path: root/maven
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* #59268 - Work on providing an updated version of XMLBeansAndreas Beeker2018-06-221-1/+1
* #62187 - Compiling with Java 10 fails with ClassCastException / use commons-c...Andreas Beeker2018-06-031-3/+8
* Remove use of xmlbeans 2.3.0 in build to simplify our build dependenciesPJ Fanning2018-01-112-2/+2
* roll back to hamcrest-coreJaven O'Neal2017-04-161-1/+1
* change from hamcrest-core-1.3 to hamcrest-all-1.3Javen O'Neal2017-04-161-1/+1
* As Nick suspected, the dependency is actually from HSSF too so commons collec...David North2016-07-292-5/+5
* Introduce name-based methods for access to named ranges in a workbook, and de...David North2016-07-291-0/+5
* Update curvesapi to 1.04Dustin Spicuzza2016-05-301-1/+1
* Multisign update to allow gpg2 usageDavid North2015-12-071-2/+6
* XDGF: fix the fixDustin Spicuzza2015-10-191-1/+1
* poi-import: fix build dependenciesDustin Spicuzza2015-10-191-0/+5
* Update to latest commons-codec-1.10 and commons-logging-1.2, use the properti...Dominik Stadler2015-10-131-2/+2
* Update to junit-4.12, the jar file is downloaded, so not required on classpat...Dominik Stadler2015-01-031-1/+1
* Typo fixNick Burch2014-12-221-1/+1
* Start on a Text Extractor for the pre-OLE2 Excel formats like Excel 4, for TI...Nick Burch2014-11-301-1/+1
* Fix the maven deployment script to use repository.apache.org instead of the p...Nick Burch2014-11-181-19/+11
* I think this is the right maven magic to deploy a javadoc jar, but we may hav...Nick Burch2014-11-101-0/+7
* added ooxml-security-1.0 to the maven artifactsAndreas Beeker2014-10-251-0/+79
* Fix bug #56814 - Switch from dom4j to JAXPUwe Schindler2014-08-121-5/+0
* Change the default XMLBeans version used for running to be 2.6, leave 2.3 for...Nick Burch2014-08-041-1/+1
* Revert upgrade to XMLBeans 2.6.0 to properly discuss on the mailinglist firstDominik Stadler2014-06-122-2/+2
* Update XMLBeans to version 2.6.0Dominik Stadler2014-06-112-2/+2
* Update commons-logging to 1.1.3 and set scope to test for hamcrest lib in pomDominik Stadler2014-02-031-2/+3
* Sync the Maven POM defined dependencies with the Ant build onesNick Burch2014-02-011-2/+14
* Remove the executable flag from a number of files that aren't executables so ...Nick Burch2013-06-252-0/+0
* add commons-codec to maven-pomMaxim Valyanskiy2011-05-131-0/+5
* include poi-excelantYegor Kozlov2011-03-071-1/+1
* merged with excelant branchYegor Kozlov2011-02-231-0/+78
| * initial import of ExcelAnt tasks, see Bugzilla 50610Yegor Kozlov2011-02-181-0/+73
* | Use stax:stax-api instead of org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-stax-api_1.0_...Yegor Kozlov2011-02-231-5/+0
* removed log4 and commons-logging from poi-scratchpad.pomYegor Kozlov2010-10-111-12/+0
* marked commons-logging and log4j as optional dependencies in POI poms, see Bu...Yegor Kozlov2010-10-111-0/+2
* repackaged poi-contrib to poi-main and poi-examples, excluded contrib from bu...Yegor Kozlov2010-10-062-82/+1
* Generate SHA1 hashes as well as MD5 ones. Also, use md5sum/sha1sum in prefere...Nick Burch2010-09-241-1/+20
* updated current version on status.xml, also some misc post-release improvemen...Yegor Kozlov2009-12-071-3/+3
* poi-ooxml-schemas depends on geronimo-stax-apiYegor Kozlov2009-11-241-0/+5
* more cleanup of build.xml, improved release procedure, added a script to crea...Yegor Kozlov2009-11-242-36/+49
* more improvements in build.xml: moved ooxml-lite targets out of normal 'compi...Yegor Kozlov2009-11-231-4/+6
* included poi-ooxml-schemas and poi-examples in the release cycle, also misc i...Yegor Kozlov2009-11-214-2/+162
* deleted 'svn:executable' propertyJosh Micich2009-10-165-0/+0
* improved script for deploying maven artefactsYegor Kozlov2009-09-281-6/+23
* improved the script for uploading maven artefacts, use gpg:sign-and-deploy-fi...Yegor Kozlov2009-04-112-63/+10
* added a script to upload digital signatures in the Maven repo to the 'dist' a...Yegor Kozlov2009-02-201-18/+43
* import OpenXML4j codebaseYegor Kozlov2009-01-292-85/+8
* updated status on the index page, also added a script to upload signatures fo...Yegor Kozlov2008-12-041-0/+30
* improved tasks for making Maven artifacts1. maven-dist is now obsolete, maven...Yegor Kozlov2008-11-205-9/+293
* removed dependencies for jaxen and xerces, ooxml module does not need themYegor Kozlov2008-11-091-8/+6
* 1. support for the ooxml maven dependencies: Yegor Kozlov2008-10-263-0/+226