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* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ namespace Test; use OC\Log; use OCP\IConfig; class NullLogger extends Log { public function __construct($logger = null) { //disable original constructor } public function log(int $level, string $message, array $context = array()) { //noop } } class TempManagerTest extends \Test\TestCase { protected $baseDir = null; protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->baseDir = $this->getManager()->getTempBaseDir() . $this->getUniqueID('/oc_tmp_test'); if (!is_dir($this->baseDir)) { mkdir($this->baseDir); } } protected function tearDown() { \OC_Helper::rmdirr($this->baseDir); $this->baseDir = null; parent::tearDown(); } /** * @param \OCP\ILogger $logger * @param \OCP\IConfig $config * @return \OC\TempManager */ protected function getManager($logger = null, $config = null) { if (!$logger) { $logger = new NullLogger(); } if (!$config) { $config = $this->createMock(IConfig::class); $config->method('getSystemValue') ->with('tempdirectory', null) ->willReturn('/tmp'); } $manager = new \OC\TempManager($logger, $config); if ($this->baseDir) { $manager->overrideTempBaseDir($this->baseDir); } return $manager; } public function testGetFile() { $manager = $this->getManager(); $file = $manager->getTemporaryFile('txt'); $this->assertStringEndsWith('.txt', $file); $this->assertTrue(is_file($file)); $this->assertTrue(is_writable($file)); file_put_contents($file, 'bar'); $this->assertEquals('bar', file_get_contents($file)); } public function testGetFolder() { $manager = $this->getManager(); $folder = $manager->getTemporaryFolder(); $this->assertStringEndsWith('/', $folder); $this->assertTrue(is_dir($folder)); $this->assertTrue(is_writable($folder)); file_put_contents($folder . 'foo.txt', 'bar'); $this->assertEquals('bar', file_get_contents($folder . 'foo.txt')); } public function testCleanFiles() { $manager = $this->getManager(); $file1 = $manager->getTemporaryFile('txt'); $file2 = $manager->getTemporaryFile('txt'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file1)); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file2)); $manager->clean(); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($file1)); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($file2)); } public function testCleanFolder() { $manager = $this->getManager(); $folder1 = $manager->getTemporaryFolder(); $folder2 = $manager->getTemporaryFolder(); touch($folder1 . 'foo.txt'); touch($folder1 . 'bar.txt'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($folder1)); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($folder2)); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($folder1 . 'foo.txt')); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($folder1 . 'bar.txt')); $manager->clean(); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($folder1)); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($folder2)); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($folder1 . 'foo.txt')); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($folder1 . 'bar.txt')); } public function testCleanOld() { $manager = $this->getManager(); $oldFile = $manager->getTemporaryFile('txt'); $newFile = $manager->getTemporaryFile('txt'); $folder = $manager->getTemporaryFolder(); $nonOcFile = $this->baseDir . '/foo.txt'; file_put_contents($nonOcFile, 'bar'); $past = time() - 2 * 3600; touch($oldFile, $past); touch($folder, $past); touch($nonOcFile, $past); $manager2 = $this->getManager(); $manager2->cleanOld(); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($oldFile)); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($folder)); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($nonOcFile)); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($newFile)); } public function testLogCantCreateFile() { $this->markTestSkipped('TODO: Disable because fails on drone'); $logger = $this->createMock(NullLogger::class); $manager = $this->getManager($logger); chmod($this->baseDir, 0500); $logger->expects($this->once()) ->method('warning') ->with($this->stringContains('Can not create a temporary file in directory')); $this->assertFalse($manager->getTemporaryFile('txt')); } public function testLogCantCreateFolder() { $this->markTestSkipped('TODO: Disable because fails on drone'); $logger = $this->createMock(NullLogger::class); $manager = $this->getManager($logger); chmod($this->baseDir, 0500); $logger->expects($this->once()) ->method('warning') ->with($this->stringContains('Can not create a temporary folder in directory')); $this->assertFalse($manager->getTemporaryFolder()); } public function testBuildFileNameWithPostfix() { $logger = $this->createMock(NullLogger::class); $tmpManager = self::invokePrivate( $this->getManager($logger), 'buildFileNameWithSuffix', ['/tmp/myTemporaryFile', 'postfix'] ); $this->assertEquals('/tmp/myTemporaryFile-.postfix', $tmpManager); } public function testBuildFileNameWithoutPostfix() { $logger = $this->createMock(NullLogger::class); $tmpManager = self::invokePrivate( $this->getManager($logger), 'buildFileNameWithSuffix', ['/tmp/myTemporaryFile', ''] ); $this->assertEquals('/tmp/myTemporaryFile', $tmpManager); } public function testBuildFileNameWithSuffixPathTraversal() { $logger = $this->createMock(NullLogger::class); $tmpManager = self::invokePrivate( $this->getManager($logger), 'buildFileNameWithSuffix', ['foo', '../Traversal\\../FileName'] ); $this->assertStringEndsNotWith('./Traversal\\../FileName', $tmpManager); $this->assertStringEndsWith('.Traversal..FileName', $tmpManager); } public function testGetTempBaseDirFromConfig() { $dir = $this->getManager()->getTemporaryFolder(); $config = $this->createMock(IConfig::class); $config->expects($this->once()) ->method('getSystemValue') ->with('tempdirectory', null) ->willReturn($dir); $this->baseDir = null; // prevent override $tmpManager = $this->getManager(null, $config); $this->assertEquals($dir, $tmpManager->getTempBaseDir()); } } ogin_flow_v2_sessions'>artonge/fix/login_flow_v2_sessions
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