path: root/src/examples
diff options
authorAlain Béarez <>2018-10-05 14:36:18 +0000
committerAlain Béarez <>2018-10-05 14:36:18 +0000
commitcffa31ed62836e89e3cc392190850fc6cfb71015 (patch)
tree65b3b57e50b709e6ae22a4875c9a7644b72e27be /src/examples
parentf446df6f6647e765970e5074b8429856cf5cbffe (diff)
example from StackOverflow question 47065690
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/examples')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/examples/src/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/examples/ b/src/examples/src/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13d4ff654c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/examples/src/org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ * ====================================================================
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ====================================================================
+ */
+package org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.examples;
+import java.util.Random;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.PresetColor;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.XDDFColor;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.XDDFLineProperties;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.XDDFShapeProperties;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.XDDFSolidFillProperties;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.AxisCrosses;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.AxisPosition;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.BarDirection;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.ChartTypes;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.LegendPosition;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.XDDFBarChartData;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.XDDFCategoryAxis;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.XDDFCategoryDataSource;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.XDDFChartData;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.XDDFChartLegend;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.XDDFDataSourcesFactory;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.XDDFLineChartData;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.XDDFNumericalDataSource;
+import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.XDDFValueAxis;
+import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell;
+import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFChart;
+import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFClientAnchor;
+import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFDrawing;
+import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow;
+import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
+import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
+public class BarAndLineChart {
+ private static final int NUM_OF_ROWS = 7;
+ private static final Random RNG = new Random();
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ try (XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook()) {
+ XSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
+ XSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
+ row.createCell(0);
+ row.createCell(1).setCellValue("Bars");
+ row.createCell(2).setCellValue("Lines");
+ XSSFCell cell;
+ for (int r = 1; r < NUM_OF_ROWS; r++) {
+ row = sheet.createRow(r);
+ cell = row.createCell(0);
+ cell.setCellValue("C" + r);
+ cell = row.createCell(1);
+ cell.setCellValue(RNG.nextDouble());
+ cell = row.createCell(2);
+ cell.setCellValue(RNG.nextDouble() * 10);
+ }
+ XSSFDrawing drawing = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch();
+ XSSFClientAnchor anchor = drawing.createAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 11, 15);
+ XSSFChart chart = drawing.createChart(anchor);
+ // the data sources
+ XDDFCategoryDataSource xs = XDDFDataSourcesFactory.fromStringCellRange(sheet,
+ new CellRangeAddress(1, NUM_OF_ROWS - 1, 0, 0));
+ XDDFNumericalDataSource<Double> ys1 = XDDFDataSourcesFactory.fromNumericCellRange(sheet,
+ new CellRangeAddress(1, NUM_OF_ROWS - 1, 1, 1));
+ XDDFNumericalDataSource<Double> ys2 = XDDFDataSourcesFactory.fromNumericCellRange(sheet,
+ new CellRangeAddress(1, NUM_OF_ROWS - 1, 2, 2));
+ // cat axis 1 (bars)
+ XDDFCategoryAxis barCategories = chart.createCategoryAxis(AxisPosition.BOTTOM);
+ // val axis 1 (left)
+ XDDFValueAxis leftValues = chart.createValueAxis(AxisPosition.LEFT);
+ leftValues.crossAxis(barCategories);
+ barCategories.crossAxis(leftValues);
+ // cat axis 2 (lines)
+ XDDFCategoryAxis lineCategories = chart.createCategoryAxis(AxisPosition.BOTTOM);
+ lineCategories.setVisible(false); // this cat axis is deleted
+ // val axis 2 (right)
+ XDDFValueAxis rightValues = chart.createValueAxis(AxisPosition.RIGHT);
+ // this value axis crosses its category axis at max value
+ rightValues.setCrosses(AxisCrosses.MAX);
+ rightValues.crossAxis(lineCategories);
+ lineCategories.crossAxis(rightValues);
+ // the bar chart
+ XDDFBarChartData bar = (XDDFBarChartData) chart.createData(ChartTypes.BAR, lineCategories, rightValues);
+ XDDFBarChartData.Series series1 = (XDDFBarChartData.Series) bar.addSeries(xs, ys1);
+ series1.setTitle("Bars", new CellReference("Sheet1!$B$1"));
+ bar.setVaryColors(true);
+ bar.setBarDirection(BarDirection.COL);
+ chart.plot(bar);
+ // the line chart
+ XDDFLineChartData lines = (XDDFLineChartData) chart.createData(ChartTypes.LINE, lineCategories,
+ rightValues);
+ XDDFLineChartData.Series series2 = (XDDFLineChartData.Series) lines.addSeries(xs, ys2);
+ series2.setTitle("Lines", new CellReference("Sheet1!$C$1"));
+ lines.setVaryColors(true);
+ chart.plot(lines);
+ // some colors
+ solidFillSeries(bar, 0, PresetColor.CHARTREUSE);
+ solidLineSeries(lines, 0, PresetColor.TURQUOISE);
+ // legend
+ XDDFChartLegend legend = chart.getOrAddLegend();
+ legend.setPosition(LegendPosition.BOTTOM);
+ legend.setOverlay(false);
+ try (FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("BarAndLineChart.xlsx")) {
+ wb.write(fileOut);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void solidFillSeries(XDDFChartData data, int index, PresetColor color) {
+ XDDFSolidFillProperties fill = new XDDFSolidFillProperties(XDDFColor.from(color));
+ XDDFChartData.Series series = data.getSeries().get(index);
+ XDDFShapeProperties properties = series.getShapeProperties();
+ if (properties == null) {
+ properties = new XDDFShapeProperties();
+ }
+ properties.setFillProperties(fill);
+ series.setShapeProperties(properties);
+ }
+ private static void solidLineSeries(XDDFChartData data, int index, PresetColor color) {
+ XDDFSolidFillProperties fill = new XDDFSolidFillProperties(XDDFColor.from(color));
+ XDDFLineProperties line = new XDDFLineProperties();
+ line.setFillProperties(fill);
+ XDDFChartData.Series series = data.getSeries().get(index);
+ XDDFShapeProperties properties = series.getShapeProperties();
+ if (properties == null) {
+ properties = new XDDFShapeProperties();
+ }
+ properties.setLineProperties(line);
+ series.setShapeProperties(properties);
+ }