/* ==================================================================== Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==================================================================== */ package org.apache.poi.util; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Arrays; /** * a utility class for handling little-endian numbers, which the 80x86 world is * replete with. The methods are all static, and input/output is from/to byte * arrays, or from InputStreams. * *@author Marc Johnson (mjohnson at apache dot org) *@author Andrew Oliver (acoliver at apache dot org) */ public class LittleEndian implements LittleEndianConsts { // all methods are static, so an accessible constructor makes no // sense /** * Constructor for the LittleEndian object */ private LittleEndian() { } /** * get a short value from a byte array * *@param data the byte array *@param offset a starting offset into the byte array *@return the short (16-bit) value */ public static short getShort(final byte[] data, final int offset) { return (short) getNumber(data, offset, SHORT_SIZE); } /** * get an unsigned short value from a byte array * *@param data the byte array *@param offset a starting offset into the byte array *@return the unsigned short (16-bit) value in an integer */ public static int getUShort(final byte[] data, final int offset) { short num = (short) getNumber(data, offset, SHORT_SIZE); int retNum; if (num < 0) { retNum = (Short.MAX_VALUE + 1) * 2 + num; } else { retNum = num; } return retNum; } /** * get a short array from a byte array. * *@param data Description of the Parameter *@param offset Description of the Parameter *@param size Description of the Parameter *@return The simpleShortArray value */ public static short[] getSimpleShortArray(final byte[] data, final int offset, final int size) { short[] results = new short[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { results[i] = getShort(data, offset + 2 + (i * 2)); } return results; } /** * get a short array from a byte array. The short array is assumed to start * with a word describing the length of the array. * *@param data Description of the Parameter *@param offset Description of the Parameter *@return The shortArray value */ public static short[] getShortArray(final byte[] data, final int offset) { int size = (int) getNumber(data, offset, SHORT_SIZE); short[] results = getSimpleShortArray(data, offset, size); return results; } /** * get a short value from the beginning of a byte array * *@param data the byte array *@return the short (16-bit) value */ public static short getShort(final byte[] data) { return getShort(data, 0); } /** * get an unsigned short value from the beginning of a byte array * *@param data the byte array *@return the unsigned short (16-bit) value in an int */ public static int getUShort(final byte[] data) { return getUShort(data, 0); } /** * get an int value from a byte array * *@param data the byte array *@param offset a starting offset into the byte array *@return the int (32-bit) value */ public static int getInt(final byte[] data, final int offset) { return (int) getNumber(data, offset, INT_SIZE); } /** * get an int value from the beginning of a byte array * *@param data the byte array *@return the int (32-bit) value */ public static int getInt(final byte[] data) { return getInt(data, 0); } /** * get an unsigned int value from a byte array * *@param data the byte array *@param offset a starting offset into the byte array *@return the unsigned int (32-bit) value in a long */ public static long getUInt(final byte[] data, final int offset) { int num = (int) getNumber(data, offset, INT_SIZE); long retNum; if (num < 0) { retNum = ((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1) * 2 + num; } else { retNum = num; } return retNum; } /** * get an unsigned int value from a byte array * *@param data the byte array *@return the unsigned int (32-bit) value in a long */ public static long getUInt(final byte[] data) { return getUInt(data,0); } /** * get a long value from a byte array * *@param data the byte array *@param offset a starting offset into the byte array *@return the long (64-bit) value */ public static long getLong(final byte[] data, final int offset) { return getNumber(data, offset, LONG_SIZE); } /** * get a long value from the beginning of a byte array * *@param data the byte array *@return the long (64-bit) value */ public static long getLong(final byte[] data) { return getLong(data, 0); } /** * get a double value from a byte array, reads it in little endian format * then converts the resulting revolting IEEE 754 (curse them) floating * point number to a happy java double * *@param data the byte array *@param offset a starting offset into the byte array *@return the double (64-bit) value */ public static double getDouble(final byte[] data, final int offset) { return Double.longBitsToDouble(getNumber(data, offset, DOUBLE_SIZE)); } /** * get a double value from the beginning of a byte array * *@param data the byte array *@return the double (64-bit) value */ public static double getDouble(final byte[] data) { return getDouble(data, 0); } /** * put a short value into a byte array * *@param data the byte array *@param offset a starting offset into the byte array *@param value the short (16-bit) value */ public static void putShort(final byte[] data, final int offset, final short value) { putNumber(data, offset, value, SHORT_SIZE); } /** * executes:
* data[offset] = (byte)value;
* Added for consistency with other put~() methods
public static void putByte(byte[] data, int offset, int value) {
putNumber(data, offset, value, LittleEndianConsts.BYTE_SIZE);
* put a array of shorts into a byte array
*@param data the byte array
*@param offset a starting offset into the byte array
*@param value the short array
public static void putShortArray(final byte[] data, final int offset, final short[] value) {
putNumber(data, offset, value.length, SHORT_SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
putNumber(data, offset + 2 + (i * 2), value[i], SHORT_SIZE);
* put an unsigned short value into a byte array
* @param data the byte array
* @param offset a starting offset into the byte array
* @param value the short (16-bit) value
* @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown
public static void putUShort(final byte[] data, final int offset,
final int value)
putNumber(data, offset, value, SHORT_SIZE);
* put a short value into beginning of a byte array
*@param data the byte array
*@param value the short (16-bit) value
public static void putShort(final byte[] data, final short value) {
putShort(data, 0, value);
* put an int value into a byte array
*@param data the byte array
*@param offset a starting offset into the byte array
*@param value the int (32-bit) value
public static void putInt(final byte[] data, final int offset,
final int value) {
putNumber(data, offset, value, INT_SIZE);
* put an int value into beginning of a byte array
*@param data the byte array
*@param value the int (32-bit) value
public static void putInt(final byte[] data, final int value) {
putInt(data, 0, value);
* put a long value into a byte array
*@param data the byte array
*@param offset a starting offset into the byte array
*@param value the long (64-bit) value
public static void putLong(final byte[] data, final int offset,
final long value) {
putNumber(data, offset, value, LONG_SIZE);
* put a long value into beginning of a byte array
*@param data the byte array
*@param value the long (64-bit) value
public static void putLong(final byte[] data, final long value) {
putLong(data, 0, value);
* put a double value into a byte array
*@param data the byte array
*@param offset a starting offset into the byte array
*@param value the double (64-bit) value
public static void putDouble(final byte[] data, final int offset,
final double value) {
// Excel likes NaN to be a specific value.
if (Double.isNaN(value))
putNumber(data, offset, -276939487313920L, DOUBLE_SIZE);
putNumber(data, offset, Double.doubleToLongBits(value), DOUBLE_SIZE);
* put a double value into beginning of a byte array
*@param data the byte array
*@param value the double (64-bit) value
public static void putDouble(final byte[] data, final double value) {
putDouble(data, 0, value);
* Exception to handle buffer underruns
*@author Marc Johnson (mjohnson at apache dot org)
public static class BufferUnderrunException
extends IOException {
* simple constructor
BufferUnderrunException() {
super("buffer underrun");
* get a short value from an InputStream
*@param stream the InputStream from which the short
* is to be read
*@return the short (16-bit) value
*@exception IOException will be propagated back to the caller
*@exception BufferUnderrunException if the stream cannot provide enough
* bytes
public static short readShort(final InputStream stream)
throws IOException, BufferUnderrunException {
return getShort(readFromStream(stream, SHORT_SIZE));
* get an int value from an InputStream
*@param stream the InputStream from which the int is
* to be read
*@return the int (32-bit) value
*@exception IOException will be propagated back to the caller
*@exception BufferUnderrunException if the stream cannot provide enough
* bytes
public static int readInt(final InputStream stream)
throws IOException, BufferUnderrunException {
return getInt(readFromStream(stream, INT_SIZE));
* get a long value from an InputStream
*@param stream the InputStream from which the long
* is to be read
*@return the long (64-bit) value
*@exception IOException will be propagated back to the caller
*@exception BufferUnderrunException if the stream cannot provide enough
* bytes
public static long readLong(final InputStream stream)
throws IOException, BufferUnderrunException {
return getLong(readFromStream(stream, LONG_SIZE));
* Read the appropriate number of bytes from the stream and return them to
* the caller. * * However, for the purposes of the POI project, this risk is deemed * negligible. It is, however, so noted. * *@param stream the InputStream we're reading from *@param size the number of bytes to read; in * 99.99% of cases, this will be SHORT_SIZE, INT_SIZE, or LONG_SIZE -- * but it doesn't have to be. *@return the byte array containing the * required number of bytes. The array will contain all zero's on end * of stream *@exception IOException will be propagated back to the caller *@exception BufferUnderrunException if the stream cannot provide enough * bytes */ public static byte[] readFromStream(final InputStream stream, final int size) throws IOException, BufferUnderrunException { byte[] buffer = new byte[size]; int count = stream.read(buffer); if (count == -1) { // return a zero-filled buffer Arrays.fill(buffer, (byte) 0); } else if (count != size) { throw new BufferUnderrunException(); } return buffer; } /** * Gets the number attribute of the LittleEndian class * *@param data Description of the Parameter *@param offset Description of the Parameter *@param size Description of the Parameter *@return The number value */ private static long getNumber(final byte[] data, final int offset, final int size) { long result = 0; for (int j = offset + size - 1; j >= offset; j--) { result <<= 8; result |= 0xff & data[j]; } return result; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param data Description of the Parameter *@param offset Description of the Parameter *@param value Description of the Parameter *@param size Description of the Parameter */ private static void putNumber(final byte[] data, final int offset, final long value, final int size) { int limit = size + offset; long v = value; for (int j = offset; j < limit; j++) { data[j] = (byte) (v & 0xFF); v >>= 8; } } /** * Convert an 'unsigned' byte to an integer. ie, don't carry across the * sign. * *@param b Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public static int ubyteToInt(byte b) { return ((b & 0x80) == 0 ? (int) b : (b & (byte) 0x7f) + 0x80); } /** * get the unsigned value of a byte. * *@param data the byte array. *@param offset a starting offset into the byte array. *@return the unsigned value of the byte as a 32 bit integer */ public static int getUnsignedByte(final byte[] data, final int offset) { return (int) getNumber(data, offset, BYTE_SIZE); } /** * get the unsigned value of a byte. * *@param data the byte array *@return the unsigned value of the byte as a 32 bit integer */ public static int getUnsignedByte(final byte[] data) { return getUnsignedByte(data, 0); } /** * Copy a portion of a byte array * *@param data the original byte array *@param offset Where to start copying from. *@param size Number of bytes to copy. *@return The byteArray value *@throws IndexOutOfBoundsException - if copying would cause access of * data outside array bounds. */ public static byte[] getByteArray(final byte[] data, int offset, int size) { byte[] copy = new byte[size]; System.arraycopy(data, offset, copy, 0, size); return copy; } /** *
Gets an unsigned int value (8 bytes) from a byte array.
* * @param data the byte array * @param offset a starting offset into the byte array * @return the unsigned int (32-bit) value in a long */ public static long getULong(final byte[] data, final int offset) { int num = (int) getNumber(data, offset, LONG_SIZE); long retNum; if (num < 0) retNum = ((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1) * 2 + num; else retNum = num; return retNum; } }