<!-- =================================================================== Apache JavaDoc DTD (version 0.4-draft) PURPOSE: This DTD is designed to capture the output of JavaDoc as an XML document through the use of the JavaDocXML Doclet. The hope is that by having the JavaDoc documentation in an XML format, it will be easier for application developers working with XML to treat their java source documentation in the same way they treat any other XML document within their publication framework. This DTD should reflect the information contained within the RootDoc object passed to the JavaDocXML Doclet by JavaDoc. The RootDoc object and the rest of the javaDoc Doclet API is specified at http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/docs/tooldocs/javadoc/doclet/index.html The only information that appears to be difficult to derive from this DTD that is easy to obtain from the RootDoc object is the information about serialization. However, this information should be derivable by manually looking for the correct serialization methods and other related structures. TYPICAL INVOCATION: <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD JavaDoc Vx.yz//EN" "http://xml.apache.org/DTD/javadoc-vxyz.dtd"> where x := major version y := minor version z := status identifier (optional) NOTES: The authors would like to thank the Cocoon's mail list subscribers for providing such great support and feedback for this DTD. AUTHORS: Kenneth Murphy <murphyk@umsystem.edu> FIXME: CHANGE HISTORY: 199909?? Original idea of XML doclet. (KM) 199910?? Initial version of this DTD. (KM) 19991129 Cleaned up DTD. (SM) COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation. Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and included files. ==================================================================== --> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!-- Common Attribute Entities --> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % name 'name CDATA #REQUIRED'> <!ENTITY % dimension 'dimension CDATA #REQUIRED'> <!ENTITY % abstract 'abstract (true | false) "false"'> <!ENTITY % anonymous 'anonymous (true | false) "false"'> <!ENTITY % synthetic 'synthetic (true | false) "false"'> <!ENTITY % static 'static (true | false) "false"'> <!ENTITY % final 'final (true | false) "false"'> <!ENTITY % transient 'transient (true | false) "false"'> <!ENTITY % volatile 'volatile (true | false) "false"'> <!ENTITY % native 'native (true | false) "false"'> <!ENTITY % synchronized 'synchronized (true | false) "false"'> <!ENTITY % access 'access (private | package | protected | public) "package"'> <!ENTITY % class.access 'access (package | public) "package"'> <!ENTITY % extensibility 'extensibility (abstract | final | default) "default"'> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!-- Javadoc --> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!ELEMENT javadoc (package*, class*, interface*)> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!-- Package --> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!ELEMENT package (doc?, package*, class*, interface*)> <!ATTLIST package %name;> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!-- Class --> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!ELEMENT class (doc?, extends_class?, implements?, field*, constructor*, method*, innerclass*)> <!ATTLIST class %name; %extensibility; %class.access;> <!ELEMENT extends_class (classref+)> <!ELEMENT innerclass (doc?, extends?, implements?, field*, constructor*, method*)> <!ATTLIST innerclass %name; %access; %abstract; %anonymous; %final; %static;> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!-- Interface --> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!ELEMENT interface (doc?, extends_interface?, field*, method*)> <!ATTLIST interface %name; %access;> <!ELEMENT extends_interface (interfaceref+)> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!-- Elements --> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!ELEMENT implements (interfaceref+)> <!ELEMENT throws (classref)+> <!ELEMENT classref EMPTY> <!ATTLIST classref %name;> <!ELEMENT interfaceref EMPTY> <!ATTLIST interfaceref %name;> <!ELEMENT methodref EMPTY> <!ATTLIST methodref %name;> <!ELEMENT packageref EMPTY> <!ATTLIST packageref %name;> <!ELEMENT primitive EMPTY> <!ATTLIST primitive type (void | boolean | int | long | byte | short | double | float | char) #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT field (doc?, (classref | interfaceref | primitive))> <!ATTLIST field %name; %access; %dimension; %synthetic; %static; %final; %transient; %volatile;> <!ELEMENT constructor (doc?, parameter*, throws*)> <!ATTLIST constructor %name; %access; %synthetic;> <!ELEMENT method (doc?, returns, parameter*, throws*)> <!ATTLIST method %name; %access; %extensibility; %native; %synthetic; %static; %synchronized;> <!ELEMENT returns (classref | interfaceref | primitive)> <!ATTLIST returns %dimension;> <!ELEMENT parameter (classref | interfaceref | primitive)> <!ATTLIST parameter %name; %final; %dimension;> <!ELEMENT dimension (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT doc (#PCDATA | linktag | authortag | versiontag | paramtag | returntag | exceptiontag | throwstag | seetag | sincetag | deprecatedtag | serialtag | serialfieldtag | serialdatatag)*> <!ELEMENT linktag (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST linktag src CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT authortag (#PCDATA | linktag)*> <!ELEMENT versiontag (#PCDATA | linktag)*> <!ELEMENT paramtag (#PCDATA | linktag)*> <!ATTLIST paramtag %name;> <!ELEMENT returntag (#PCDATA | linktag)*> <!ELEMENT exceptiontag (#PCDATA | classref | linktag)*> <!ELEMENT throwstag (#PCDATA | classref | linktag)*> <!ELEMENT seetag (#PCDATA | linktag)*> <!ATTLIST seetag src CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT sincetag (#PCDATA | linktag)*> <!ELEMENT deprecatedtag (#PCDATA | linktag)*> <!ELEMENT serialtag (#PCDATA | linktag)*> <!ELEMENT serialfieldtag (#PCDATA | linktag)*> <!ATTLIST serialfieldtag fieldname CDATA #REQUIRED fieldtype CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT serialdatatag (#PCDATA | linktag)*> <!-- =============================================================== --> <!-- End of DTD --> <!-- =============================================================== -->