' => 1
		], [
			'textfield' => 'bar'
		], [
			'booleanfield' => true

		$this->assertEquals('bar', $this->getTextValueByIntergerField(1));

	public function testSetValuesOverWritePreconditionFailed() {

		$this->connection->setValues('table', [
			'integerfield' => 1
		], [
			'textfield' => 'foo',
			'booleanfield' => true,
			'clobfield' => 'not_null'

		$this->connection->setValues('table', [
			'integerfield' => 1
		], [
			'textfield' => 'bar'
		], [
			'booleanfield' => false

	public function testSetValuesSameNoError() {
		$this->connection->setValues('table', [
			'integerfield' => 1
		], [
			'textfield' => 'foo',
			'clobfield' => 'not_null'

		// this will result in 'no affected rows' on certain optimizing DBs
		// ensure the PreConditionNotMetException isn't thrown
		$this->connection->setValues('table', [
			'integerfield' => 1
		], [
			'textfield' => 'foo'


	public function testInsertIfNotExist() {
		$categoryEntries = [
			['user' => 'test', 'category' => 'Family',    'expectedResult' => 1],
			['user' => 'test', 'category' => 'Friends',   'expectedResult' => 1],
			['user' => 'test', 'category' => 'Coworkers', 'expectedResult' => 1],
			['user' => 'test', 'category' => 'Coworkers', 'expectedResult' => 0],
			['user' => 'test', 'category' => 'School',    'expectedResult' => 1],
			['user' => 'test2', 'category' => 'Coworkers2', 'expectedResult' => 1],
			['user' => 'test2', 'category' => 'Coworkers2', 'expectedResult' => 0],
			['user' => 'test2', 'category' => 'School2',    'expectedResult' => 1],
			['user' => 'test2', 'category' => 'Coworkers', 'expectedResult' => 1],

		foreach ($categoryEntries as $entry) {
			$result = $this->connection->insertIfNotExist('*PREFIX*table',
					'textfield' => $entry['user'],
					'clobfield' => $entry['category'],
			$this->assertEquals($entry['expectedResult'], $result);

		$query = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*table`');
		$result = $query->execute();
		$this->assertEquals(7, count($query->fetchAll()));

	public function testInsertIfNotExistNull() {
		$categoryEntries = [
			['addressbookid' => 123, 'fullname' => null, 'expectedResult' => 1],
			['addressbookid' => 123, 'fullname' => null, 'expectedResult' => 0],
			['addressbookid' => 123, 'fullname' => 'test', 'expectedResult' => 1],

		foreach ($categoryEntries as $entry) {
			$result = $this->connection->insertIfNotExist('*PREFIX*table',
					'integerfield_default' => $entry['addressbookid'],
					'clobfield' => $entry['fullname'],
			$this->assertEquals($entry['expectedResult'], $result);

		$query = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*table`');
		$result = $query->execute();
		$this->assertEquals(2, count($query->fetchAll()));

	public function testInsertIfNotExistDonTOverwrite() {
		$fullName = 'fullname test';
		$uri = 'uri_1';

		// Normal test to have same known data inserted.
		$query = $this->connection->prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*table` (`textfield`, `clobfield`) VALUES (?, ?)');
		$result = $query->execute([$fullName, $uri]);
		$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
		$query = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `textfield`, `clobfield` FROM `*PREFIX*table` WHERE `clobfield` = ?');
		$result = $query->execute([$uri]);
		$rowset = $query->fetchAll();
		$this->assertEquals(1, count($rowset));
		$this->assertArrayHasKey('textfield', $rowset[0]);
		$this->assertEquals($fullName, $rowset[0]['textfield']);

		// Try to insert a new row
		$result = $this->connection->insertIfNotExist('*PREFIX*table',
				'textfield' => $fullName,
				'clobfield' => $uri,
		$this->assertEquals(0, $result);

		$query = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT `textfield`, `clobfield` FROM `*PREFIX*table` WHERE `clobfield` = ?');
		$result = $query->execute([$uri]);
		// Test that previously inserted data isn't overwritten
		// And that a new row hasn't been inserted.
		$rowset = $query->fetchAll();
		$this->assertEquals(1, count($rowset));
		$this->assertArrayHasKey('textfield', $rowset[0]);
		$this->assertEquals($fullName, $rowset[0]['textfield']);

	public function testInsertIfNotExistsViolating() {
		$result = $this->connection->insertIfNotExist('*PREFIX*table',
				'textfield' => md5('welcome.txt'),
				'clobfield' => $this->getUniqueID()
		$this->assertEquals(1, $result);

		$result = $this->connection->insertIfNotExist('*PREFIX*table',
				'textfield' => md5('welcome.txt'),
				'clobfield' => $this->getUniqueID()

		$this->assertEquals(0, $result);

	public function insertIfNotExistsViolatingThrows() {
		return [

	 * @dataProvider insertIfNotExistsViolatingThrows
	 * @param array $compareKeys
	public function testInsertIfNotExistsViolatingUnique($compareKeys) {
		$result = $this->connection->insertIfNotExist('*PREFIX*table',
				'integerfield' => 1,
				'clobfield' => $this->getUniqueID()
		$this->assertEquals(1, $result);

		$result = $this->connection->insertIfNotExist('*PREFIX*table',
				'integerfield' => 1,
				'clobfield' => $this->getUniqueID()
			], $compareKeys);

		$this->assertEquals(0, $result);

	public function testUniqueConstraintViolating() {


		$testQuery = 'INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*table` (`integerfield`, `textfield`) VALUES(?, ?)';
		$testParams = [1, 'hello'];

		$this->connection->executeUpdate($testQuery, $testParams);
		$this->connection->executeUpdate($testQuery, $testParams);