path: root/
blob: 57eefb29fd046e11c82e472089dd87291f23fddd (plain)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ownCloud
# Run JS tests
# @author Vincent Petry
# @copyright 2014 Vincent Petry <>
NPM="$(which npm 2>/dev/null)"

JS_FILES="core/js/*.js core/js/**/*.js apps/*/js/*.js"

if test -z "$NPM"
	echo 'Node JS >= 0.8 is required to build the documentation' >&2
	exit 1

# update/install test packages
mkdir -p "$PREFIX" && $NPM install --link --prefix "$PREFIX" jsdoc || exit 3

JSDOC_BIN="$(which jsdoc 2>/dev/null)"

# If not installed globally, try local version
if test -z "$JSDOC_BIN"

if test -z "$JSDOC_BIN"
	echo 'jsdoc executable not found' >&2
	exit 2

mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR"

30 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-07-05 02:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-07-05 00:12+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: I Robot <>\n"
"Language-Team: Latvian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: lv\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);\n"

#: ajax/share.php:97
#, php-format
msgid "%s shared »%s« with you"
msgstr ""

#: ajax/vcategories/add.php:26 ajax/vcategories/edit.php:25
msgid "Category type not provided."
msgstr "Kategorijas tips nav norādīts."

#: ajax/vcategories/add.php:30
msgid "No category to add?"
msgstr "Nav kategoriju, ko pievienot?"

#: ajax/vcategories/add.php:37
#, php-format
msgid "This category already exists: %s"
msgstr "Šāda kategorija jau eksistē — %s"

#: ajax/vcategories/addToFavorites.php:26 ajax/vcategories/delete.php:27
#: ajax/vcategories/favorites.php:24
#: ajax/vcategories/removeFromFavorites.php:26
msgid "Object type not provided."
msgstr "Objekta tips nav norādīts."

#: ajax/vcategories/addToFavorites.php:30
#: ajax/vcategories/removeFromFavorites.php:30
#, php-format
msgid "%s ID not provided."
msgstr "%s ID nav norādīts."

#: ajax/vcategories/addToFavorites.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Error adding %s to favorites."
msgstr "Kļūda, pievienojot %s izlasei."

#: ajax/vcategories/delete.php:35 js/oc-vcategories.js:136
msgid "No categories selected for deletion."
msgstr "Neviena kategorija nav izvēlēta dzēšanai."

#: ajax/vcategories/removeFromFavorites.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "Error removing %s from favorites."
msgstr "Kļūda, izņemot %s no izlases."

#: js/config.php:32
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Svētdiena"

#: js/config.php:33
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Pirmdiena"

#: js/config.php:34
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Otrdiena"

#: js/config.php:35
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Trešdiena"

#: js/config.php:36
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Ceturtdiena"

#: js/config.php:37
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Piektdiena"

#: js/config.php:38
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Sestdiena"

#: js/config.php:43
msgid "January"
msgstr "Janvāris"

#: js/config.php:44
msgid "February"
msgstr "Februāris"

#: js/config.php:45
msgid "March"
msgstr "Marts"

#: js/config.php:46
msgid "April"
msgstr "Aprīlis"

#: js/config.php:47
msgid "May"
msgstr "Maijs"

#: js/config.php:48
msgid "June"
msgstr "Jūnijs"

#: js/config.php:49
msgid "July"
msgstr "Jūlijs"

#: js/config.php:50
msgid "August"
msgstr "Augusts"

#: js/config.php:51
msgid "September"
msgstr "Septembris"

#: js/config.php:52
msgid "October"
msgstr "Oktobris"

#: js/config.php:53
msgid "November"
msgstr "Novembris"

#: js/config.php:54
msgid "December"
msgstr "Decembris"

#: js/js.js:289
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Iestatījumi"

#: js/js.js:721
msgid "seconds ago"
msgstr "sekundes atpakaļ"

#: js/js.js:722
msgid "1 minute ago"
msgstr "pirms 1 minūtes"

#: js/js.js:723
msgid "{minutes} minutes ago"
msgstr "pirms {minutes} minūtēm"

#: js/js.js:724
msgid "1 hour ago"
msgstr "pirms 1 stundas"

#: js/js.js:725
msgid "{hours} hours ago"
msgstr "pirms {hours} stundām"

#: js/js.js:726
msgid "today"
msgstr "šodien"

#: js/js.js:727
msgid "yesterday"
msgstr "vakar"

#: js/js.js:728
msgid "{days} days ago"
msgstr "pirms {days} dienām"

#: js/js.js:729
msgid "last month"
msgstr "pagājušajā mēnesī"

#: js/js.js:730
msgid "{months} months ago"
msgstr "pirms {months} mēnešiem"

#: js/js.js:731
msgid "months ago"
msgstr "mēnešus atpakaļ"

#: js/js.js:732
msgid "last year"
msgstr "gājušajā gadā"

#: js/js.js:733
msgid "years ago"
msgstr "gadus atpakaļ"

#: js/oc-dialogs.js:117
msgid "Choose"
msgstr "Izvēlieties"

#: js/oc-dialogs.js:122
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Atcelt"

#: js/oc-dialogs.js:141 js/oc-dialogs.js:200
msgid "Error loading file picker template"
msgstr ""

#: js/oc-dialogs.js:164
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Jā"

#: js/oc-dialogs.js:172
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nē"

#: js/oc-dialogs.js:185
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Labi"

#: js/oc-vcategories.js:5 js/oc-vcategories.js:85 js/oc-vcategories.js:102
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:117 js/oc-vcategories.js:132 js/oc-vcategories.js:162
msgid "The object type is not specified."
msgstr "Nav norādīts objekta tips."

#: js/oc-vcategories.js:14 js/oc-vcategories.js:80 js/oc-vcategories.js:95
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:110 js/oc-vcategories.js:125 js/oc-vcategories.js:136
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:172 js/oc-vcategories.js:189 js/oc-vcategories.js:195
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:199 js/share.js:136 js/share.js:143 js/share.js:618
#: js/share.js:630
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Kļūda"

#: js/oc-vcategories.js:179
msgid "The app name is not specified."
msgstr "Nav norādīts lietotnes nosaukums."

#: js/oc-vcategories.js:194
msgid "The required file {file} is not installed!"
msgstr "Pieprasītā datne {file} nav instalēta!"

#: js/share.js:30 js/share.js:45 js/share.js:87
msgid "Shared"
msgstr "Kopīgs"

#: js/share.js:90
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Dalīties"

#: js/share.js:125 js/share.js:658
msgid "Error while sharing"
msgstr "Kļūda, daloties"

#: js/share.js:136
msgid "Error while unsharing"
msgstr "Kļūda, beidzot dalīties"

#: js/share.js:143
msgid "Error while changing permissions"
msgstr "Kļūda, mainot atļaujas"

#: js/share.js:152
msgid "Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}"
msgstr "{owner} dalījās ar jums un grupu {group}"

#: js/share.js:154
msgid "Shared with you by {owner}"
msgstr "{owner} dalījās ar jums"

#: js/share.js:172
msgid "Share with"
msgstr "Dalīties ar"

#: js/share.js:177
msgid "Share with link"
msgstr "Dalīties ar saiti"

#: js/share.js:180
msgid "Password protect"
msgstr "Aizsargāt ar paroli"

#: js/share.js:182 templates/installation.php:54 templates/login.php:26
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Parole"

#: js/share.js:186
msgid "Allow Public Upload"
msgstr ""

#: js/share.js:189
msgid "Email link to person"
msgstr "Sūtīt saiti personai pa e-pastu"

#: js/share.js:190
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Sūtīt"

#: js/share.js:195
msgid "Set expiration date"
msgstr "Iestaties termiņa datumu"

#: js/share.js:196
msgid "Expiration date"
msgstr "Termiņa datums"

#: js/share.js:228
msgid "Share via email:"
msgstr "Dalīties, izmantojot e-pastu:"

#: js/share.js:230
msgid "No people found"
msgstr "Nav atrastu cilvēku"

#: js/share.js:268
msgid "Resharing is not allowed"
msgstr "Atkārtota dalīšanās nav atļauta"

#: js/share.js:304
msgid "Shared in {item} with {user}"
msgstr "Dalījās ar {item} ar {user}"

#: js/share.js:325
msgid "Unshare"
msgstr "Pārtraukt dalīšanos"

#: js/share.js:337
msgid "can edit"
msgstr "var rediģēt"

#: js/share.js:339
msgid "access control"
msgstr "piekļuves vadība"

#: js/share.js:342
msgid "create"
msgstr "izveidot"

#: js/share.js:345
msgid "update"
msgstr "atjaunināt"

#: js/share.js:348
msgid "delete"
msgstr "dzēst"

#: js/share.js:351
msgid "share"
msgstr "dalīties"

#: js/share.js:385 js/share.js:605
msgid "Password protected"
msgstr "Aizsargāts ar paroli"

#: js/share.js:618
msgid "Error unsetting expiration date"
msgstr "Kļūda, noņemot termiņa datumu"

#: js/share.js:630
msgid "Error setting expiration date"
msgstr "Kļūda, iestatot termiņa datumu"

#: js/share.js:645
msgid "Sending ..."
msgstr "Sūta..."

#: js/share.js:656
msgid "Email sent"
msgstr "Vēstule nosūtīta"

#: js/update.js:14
msgid ""
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a "
"href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud "
msgstr "Atjaunināšana beidzās nesekmīgi. Lūdzu, ziņojiet par šo problēmu <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud kopienai</a>."

#: js/update.js:18
msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now."
msgstr "Atjaunināšana beidzās sekmīgi. Tagad pārsūta jūs uz ownCloud."

#: lostpassword/controller.php:60
msgid "ownCloud password reset"
msgstr "ownCloud paroles maiņa"

#: lostpassword/templates/email.php:2
msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}"
msgstr "Izmantojiet šo saiti, lai mainītu paroli: {link}"

#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:4
msgid ""
"The link to reset your password has been sent to your email.<br>If you do "
"not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk "
"folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator ."
msgstr ""

#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:12
msgid "Request failed!<br>Did you make sure your email/username was right?"
msgstr ""

#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:15
msgid "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email."
msgstr "Jūs savā epastā saņemsiet interneta saiti, caur kuru varēsiet atjaunot paroli."

#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:18 templates/installation.php:48
#: templates/login.php:19
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Lietotājvārds"

#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:22
msgid ""
"Your files are encrypted. If you haven't enabled the recovery key, there "
"will be no way to get your data back after your password is reset. If you "
"are not sure what to do, please contact your administrator before you "
"continue. Do you really want to continue?"
msgstr ""

#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:24
msgid "Yes, I really want to reset my password now"
msgstr ""

#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:27
msgid "Request reset"
msgstr "Pieprasīt paroles maiņu"

#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:4
msgid "Your password was reset"
msgstr "Jūsu parole tika nomainīta"

#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:5
msgid "To login page"
msgstr "Uz ielogošanās lapu"

#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:8
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Jauna parole"

#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:11
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr "Mainīt paroli"

#: strings.php:5
msgid "Personal"
msgstr "Personīgi"

#: strings.php:6
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Lietotāji"

#: strings.php:7
msgid "Apps"
msgstr "Lietotnes"

#: strings.php:8
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Administratori"

#: strings.php:9
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Palīdzība"

#: templates/403.php:12
msgid "Access forbidden"
msgstr "Pieeja ir liegta"

#: templates/404.php:12
msgid "Cloud not found"
msgstr "Mākonis netika atrasts"

#: templates/altmail.php:2
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hey there,\n"
"just letting you know that %s shared %s with you.\n"
"View it: %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: templates/altmail.php:7 templates/mail.php:24
msgid "web services under your control"
msgstr "tīmekļa servisi tavā varā"

#: templates/edit_categories_dialog.php:4
msgid "Edit categories"
msgstr "Rediģēt kategoriju"

#: templates/edit_categories_dialog.php:16
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Pievienot"

#: templates/installation.php:24 templates/installation.php:31
#: templates/installation.php:38
msgid "Security Warning"
msgstr "Brīdinājums par drošību"

#: templates/installation.php:25
msgid "Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)"
msgstr ""

#: templates/installation.php:26
msgid "Please update your PHP installation to use ownCloud securely."
msgstr ""

#: templates/installation.php:32
msgid ""
"No secure random number generator is available, please enable the PHP "
"OpenSSL extension."
msgstr "Nav pieejams drošs nejaušu skaitļu ģenerators. Lūdzu, aktivējiet PHP OpenSSL paplašinājumu."

#: templates/installation.php:33
msgid ""
"Without a secure random number generator an attacker may be able to predict "
"password reset tokens and take over your account."
msgstr "Bez droša nejaušu skaitļu ģeneratora uzbrucējs var paredzēt paroļu atjaunošanas marķierus un pārņem jūsu kontu."

#: templates/installation.php:39
msgid ""
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet "
"because the .htaccess file does not work."
msgstr "Visticamāk, jūsu datu direktorija un datnes ir pieejamas no interneta, jo .htaccess datne nedarbojas."

#: templates/installation.php:40
msgid ""
"For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a "
"href=\"\" "
msgstr "Lai uzzinātu, kā pareizi jākonfigurē šis serveris, skatiet <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dokumentāciju</a>."

#: templates/installation.php:44
msgid "Create an <strong>admin account</strong>"
msgstr "Izveidot <strong>administratora kontu</strong>"

#: templates/installation.php:62
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Paplašināti"

#: templates/installation.php:64
msgid "Data folder"
msgstr "Datu mape"

#: templates/installation.php:74
msgid "Configure the database"
msgstr "Konfigurēt datubāzi"

#: templates/installation.php:79 templates/installation.php:91
#: templates/installation.php:102 templates/installation.php:113
#: templates/installation.php:125
msgid "will be used"
msgstr "tiks izmantots"

#: templates/installation.php:137
msgid "Database user"
msgstr "Datubāzes lietotājs"

#: templates/installation.php:144
msgid "Database password"
msgstr "Datubāzes parole"

#: templates/installation.php:149
msgid "Database name"
msgstr "Datubāzes nosaukums"

#: templates/installation.php:159
msgid "Database tablespace"
msgstr "Datubāzes tabulas telpa"

#: templates/installation.php:166
msgid "Database host"
msgstr "Datubāzes serveris"

#: templates/installation.php:172
msgid "Finish setup"
msgstr "Pabeigt iestatīšanu"

#: templates/layout.user.php:43
#, php-format
msgid "%s is available. Get more information on how to update."
msgstr ""

#: templates/layout.user.php:68
msgid "Log out"
msgstr "Izrakstīties"

#: templates/login.php:9
msgid "Automatic logon rejected!"
msgstr "Automātiskā ierakstīšanās ir noraidīta!"

#: templates/login.php:10
msgid ""
"If you did not change your password recently, your account may be "
msgstr "Ja neesat pēdējā laikā mainījis paroli, iespējams, ka jūsu konts ir kompromitēts."

#: templates/login.php:12
msgid "Please change your password to secure your account again."
msgstr "Lūdzu, nomainiet savu paroli, lai atkal nodrošinātu savu kontu."

#: templates/login.php:34
msgid "Lost your password?"
msgstr "Aizmirsāt paroli?"

#: templates/login.php:39
msgid "remember"
msgstr "atcerēties"

#: templates/login.php:41
msgid "Log in"
msgstr "Ierakstīties"

#: templates/login.php:47
msgid "Alternative Logins"
msgstr "Alternatīvās pieteikšanās"

#: templates/mail.php:15
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Hey there,<br><br>just letting you know that %s shared »%s« with you.<br><a "
"href=\"%s\">View it!</a><br><br>Cheers!"
msgstr ""

#: templates/part.pagenavi.php:3
msgid "prev"
msgstr "iepriekšējā"

#: templates/part.pagenavi.php:20
msgid "next"
msgstr "nākamā"

#: templates/update.php:3
#, php-format
msgid "Updating ownCloud to version %s, this may take a while."
msgstr "Atjaunina ownCloud uz versiju %s. Tas var aizņemt kādu laiciņu."