----------------------------------------------------------- This mail is generated automatically using Jakarta Ant. Contents are automatically downloaded from Apache's Bugzilla. ----------------------------------------------------------- Please do not reply to this mail. ----------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************** __ __ __ __ __ __ (___ (__) (___ (__) (__) | ) __ __ _|_ __ |__ ___ __ |__) (__( |_, (___ | ) (__/_ __) | *********************************************************** ***************** patches in queue: ******************** *********************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------- : ----------------------------------------------------------- REVIEWER: RESOLUTION: STATUS: *************************that's it!************************ ------------------------patch HOWTO------------------------ Send patches to http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/ specifying [PATCH] in the summary. Bugzilla sends a mail automatically to this list. Reviewers will mark it FIXED there when applied. Patches not sent to Bugzilla will not be reviewed. ----------------------------------------------------------- This file is generated and updated automatically at least once a week, and the data is taken from Bugzilla. If you don't find the patch you submitted to bugzilla after one week, please notify cocoon-dev@xml.apache.org for assistance. ----------------------------------------------------------- There is usually a HEAD branch and a previous-version branch that are maintained. Where will the patch go? 1. If it is a bug fix it should go to both branches 2. If something is totally new it goes into HEAD scratchpad. 3. Something in between, but does not break backward compatibility _may_ go into both (and may not) 4. For everything else, a vote is required so first it may go into HEAD, and then be VOTEd in order to sync this into branch. Please note that structural changes have to be VOTEd first.