path: root/l10n/th_TH/files.po
blob: 9102dc0be930292f3d11031d2494342f72ce527d (plain)
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{ "translations": {
    "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : [""],
    "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : [""]
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
212'>212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-25 01:54-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-25 05:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: I Robot\n"
"Language-Team: Thai (Thailand) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: th_TH\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"

#: ajax/list.php:38
msgid "Storage not available"
msgstr ""

#: ajax/list.php:45
msgid "Storage invalid"
msgstr ""

#: ajax/list.php:52
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr "ข้อผิดพลาดที่ไม่ทราบสาเหตุ"

#: ajax/move.php:15
#, php-format
msgid "Could not move %s - File with this name already exists"
msgstr "ไม่สามารถย้าย %s ได้ - ไฟล์ที่ใช้ชื่อนี้มีอยู่แล้ว"

#: ajax/move.php:25 ajax/move.php:28
#, php-format
msgid "Could not move %s"
msgstr "ไม่สามารถย้าย %s ได้"

#: ajax/newfile.php:58 js/files.js:103
msgid "File name cannot be empty."
msgstr "ชื่อไฟล์ไม่สามารถเว้นว่างได้"

#: ajax/newfile.php:63
#, php-format
msgid "\"%s\" is an invalid file name."
msgstr ""

#: ajax/newfile.php:69 ajax/newfolder.php:28 js/files.js:110
msgid ""
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not "
msgstr "ชื่อที่ใช้ไม่ถูกต้อง, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' และ '*' ไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ใช้งานได้"

#: ajax/newfile.php:76 ajax/newfolder.php:35 ajax/upload.php:161
#: lib/app.php:87
msgid "The target folder has been moved or deleted."
msgstr ""

#: ajax/newfile.php:88 ajax/newfolder.php:47 lib/app.php:96
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The name %s is already used in the folder %s. Please choose a different "
msgstr ""

#: ajax/newfile.php:97
msgid "Not a valid source"
msgstr ""

#: ajax/newfile.php:102
msgid ""
"Server is not allowed to open URLs, please check the server configuration"
msgstr ""

#: ajax/newfile.php:126
#, php-format
msgid "The file exceeds your quota by %s"
msgstr ""

#: ajax/newfile.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "Error while downloading %s to %s"
msgstr ""

#: ajax/newfile.php:169
msgid "Error when creating the file"
msgstr ""

#: ajax/newfolder.php:22
msgid "Folder name cannot be empty."
msgstr ""

#: ajax/newfolder.php:66
msgid "Error when creating the folder"
msgstr ""

#: ajax/upload.php:19 ajax/upload.php:59
msgid "Unable to set upload directory."
msgstr ""

#: ajax/upload.php:35
msgid "Invalid Token"
msgstr ""

#: ajax/upload.php:79
msgid "No file was uploaded. Unknown error"
msgstr "ยังไม่มีไฟล์ใดที่ถูกอัพโหลด เกิดข้อผิดพลาดที่ไม่ทราบสาเหตุ"

#: ajax/upload.php:86
msgid "There is no error, the file uploaded with success"
msgstr "ไม่พบข้อผิดพลาดใดๆ, ไฟล์ถูกอัพโหลดเรียบร้อยแล้ว"

#: ajax/upload.php:87
msgid ""
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: "
msgstr "ขนาดไฟล์ที่อัพโหลดมีขนาดเกิน upload_max_filesize ที่ระบุไว้ใน php.ini"

#: ajax/upload.php:89
msgid ""
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in "
"the HTML form"
msgstr "ไฟล์ที่อัพโหลดมีขนาดไฟล์ใหญ่เกินจำนวนที่กำหนดไว้ในคำสั่ง MAX_FILE_SIZE ที่ถูกระบุไว้ในรูปแบบของ HTML"

#: ajax/upload.php:90
msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"
msgstr "ไฟล์ถูกอัพโหลดได้เพียงบางส่วนเท่านั้น"

#: ajax/upload.php:91
msgid "No file was uploaded"
msgstr "ไม่มีไฟล์ที่ถูกอัพโหลด"

#: ajax/upload.php:92
msgid "Missing a temporary folder"
msgstr "โฟลเดอร์ชั่วคราวเกิดการสูญหาย"

#: ajax/upload.php:93
msgid "Failed to write to disk"
msgstr "เขียนข้อมูลลงแผ่นดิสก์ล้มเหลว"

#: ajax/upload.php:113
msgid "Not enough storage available"
msgstr "เหลือพื้นที่ไม่เพียงสำหรับใช้งาน"

#: ajax/upload.php:175
msgid "Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file"
msgstr ""

#: ajax/upload.php:185
msgid "Upload failed. Could not get file info."
msgstr ""

#: ajax/upload.php:200
msgid "Invalid directory."
msgstr "ไดเร็กทอรี่ไม่ถูกต้อง"

#: appinfo/app.php:11 js/filelist.js:25
msgid "Files"
msgstr "ไฟล์"

#: appinfo/app.php:27
msgid "All files"
msgstr ""

#: js/file-upload.js:269
msgid "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes"
msgstr ""

#: js/file-upload.js:284
msgid "Total file size {size1} exceeds upload limit {size2}"
msgstr ""

#: js/file-upload.js:295
msgid ""
"Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left"
msgstr ""

#: js/file-upload.js:372
msgid "Upload cancelled."
msgstr "การอัพโหลดถูกยกเลิก"

#: js/file-upload.js:418
msgid "Could not get result from server."
msgstr ""

#: js/file-upload.js:502
msgid ""
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload."
msgstr "การอัพโหลดไฟล์กำลังอยู่ในระหว่างดำเนินการ การออกจากหน้าเว็บนี้จะทำให้การอัพโหลดถูกยกเลิก"

#: js/file-upload.js:567
msgid "URL cannot be empty"
msgstr ""

#: js/file-upload.js:571 js/filelist.js:1290
msgid "{new_name} already exists"
msgstr "{new_name} มีอยู่แล้วในระบบ"

#: js/file-upload.js:626
msgid "Could not create file"
msgstr ""

#: js/file-upload.js:642
msgid "Could not create folder"
msgstr ""

#: js/file-upload.js:689
msgid "Error fetching URL"
msgstr ""

#: js/fileactions.js:285
msgid "Share"
msgstr "แชร์"

#: js/fileactions.js:295 templates/list.php:77 templates/list.php:78
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "ลบ"

#: js/fileactions.js:297
msgid "Disconnect storage"
msgstr ""

#: js/fileactions.js:299
msgid "Unshare"
msgstr "ยกเลิกการแชร์"

#: js/fileactions.js:301
msgid "Delete permanently"
msgstr ""

#: js/fileactions.js:342
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "เปลี่ยนชื่อ"

#: js/filelist.js:685 js/filelist.js:1818
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "อยู่ระหว่างดำเนินการ"

#: js/filelist.js:1241
msgid "Error moving file."
msgstr ""

#: js/filelist.js:1249
msgid "Error moving file"
msgstr ""

#: js/filelist.js:1249
msgid "Error"
msgstr "ข้อผิดพลาด"

#: js/filelist.js:1338
msgid "Could not rename file"
msgstr ""

#: js/filelist.js:1460
msgid "Error deleting file."
msgstr ""

#: js/filelist.js:1563 templates/list.php:61
msgid "Name"
msgstr "ชื่อ"

#: js/filelist.js:1564 templates/list.php:72
msgid "Size"
msgstr "ขนาด"

#: js/filelist.js:1565 templates/list.php:75
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "แก้ไขแล้ว"

#: js/filelist.js:1575 js/filesummary.js:141 js/filesummary.js:168
msgid "%n folder"
msgid_plural "%n folders"
msgstr[0] ""

#: js/filelist.js:1581 js/filesummary.js:142 js/filesummary.js:169
msgid "%n file"
msgid_plural "%n files"
msgstr[0] ""

#: js/filelist.js:1711 js/filelist.js:1750
msgid "Uploading %n file"
msgid_plural "Uploading %n files"
msgstr[0] ""

#: js/files.js:101
msgid "\"{name}\" is an invalid file name."
msgstr ""

#: js/files.js:122
msgid "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!"
msgstr "พื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูลของคุณเต็มแล้ว ไม่สามารถอัพเดทหรือผสานไฟล์ต่างๆได้อีกต่อไป"

#: js/files.js:126
msgid "Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)"
msgstr "พื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูลของคุณใกล้เต็มแล้ว ({usedSpacePercent}%)"

#: js/files.js:140
msgid ""
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out "
"and log-in again"
msgstr ""

#: js/files.js:144
msgid ""
"Invalid private key for Encryption App. Please update your private key "
"password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted "
msgstr ""

#: js/files.js:148
msgid ""
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to "
"your personal settings to decrypt your files."
msgstr ""

#: js/filesummary.js:182
msgid "{dirs} and {files}"
msgstr ""

#: lib/app.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "%s could not be renamed as it has been deleted"
msgstr ""

#: lib/app.php:113
#, php-format
msgid "%s could not be renamed"
msgstr ""

#: lib/helper.php:23 templates/list.php:25
#, php-format
msgid "Upload (max. %s)"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin.php:6
msgid "File handling"
msgstr "การจัดกาไฟล์"

#: templates/admin.php:7
msgid "Maximum upload size"
msgstr "ขนาดไฟล์สูงสุดที่อัพโหลดได้"

#: templates/admin.php:10
msgid "max. possible: "
msgstr "จำนวนสูงสุดที่สามารถทำได้: "

#: templates/admin.php:15
msgid "Save"
msgstr "บันทึก"

#: templates/appnavigation.php:12
msgid "WebDAV"
msgstr "WebDAV"

#: templates/appnavigation.php:14
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Use this address to <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">access your Files via "
msgstr ""

#: templates/list.php:5
msgid "New"
msgstr "อัพโหลดไฟล์ใหม่"

#: templates/list.php:8
msgid "New text file"
msgstr ""

#: templates/list.php:9
msgid "Text file"
msgstr "ไฟล์ข้อความ"

#: templates/list.php:12
msgid "New folder"
msgstr "โฟลเดอร์ใหม่"

#: templates/list.php:13
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "แฟ้มเอกสาร"

#: templates/list.php:16
msgid "From link"
msgstr "จากลิงก์"

#: templates/list.php:47
msgid "You don’t have permission to upload or create files here"
msgstr ""

#: templates/list.php:52
msgid "Nothing in here. Upload something!"
msgstr "ยังไม่มีไฟล์ใดๆอยู่ที่นี่ กรุณาอัพโหลดไฟล์!"

#: templates/list.php:66
msgid "Download"
msgstr "ดาวน์โหลด"

#: templates/list.php:91
msgid "Upload too large"
msgstr "ไฟล์ที่อัพโหลดมีขนาดใหญ่เกินไป"

#: templates/list.php:93
msgid ""
"The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads "
"on this server."
msgstr "ไฟล์ที่คุณพยายามที่จะอัพโหลดมีขนาดเกินกว่าขนาดสูงสุดที่กำหนดไว้ให้อัพโหลดได้สำหรับเซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้"

#: templates/list.php:98
msgid "Files are being scanned, please wait."
msgstr "ไฟล์กำลังอยู่ระหว่างการสแกน, กรุณารอสักครู่."

#: templates/list.php:101
msgid "Currently scanning"
msgstr ""