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package org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel;

import java.util.Locale;

public enum AutoNumberingScheme {
    /** Lowercase alphabetic character enclosed in parentheses. Example: (a), (b), (c), ... */
    alphaLcParenBoth(0x0008, 1),
    /** Uppercase alphabetic character enclosed in parentheses. Example: (A), (B), (C), ... */
    alphaUcParenBoth(0x000A, 2),
    /** Lowercase alphabetic character followed by a closing parenthesis. Example: a), b), c), ... */
    alphaLcParenRight(0x0009, 3),
    /** Uppercase alphabetic character followed by a closing parenthesis. Example: A), B), C), ... */
    alphaUcParenRight(0x000B, 4),
    /** Lowercase Latin character followed by a period. Example: a., b., c., ... */
    alphaLcPeriod(0x0000, 5),
    /** Uppercase Latin character followed by a period. Example: A., B., C., ... */
    alphaUcPeriod(0x0001, 6),
    /** Arabic numeral enclosed in parentheses. Example: (1), (2), (3), ... */
    arabicParenBoth(0x000C, 7),
    /** Arabic numeral followed by a closing parenthesis. Example: 1), 2), 3), ... */
    arabicParenRight(0x0002, 8),
    /** Arabic numeral followed by a period. Example: 1., 2., 3., ... */
    arabicPeriod(0x0003, 9),
    /** Arabic numeral. Example: 1, 2, 3, ... */
    arabicPlain(0x000D, 10),
    /** Lowercase Roman numeral enclosed in parentheses. Example: (i), (ii), (iii), ... */
    romanLcParenBoth(0x0004, 11),
    /** Uppercase Roman numeral enclosed in parentheses. Example: (I), (II), (III), ... */
    romanUcParenBoth(0x000E, 12),
    /** Lowercase Roman numeral followed by a closing parenthesis. Example: i), ii), iii), ... */
    romanLcParenRight(0x0005, 13),
    /** Uppercase Roman numeral followed by a closing parenthesis. Example: I), II), III), .... */
    romanUcParenRight(0x000F, 14),
    /** Lowercase Roman numeral followed by a period. Example: i., ii., iii., ... */
    romanLcPeriod(0x0006, 15),
    /** Uppercase Roman numeral followed by a period. Example: I., II., III., ... */
    romanUcPeriod(0x0007, 16),
    /** Double byte circle numbers. */
    circleNumDbPlain(0x0012, 17),
    /** Wingdings black circle numbers. */
    circleNumWdBlackPlain(0x0014, 18),
    /** Wingdings white circle numbers. */
    circleNumWdWhitePlain(0x0013, 19),
    /** Double-byte Arabic numbers with double-byte period. */
    arabicDbPeriod(0x001D, 20),
    /** Double-byte Arabic numbers. */
    arabicDbPlain(0x001C, 21),
    /** Simplified Chinese with single-byte period. */
    ea1ChsPeriod(0x0011, 22),
    /** Simplified Chinese. */
    ea1ChsPlain(0x0010, 23),
    /** Traditional Chinese with single-byte period. */
    ea1ChtPeriod(0x0015, 24),
    /** Traditional Chinese. */
    ea1ChtPlain(0x0014, 25),
    /** Japanese with double-byte period. */
    ea1JpnChsDbPeriod(0x0026, 26),
    /** Japanese/Korean. */
    ea1JpnKorPlain(0x001A, 27),
    /** Japanese/Korean with single-byte period. */
    ea1JpnKorPeriod(0x001B, 28),
    /** Bidi Arabic 1 (AraAlpha) with ANSI minus symbol. */
    arabic1Minus(0x0017, 29),
    /** Bidi Arabic 2 (AraAbjad) with ANSI minus symbol. */
    arabic2Minus(0x0018, 30),
    /** Bidi Hebrew 2 with ANSI minus symbol. */
    hebrew2Minus(0x0019, 31),
    /** Thai alphabetic character followed by a period. */
    thaiAlphaPeriod(0x001E, 32),
    /** Thai alphabetic character followed by a closing parenthesis. */
    thaiAlphaParenRight(0x001F, 33),
    /** Thai alphabetic character enclosed by parentheses. */
    thaiAlphaParenBoth(0x0020, 34),
    /** Thai numeral followed by a period. */
    thaiNumPeriod(0x0021, 35),
    /** Thai numeral followed by a closing parenthesis. */
    thaiNumParenRight(0x0022, 36),
    /** Thai numeral enclosed in parentheses. */
    thaiNumParenBoth(0x0023, 37),
    /** Hindi alphabetic character followed by a period. */
    hindiAlphaPeriod(0x0024, 38),
    /** Hindi numeric character followed by a period. */
    hindiNumPeriod(0x0025, 39),
    /** Hindi numeric character followed by a closing parenthesis. */
    hindiNumParenRight(0x0027, 40),
    /** Hindi alphabetic character followed by a period. */
    hindiAlpha1Period(0x0027, 41);

    public final int nativeId, ooxmlId;

    AutoNumberingScheme(int nativeId, int ooxmlId) {
        this.nativeId = nativeId;
        this.ooxmlId = ooxmlId;

    public static AutoNumberingScheme forNativeID(int nativeId) {
        for (AutoNumberingScheme ans : values()) {
            if (ans.nativeId == nativeId) return ans;
        return null;

    public static AutoNumberingScheme forOoxmlID(int ooxmlId) {
        for (AutoNumberingScheme ans : values()) {
            if (ans.ooxmlId == ooxmlId) return ans;
        return null;

    public String getDescription() {
        switch (this) {
        case alphaLcPeriod          : return "Lowercase Latin character followed by a period. Example: a., b., c., ...";
        case alphaUcPeriod          : return "Uppercase Latin character followed by a period. Example: A., B., C., ...";
        case arabicParenRight       : return "Arabic numeral followed by a closing parenthesis. Example: 1), 2), 3), ...";
        case arabicPeriod           : return "Arabic numeral followed by a period. Example: 1., 2., 3., ...";
        case romanLcParenBoth       : return "Lowercase Roman numeral enclosed in parentheses. Example: (i), (ii), (iii), ...";
        case romanLcParenRight      : return "Lowercase Roman numeral followed by a closing parenthesis. Example: i), ii), iii), ...";
        case romanLcPeriod          : return "Lowercase Roman numeral followed by a period. Example: i., ii., iii., ...";
        case romanUcPeriod          : return "Uppercase Roman numeral followed by a period. Example: I., II., III., ...";
        case alphaLcParenBoth       : return "Lowercase alphabetic character enclosed in parentheses. Example: (a), (b), (c), ...";
        case alphaLcParenRight      : return "Lowercase alphabetic character followed by a closing parenthesis. Example: a), b), c), ...";
        case alphaUcParenBoth       : return "Uppercase alphabetic character enclosed in parentheses. Example: (A), (B), (C), ...";
        case alphaUcParenRight      : return "Uppercase alphabetic character followed by a closing parenthesis. Example: A), B), C), ...";
        case arabicParenBoth        : return "Arabic numeral enclosed in parentheses. Example: (1), (2), (3), ...";
        case arabicPlain            : return "Arabic numeral. Example: 1, 2, 3, ...";
        case romanUcParenBoth       : return "Uppercase Roman numeral enclosed in parentheses. Example: (I), (II), (III), ...";
        case romanUcParenRight      : return "Uppercase Roman numeral followed by a closing parenthesis. Example: I), II), III), ...";
        case ea1ChsPlain            : return "Simplified Chinese.";
        case ea1ChsPeriod           : return "Simplified Chinese with single-byte period.";
        case circleNumDbPlain       : return "Double byte circle numbers.";
        case circleNumWdWhitePlain  : return "Wingdings white circle numbers.";
        case circleNumWdBlackPlain  : return "Wingdings black circle numbers.";
        case ea1ChtPlain            : return "Traditional Chinese.";
        case ea1ChtPeriod           : return "Traditional Chinese with single-byte period.";
        case arabic1Minus           : return "Bidi Arabic 1 (AraAlpha) with ANSI minus symbol.";
        case arabic2Minus           : return "Bidi Arabic 2 (AraAbjad) with ANSI minus symbol.";
        case hebrew2Minus           : return "Bidi Hebrew 2 with ANSI minus symbol.";
        case ea1JpnKorPlain         : return "Japanese/Korean.";
        case ea1JpnKorPeriod        : return "Japanese/Korean with single-byte period.";
        case arabicDbPlain          : return "Double-byte Arabic numbers.";
        case arabicDbPeriod         : return "Double-byte Arabic numbers with double-byte period.";
        case thaiAlphaPeriod        : return "Thai alphabetic character followed by a period.";
        case thaiAlphaParenRight    : return "Thai alphabetic character followed by a closing parenthesis.";
        case thaiAlphaParenBoth     : return "Thai alphabetic character enclosed by parentheses.";
        case thaiNumPeriod          : return "Thai numeral followed by a period.";
        case thaiNumParenRight      : return "Thai numeral followed by a closing parenthesis.";
        case thaiNumParenBoth       : return "Thai numeral enclosed in parentheses.";
        case hindiAlphaPeriod       : return "Hindi alphabetic character followed by a period.";
        case hindiNumPeriod         : return "Hindi numeric character followed by a period.";
        case ea1JpnChsDbPeriod      : return "Japanese with double-byte period.";
        case hindiNumParenRight     : return "Hindi numeric character followed by a closing parenthesis.";
        case hindiAlpha1Period      : return "Hindi alphabetic character followed by a period.";
        default                     : return "Unknown Numbered Scheme";

    public String format(int value) {
        String index = formatIndex(value);
        String cased = formatCase(index);
        String seperated = formatSeperator(cased);
        return seperated;

    private String formatSeperator(String cased) {
        String name = name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
        if (name.contains("plain")) return cased;
        if (name.contains("parenright")) return cased+")";
        if (name.contains("parenboth")) return "("+cased+")";
        if (name.contains("period")) return cased+".";
        if (name.contains("minus")) return cased+"-"; // ???
        return cased;

    private String formatCase(String index) {
        String name = name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
        if (name.contains("lc")) return index.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
        if (name.contains("uc")) return index.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
        return index;

    private static final String ARABIC_LIST = "0123456789";
    private static final String ALPHA_LIST = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    private static final String WINGDINGS_WHITE_LIST =
    private static final String WINGDINGS_BLACK_LIST =
    private static final String CIRCLE_DB_LIST =

    private String formatIndex(int value) {
        String name = name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
        if (name.startsWith("roman")) {
            return formatRomanIndex(value);
        } else if (name.startsWith("arabic") && !name.contains("db")) {
            return getIndexedList(value, ARABIC_LIST, false);
        } else if (name.startsWith("alpha")) {
            return getIndexedList(value, ALPHA_LIST, true);
        } else if (name.contains("WdWhite")) {
            return (value == 10) ? "\u008A"
                : getIndexedList(value, WINGDINGS_WHITE_LIST, false);
        } else if (name.contains("WdBlack")) {
            return (value == 10) ? "\u0095"
                : getIndexedList(value, WINGDINGS_BLACK_LIST, false);
        } else if (name.contains("NumDb")) {
            return (value == 10) ? "\u277F"
                : getIndexedList(value, CIRCLE_DB_LIST, true);
        } else {
            return "?";

    private static String getIndexedList(int val, String list, boolean oneBased) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        addIndexedChar(val, list, oneBased, sb);
        return sb.toString();

    private static void addIndexedChar(int val, String list, boolean oneBased, StringBuilder sb) {
        if (oneBased) val -= 1;
        final int len = list.length();
        if (val >= len) {
            addIndexedChar(val/len, list, oneBased, sb);

    private String formatRomanIndex(int value) {
        //M (1000), CM (900), D (500), CD (400), C (100), XC (90), L (50), XL (40), X (10), IX (9), V (5), IV (4) and I (1).
        final int[] VALUES = new int[]{1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1};
        final String[] ROMAN = new String[]{"M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I"};
        final String conciseList[][] = {
            {"XLV", "VL"}, //45
            {"XCV", "VC"}, //95
            {"CDL", "LD"}, //450
            {"CML", "LM"}, //950
            {"CMVC", "LMVL"}, //995
            {"CDXC", "LDXL"}, //490
            {"CDVC", "LDVL"}, //495
            {"CMXC", "LMXL"}, //990
            {"XCIX", "VCIV"}, //99
            {"XLIX", "VLIV"}, //49
            {"XLIX", "IL"}, //49
            {"XCIX", "IC"}, //99
            {"CDXC", "XD"}, //490
            {"CDVC", "XDV"}, //495
            {"CDIC", "XDIX"}, //499
            {"LMVL", "XMV"}, //995
            {"CMIC", "XMIX"}, //999
            {"CMXC", "XM"}, // 990
            {"XDV", "VD"},  //495
            {"XDIX", "VDIV"}, //499
            {"XMV", "VM"}, // 995
            {"XMIX", "VMIV"}, //999
            {"VDIV", "ID"}, //499
            {"VMIV", "IM"} //999

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
            while (value >= VALUES[i]) {
                value -= VALUES[i];
        String result = sb.toString();
        for (String cc[] : conciseList) {
            result = result.replace(cc[0], cc[1]);
        return result;