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1 files changed, 7 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/jenkins/create_jobs.groovy b/jenkins/create_jobs.groovy
index 746e77b604..23553e8083 100644
--- a/jenkins/create_jobs.groovy
+++ b/jenkins/create_jobs.groovy
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ def poijobs = [
[ name: 'POI-DSL-no-scratchpad', trigger: triggerSundays, noScratchpad: true
- [ name: 'POI-DSL-SonarQube', trigger: 'H 9 * * *', maven: true, sonar: true, skipcigame: true
+ [ name: 'POI-DSL-SonarQube', trigger: 'H 9 * * *', maven: true, sonar: true, skipcigame: true,
+ disabled: true // try to use the Gradle-based run so we can get rid of the Maven buildsystem
[ name: 'POI-DSL-SonarQube-Gradle', trigger: 'H 9 * * *', gradle: true, sonar: true, skipcigame: true
@@ -393,6 +394,11 @@ poijobs.each { poijob ->
+Add a special job which spans a two-dimensional matrix of all JDKs that we want to use and
+all slaves that we would like to use and test if the java and ant binaries are available
+on that machine correctly.
+ */
matrixJob('POI-DSL-Test-Environment') {