/* ==================================================================== Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==================================================================== */ package org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.poi.hssf.HSSFTestDataSamples; import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.PaletteRecord; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; /** * @author Brian Sanders (bsanders at risklabs dot com) */ public final class TestHSSFPalette extends TestCase { private PaletteRecord _palette; private HSSFPalette _hssfPalette; @Override public void setUp() { _palette = new PaletteRecord(); _hssfPalette = new HSSFPalette(_palette); } /** * Verifies that a custom palette can be created, saved, and reloaded */ public void testCustomPalette() { //reading sample xls HSSFWorkbook book = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("Simple.xls"); //creating custom palette HSSFPalette palette = book.getCustomPalette(); palette.setColorAtIndex((short) 0x12, (byte) 101, (byte) 230, (byte) 100); palette.setColorAtIndex((short) 0x3b, (byte) 0, (byte) 255, (byte) 52); //writing to disk; reading in and verifying palette book = HSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(book); palette = book.getCustomPalette(); HSSFColor color = palette.getColor(HSSFColor.CORAL.index); //unmodified assertNotNull("Unexpected null in custom palette (unmodified index)", color); short[] expectedRGB = HSSFColor.CORAL.triplet; short[] actualRGB = color.getTriplet(); String msg = "Expected palette position to remain unmodified"; assertEquals(msg, expectedRGB[0], actualRGB[0]); assertEquals(msg, expectedRGB[1], actualRGB[1]); assertEquals(msg, expectedRGB[2], actualRGB[2]); color = palette.getColor((short) 0x12); assertNotNull("Unexpected null in custom palette (modified)", color); actualRGB = color.getTriplet(); msg = "Expected palette modification to be preserved across save"; assertEquals(msg, (short) 101, actualRGB[0]); assertEquals(msg, (short) 230, actualRGB[1]); assertEquals(msg, (short) 100, actualRGB[2]); } /** * Uses the palette from cell stylings */ public void testPaletteFromCellColours() { HSSFWorkbook book = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("SimpleWithColours.xls"); HSSFPalette p = book.getCustomPalette(); HSSFCell cellA = book.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0).getCell(0); HSSFCell cellB = book.getSheetAt(0).getRow(1).getCell(0); HSSFCell cellC = book.getSheetAt(0).getRow(2).getCell(0); HSSFCell cellD = book.getSheetAt(0).getRow(3).getCell(0); HSSFCell cellE = book.getSheetAt(0).getRow(4).getCell(0); // Plain assertEquals("I'm plain", cellA.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals(64, cellA.getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColor()); assertEquals(64, cellA.getCellStyle().getFillBackgroundColor()); assertEquals(HSSFFont.COLOR_NORMAL, cellA.getCellStyle().getFont(book).getColor()); assertEquals(0, cellA.getCellStyle().getFillPattern()); assertEquals("0:0:0", p.getColor((short)64).getHexString()); assertEquals(null, p.getColor((short)32767)); // Red assertEquals("I'm red", cellB.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals(64, cellB.getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColor()); assertEquals(64, cellB.getCellStyle().getFillBackgroundColor()); assertEquals(10, cellB.getCellStyle().getFont(book).getColor()); assertEquals(0, cellB.getCellStyle().getFillPattern()); assertEquals("0:0:0", p.getColor((short)64).getHexString()); assertEquals("FFFF:0:0", p.getColor((short)10).getHexString()); // Red + green bg assertEquals("I'm red with a green bg", cellC.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals(11, cellC.getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColor()); assertEquals(64, cellC.getCellStyle().getFillBackgroundColor()); assertEquals(10, cellC.getCellStyle().getFont(book).getColor()); assertEquals(1, cellC.getCellStyle().getFillPattern()); assertEquals("0:FFFF:0", p.getColor((short)11).getHexString()); assertEquals("FFFF:0:0", p.getColor((short)10).getHexString()); // Pink with yellow assertEquals("I'm pink with a yellow pattern (none)", cellD.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals(13, cellD.getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColor()); assertEquals(64, cellD.getCellStyle().getFillBackgroundColor()); assertEquals(14, cellD.getCellStyle().getFont(book).getColor()); assertEquals(0, cellD.getCellStyle().getFillPattern()); assertEquals("FFFF:FFFF:0", p.getColor((short)13).getHexString()); assertEquals("FFFF:0:FFFF", p.getColor((short)14).getHexString()); // Pink with yellow - full assertEquals("I'm pink with a yellow pattern (full)", cellE.getStringCellValue()); assertEquals(13, cellE.getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColor()); assertEquals(64, cellE.getCellStyle().getFillBackgroundColor()); assertEquals(14, cellE.getCellStyle().getFont(book).getColor()); assertEquals(0, cellE.getCellStyle().getFillPattern()); assertEquals("FFFF:FFFF:0", p.getColor((short)13).getHexString()); assertEquals("FFFF:0:FFFF", p.getColor((short)14).getHexString()); } public void testFindSimilar() { HSSFWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFPalette p = book.getCustomPalette(); /* first test the defaults */ assertArrayEquals( new short[] {(short) 255, (short) 255, (short) 0}, // not [204, 255, 255] p.findSimilarColor((byte) 204, (byte) 255, (byte) 0).getTriplet() ); assertArrayEquals( new short[] {(short) 153, (short) 204, (short) 0}, // not [128, 0, 0] p.findSimilarColor((byte) 128, (byte) 255, (byte) 0).getTriplet() ); assertArrayEquals( new short[] {(short) 0, (short) 255, (short) 0}, // not [0, 51, 102] p.findSimilarColor((byte) 0, (byte) 255, (byte) 102).getTriplet() ); assertArrayEquals( new short[] {(short) 0, (short) 102, (short) 204}, // not [255, 102, 0] p.findSimilarColor((byte) 0, (byte) 102, (byte) 255).getTriplet() ); assertArrayEquals( new short[] {(short) 255, (short) 0, (short) 255}, // not [128, 0, 0] p.findSimilarColor((byte) 128, (byte) 0, (byte) 255).getTriplet() ); assertArrayEquals( new short[] {(short) 255, (short) 0, (short) 255}, // not [255, 255, 153] p.findSimilarColor((byte) 255, (byte) 0, (byte) 153).getTriplet() ); // Add a few edge colours in p.setColorAtIndex((short)8, (byte)-1, (byte)0, (byte)0); p.setColorAtIndex((short)9, (byte)0, (byte)-1, (byte)0); p.setColorAtIndex((short)10, (byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)-1); // And some near a few of them p.setColorAtIndex((short)11, (byte)-1, (byte)2, (byte)2); p.setColorAtIndex((short)12, (byte)-2, (byte)2, (byte)10); p.setColorAtIndex((short)13, (byte)-4, (byte)0, (byte)0); p.setColorAtIndex((short)14, (byte)-8, (byte)0, (byte)0); assertEquals( "FFFF:0:0", p.getColor((short)8).getHexString() ); // Now check we get the right stuff back assertEquals( p.getColor((short)8).getHexString(), p.findSimilarColor((byte)-1, (byte)0, (byte)0).getHexString() ); assertEquals( p.getColor((short)8).getHexString(), p.findSimilarColor((byte)-2, (byte)0, (byte)0).getHexString() ); assertEquals( p.getColor((short)8).getHexString(), p.findSimilarColor((byte)-1, (byte)1, (byte)0).getHexString() ); assertEquals( p.getColor((short)11).getHexString(), p.findSimilarColor((byte)-1, (byte)2, (byte)1).getHexString() ); assertEquals( p.getColor((short)12).getHexString(), p.findSimilarColor((byte)-1, (byte)2, (byte)10).getHexString() ); // And with ints not bytes assertEquals( p.getColor((short)11).getHexString(), p.findSimilarColor(255, 2, 1).getHexString() ); assertEquals( p.getColor((short)12).getHexString(), p.findSimilarColor(255, 2, 10).getHexString() ); } /** * Verifies that the generated gnumeric-format string values match the * hardcoded values in the HSSFColor default color palette */ public void testGnumericStrings() { compareToDefaults(new ColorComparator() { @Override public void compare(HSSFColor expected, HSSFColor palette) { assertEquals(expected.getHexString(), palette.getHexString()); } }); } /** * Verifies that the palette handles invalid palette indexes */ public void testBadIndexes() { //too small _hssfPalette.setColorAtIndex((short) 2, (byte) 255, (byte) 255, (byte) 255); //too large _hssfPalette.setColorAtIndex((short) 0x45, (byte) 255, (byte) 255, (byte) 255); //should still match defaults; compareToDefaults(new ColorComparator() { @Override public void compare(HSSFColor expected, HSSFColor palette) { short[] s1 = expected.getTriplet(); short[] s2 = palette.getTriplet(); assertEquals(s1[0], s2[0]); assertEquals(s1[1], s2[1]); assertEquals(s1[2], s2[2]); } }); } private void compareToDefaults(ColorComparator c) { Map colors = HSSFColor.getIndexHash(); Iterator it = colors.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Number index = it.next(); HSSFColor expectedColor = colors.get(index); HSSFColor paletteColor = _hssfPalette.getColor(index.shortValue()); c.compare(expectedColor, paletteColor); } } public void testAddColor() { try { _hssfPalette.addColor((byte)10,(byte)10,(byte)10); fail(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Failing because by default there are no colours left in the palette. } } private static interface ColorComparator { void compare(HSSFColor expected, HSSFColor palette); } }