path: root/poi-ooxml-lite
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'poi-ooxml-lite')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/poi-ooxml-lite/build.gradle b/poi-ooxml-lite/build.gradle
index a5245419d6..96d58f3ec3 100644
--- a/poi-ooxml-lite/build.gradle
+++ b/poi-ooxml-lite/build.gradle
@@ -46,25 +46,14 @@ final Pattern MODULE_REGEX = ~'\\.jar$'
final List MAIN_MODULE_PATH = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.findAll{ it.path =~ MODULE_REGEX }.collect{ it.parent }.unique()
final String OOXML_LITE_REPORT = '../build/ooxml-lite-report'
-task compileOoxmlLite(type: Copy) {
+task generateModuleInfo() {
dependsOn ':poi-ooxml:build', ':poi-integration:build', ':poi-excelant:build'
File fileIn = file("${OOXML_LITE_REPORT}.clazz")
File fileOut = file("src/main/java9/module-info.java")
- outputs.upToDateWhen{
- ant.uptodate(property: "ooxmlLiteUnchanged", srcfile: fileIn.path, targetfile: fileOut.path)
- ant.properties.ooxmlLiteUnchanged
- }
- // copy re-/sources to modules own directory to pacify IntelliJ, which doesn't like the same source dir in multiple modules
- from(project(':poi-ooxml-full').buildDir) {
- include 'generated-sources/**'
- include 'generated-resources/**'
- include 'classes/java/main/**'
- }
- into(buildDir)
+ inputs.file fileIn
+ outputs.file fileOut
doLast {
String header = fileOut.collect().findAll { !(it =~ /exports|}/) }.join('\n')
@@ -74,13 +63,28 @@ task compileOoxmlLite(type: Copy) {
collect { " exports ${it.replaceAll('[/\\\\][^/\\\\]+$', '').replaceAll('[/\\\\]', '.')};" }.
findAll { !(it =~ /\.impl;$/) }.unique().sort().join('\n')
- String content = header + '\n' + exports + '\n}'
+ String content = header + '\n' + exports + '\n}\n'
if (fileOut.text != content) {
fileOut.write content
+task compileOoxmlLite(type: Copy) {
+ dependsOn 'generateModuleInfo'
+ // This task is currently always executed, because gradle thinks files with two dollar signs
+ // (as in AlternateContentDocument$AlternateContent$Choice.class) are always stale
+ // copy re-/sources to modules own directory to pacify IntelliJ, which doesn't like the same source dir in multiple modules
+ from(project(':poi-ooxml-full').buildDir) {
+ include 'generated-sources/**'
+ include 'generated-resources/**'
+ include 'classes/java/main/**'
+ }
+ into(buildDir)
java {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8