path: root/src/testcases/org/apache
diff options
authorAndreas Beeker <kiwiwings@apache.org>2020-12-17 23:42:26 +0000
committerAndreas Beeker <kiwiwings@apache.org>2020-12-17 23:42:26 +0000
commitbfade7c591a7ddb8eda643e4fb4932f7f8bad6a4 (patch)
tree20fe19f553260c1a08c7b1b41fa76359cca5576e /src/testcases/org/apache
parentfcc808d17db2c61e9f4d472ef07b3c4468eb6da6 (diff)
#64876 - Unable to convert pptx to pdf
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/trunk@1884578 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/testcases/org/apache')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 832 deletions
diff --git a/src/testcases/org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/DummyGraphics2d.java b/src/testcases/org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/DummyGraphics2d.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a10cc1309d..0000000000
--- a/src/testcases/org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/DummyGraphics2d.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,832 +0,0 @@
-/* ====================================================================
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-==================================================================== */
-package org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel;
-import java.awt.BasicStroke;
-import java.awt.Color;
-import java.awt.Composite;
-import java.awt.Font;
-import java.awt.FontMetrics;
-import java.awt.Graphics;
-import java.awt.Graphics2D;
-import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
-import java.awt.Image;
-import java.awt.Paint;
-import java.awt.Polygon;
-import java.awt.Rectangle;
-import java.awt.RenderingHints;
-import java.awt.Shape;
-import java.awt.Stroke;
-import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
-import java.awt.font.GlyphVector;
-import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
-import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
-import java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp;
-import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;
-import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
-import java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage;
-import java.io.PrintStream;
-import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.apache.poi.util.Internal;
-public class DummyGraphics2d extends Graphics2D {
- private BufferedImage bufimg;
- private final Graphics2D g2D;
- private final PrintStream log;
- public DummyGraphics2d() {
- this(System.out);
- }
- public DummyGraphics2d(PrintStream log) {
- bufimg = new BufferedImage(1000, 1000, 2);
- g2D = (Graphics2D)bufimg.getGraphics();
- this.log = log;
- }
- public DummyGraphics2d(PrintStream log, Graphics2D g2D) {
- this.g2D = g2D;
- this.log = log;
- }
- public void addRenderingHints(Map<?,?> hints) {
- String l =
- "addRenderingHinds(Map):" +
- "\n hints = " + hints;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.addRenderingHints( hints );
- }
- public void clip(Shape s) {
- String l =
- "clip(Shape):" +
- "\n s = " + s;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.clip( s );
- }
- public void draw(Shape s) {
- String l =
- "draw(Shape):" +
- "\n s = " + s;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.draw( s );
- }
- public void drawGlyphVector(GlyphVector g, float x, float y) {
- String l =
- "drawGlyphVector(GlyphVector, float, float):" +
- "\n g = " + g +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawGlyphVector( g, x, y );
- }
- public void drawImage(BufferedImage img, BufferedImageOp op, int x, int y) {
- String l =
- "drawImage(BufferedImage, BufferedImageOp, x, y):" +
- "\n img = " + img +
- "\n op = " + op +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawImage( img, op, x, y );
- }
- public boolean drawImage(Image img, AffineTransform xform, ImageObserver obs) {
- String l =
- "drawImage(Image,AfflineTransform,ImageObserver):" +
- "\n img = " + img +
- "\n xform = " + xform +
- "\n obs = " + obs;
- log.println( l );
- return g2D.drawImage( img, xform, obs );
- }
- public void drawRenderableImage(RenderableImage img, AffineTransform xform) {
- String l =
- "drawRenderableImage(RenderableImage, AfflineTransform):" +
- "\n img = " + img +
- "\n xform = " + xform;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawRenderableImage( img, xform );
- }
- public void drawRenderedImage(RenderedImage img, AffineTransform xform) {
- String l =
- "drawRenderedImage(RenderedImage, AffineTransform):" +
- "\n img = " + img +
- "\n xform = " + xform;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawRenderedImage( img, xform );
- }
- public void drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator iterator, float x, float y) {
- String l =
- "drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator):" +
- "\n iterator = " + iterator +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawString( iterator, x, y );
- }
- public void drawString(String s, float x, float y) {
- String l =
- "drawString(s,x,y):" +
- "\n s = " + s +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawString( s, x, y );
- }
- public void fill(Shape s) {
- String l =
- "fill(Shape):" +
- "\n s = " + s;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.fill( s );
- }
- public Color getBackground() {
- log.println( "getBackground():" );
- return g2D.getBackground();
- }
- public Composite getComposite() {
- log.println( "getComposite():" );
- return g2D.getComposite();
- }
- public GraphicsConfiguration getDeviceConfiguration() {
- log.println( "getDeviceConfiguration():" );
- return g2D.getDeviceConfiguration();
- }
- public FontRenderContext getFontRenderContext() {
- log.println( "getFontRenderContext():" );
- return g2D.getFontRenderContext();
- }
- public Paint getPaint() {
- log.println( "getPaint():" );
- return g2D.getPaint();
- }
- public Object getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.Key hintKey) {
- String l =
- "getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.Key):" +
- "\n hintKey = " + hintKey;
- log.println( l );
- return g2D.getRenderingHint( hintKey );
- }
- public RenderingHints getRenderingHints() {
- log.println( "getRenderingHints():" );
- return g2D.getRenderingHints();
- }
- public Stroke getStroke() {
- log.println( "getStroke():" );
- return g2D.getStroke();
- }
- public AffineTransform getTransform() {
- log.println( "getTransform():" );
- return g2D.getTransform();
- }
- public boolean hit(Rectangle rect, Shape s, boolean onStroke) {
- String l =
- "hit(Rectangle, Shape, onStroke):" +
- "\n rect = " + rect +
- "\n s = " + s +
- "\n onStroke = " + onStroke;
- log.println( l );
- return g2D.hit( rect, s, onStroke );
- }
- public void rotate(double theta) {
- String l =
- "rotate(theta):" +
- "\n theta = " + theta;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.rotate( theta );
- }
- public void rotate(double theta, double x, double y) {
- String l =
- "rotate(double,double,double):" +
- "\n theta = " + theta +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.rotate( theta, x, y );
- }
- public void scale(double sx, double sy) {
- String l =
- "scale(double,double):" +
- "\n sx = " + sx +
- "\n sy";
- log.println( l );
- g2D.scale( sx, sy );
- }
- public void setBackground(Color color) {
- String l =
- "setBackground(Color):" +
- "\n color = " + color;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.setBackground( color );
- }
- public void setComposite(Composite comp) {
- String l =
- "setComposite(Composite):" +
- "\n comp = " + comp;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.setComposite( comp );
- }
- public void setPaint( Paint paint ) {
- String l =
- "setPaint(Paint):" +
- "\n paint = " + paint;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.setPaint( paint );
- }
- public void setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.Key hintKey, Object hintValue) {
- String l =
- "setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.Key, Object):" +
- "\n hintKey = " + hintKey +
- "\n hintValue = " + hintValue;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.setRenderingHint( hintKey, hintValue );
- }
- public void setRenderingHints(Map<?,?> hints) {
- String l =
- "setRenderingHints(Map):" +
- "\n hints = " + hints;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.setRenderingHints( hints );
- }
- public void setStroke(Stroke s) {
- String l;
- if (s instanceof BasicStroke) {
- BasicStroke bs = (BasicStroke)s;
- l = "setStroke(Stoke):" +
- "\n s = BasicStroke(" +
- "\n dash[]: "+Arrays.toString(bs.getDashArray()) +
- "\n dashPhase: "+bs.getDashPhase() +
- "\n endCap: "+bs.getEndCap() +
- "\n lineJoin: "+bs.getLineJoin() +
- "\n width: "+bs.getLineWidth() +
- "\n miterLimit: "+bs.getMiterLimit() +
- "\n )";
- } else {
- l = "setStroke(Stoke):" +
- "\n s = " + s;
- }
- log.println( l );
- g2D.setStroke( s );
- }
- public void setTransform(AffineTransform Tx) {
- String l =
- "setTransform():" +
- "\n Tx = " + Tx;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.setTransform( Tx );
- }
- public void shear(double shx, double shy) {
- String l =
- "shear(shx, dhy):" +
- "\n shx = " + shx +
- "\n shy = " + shy;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.shear( shx, shy );
- }
- public void transform(AffineTransform Tx) {
- String l =
- "transform(AffineTransform):" +
- "\n Tx = " + Tx;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.transform( Tx );
- }
- public void translate(double tx, double ty) {
- String l =
- "translate(double, double):" +
- "\n tx = " + tx +
- "\n ty = " + ty;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.translate( tx, ty );
- }
- public void clearRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- String l =
- "clearRect(int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.clearRect( x, y, width, height );
- }
- public void clipRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- String l =
- "clipRect(int, int, int, int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "height = " + height;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.clipRect( x, y, width, height );
- }
- public void copyArea(int x, int y, int width, int height, int dx, int dy) {
- String l =
- "copyArea(int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.copyArea( x, y, width, height, dx, dy );
- }
- public Graphics create() {
- log.println( "create():" );
- return g2D.create();
- }
- public Graphics create(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- String l =
- "create(int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height;
- log.println( l );
- return g2D.create( x, y, width, height );
- }
- public void dispose() {
- log.println( "dispose():" );
- g2D.dispose();
- }
- public void draw3DRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean raised) {
- String l =
- "draw3DRect(int,int,int,int,boolean):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height +
- "\n raised = " + raised;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.draw3DRect( x, y, width, height, raised );
- }
- public void drawArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle) {
- String l =
- "drawArc(int,int,int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height +
- "\n startAngle = " + startAngle +
- "\n arcAngle = " + arcAngle;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawArc( x, y, width, height, startAngle, arcAngle );
- }
- public void drawBytes(byte[] data, int offset, int length, int x, int y) {
- String l =
- "drawBytes(byte[],int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n data = " + Arrays.toString(data) +
- "\n offset = " + offset +
- "\n length = " + length +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawBytes( data, offset, length, x, y );
- }
- public void drawChars(char[] data, int offset, int length, int x, int y) {
- String l =
- "drawChars(data,int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n data = " + Arrays.toString(data) +
- "\n offset = " + offset +
- "\n length = " + length +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawChars( data, offset, length, x, y );
- }
- public boolean drawImage(Image img, int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2, ImageObserver observer) {
- String l =
- "drawImage(Image,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,ImageObserver):" +
- "\n img = " + img +
- "\n dx1 = " + dx1 +
- "\n dy1 = " + dy1 +
- "\n dx2 = " + dx2 +
- "\n dy2 = " + dy2 +
- "\n sx1 = " + sx1 +
- "\n sy1 = " + sy1 +
- "\n sx2 = " + sx2 +
- "\n sy2 = " + sy2 +
- "\n observer = " + observer;
- log.println( l );
- return g2D.drawImage( img, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, observer );
- }
- public boolean drawImage(Image img, int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2, Color bgcolor, ImageObserver observer) {
- String l =
- "drawImage(Image,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,Color,ImageObserver):" +
- "\n img = " + img +
- "\n dx1 = " + dx1 +
- "\n dy1 = " + dy1 +
- "\n dx2 = " + dx2 +
- "\n dy2 = " + dy2 +
- "\n sx1 = " + sx1 +
- "\n sy1 = " + sy1 +
- "\n sx2 = " + sx2 +
- "\n sy2 = " + sy2 +
- "\n bgcolor = " + bgcolor +
- "\n observer = " + observer;
- log.println( l );
- return g2D.drawImage( img, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, bgcolor, observer );
- }
- public boolean drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, Color bgcolor, ImageObserver observer) {
- String l =
- "drawImage(Image,int,int,Color,ImageObserver):" +
- "\n img = " + img +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n bgcolor = " + bgcolor +
- "\n observer = " + observer;
- log.println( l );
- return g2D.drawImage( img, x, y, bgcolor, observer );
- }
- public boolean drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, ImageObserver observer) {
- String l =
- "drawImage(Image,int,int,observer):" +
- "\n img = " + img +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n observer = " + observer;
- log.println( l );
- return g2D.drawImage( img, x, y, observer );
- }
- public boolean drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, int width, int height, Color bgcolor, ImageObserver observer) {
- String l =
- "drawImage(Image,int,int,int,int,Color,ImageObserver):" +
- "\n img = " + img +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height +
- "\n bgcolor = " + bgcolor +
- "\n observer = " + observer;
- log.println( l );
- return g2D.drawImage( img, x, y, width, height, bgcolor, observer );
- }
- public boolean drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, int width, int height, ImageObserver observer) {
- String l =
- "drawImage(Image,int,int,width,height,observer):" +
- "\n img = " + img +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height +
- "\n observer = " + observer;
- log.println( l );
- return g2D.drawImage( img, x, y, width, height, observer );
- }
- public void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
- String l =
- "drawLine(int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x1 = " + x1 +
- "\n y1 = " + y1 +
- "\n x2 = " + x2 +
- "\n y2 = " + y2;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
- }
- public void drawOval(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- String l =
- "drawOval(int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawOval( x, y, width, height );
- }
- public void drawPolygon(Polygon p) {
- String l =
- "drawPolygon(Polygon):" +
- "\n p = " + p;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawPolygon( p );
- }
- public void drawPolygon(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints) {
- String l =
- "drawPolygon(int[],int[],int):" +
- "\n xPoints = " + Arrays.toString(xPoints) +
- "\n yPoints = " + Arrays.toString(yPoints) +
- "\n nPoints = " + nPoints;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawPolygon( xPoints, yPoints, nPoints );
- }
- public void drawPolyline(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints) {
- String l =
- "drawPolyline(int[],int[],int):" +
- "\n xPoints = " + Arrays.toString(xPoints) +
- "\n yPoints = " + Arrays.toString(yPoints) +
- "\n nPoints = " + nPoints;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawPolyline( xPoints, yPoints, nPoints );
- }
- public void drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- String l =
- "drawRect(int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawRect( x, y, width, height );
- }
- public void drawRoundRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight) {
- String l =
- "drawRoundRect(int,int,int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height +
- "\n arcWidth = " + arcWidth +
- "\n arcHeight = " + arcHeight;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawRoundRect( x, y, width, height, arcWidth, arcHeight );
- }
- public void drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator iterator, int x, int y) {
- String l =
- "drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator,int,int):" +
- "\n iterator = " + iterator +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawString( iterator, x, y );
- }
- public void drawString(String str, int x, int y) {
- String l =
- "drawString(str,int,int):" +
- "\n str = " + str +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.drawString( str, x, y );
- }
- public void fill3DRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean raised) {
- String l =
- "fill3DRect(int,int,int,int,boolean):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height +
- "\n raised = " + raised;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.fill3DRect( x, y, width, height, raised );
- }
- public void fillArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle) {
- String l =
- "fillArc(int,int,int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height +
- "\n startAngle = " + startAngle +
- "\n arcAngle = " + arcAngle;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.fillArc( x, y, width, height, startAngle, arcAngle );
- }
- public void fillOval(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- String l =
- "fillOval(int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.fillOval( x, y, width, height );
- }
- public void fillPolygon(Polygon p) {
- String l =
- "fillPolygon(Polygon):" +
- "\n p = " + p;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.fillPolygon( p );
- }
- public void fillPolygon(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints) {
- String l =
- "fillPolygon(int[],int[],int):" +
- "\n xPoints = " + Arrays.toString(xPoints) +
- "\n yPoints = " + Arrays.toString(yPoints) +
- "\n nPoints = " + nPoints;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.fillPolygon( xPoints, yPoints, nPoints );
- }
- public void fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- String l =
- "fillRect(int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.fillRect( x, y, width, height );
- }
- public void fillRoundRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight) {
- String l =
- "fillRoundRect(int,int,int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.fillRoundRect( x, y, width, height, arcWidth, arcHeight );
- }
- // FIXME: should be protected
- // A class's finalize() method should have protected access, not public
- @Internal
- @Override
- public final void finalize() {
- log.println( "finalize():" );
- g2D.dispose();
- dispose();
- }
- public Shape getClip() {
- log.println( "getClip():" );
- return g2D.getClip();
- }
- public Rectangle getClipBounds() {
- log.println( "getClipBounds():" );
- return g2D.getClipBounds();
- }
- public Rectangle getClipBounds(Rectangle r) {
- String l =
- "getClipBounds(Rectangle):" +
- "\n r = " + r;
- log.println( l );
- return g2D.getClipBounds( r );
- }
- public Color getColor() {
- log.println( "getColor():" );
- return g2D.getColor();
- }
- public Font getFont() {
- log.println( "getFont():" );
- return g2D.getFont();
- }
- public FontMetrics getFontMetrics() {
- log.println( "getFontMetrics():" );
- return g2D.getFontMetrics();
- }
- public FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font f) {
- log.println( "getFontMetrics():" );
- return g2D.getFontMetrics( f );
- }
- public boolean hitClip(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- String l =
- "hitClip(int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height;
- log.println( l );
- return g2D.hitClip( x, y, width, height );
- }
- public void setClip(Shape clip) {
- String l =
- "setClip(Shape):" +
- "\n clip = " + clip;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.setClip( clip );
- }
- public void setClip(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- String l =
- "setClip(int,int,int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y +
- "\n width = " + width +
- "\n height = " + height;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.setClip( x, y, width, height );
- }
- public void setColor(Color c) {
- String l =
- "setColor():" +
- "\n c = " + c;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.setColor( c );
- }
- public void setFont(Font font) {
- String l =
- "setFont(Font):" +
- "\n font = " + font;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.setFont( font );
- }
- public void setPaintMode() {
- log.println( "setPaintMode():" );
- g2D.setPaintMode();
- }
- public void setXORMode(Color c1) {
- String l =
- "setXORMode(Color):" +
- "\n c1 = " + c1;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.setXORMode( c1 );
- }
- public String toString() {
- log.println( "toString():" );
- return g2D.toString();
- }
- public void translate(int x, int y) {
- String l =
- "translate(int,int):" +
- "\n x = " + x +
- "\n y = " + y;
- log.println( l );
- g2D.translate( x, y );
- }