{ "translations": {
"Please select a file." : "Odaberite datoteku.",
"File is too big" : "Datoteka je prevelika",
"The selected file is not an image." : "Odabrana datoteka nije slika.",
"The selected file cannot be read." : "Nije moguće pročitati odabranu datoteku.",
"The file was uploaded" : "Datoteka je otpremljena",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "Otpremljena datoteka premašuje postavku upload_max_filesize u datoteci php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "Otpremljena datoteka premašuje postavku MAX_FILE_SIZE koja je navedena u obrascu HTML-a",
"The file was only partially uploaded" : "Datoteka je samo djelomično otpremljena",
"No file was uploaded" : "Nikakva datoteka nije učitana",
"Missing a temporary folder" : "Nedostaje privremena mapa",
"Could not write file to disk" : "Nije moguće zapisati datoteku na disk",
"A PHP extension stopped the file upload" : "Proširenje PHP-a zaustavilo je otpremanje datoteke",
"Invalid file provided" : "Nevažeća datoteka",
"No image or file provided" : "Nijedna slika ili datoteka nije dobavljena",
"Unknown filetype" : "Vrsta datoteke nepoznata",
"Invalid image" : "Neispravna slika",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Došlo je do pogreške. Obratite se svom administratoru.",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "Slike privremenih profila nisu dostupne, pokušajte ponovno",
"No crop data provided" : "Nema podataka o rezanju",
"No valid crop data provided" : "Nema valjanih podataka za rezanje",
"Crop is not square" : "Rez nije kvadrat",
"State token does not match" : "Token stanja nije podudaran",
"Invalid app password" : "Netočna zaporka aplikacije",
"Could not complete login" : "Prijava nije uspjela",
"Your login token is invalid or has expired" : "Vaš token za prijavu nije važeći ili je istekao",
"Password reset is disabled" : "Resetiranje zaporke je onemogućeno",
"Couldn't reset password because the token is invalid" : "Resetiranje zaporke nije moguće jer je token neispravan",
"Couldn't reset password because the token is expired" : "Resetiranje zaporke nije moguće jer je token istekao",
"%s password reset" : "%s zaporka resetirana",
"Password reset" : "Resetiranje zaporke",
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Kliknite gumb kako biste resetirali svoju zaporku. Ako niste podnijeli zahtjev za resetiranje zaporke, zanemarite ovu poruku.",
"Click the following link to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Kliknite sljedeću poveznicu kako biste resetirali svoju zaporku. Ako niste podnijeli zahtjev za resetiranje zaporke, zanemarite ovu poruku.",
"Reset your password" : "Resetirajte svoju zaporku",
"Nextcloud Server" : "Nextcloud poslužitelj",
"Some of your link shares have been removed" : "Uklonjene su neke od vaših dijeljenih poveznica",
"Due to a security bug we had to remove some of your link shares. Please see the link for more information." : "Zbog sigurnosne pogreške morali smo ukloniti neke od vaših dijeljenih poveznica. Za više informacija pogledajte poveznicu.",
"The user limit of this instance is reached." : "Dostignuto je ograničenje broja korisnika za ovu instancu.",
"Enter your subscription key to increase the user limit. For more information about Nextcloud Enterprise see our website." : "Unesite svoju šifru pretplate kako biste povećali ograničenje broja korisnika. Više informacija o pretplati Nextcloud Enterprise možete pronaći na našem web-mjestu.",
"Preparing update" : "Priprema ažuriranja",
"[%d / %d]: %s" : "[%d / %d]: %s",
"Repair step:" : "Korak ispravljanja pogreške:",
"Repair info:" : "Informacije o ispravljanju pogreške:",
"Repair warning:" : "Upozorenje o ispravljanju pogreške:",
"Repair error:" : "Pogreška ispravljanja pogreške:",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Ažurirajte putem naredbenog retka jer je automatsko ažuriranje onemogućeno u datoteci config.php.",
"[%d / %d]: Checking table %s" : "[%d / %d]: Provjeravanje tablice %s",
"Turned on maintenance mode" : "Način rada za održavanje uključen",
"Turned off maintenance mode" : "Način rada za održavanje isključen",
"Maintenance mode is kept active" : "Način rada za održavanje održan",
"Updating database schema" : "Ažuriranje sheme baze podataka",
"Updated database" : "Baza podataka ažurirana",
"Checking whether the database schema for %s can be updated (this can take a long time depending on the database size)" : "U tijeku je provjera može li se ažurirati shema baze podataka za %s (može potrajati ovisno o veličini baze podataka)",
"Updated \"%1$s\" to %2$s" : "Ažurirano „%1$s” u %2$s",
"Set log level to debug" : "Postavi razinu zapisa za otklanjanje pogrešaka",
"Reset log level" : "Resetiraj razinu zapisa",
"Starting code integrity check" : "Početna provjera cjelovitosti koda",
"Finished code integrity check" : "Provjera cjelovitosti koda je završena",
"%s (incompatible)" : "%s (nije kompatibilno)",
"The following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Sljedeće aplikacije su onemogućene: %s",
"Already up to date" : "Nema potrebe za ažuriranjem",
"Your web server is not yet properly set up to allow file synchronization, because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Vaš mrežni poslužitelj nije pravilno podešen za sinkronizaciju podataka jer je sučelje protokola WebDAV neispravno.",
"Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "Vaš mrežni poslužitelj ne može razriješiti „{url}”. Više informacija možete pronaći u {linkstart}dokumentaciji ↗{linkend}.",
"Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". This is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in \".htaccess\" for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx at it's {linkstart}documentation page ↗{linkend}. On Nginx those are typically the lines starting with \"location ~\" that need an update." : "Vaš web poslužitelj nije ispravno postavljen za razrješavanje „{url}”. To je najvjerojatnije uzrokovano konfiguracijom web-poslužitelja koja nije ažurirana i ne isporučuje izravno mapu. Usporedite svoju konfiguraciju s isporučenim pravilima za prepisivanje u „.htaccess” za Apache ili u dokumentaciji za Nginx na {linkstart}stranici s dokumentacijom ↗{linkend}. Na Nginxu su to obično linije koje počinju s „location ~” i potrebno ih je ažurirati.",
"Your web server is not properly set up to deliver .woff2 files. This is typically an issue with the Nginx configuration. For Nextcloud 15 it needs an adjustement to also deliver .woff2 files. Compare your Nginx configuration to the recommended configuration in our {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "Vaš web poslužitelj nije ispravno postavljen za isporuku .woff2 datoteka. To je obično problem s konfiguracijom Nginxa. Nextcloud 15 zahtijeva podešavanje za isporuku .woff2 datoteka. Usporedite svoju Nginx konfiguraciju s preporučenom konfiguracijom u našoj {linkstart}dokumentaciji ↗{linkend}.",
"PHP does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response." : "Čini se da PHP nije ispravno postavljen za slanje upita u vezi s varijablama okruženja sustava. Ispitivanje s getenv („PATH”) vraća samo prazan odgovor.",
"Please check the {linkstart}installation documentation ↗{linkend} for PHP configuration notes and the PHP configuration of your server, especially when using php-fpm." : "Provjerite {linkstart}instalacijsku dokumentaciju ↗{linkend} za napomene o konfiguraciji PHP-a i konfiguraciju PHP-a na svojem poslužitelju, posebice ako upotrebljavate php-fpm.",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "Omogućena je konfiguracija samo za čitanje. Time se sprječava postavljanje nekih konfiguracija putem web-sučelja. Nadalje, datoteku treba ručno prebaciti u način pisanja pri svakom ažuriranju.",
"Your database does not run with \"READ COMMITTED\" transaction isolation level. This can cause problems when multiple actions are executed in parallel." : "Vaša se baza podataka ne pokreće s razinom izolacije transakcije „READ COMMITTED”. To može uzrokovati probleme kada se paralelno izvršava više radnji.",
"The PHP module \"fileinfo\" is missing. It is strongly recommended to enable this module to get the best results with MIME type detection." : "Nedostaje PHP modul „fileinfo”. Preporučujemo da omogućite ovaj modul kako biste postigli najbolje rezultate s detekcijom vrste MIME.",
"Transactional file locking is disabled, this might lead to issues with race conditions. Enable \"filelocking.enabled\" in config.php to avoid these problems. See the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend} for more information." : "Onemogućeno je zaključavanje transakcijskih datoteka što može dovesti do problema s uvjetima utrke. Omogućite „filelocking.enabled” u datoteci config.php kako biste izbjegli navedene probleme. Pogledajte {linkstart}dokumentaciju ↗{linkend} za više informacija.",
"If your installation is not installed at the root of the domain and uses system cron, there can be issues with the URL generation. To avoid these problems, please set the \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php file to the webroot path of your installation (suggestion: \"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\")" : "Ako instalacija nije instalirana u korijenu domene i koristi se sustav cron, može doći do problema s generiranjem URL-a. Kako biste izbjegli takve probleme, postavite opciju „overwrite.cli.url” u datoteci config.php na webroot put svoje instalacije (prijedlog: „{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}”)",
"Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} of the region to your config file." : "Nije postavljena zadana regija telefonskih brojeva za vašu instalaciju. Potrebna je radi provjeravanja valjanosti telefonskih brojeva u postavkama profila bez pozivnog broja države. Kako biste omogućili korištenje brojeva bez pozivnog broja države dodajte „default_phone_region” s odgovarajućom {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 šifrom ↗{linkend} regije u svoju konfiguracijsku datoteku.",
"It was not possible to execute the cron job via CLI. The following technical errors have appeared:" : "Nije bilo moguće izvršiti cron zadatak putem sučelja komandne linije. Došlo je do sljedećih tehničkih pogrešaka:",
"Last background job execution ran {relativeTime}. Something seems wrong. {linkstart}Check the background job settings ↗{linkend}." : "Zadnje izvršenje zadatka u pozadini trajalo je {relativeTime}. Nešto nije u redu. {linkstart}Provjerite postavke za pozadinske zadatke ↗{linkend}.",
"This server has no working Internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the Internet to enjoy all features." : "Ovaj poslužitelj nema aktivnu internetsku vezu: nije moguće pristupiti višestrukim krajnjim točkama. To znači da neće raditi neke značajke kao što su postavljanje vanjske pohrane, obavijesti o ažuriranjima ili instalacija aplikacija treće strane. Daljinski pristup datotekama i slanje e-pošte s obavijestima također možda neće raditi. Uspostavite internetsku vezu za ovaj poslužitelj kako biste se mogli koristiti svim značajkama.",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "Nije konfigurirana nikakva predmemorija. Kako biste poboljšali performanse sustava, konfigurirajte predmemoriju ako je dostupna. Više informacija možete pronaći u {linkstart}dokumentaciji ↗{linkend}.",
"No suitable source for randomness found by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "PHP nije pronašao nikakav izvor nasumičnosti što nije povoljno iz sigurnosnog gledišta. Više informacija možete pronaći u {linkstart}dokumentaciji ↗{linkend}.",
"You are currently running PHP {version}. Upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of {linkstart}performance and security updates provided by the PHP Group ↗{linkend} as soon as your distribution supports it." : "Trenutno upotrebljavate PHP {version}. Nadogradite inačicu PHP-a kako biste iskoristili {linkstart}ažuriranja performansi i sigurnosti koje isporučuje PHP Grupa ↗{linkend} čim vam vaša distribucija to omogući.",
"Nextcloud 20 is the last release supporting PHP 7.2. Nextcloud 21 requires at least PHP 7.3." : "Nextcloud 20 posljednje je izdanje s podrškom za PHP 7.2. Nextcloud 21 zahtjeva najmanje PHP 7.3.",
"The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If not, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nextcloud. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "Konfiguracija obrnutog proxy zaglavlja je netočna ili pristupate Nextcloudu putem pouzdanog proxy poslužitelja. Ako to nije slučaj, radi se o sigurnosnom problemu koji može omogućiti napadaču da lažno predstavi svoju IP adresu koja je vidljiva Nextcloudu. Dodatne informacije možete pronaći u {linkstart}dokumentaciji ↗{linkend}.",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module \"memcache\" is installed. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached only supports \"memcached\" and not \"memcache\". See the {linkstart}memcached wiki about both modules ↗{linkend}." : "Memcached je konfiguriran kao distribuirana predmemorija, ali je instaliran pogrešan PHP modul „memcache”. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached podržava samo „memcached”, a ne „memcache”. Pogledajte {linkstart}memcached wiki za informacije o oba modula ↗{linkend}.",
"Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in the {linkstart1}documentation ↗{linkend}. ({linkstart2}List of invalid files…{linkend} / {linkstart3}Rescan…{linkend})" : "Neke datoteke nisu prošle provjeru cjelovitosti. Dodatne informacije o tome kako riješiti taj problem možete pronaći u {linkstart1}dokumentaciji ↗{linkend}. ({linkstart2}Popis nevažećih datoteka…{linkend} / {linkstart3}Ponovno skeniranje…{linkend})",
"The PHP OPcache module is not loaded. {linkstart}For better performance it is recommended ↗{linkend} to load it into your PHP installation." : "PHP OPcache modul nije učitan. {linkstart}Preporučuje se da ga učitate ↗{linkend} u svoju instalaciju PHP-a kako biste poboljšali performanse.",
"The PHP OPcache module is not properly configured. {linkstart}For better performance it is recommended ↗{linkend} to use the following settings in the <code>php.ini</code>:" : "PHP OPcache modul nije pravilno konfiguriran. {linkstart}Preporučuje se da ↗{linkend} koristite sljedeće postavke u datoteci <code>php.ini</code> kako biste poboljšali performanse:",
"The PHP function \"set_time_limit\" is not available. This could result in scripts being halted mid-execution, breaking your installation. Enabling this function is strongly recommended." : "Funkcija PHP-a „set_time_limit” nije dostupna. To bi moglo dovesti do zaustavljanja skripti tijekom izvršenja i prekida instalacije. Preporučuje se uključivanje ove funkcije.",
"Your PHP does not have FreeType support, resulting in breakage of profile pictures and the settings interface." : "Vaš PHP nema podršku za FreeType što može uzrokovati neispravan prikaz profilnih slika i sučelja postavki.",
"Missing index \"{indexName}\" in table \"{tableName}\"." : "Nedostaje indeks „{indexName}” u tablici „{tableName}”.",
"The database is missing some indexes. Due to the fact that adding indexes on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically. By running \"occ db:add-missing-indices\" those missing indexes could be added manually while the instance keeps running. Once the indexes are added queries to those tables are usually much faster." : "U bazi podataka nedostaju određeni indeksi. Zbog činjenice da bi dodavanje indeksa u velikim tablicama moglo potrajati neko duže vrijeme, isti se ne dodaju automatski. Izvršenjem „occ db:add-missing-indices” se ti indeksi mogu ručno dodati dok instanca radi. Kada se indeksi dodaju, upiti u te tablice obično su mnogo brži.",
"Missing primary key on table \"{tableName}\"." : "Nedostaje primarni ključ u tablici „{tableName}”.",
"The database is missing some primary keys. Due to the fact that adding primary keys on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically. By running \"occ db:add-missing-primary-keys\" those missing primary keys could be added manually while the instance keeps running." : "U bazi podataka nedostaju određeni primarni ključevi. Zbog činjenice da bi dodavanje primarnih ključeva moglo potrajati neko duže vrijeme u velikim tablicama, isti se ne dodaju automatski. Izvršenjem „occ db:add-missing-primary-keys” ti se primarni ključevi mogu ručno /**
* Disable console output unless DEBUG mode is enabled.
* Add
* define('DEBUG', true);
* To the end of config/config.php to enable debug mode.
* The undefined checks fix the broken ie8 console
var oc_debug;
var oc_webroot;
var oc_current_user = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].getAttribute('data-user');
var oc_requesttoken = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].getAttribute('data-requesttoken');
window.oc_config = window.oc_config || {};
if (typeof oc_webroot === "undefined") {
oc_webroot = location.pathname;
var pos = oc_webroot.indexOf('/index.php/');
if (pos !== -1) {
oc_webroot = oc_webroot.substr(0, pos);
else {
oc_webroot = oc_webroot.substr(0, oc_webroot.lastIndexOf('/'));
if (
oc_debug !== true || typeof console === "undefined" ||
typeof console.log === "undefined"
) {
if (!window.console) {
window.console = {};
var noOp = function() { };
var methods = ['log', 'debug', 'warn', 'info', 'error', 'assert', 'time', 'timeEnd'];
for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
console[methods[i]] = noOp;
function initL10N(app) {
if (!( t.cache[app] )) {
$.ajax(OC.filePath('core', 'ajax', 'translations.php'), {
// TODO a proper solution for this without sync ajax calls
async: false,
data: {'app': app},
type: 'POST',
success: function (jsondata) {
t.cache[app] = jsondata.data;
t.plural_form = jsondata.plural_form;
// Bad answer ...
if (!( t.cache[app] )) {
t.cache[app] = [];
if (typeof t.plural_function[app] === 'undefined') {
t.plural_function[app] = function (n) {
var p = (n !== 1) ? 1 : 0;
return { 'nplural' : 2, 'plural' : p };
* code below has been taken from jsgettext - which is LGPL licensed
* https://developer.berlios.de/projects/jsgettext/
* http://cvs.berlios.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jsgettext/jsgettext/lib/Gettext.js
var pf_re = new RegExp('^(\\s*nplurals\\s*=\\s*[0-9]+\\s*;\\s*plural\\s*=\\s*(?:\\s|[-\\?\\|&=!<>+*/%:;a-zA-Z0-9_\\(\\)])+)', 'm');
if (pf_re.test(t.plural_form)) {
//ex english: "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
//pf = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
//ex russian: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10< =4 && (n%100<10 or n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)
//pf = "nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)";
var pf = t.plural_form;
if (! /;\s*$/.test(pf)) {
pf = pf.concat(';');
/* We used to use eval, but it seems IE has issues with it.
* We now use "new Function", though it carries a slightly
* bigger performance hit.
var code = 'function (n) { var plural; var nplurals; '+pf+' return { "nplural" : nplurals, "plural" : (plural === true ? 1 : plural ? plural : 0) }; };';
Gettext._locale_data[domain].head.plural_func = eval("("+code+")");
var code = 'var plural; var nplurals; '+pf+' return { "nplural" : nplurals, "plural" : (plural === true ? 1 : plural ? plural : 0) };';
t.plural_function[app] = new Function("n", code);
} else {
console.log("Syntax error in language file. Plural-Forms header is invalid ["+t.plural_forms+"]");
* translate a string
* @param {string} app the id of the app for which to translate the string
* @param {string} text the string to translate
* @param [vars] FIXME
* @param {number} [count] number to replace %n with
* @return {string}
function t(app, text, vars, count){
var _build = function (text, vars, count) {
return text.replace(/%n/g, count).replace(/{([^{}]*)}/g,
function (a, b) {
var r = vars[b];
return typeof r === 'string' || typeof r === 'number' ? r : a;
var translation = text;
if( typeof( t.cache[app][text] ) !== 'undefined' ){
translation = t.cache[app][text];
if(typeof vars === 'object' || count !== undefined ) {
return _build(translation, vars, count);
} else {
return translation;
t.cache = {};
// different apps might or might not redefine the nplurals function correctly
// this is to make sure that a "broken" app doesn't mess up with the
// other app's plural function
t.plural_function = {};
* translate a string
* @param {string} app the id of the app for which to translate the string
* @param {string} text_singular the string to translate for exactly one object
* @param {string} text_plural the string to translate for n objects
* @param {number} count number to determine whether to use singular or plural
* @param [vars] FIXME
* @return {string} Translated string
function n(app, text_singular, text_plural, count, vars) {
var identifier = '_' + text_singular + '_::_' + text_plural + '_';
if( typeof( t.cache[app][identifier] ) !== 'undefined' ){
var translation = t.cache[app][identifier];
if ($.isArray(translation)) {
var plural = t.plural_function[app](count);
return t(app, translation[plural.plural], vars, count);
if(count === 1) {
return t(app, text_singular, vars, count);
return t(app, text_plural, vars, count);
* Sanitizes a HTML string by replacing all potential dangerous characters with HTML entities
* @param {string} s String to sanitize
* @return {string} Sanitized string
function escapeHTML(s) {
return s.toString().split('&').join('&').split('<').join('<').split('>').join('>').split('"').join('"').split('\'').join(''');
* Get the path to download a file
* @param {string} file The filename
* @param {string} dir The directory the file is in - e.g. $('#dir').val()
* @return {string} Path to download the file
* @deprecated use Files.getDownloadURL() instead
function fileDownloadPath(dir, file) {
return OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'download.php')+'?files='+encodeURIComponent(file)+'&dir='+encodeURIComponent(dir);
var OC={
/* jshint camelcase: false */
appswebroots:(typeof oc_appswebroots !== 'undefined') ? oc_appswebroots:false,
currentUser:(typeof oc_current_user!=='undefined')?oc_current_user:false,
config: window.oc_config,
appConfig: window.oc_appconfig || {},
theme: window.oc_defaults || {},
coreApps:['', 'admin','log','search','settings','core','3rdparty'],
menuSpeed: 100,
* Get an absolute url to a file in an app
* @param {string} app the id of the app the file belongs to
* @param {string} file the file path relative to the app folder
* @return {string} Absolute URL to a file
return OC.filePath(app,'',file);
* Creates a relative url for remote use
* @param {string} service id
* @return {string} the url
linkToRemoteBase:function(service) {
return OC.webroot + '/remote.php/' + service;
* @brief Creates an absolute url for remote use
* @param {string} service id
* @return {string} the url
linkToRemote:function(service) {
return window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + OC.linkToRemoteBase(service);
* Gets the base path for the given OCS API service.
* @param {string} service name
* @return {string} OCS API base path
linkToOCS: function(service) {
return window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + OC.webroot + '/ocs/v1.php/' + service + '/';
* Generates the absolute url for the given relative url, which can contain parameters.
* @param {string} url
* @param params
* @return {string} Absolute URL for the given relative URL
generateUrl: function(url, params) {
var _build = function (text, vars) {
return text.replace(/{([^{}]*)}/g,
function (a, b) {
var r = vars[b];
return typeof r === 'string' || typeof r === 'number' ? r : a;
if (url.charAt(0) !== '/') {
url = '/' + url;
return OC.webroot + '/index.php' + _build(url, params);
* Get the absolute url for a file in an app
* @param {string} app the id of the app
* @param {string} type the type of the file to link to (e.g. css,img,ajax.template)
* @param {string} file the filename
* @return {string} Absolute URL for a file in an app
var isCore=OC.coreApps.indexOf(app)!==-1,
if((file.substring(file.length-3) === 'php' || file.substring(file.length-3) === 'css') && !isCore){
link+='/index.php/apps/' + app;
if (file != 'index.php') {
link+=encodeURI(type + '/');
link+= file;
}else if(file.substring(file.length-3) !== 'php' && !isCore){
link+= '/'+type+'/';
if(link.substring(link.length-1) !== '/'){
if ((app == 'settings' || app == 'core' || app == 'search') && type == 'ajax') {
else {
if (app !== '') {
return link;
* Redirect to the target URL, can also be used for downloads.
* @param {string} targetURL URL to redirect to
redirect: function(targetURL) {
window.location = targetURL;
* get the absolute path to an image file
* if no extension is given for the image, it will automatically decide
* between .png and .svg based on what the browser supports
* @param {string} app the app id to which the image belongs
* @param {string} file the name of the image file
* @return {string}
if(file.indexOf('.')==-1){//if no extension is given, use png or svg depending on browser support
return OC.filePath(app,'img',file);
* Load a script for the server and load it. If the script is already loaded,
* the event handler will be called directly
* @param {string} app the app id to which the script belongs
* @param {string} script the filename of the script
* @param ready event handler to be called when the script is loaded
var deferred, path=OC.filePath(app,'js',script+'.js');
return OC.addScript.loaded[path];
* Loads a CSS file
* @param {string} app the app id to which the css style belongs
* @param {string} style the filename of the css file
var path=OC.filePath(app,'css',style+'.css');
if (document.createStyleSheet) {
} else {
style=$('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+path+'"/>');
* @todo Write the documentation
basename: function(path) {
return path.replace(/\\/g,'/').replace( /.*\//, '' );
* @todo Write the documentation
dirname: function(path) {
return path.replace(/\\/g,'/').replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '');
* Do a search query and display the results
* @param {string} query the search query
search: _.debounce(function(query){
$.getJSON(OC.filePath('search','ajax','search.php')+'?query='+encodeURIComponent(query), function(results){
}, 500),
mtime2date:function(mtime) {
mtime = parseInt(mtime,10);
var date = new Date(1000*mtime);
return date.getDate()+'.'+(date.getMonth()+1)+'.'+date.getFullYear()+', '+date.getHours()+':'+date.getMinutes();
* Parses a URL query string into a JS map
* @param {string} queryString query string in the format param1=1234¶m2=abcde¶m3=xyz
* @return map containing key/values matching the URL parameters
var parts,
result = {},
if (!queryString){
return null;
pos = queryString.indexOf('?');
if (pos >= 0){
queryString = queryString.substr(pos + 1);
parts = queryString.replace(/\+/g, '%20').split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++){
// split on first equal sign
var part = parts[i];
pos = part.indexOf('=');
if (pos >= 0) {
components = [
part.substr(0, pos),
part.substr(pos + 1)
else {
// key only
components = [part];
if (!components.length){
key = decodeURIComponent(components[0]);
if (!key){
// if equal sign was there, return string
if (components.length > 1) {
result[key] = decodeURIComponent(components[1]);
// no equal sign => null value
else {
result[key] = null;
return result;
* Builds a URL query from a JS map.
* @param params parameter map
* @return {string} String containing a URL query (without question) mark
buildQueryString: function(params) {
if (!params) {
return '';
return $.map(params, function(value, key) {
var s = encodeURIComponent(key);
if (value !== null && typeof(value) !== 'undefined') {
s += '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);
return s;
* Opens a popup with the setting for an app.
* @param {string} appid The ID of the app e.g. 'calendar', 'contacts' or 'files'.
* @param {boolean|string} loadJS If true 'js/settings.js' is loaded. If it's a string
* it will attempt to load a script by that name in the 'js' directory.
* @param {boolean} [cache] If true the javascript file won't be forced refreshed. Defaults to true.
* @param {string} [scriptName] The name of the PHP file to load. Defaults to 'settings.php' in
* the root of the app directory hierarchy.
appSettings:function(args) {
if(typeof args === 'undefined' || typeof args.appid === 'undefined') {
throw { name: 'MissingParameter', message: 'The parameter appid is missing' };
var props = {scriptName:'settings.php', cache:true};
$.extend(props, args);
var settings = $('#appsettings');
if(settings.length === 0) {
throw { name: 'MissingDOMElement', message: 'There has be be an element with id "appsettings" for the popup to show.' };
var popup = $('#appsettings_popup');
if(popup.length === 0) {
$('body').prepend('<div class="popup hidden" id="appsettings_popup"></div>');
popup = $('#appsettings_popup');
popup.addClass(settings.hasClass('topright') ? 'topright' : 'bottomleft');
if(popup.is(':visible')) {
} else {
var arrowclass = settings.hasClass('topright') ? 'up' : 'left';
var jqxhr = $.get(OC.filePath(props.appid, '', props.scriptName), function(data) {
popup.html(data).ready(function() {
popup.prepend('<span class="arrow '+arrowclass+'"></span><h2>'+t('core', 'Settings')+'</h2><a class="close svg"></a>').show();
popup.find('.close').bind('click', function() {
if(typeof props.loadJS !== 'undefined') {
var scriptname;
if(props.loadJS === true) {
scriptname = 'settings.js';
} else if(typeof props.loadJS === 'string') {
scriptname = props.loadJS;
} else {
throw { name: 'InvalidParameter', message: 'The "loadJS" parameter must be either boolean or a string.' };
if(props.cache) {
$.ajaxSetup({cache: true});
$.getScript(OC.filePath(props.appid, 'js', scriptname))
.fail(function(jqxhr, settings, e) {
throw e;
if(!OC.Util.hasSVGSupport()) {
}, 'html');
* For menu toggling
* @todo Write documentation
registerMenu: function($toggle, $menuEl) {
$toggle.on('click.menu', function(event) {
if ($menuEl.is(OC._currentMenu)) {
OC._currentMenu = null;
OC._currentMenuToggle = null;
return false;
// another menu was open?
else if (OC._currentMenu) {
// close it
OC._currentMenu = $menuEl;
OC._currentMenuToggle = $toggle;
return false;
* @todo Write documentation
unregisterMenu: function($toggle, $menuEl) {
// close menu if opened
if ($menuEl.is(OC._currentMenu)) {
OC._currentMenu = null;
OC._currentMenuToggle = null;
* Wrapper for matchMedia
* This is makes it possible for unit tests to
* stub matchMedia (which doesn't work in PhantomJS)
* @todo Write documentation
_matchMedia: function(media) {
if (window.matchMedia) {
return window.matchMedia(media);
return false;
//translations for result type ids, can be extended by apps
file: t('core','File'),
folder: t('core','Folder'),
image: t('core','Image'),
audio: t('core','Audio')
* @todo Write documentation
* @param selector
* @todo Write documentation
OC.msg.startAction(selector, t('core', 'Saving...'));
* @param selector
* @param data
* @todo Write documentation
finishedSaving:function(selector, data){
OC.msg.finishedAction(selector, data);
* @param selector
* @param {string} message Message to display
* @todo WRite documentation
startAction:function(selector, message){
.html( message )
.stop(true, true)
* @param selector
* @param data
* @todo Write documentation
finishedAction:function(selector, data){
if( data.status === "success" ){
$(selector).html( data.data.message )
.stop(true, true)
$(selector).html( data.data.message ).addClass('error');
* @todo Write documentation
queuedNotifications: [],
getDefaultNotificationFunction: null,
* @param callback
* @todo Write documentation
setDefault: function(callback) {
OC.Notification.getDefaultNotificationFunction = callback;
* Hides a notification
* @param callback
* @todo Write documentation
hide: function(callback) {
$('#notification').fadeOut('400', function(){
if (OC.Notification.isHidden()) {
if (OC.Notification.getDefaultNotificationFunction) {
if (callback) {
if(OC.Notification.queuedNotifications.length > 0){
* Shows a notification as HTML without being sanitized before.
* If you pass unsanitized user input this may lead to a XSS vulnerability.
* Consider using show() instead of showHTML()
* @param {string} html Message to display
showHtml: function(html) {
var notification = $('#notification');
if((notification.filter('span.undo').length == 1) || OC.Notification.isHidden()){
* Shows a sanitized notification
* @param {string} text Message to display
show: function(text) {
var notification = $('#notification');
if((notification.filter('span.undo').length == 1) || OC.Notification.isHidden()){
* Returns whether a notification is hidden.
* @return {boolean}
isHidden: function() {
return ($("#notification").text() === '');
* @todo Write documentation
* @todo Write documentation
* @param dir
* @param leafName
* @param leafLink
show:function(dir, leafName, leafLink){
this._show(this.container, dir, leafName, leafLink);
_show:function(container, dir, leafname, leaflink){
var self = this;
// show home + path in subdirectories
if (dir) {
//add home
var link = OC.linkTo('files','index.php');
var crumb=$('<div/>');
var crumbLink=$('<a/>');
var crumbImg=$('<img/>');
//add path parts
var segments = dir.split('/');
var pathurl = '';
jQuery.each(segments, function(i,name) {
if (name !== '') {
pathurl = pathurl+'/'+name;
var link = OC.linkTo('files','index.php')+'?dir='+encodeURIComponent(pathurl);
self._push(container, name, link);
//add leafname
if (leafname && leaflink) {
this._push(container, leafname, leaflink);
* @todo Write documentation
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} link
push:function(name, link){
return this._push(OC.Breadcrumb.container, name, link);
_push:function(container, name, link){
var crumb=$('<div/>');
var crumbLink=$('<a/>');
var existing=container.find('div.crumb');
return crumb;
* @todo Write documentation
* @todo Write documentation
_clear:function(container) {
if(typeof localStorage !=='undefined' && localStorage !== null){
* User and instance aware localstorage
* Whether the storage contains items
* @param {string} name
* @return {boolean}
return OC.localStorage.getItem(name)!==null;
* Add an item to the storage
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} item
return localStorage.setItem(OC.localStorage.namespace+name,JSON.stringify(item));
* Removes an item from the storage
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} item
return localStorage.removeItem(OC.localStorage.namespace+name);
* Get an item from the storage
* @param {string} name
* @return {null|string}
var item = localStorage.getItem(OC.localStorage.namespace+name);
if(item === null) {
return null;
} else if (typeof JSON === 'undefined') {
//fallback to jquery for IE6/7/8
return $.parseJSON(item);
} else {
return JSON.parse(item);
//dummy localstorage
return false;
return false;
return null;
* check if the browser support svg images
* @return {boolean}
function SVGSupport() {
return SVGSupport.checkMimeType.correct && !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', "svg").createSVGRect;
url: OC.imagePath('core','breadcrumb.svg'),
var headerParts=xhr.getAllResponseHeaders().split("\n");
var headers={};
var parts=text.split(':',2);
var value=parts[1].trim();
* Replace all svg images with png for browser compatibility
* @param $el
* @deprecated use OC.Util.replaceSVG instead
function replaceSVG($el){
return OC.Util.replaceSVG($el);
* prototypical inheritance functions
* @todo Write documentation
* usage:
* MySubObject=object(MyObject)
function object(o) {
function F() {}
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
* Initializes core
function initCore() {
* Calls the server periodically to ensure that session doesn't
* time out
function initSessionHeartBeat(){
// max interval in seconds set to 24 hours
var maxInterval = 24 * 3600;
// interval in seconds
var interval = 900;
if (oc_config.session_lifetime) {
interval = Math.floor(oc_config.session_lifetime / 2);
// minimum one minute
if (interval < 60) {
interval = 60;
if (interval > maxInterval) {
interval = maxInterval;
var url = OC.generateUrl('/heartbeat');
}, interval * 1000);
// session heartbeat (defaults to enabled)
if (typeof(oc_config.session_keepalive) === 'undefined' ||
!!oc_config.session_keepalive) {
if(!OC.Util.hasSVGSupport()){ //replace all svg images with png images for browser that dont support svg
var result=$('#searchresults tr.result a')[OC.search.currentResult];
window.location = $(result).attr('href');
}else if(event.keyCode===38){//up
}else if(event.keyCode===40){//down
}else if(event.keyCode===27){//esc
if (FileList && typeof FileList.unfilter === 'function') { //TODO add hook system
var query=$('#searchbox').val();
if (FileList && typeof FileList.filter === 'function') { //TODO add hook system
var setShowPassword = function(input, label) {
setShowPassword($('#adminpass'), $('label[for=show]'));
setShowPassword($('#pass2'), $('label[for=personal-show]'));
setShowPassword($('#dbpass'), $('label[for=dbpassword]'));
var checkShowCredentials = function() {
var empty = false;
$('input#user, input#password').each(function() {
if ($(this).val() === '') {
empty = true;
if(empty) {
} else {
// hide log in button etc. when form fields not filled
// commented out due to some browsers having issues with it
// checkShowCredentials();
// $('input#user, input#password').keyup(checkShowCredentials);
// user menu
$('#settings #expand').keydown(function(event) {
if (event.which === 13 || event.which === 32) {
$('#settings #expand').click(function(event) {
$('#settings #expanddiv').slideToggle(OC.menuSpeed);
$('#settings #expanddiv').click(function(event){
//hide the user menu when clicking outside it
$('#settings #expanddiv').slideUp(OC.menuSpeed);
// all the tipsy stuff needs to be here (in reverse order) to work
$('.displayName .action').tipsy({gravity:'se', fade:true, live:true});
$('.password .action').tipsy({gravity:'se', fade:true, live:true});
$('#upload').tipsy({gravity:'w', fade:true});
$('.selectedActions a').tipsy({gravity:'s', fade:true, live:true});
$('a.action.delete').tipsy({gravity:'e', fade:true, live:true});
$('a.action').tipsy({gravity:'s', fade:true, live:true});
$('td .modified').tipsy({gravity:'s', fade:true, live:true});
$('td.lastLogin').tipsy({gravity:'s', fade:true, html:true});
$('input').tipsy({gravity:'w', fade:true});
// toggle for menus
$(document).on('mouseup.closemenus', function(event) {
var $el = $(event.target);
if ($el.closest('.menu').length || $el.closest('.menutoggle').length) {
// don't close when clicking on the menu directly or a menu toggle
return false;
if (OC._currentMenu) {
OC._currentMenu = null;
OC._currentMenuToggle = null;
* Set up the main menu toggle to react to media query changes.
* If the screen is small enough, the main menu becomes a toggle.
* If the screen is bigger, the main menu is not a toggle any more.
function setupMainMenu() {
// toggle the navigation
var $toggle = $('#header .menutoggle');
var $navigation = $('#navigation');
// init the menu
OC.registerMenu($toggle, $navigation);
$toggle.data('oldhref', $toggle.attr('href'));
$toggle.attr('href', '#');
// show loading feedback
$navigation.delegate('a', 'click', function(event) {
var $app = $(event.target);
if(!$app.is('a')) {
$app = $app.closest('a');
if(!event.ctrlKey) {
// just add snapper for logged in users
if($('#app-navigation').length && !$('html').hasClass('lte9')) {
// App sidebar on mobile
var snapper = new Snap({
element: document.getElementById('app-content'),
disable: 'right',
maxPosition: 250
$('#app-content').prepend('<div id="app-navigation-toggle" class="icon-menu" style="display:none;"></div>');
if(snapper.state().state == 'left'){
} else {
// close sidebar when switching navigation entry
var $appNavigation = $('#app-navigation');
$appNavigation.delegate('a', 'click', function(event) {
var $target = $(event.target);
// don't hide navigation when changing settings or adding things
if($target.is('.app-navigation-noclose') ||
$target.closest('.app-navigation-noclose').length) {
if($target.is('.add-new') ||
$target.closest('.add-new').length) {
if($target.is('#app-settings') ||
$target.closest('#app-settings').length) {
var toggleSnapperOnSize = function() {
if($(window).width() > 768) {
} else {
$(window).resize(_.debounce(toggleSnapperOnSize, 250));
// initial call
* Filter Jquery selector by attribute value
$.fn.filterAttr = function(attr_name, attr_value) {
return this.filter(function() { return $(this).attr(attr_name) === attr_value; });
* Returns a human readable file size
* @param {number} size Size in bytes
* @param {boolean} skipSmallSizes return '< 1 kB' for small files
* @return {string}
function humanFileSize(size, skipSmallSizes) {
var humanList = ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
// Calculate Log with base 1024: size = 1024 ** order
var order = size?Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024)):0;
// Stay in range of the byte sizes that are defined
order = Math.min(humanList.length - 1, order);
var readableFormat = humanList[order];
var relativeSize = (size / Math.pow(1024, order)).toFixed(1);
if(skipSmallSizes === true && order === 0) {
if(relativeSize !== "0.0"){
return '< 1 kB';
} else {
return '0 kB';
if(order < 2){
relativeSize = parseFloat(relativeSize).toFixed(0);
else if(relativeSize.substr(relativeSize.length-2,2)==='.0'){
return relativeSize + ' ' + readableFormat;
* Format an UNIX timestamp to a human understandable format
* @param {number} date UNIX timestamp
* @return {string} Human readable format
function formatDate(date){
if(typeof date=='number'){
date=new Date(date);
return $.datepicker.formatDate(datepickerFormatDate, date)+' '+date.getHours()+':'+((date.getMinutes()<10)?'0':'')+date.getMinutes();
* Get the value of a URL parameter
* @link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1403888/get-url-parameter-with-jquery
* @param {string} name URL parameter
* @return {string}
function getURLParameter(name) {
return decodeURI(
(RegExp(name + '=' + '(.+?)(&|$)').exec(location.search) || [, null])[1]
* Takes an absolute timestamp and return a string with a human-friendly relative date
* @param {number} timestamp A Unix timestamp
function relative_modified_date(timestamp) {
var timeDiff = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000) - timestamp;
var diffMinutes = Math.round(timeDiff/60);
var diffHours = Math.round(diffMinutes/60);
var diffDays = Math.round(diffHours/24);
var diffMonths = Math.round(diffDays/31);
if(timeDiff < 60) { return t('core','seconds ago'); }
else if(timeDiff < 3600) { return n('core','%n minute ago', '%n minutes ago', diffMinutes); }
else if(timeDiff < 86400) { return n('core', '%n hour ago', '%n hours ago', diffHours); }
else if(timeDiff < 86400) { return t('core','today'); }
else if(timeDiff < 172800) { return t('core','yesterday'); }
else if(timeDiff < 2678400) { return n('core', '%n day ago', '%n days ago', diffDays); }
else if(timeDiff < 5184000) { return t('core','last month'); }
else if(timeDiff < 31556926) { return n('core', '%n month ago', '%n months ago', diffMonths); }
else if(timeDiff < 63113852) { return t('core','last year'); }
else { return t('core','years ago'); }
* Utility functions
OC.Util = {
// TODO: remove original functions from global namespace
humanFileSize: humanFileSize,
formatDate: formatDate,
* Returns whether the browser supports SVG
* @return {boolean} true if the browser supports SVG, false otherwise
// TODO: replace with original function
hasSVGSupport: SVGSupport,
* If SVG is not supported, replaces the given icon's extension
* from ".svg" to ".png".
* If SVG is supported, return the image path as is.
* @param {string} file image path with svg extension
* @return {string} fixed image path with png extension if SVG is not supported
replaceSVGIcon: function(file) {
if (file && !OC.Util.hasSVGSupport()) {
var i = file.lastIndexOf('.svg');
if (i >= 0) {
file = file.substr(0, i) + '.png' + file.substr(i+4);
return file;
* Replace SVG images in all elements that have the "svg" class set
* with PNG images.
* @param $el root element from which to search, defaults to $('body')
replaceSVG: function($el) {
if (!$el) {
$el = $('body');
var src=element.attr('src');
element.attr('src',src.substr(0, src.length-3) + 'png');
element = $(element);
var background = element.css('background-image');
if (background){
var i = background.lastIndexOf('.svg');
if (i >= 0){
background = background.substr(0,i) + '.png' + background.substr(i + 4);
element.css('background-image', background);
element.find('*').each(function(index, element) {
element = $(element);
var background = element.css('background-image');
if (background) {
var i = background.lastIndexOf('.svg');
if(i >= 0){
background = background.substr(0,i) + '.png' + background.substr(i + 4);
element.css('background-image', background);
* Utility class for the history API,
* includes fallback to using the URL hash when
* the browser doesn't support the history API.
OC.Util.History = {
_handlers: [],
* Push the current URL parameters to the history stack
* and change the visible URL.
* Note: this includes a workaround for IE8/IE9 that uses
* the hash part instead of the search part.
* @param params to append to the URL, can be either a string
* or a map
pushState: function(params) {
var strParams;
if (typeof(params) === 'string') {
strParams = params;
else {
strParams = OC.buildQueryString(params);
if (window.history.pushState) {
var url = location.pathname + '?' + strParams;
window.history.pushState(params, '', url);
// use URL hash for IE8
else {
window.location.hash = '?' + strParams;
// inhibit next onhashchange that just added itself
// to the event queue
this._cancelPop = true;
* Add a popstate handler
* @param handler function
addOnPopStateHandler: function(handler) {
* Parse a query string from the hash part of the URL.
* (workaround for IE8 / IE9)
_parseHashQuery: function() {
var hash = window.location.hash,
pos = hash.indexOf('?');
if (pos >= 0) {
return hash.substr(pos + 1);
if (hash.length) {
// remove hash sign
return hash.substr(1);
return '';
_decodeQuery: function(query) {
return query.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
* Parse the query/search part of the URL.
* Also try and parse it from the URL hash (for IE8)
* @return map of parameters
parseUrlQuery: function() {
var query = this._parseHashQuery(),
// try and parse from URL hash first
if (query) {
params = OC.parseQueryString(this._decodeQuery(query));
// else read from query attributes
if (!params) {
params = OC.parseQueryString(this._decodeQuery(location.search));
return params || {};
_onPopState: function(e) {
if (this._cancelPop) {
this._cancelPop = false;
var params;
if (!this._handlers.length) {
params = (e && e.state) || this.parseUrlQuery() || {};
for (var i = 0; i < this._handlers.length; i++) {
// fallback to hashchange when no history support
if (window.history.pushState) {
window.onpopstate = _.bind(OC.Util.History._onPopState, OC.Util.History);
else {
$(window).on('hashchange', _.bind(OC.Util.History._onPopState, OC.Util.History));
* Get a variable by name
* @param {string} name
* @return {*}
OC.get=function(name) {
var namespaces = name.split(".");
var tail = namespaces.pop();
var context=window;
for(var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {
context = context[namespaces[i]];
return false;
return context[tail];
* Set a variable by name
* @param {string} name
* @param {*} value
OC.set=function(name, value) {
var namespaces = name.split(".");
var tail = namespaces.pop();
var context=window;
for(var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {
context = context[namespaces[i]];
// fix device width on windows phone
(function() {
if ("-ms-user-select" in document.documentElement.style && navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile\/10\.0/)) {
var msViewportStyle = document.createElement("style");
* Namespace for apps
window.OCA = {};
* select a range in an input field
* @link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/499126/jquery-set-cursor-position-in-text-area
* @param {type} start
* @param {type} end
jQuery.fn.selectRange = function(start, end) {
return this.each(function() {
if (this.setSelectionRange) {
this.setSelectionRange(start, end);
} else if (this.createTextRange) {
var range = this.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', end);
range.moveStart('character', start);
* check if an element exists.
* allows you to write if ($('#myid').exists()) to increase readability
* @link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31044/is-there-an-exists-function-for-jquery
jQuery.fn.exists = function(){
return this.length > 0;