path: root/src/resources/entities/javadoc-v04draft.dtd
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/resources/entities/javadoc-v04draft.dtd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/src/resources/entities/javadoc-v04draft.dtd b/src/resources/entities/javadoc-v04draft.dtd
deleted file mode 100755
index efa6bbce17..0000000000
--- a/src/resources/entities/javadoc-v04draft.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-<!-- ===================================================================
- Apache JavaDoc DTD (version 0.4-draft)
- This DTD is designed to capture the output of JavaDoc as an XML document
- through the use of the JavaDocXML Doclet. The hope is that by having the
- JavaDoc documentation in an XML format, it will be easier for application
- developers working with XML to treat their java source documentation in the
- same way they treat any other XML document within their publication framework.
- This DTD should reflect the information contained within the RootDoc object
- passed to the JavaDocXML Doclet by JavaDoc. The RootDoc object and the rest
- of the javaDoc Doclet API is specified at
- The only information that appears to be difficult to derive from this DTD
- that is easy to obtain from the RootDoc object is the information about
- serialization. However, this information should be derivable by manually
- looking for the correct serialization methods and other related structures.
- <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
- "-//APACHE//DTD JavaDoc Vx.yz//EN"
- "">
- where
- x := major version
- y := minor version
- z := status identifier (optional)
- The authors would like to thank the Cocoon's mail list subscribers for
- providing such great support and feedback for this DTD.
- Kenneth Murphy <>
- 199909?? Original idea of XML doclet. (KM)
- 199910?? Initial version of this DTD. (KM)
- 19991129 Cleaned up DTD. (SM)
- Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
- Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
- included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
- provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
- included files.
-==================================================================== -->
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!-- Common Attribute Entities -->
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!ENTITY % name 'name CDATA #REQUIRED'>
-<!ENTITY % dimension 'dimension CDATA #REQUIRED'>
-<!ENTITY % abstract 'abstract (true | false) "false"'>
-<!ENTITY % anonymous 'anonymous (true | false) "false"'>
-<!ENTITY % synthetic 'synthetic (true | false) "false"'>
-<!ENTITY % static 'static (true | false) "false"'>
-<!ENTITY % final 'final (true | false) "false"'>
-<!ENTITY % transient 'transient (true | false) "false"'>
-<!ENTITY % volatile 'volatile (true | false) "false"'>
-<!ENTITY % native 'native (true | false) "false"'>
-<!ENTITY % synchronized 'synchronized (true | false) "false"'>
-<!ENTITY % access 'access (private | package | protected | public) "package"'>
-<!ENTITY % class.access 'access (package | public) "package"'>
-<!ENTITY % extensibility 'extensibility (abstract | final | default) "default"'>
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!-- Javadoc -->
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!ELEMENT javadoc (package*, class*, interface*)>
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!-- Package -->
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!ELEMENT package (doc?, package*, class*, interface*)>
-<!ATTLIST package %name;>
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!-- Class -->
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!ELEMENT class (doc?,
- extends_class?,
- implements?,
- field*,
- constructor*,
- method*,
- innerclass*)>
-<!ATTLIST class
- %name;
- %extensibility;
- %class.access;>
-<!ELEMENT extends_class (classref+)>
-<!ELEMENT innerclass (doc?,
- extends?,
- implements?,
- field*,
- constructor*,
- method*)>
-<!ATTLIST innerclass
- %name;
- %access;
- %abstract;
- %anonymous;
- %final;
- %static;>
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!-- Interface -->
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!ELEMENT interface (doc?,
- extends_interface?,
- field*,
- method*)>
-<!ATTLIST interface
- %name;
- %access;>
-<!ELEMENT extends_interface (interfaceref+)>
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!-- Elements -->
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!ELEMENT implements (interfaceref+)>
-<!ELEMENT throws (classref)+>
-<!ELEMENT classref EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST classref %name;>
-<!ELEMENT interfaceref EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST interfaceref %name;>
-<!ELEMENT methodref EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST methodref %name;>
-<!ELEMENT packageref EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST packageref %name;>
-<!ELEMENT primitive EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST primitive
- type (void | boolean | int | long | byte | short | double | float | char) #REQUIRED>
-<!ELEMENT field (doc?, (classref | interfaceref | primitive))>
-<!ATTLIST field
- %name;
- %access;
- %dimension;
- %synthetic;
- %static;
- %final;
- %transient;
- %volatile;>
-<!ELEMENT constructor (doc?, parameter*, throws*)>
-<!ATTLIST constructor
- %name;
- %access;
- %synthetic;>
-<!ELEMENT method (doc?, returns, parameter*, throws*)>
-<!ATTLIST method
- %name;
- %access;
- %extensibility;
- %native;
- %synthetic;
- %static;
- %synchronized;>
-<!ELEMENT returns (classref | interfaceref | primitive)>
-<!ATTLIST returns %dimension;>
-<!ELEMENT parameter (classref | interfaceref | primitive)>
-<!ATTLIST parameter
- %name;
- %final;
- %dimension;>
-<!ELEMENT dimension (#PCDATA)>
- linktag |
- authortag |
- versiontag |
- paramtag |
- returntag |
- exceptiontag |
- throwstag |
- seetag |
- sincetag |
- deprecatedtag |
- serialtag |
- serialfieldtag |
- serialdatatag)*>
-<!ELEMENT linktag (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST linktag
-<!ELEMENT authortag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
-<!ELEMENT versiontag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
-<!ELEMENT paramtag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
-<!ATTLIST paramtag %name;>
-<!ELEMENT returntag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
-<!ELEMENT exceptiontag (#PCDATA | classref | linktag)*>
-<!ELEMENT throwstag (#PCDATA | classref | linktag)*>
-<!ELEMENT seetag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
-<!ATTLIST seetag
-<!ELEMENT sincetag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
-<!ELEMENT deprecatedtag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
-<!ELEMENT serialtag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
-<!ELEMENT serialfieldtag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
-<!ATTLIST serialfieldtag
- fieldname CDATA #REQUIRED
- fieldtype CDATA #REQUIRED>
-<!ELEMENT serialdatatag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
-<!-- =============================================================== -->
-<!-- End of DTD -->
-<!-- =============================================================== -->