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package org.apache.poi.ss.util;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
* Excel converts numbers to text with different rules to those of java, so
* Double.toString(value) won't do.
* - No more than 15 significant figures are output (java does 18).
* - The sign char for the exponent is included even if positive
* - Special values (NaN and Infinity) get rendered like the ordinary
* number that the bit pattern represents.
* - Denormalised values (between ±2-1074 and ±2-1022
* are displayed as "0"
* IEEE 64-bit Double Rendering Comparison
* Raw bits | Java | Excel |
* 0x0000000000000000L | 0.0 | 0 |
* 0x3FF0000000000000L | 1.0 | 1 |
* 0x3FF00068DB8BAC71L | 1.0001 | 1.0001 |
* 0x4087A00000000000L | 756.0 | 756 |
* 0x401E3D70A3D70A3DL | 7.56 | 7.56 |
* 0x405EDD3C07FB4C99L | 123.45678901234568 | 123.456789012346 |
* 0x4132D687E3DF2180L | 1234567.8901234567 | 1234567.89012346 |
* 0x3EE9E409302678BAL | 1.2345678901234568E-5 | 1.23456789012346E-05 |
* 0x3F202E85BE180B74L | 1.2345678901234567E-4 | 0.000123456789012346 |
* 0x3F543A272D9E0E51L | 0.0012345678901234567 | 0.00123456789012346 |
* 0x3F8948B0F90591E6L | 0.012345678901234568 | 0.0123456789012346 |
* 0x3EE9E409301B5A02L | 1.23456789E-5 | 0.0000123456789 |
* 0x3E6E7D05BDABDE50L | 5.6789012345E-8 | 0.000000056789012345 |
* 0x3E6E7D05BDAD407EL | 5.67890123456E-8 | 5.67890123456E-08 |
* 0x3E6E7D06029F18BEL | 5.678902E-8 | 0.00000005678902 |
* 0x2BCB5733CB32AE6EL | 9.999999999999123E-98 | 9.99999999999912E-98 |
* 0x2B617F7D4ED8C59EL | 1.0000000000001235E-99 | 1.0000000000001E-99 |
* 0x0036319916D67853L | 1.2345678901234578E-307 | 1.2345678901235E-307 |
* 0x359DEE7A4AD4B81FL | 2.0E-50 | 2E-50 |
* 0x41678C29DCD6E9E0L | 1.2345678901234567E7 | 12345678.9012346 |
* 0x42A674E79C5FE523L | 1.2345678901234568E13 | 12345678901234.6 |
* 0x42DC12218377DE6BL | 1.2345678901234567E14 | 123456789012346 |
* 0x43118B54F22AEB03L | 1.2345678901234568E15 | 1234567890123460 |
* 0x43E56A95319D63E1L | 1.2345678901234567E19 | 12345678901234600000 |
* 0x441AC53A7E04BCDAL | 1.2345678901234568E20 | 1.23456789012346E+20 |
* 0xC3E56A95319D63E1L | -1.2345678901234567E19 | -12345678901234600000 |
* 0xC41AC53A7E04BCDAL | -1.2345678901234568E20 | -1.23456789012346E+20 |
* 0x54820FE0BA17F46DL | 1.2345678901234577E99 | 1.2345678901235E+99 |
* 0x54B693D8E89DF188L | 1.2345678901234576E100 | 1.2345678901235E+100 |
* 0x4A611B0EC57E649AL | 2.0E50 | 2E+50 |
* 0x7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFFL | 1.7976931348623157E308 | 1.7976931348623E+308 |
* 0x0010000000000000L | 2.2250738585072014E-308 | 2.2250738585072E-308 |
* 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFL | 2.225073858507201E-308 | 0 |
* 0x0000000000000001L | 4.9E-324 | 0 |
* 0x7FF0000000000000L | Infinity | 1.7976931348623E+308 |
* 0xFFF0000000000000L | -Infinity | 1.7976931348623E+308 |
* 0x441AC7A08EAD02F2L | 1.234999999999999E20 | 1.235E+20 |
* 0x40FE26BFFFFFFFF9L | 123499.9999999999 | 123500 |
* 0x3E4A857BFB2F2809L | 1.234999999999999E-8 | 0.00000001235 |
* 0x3BCD291DEF868C89L | 1.234999999999999E-20 | 1.235E-20 |
* 0x444B1AE4D6E2EF4FL | 9.999999999999999E20 | 1E+21 |
* 0x412E847FFFFFFFFFL | 999999.9999999999 | 1000000 |
* 0x3E45798EE2308C39L | 9.999999999999999E-9 | 0.00000001 |
* 0x3C32725DD1D243ABL | 9.999999999999999E-19 | 0.000000000000000001 |
* 0x3BFD83C94FB6D2ABL | 9.999999999999999E-20 | 1E-19 |
* 0xC44B1AE4D6E2EF4FL | -9.999999999999999E20 | -1E+21 |
* 0xC12E847FFFFFFFFFL | -999999.9999999999 | -1000000 |
* 0xBE45798EE2308C39L | -9.999999999999999E-9 | -0.00000001 |
* 0xBC32725DD1D243ABL | -9.999999999999999E-19 | -0.000000000000000001 |
* 0xBBFD83C94FB6D2ABL | -9.999999999999999E-20 | -1E-19 |
* 0xFFFF0420003C0000L | NaN | 3.484840871308E+308 |
* 0x7FF8000000000000L | NaN | 2.6965397022935E+308 |
* 0x7FFF0420003C0000L | NaN | 3.484840871308E+308 |
* 0xFFF8000000000000L | NaN | 2.6965397022935E+308 |
* 0xFFFF0AAAAAAAAAAAL | NaN | 3.4877119413344E+308 |
* 0x7FF80AAAAAAAAAAAL | NaN | 2.7012211948322E+308 |
* 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL | NaN | 3.5953862697246E+308 |
* 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL | NaN | 3.5953862697246E+308 |
* 0xFFF7FFFFFFFFFFFFL | NaN | 2.6965397022935E+308 |
* Note:
* Excel has inconsistent rules for the following numeric operations:
* - Conversion to string (as handled here)
* - Rendering numerical quantities in the cell grid.
* - Conversion from text
* - General arithmetic
* Excel's text to number conversion is not a true inverse of this operation. The
* allowable ranges are different. Some numbers that don't correctly convert to text actually
* do get handled properly when used in arithmetic evaluations.
* @author Josh Micich
public final class NumberToTextConverter {
private static final long expMask = 0x7FF0000000000000L;
private static final long FRAC_MASK= 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
private static final int EXPONENT_SHIFT = 52;
private static final int FRAC_BITS_WIDTH = EXPONENT_SHIFT;
private static final int EXPONENT_BIAS = 1023;
private static final long FRAC_ASSUMED_HIGH_BIT = ( 1L<value to the text representation that Excel would give if
* the value were to appear in an unformatted cell, or as a literal number in a formula.
* Note - the results from this method differ slightly from those of Double.toString()
* In some special cases Excel behaves quite differently. This function attempts to reproduce
* those results.
public static String toText(double value) {
return rawDoubleBitsToText(Double.doubleToLongBits(value));
/* package */ static String rawDoubleBitsToText(long pRawBits) {
long rawBits = pRawBits;
boolean isNegative = rawBits < 0; // sign bit is in the same place for long and double
if (isNegative) {
int biasedExponent = (int) ((rawBits & expMask) >> EXPONENT_SHIFT);
if (biasedExponent == 0) {
// value is 'denormalised' which means it is less than 2^-1022
// excel displays all these numbers as zero, even though calculations work OK
return "0";
int exponent = biasedExponent - EXPONENT_BIAS;
long fracBits = FRAC_ASSUMED_HIGH_BIT | rawBits & FRAC_MASK;
// Start by converting double value to BigDecimal
BigDecimal bd;
if (biasedExponent == 0x07FF) {
// Special number NaN /Infinity
if(rawBits == EXCEL_NAN_BITS) {
return "3.484840871308E+308";
// This is where excel really gets it wrong
// Special numbers like Infinity and Nan are interpreted according to
// the standard rules below.
isNegative = false; // except that the sign bit is ignored
bd = convertToBigDecimal(exponent, fracBits);
return formatBigInteger(isNegative, bd.unscaledValue(), bd.scale());
private static BigDecimal convertToBigDecimal(int exponent, long fracBits) {
byte[] joob = {
(byte) (fracBits >> 48),
(byte) (fracBits >> 40),
(byte) (fracBits >> 32),
(byte) (fracBits >> 24),
(byte) (fracBits >> 16),
(byte) (fracBits >> 8),
(byte) (fracBits >> 0),
BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(joob);
int lastSigBitIndex = exponent-FRAC_BITS_WIDTH;
if(lastSigBitIndex < 0) {
BigInteger shifto = new BigInteger("1").shiftLeft(-lastSigBitIndex);
int scale = 1 -(int) (lastSigBitIndex/LOG2_10);
BigDecimal bd1 = new BigDecimal(bigInt);
BigDecimal bdShifto = new BigDecimal(shifto);
return bd1.divide(bdShifto, scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
BigInteger sl = bigInt.shiftLeft(lastSigBitIndex);
return new BigDecimal(sl);
private static String formatBigInteger(boolean isNegative, BigInteger unscaledValue, int scale) {
if (scale < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("negative scale");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(unscaledValue.toString());
int numberOfLeadingZeros = -1;
int unscaledLength = sb.length();
if (scale > 0 && scale >= unscaledLength) {
// less than one
numberOfLeadingZeros = scale-unscaledLength;
formatLessThanOne(sb, numberOfLeadingZeros+1);
} else {
int decimalPointIndex = unscaledLength - scale;
formatGreaterThanOne(sb, decimalPointIndex);
if(isNegative) {
sb.insert(0, '-');
return sb.toString();
private static int getNumberOfSignificantFiguresDisplayed(int exponent) {
int nLostDigits; // number of significand digits lost due big exponents
if(exponent > 99) {
// any exponent greater than 99 has 3 digits instead of 2
nLostDigits = 1;
} else if (exponent < -98) {
// For some weird reason on the negative side
// step is occurs from -98 to -99 (not from -99 to -100)
nLostDigits = 1;
} else {
nLostDigits = 0;
private static boolean needsScientificNotation(int nDigits) {
return nDigits > MAX_TEXT_LEN;
private static void formatGreaterThanOne(StringBuffer sb, int nIntegerDigits) {
int maxSigFigs = getNumberOfSignificantFiguresDisplayed(nIntegerDigits);
int decimalPointIndex = nIntegerDigits;
boolean roundCausedCarry = performRound(sb, 0, maxSigFigs);
int endIx = Math.min(maxSigFigs, sb.length()-1);
int nSigFigures;
if(roundCausedCarry) {
sb.insert(0, '1');
nSigFigures = 1;
} else {
nSigFigures = countSignifantDigits(sb, endIx);
if(needsScientificNotation(decimalPointIndex)) {
if (nSigFigures > 1) {
sb.insert(1, '.');
appendExp(sb, decimalPointIndex-1);
if(isAllZeros(sb, decimalPointIndex, maxSigFigs)) {
// else some sig-digits after the decimal point
sb.insert(decimalPointIndex, '.');
* @param sb initially contains just the significant digits
* @param pAbsExponent to be inserted (after "0.") at the start of the number
private static void formatLessThanOne(StringBuffer sb, int pAbsExponent) {
if (sb.charAt(0) == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("First digit of significand should be non-zero");
if (pAbsExponent < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("abs(exponent) must be positive");
int numberOfLeadingZeros = pAbsExponent-1;
int absExponent = pAbsExponent;
int maxSigFigs = getNumberOfSignificantFiguresDisplayed(-absExponent);
boolean roundCausedCarry = performRound(sb, 0, maxSigFigs);
int nRemainingSigFigs;
if(roundCausedCarry) {
nRemainingSigFigs = 1;
} else {
nRemainingSigFigs = countSignifantDigits(sb, 0 + maxSigFigs);
int normalLength = 2 + numberOfLeadingZeros + nRemainingSigFigs; // 2 == "0.".length()
if (needsScientificNotation(normalLength)) {
if (sb.length()>1) {
sb.insert(1, '.');
appendExp(sb, absExponent);
} else {
sb.insert(0, "0.");
for(int i=numberOfLeadingZeros; i>0; i--) {
sb.insert(2, '0');
private static int countSignifantDigits(StringBuffer sb, int startIx) {
int result=startIx;
while(sb.charAt(result) == '0') {
if(result < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("No non-zero digits found");
return result + 1;
private static void appendExp(StringBuffer sb, int val) {
if(val < 10) {
sb.append((char)('0' + val));
private static boolean isAllZeros(StringBuffer sb, int startIx, int endIx) {
for(int i=startIx; i<=endIx && itrue
if carry (out of the MS digit) occurred
private static boolean performRound(StringBuffer sb, int firstSigFigIx, int nSigFigs) {
int nextDigitIx = firstSigFigIx + nSigFigs;
if(nextDigitIx == sb.length()) {
return false; // nothing to do - digit to be rounded is at the end of the buffer
if(nextDigitIx > sb.length()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Buffer too small to fit all significant digits");
boolean hadCarryOutOfFirstDigit;
if(sb.charAt(nextDigitIx) < '5') {
// change to digit
hadCarryOutOfFirstDigit = false;
} else {
hadCarryOutOfFirstDigit = roundAndCarry(sb, nextDigitIx);
// clear out the rest of the digits after the rounded digit
// (at least the nearby digits)
int endIx = Math.min(nextDigitIx + MAX_EXTRA_ZEROS, sb.length());
for(int i = nextDigitIx; i