diff options
authorToshi MARUYAMA <>2016-01-06 11:22:15 +0000
committerToshi MARUYAMA <>2016-01-06 11:22:15 +0000
commitb2d4a2d74e4d215770c84802a555bec900c6cb90 (patch)
parent072eec8851f95e1eeebe5ebdbe8a1d14151a6d97 (diff)
Merged r14993 from trunk to 3.2-stable (#21456, #21650)
Simplified Chinese wiki translation for 2.6-stable updated by Hang Xie. git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2 files changed, 128 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/public/help/zh/wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html b/public/help/zh/wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
index 09f3210ef..83d23ebcd 100644
--- a/public/help/zh/wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
+++ b/public/help/zh/wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
@@ -33,89 +33,89 @@
-<h1><a name="1" class="wiki-page"></a>Wiki formatting</h1>
+<h1><a name="1" class="wiki-page"></a>Wiki 文本格式</h1>
- <h2><a name="2" class="wiki-page"></a>Links</h2>
+ <h2><a name="2" class="wiki-page"></a>链接</h2>
- <h3><a name="3" class="wiki-page"></a>Redmine links</h3>
+ <h3><a name="3" class="wiki-page"></a>Redmine 链接</h3>
- <p>Redmine allows hyperlinking between resources (issues, changesets, wiki pages...) from anywhere wiki formatting is used.</p>
+ <p>在任何使用文本格式的地方,Redmine都允许在资源(问题、变更、wiki页面...)间建立超链接。</p>
- <li>Link to an issue: <strong>#124</strong> (displays <del><a href="#" class="issue" title="bulk edit doesn't change the category or fixed version properties (Closed)">#124</a></del>, link is striked-through if the issue is closed)</li>
- <li>Link to an issue note: <strong>#124-6</strong>, or <strong>#124#note-6</strong></li>
+ <li>链接至一个问题: <strong>#124</strong> (显示 <del><a href="#" class="issue" title="bulk edit doesn't change the category or fixed version properties (Closed)">#124</a></del>,若该问题已结束则会用删除线来表示)</li>
+ <li>链接至一个问题的说明: <strong>#124-6</strong>, 或者 <strong>#124#note-6</strong></li>
- <p>Wiki links:</p>
+ <p>Wiki链接</p>
- <li><strong>[[Guide]]</strong> displays a link to the page named 'Guide': <a href="#" class="wiki-page">Guide</a></li>
- <li><strong>[[Guide#further-reading]]</strong> takes you to the anchor "further-reading". Headings get automatically assigned anchors so that you can refer to them: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">Guide</a></li>
- <li><strong>[[Guide|User manual]]</strong> displays a link to the same page but with a different text: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">User manual</a></li>
+ <li><strong>[[Guide]]</strong> 显示一个页面名为'Guide'的链接: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">Guide</a></li>
+ <li><strong>[[Guide#further-reading]]</strong> 链接到页面内的"further-reading"标签. 每个标题都会自动绑定一个标签,方便您进行链接: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">Guide</a></li>
+ <li><strong>[[Guide|User manual]]</strong> 使用不同的文字来显示一个页面名称为'Guide'的链接: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">User manual</a></li>
- <p>You can also link to pages of an other project wiki:</p>
+ <p>您也可以链接到其他项目的Wiki页面(使用项目标识):</p>
- <li><strong>[[sandbox:some page]]</strong> displays a link to the page named 'Some page' of the Sandbox wiki</li>
- <li><strong>[[sandbox:]]</strong> displays a link to the Sandbox wiki main page</li>
+ <li><strong>[[sandbox:some page]]</strong> 显示Sandbox项目wiki页面的一个名为'Some page'的链接</li>
+ <li><strong>[[sandbox:]]</strong> 显示Sandbox项目wiki首页的链接</li>
- <p>Wiki links are displayed in red if the page doesn't exist yet, eg: <a href="#" class="wiki-page new">Nonexistent page</a>.</p>
+ <p>当页面不存在的时候,Wiki链接会以红色来显示,例如: <a href="#" class="wiki-page new">Nonexistent page</a>.</p>
- <p>Links to other resources:</p>
+ <p>链接至其他资源:</p>
- <li>Documents:
+ <li>文档:
- <li><strong>document#17</strong> (link to document with id 17)</li>
- <li><strong>document:Greetings</strong> (link to the document with title "Greetings")</li>
- <li><strong>document:"Some document"</strong> (double quotes can be used when document title contains spaces)</li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:document:"Some document"</strong> (link to a document with title "Some document" in other project "sandbox")</li>
+ <li><strong>document#17</strong> (链接到id为17的文档)</li>
+ <li><strong>document:Greetings</strong> (链接到标题为“Greeting”的文档)</li>
+ <li><strong>document:"Some document"</strong> (文档标题包含空格时使用双引号来表示)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:document:"Some document"</strong> (链接至sandbox项目中标题为“Some document”的文档)</li>
- <li>Versions:
+ <li>版本:
- <li><strong>version#3</strong> (link to version with id 3)</li>
- <li><strong>version:1.0.0</strong> (link to version named "1.0.0")</li>
- <li><strong>version:"1.0 beta 2"</strong></li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:version:1.0.0</strong> (link to version "1.0.0" in the project "sandbox")</li>
+ <li><strong>version#3</strong> (链接至id为3的版本)</li>
+ <li><strong>version:1.0.0</strong> (链接到名称为“1.0.0”的版本)</li>
+ <li><strong>version:"1.0 beta 2"</strong>(版本名称包含空格时使用双引号来表示)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:version:1.0.0</strong> (连接至sandbox项目中的“1.0.0”版本)</li>
- <li>Attachments:
+ <li>附件:
- <li><strong></strong> (link to the attachment of the current object named</li>
- <li>For now, attachments of the current object can be referenced only (if you're on an issue, it's possible to reference attachments of this issue only)</li>
+ <li><strong></strong> (链接至当前页面下名为file.zip的附件)</li>
+ <li>目前,只有当前页面下的附件能够被引用(如果您在一个问题中,则仅可以引用此问题下的附件)</li>
- <li>Changesets:
+ <li>变更集:
- <li><strong>r758</strong> (link to a changeset)</li>
- <li><strong>commit:c6f4d0fd</strong> (link to a changeset with a non-numeric hash)</li>
- <li><strong>svn1|r758</strong> (link to a changeset of a specific repository, for projects with multiple repositories)</li>
- <li><strong>commit:hg|c6f4d0fd</strong> (link to a changeset with a non-numeric hash of a specific repository)</li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:r758</strong> (link to a changeset of another project)</li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:commit:c6f4d0fd</strong> (link to a changeset with a non-numeric hash of another project)</li>
+ <li><strong>r758</strong> (链接至一个变更集)</li>
+ <li><strong>commit:c6f4d0fd</strong> (链接至一个非数字哈希的变更集)</li>
+ <li><strong>svn1|r758</strong> (链接至指定版本库中的变更集,用于使用多个版本库的项目)</li>
+ <li><strong>commit:hg|c6f4d0fd</strong> (链接至指定版本库中,使用非数字哈希的变更集,此例子中是"hg"版本库下的哈希变更集)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:r758</strong> (链接至其他项目的变更集)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:commit:c6f4d0fd</strong> (链接至其他项目中,使用非数字哈希的变更集)</li>
- <li>Repository files:
+ <li>版本库文件:
- <li><strong>source:some/file</strong> (link to the file located at /some/file in the project's repository)</li>
- <li><strong>source:some/file@52</strong> (link to the file's revision 52)</li>
- <li><strong>source:some/file#L120</strong> (link to line 120 of the file)</li>
- <li><strong>source:some/file@52#L120</strong> (link to line 120 of the file's revision 52)</li>
- <li><strong>source:"some file@52#L120"</strong> (use double quotes when the URL contains spaces</li>
- <li><strong>export:some/file</strong> (force the download of the file)</li>
- <li><strong>source:svn1|some/file</strong> (link to a file of a specific repository, for projects with multiple repositories)</li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:source:some/file</strong> (link to the file located at /some/file in the repository of the project "sandbox")</li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:export:some/file</strong> (force the download of the file)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:some/file</strong> (链接至项目版本库中位于/some/file的文件)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:some/file@52</strong> (链接至此文件的第52版)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:some/file#L120</strong> (链接至此文件的第120行)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:some/file@52#L120</strong> (链接至此文件的第52版的第120行)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:"some file@52#L120"</strong> (当URL中包含空格时使用双引号来表示)</li>
+ <li><strong>export:some/file</strong> (强制下载此文件,而不是在页面上查看)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:svn1|some/file</strong> (链接至指定版本库中的文件, 用于使用多个版本库的项目)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:source:some/file</strong> (链接至"sandbox"项目的版本库中位于/some/file的文件)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:export:some/file</strong> (强制下载"sandbox"项目的版本库中位于/some/file的文件,而不是在页面上查看)</li>
@@ -129,16 +129,16 @@
- <li>Forum messages:
+ <li>论坛消息:
- <li><strong>message#1218</strong> (link to message with id 1218)</li>
+ <li><strong>message#1218</strong> (链接至id为1218的论坛消息)</li>
- <li>Projects:
+ <li>项目:
- <li><strong>project#3</strong> (link to project with id 3)</li>
+ <li><strong>project#3</strong> (链接至id为3的项目)</li>
<li><strong>project:some-project</strong> (link to project with name or slug of "some-project")</li>
<li><strong>project:"Some Project"</strong> (use double quotes for project name containing spaces)</li>
@@ -153,153 +153,153 @@
- <p>Escaping:</p>
+ <p>转义字符:</p>
- <li>You can prevent Redmine links from being parsed by preceding them with an exclamation mark: !</li>
+ <li>您可以在文本的前面加上感叹号(!)来避免该文本被解析成Redmine链接</li>
- <h3><a name="4" class="wiki-page"></a>External links</h3>
+ <h3><a name="4" class="wiki-page"></a>外部链接</h3>
- <p>HTTP URLs and email addresses are automatically turned into clickable links:</p>
+ <p>HTTP链接和Email地址可以被自动转换成可点击的链接: </p>
- <p>displays: <a class="external" href=""></a>, <a href="" class="email"></a></p>
+ <p>显示为: <a class="external" href=""></a>, <a href="" class="email"></a></p>
- <p>If you want to display a specific text instead of the URL, you can use the standard textile syntax:</p>
+ <p>如果您想要显示指定的文本而不是链接,您可以通过下列标准的 textile 语法:</p>
-"Redmine web site":
+"Redmine 官网":
- <p>displays: <a href="" class="external">Redmine web site</a></p>
+ <p>显示为: <a href="" class="external">Redmine 官网</a></p>
- <h2><a name="5" class="wiki-page"></a>Text formatting</h2>
+ <h2><a name="5" class="wiki-page"></a>字体格式</h2>
- <p>For things such as headlines, bold, tables, lists, Redmine supports Textile syntax. See <a class="external" href=""></a> for information on using any of these features. A few samples are included below, but the engine is capable of much more of that.</p>
+ <p>对于像是标题、粗体、表格、列表等文字格式, Redmine 支持使用 <a class="external" href=""></a> 查找关于使用这些特性的信息。下面将展示其中的一些常用的语法。</p>
- <h3><a name="6" class="wiki-page"></a>Font style</h3>
+ <h3><a name="6" class="wiki-page"></a>字体风格</h3>
-* *bold*
-* _italic_
-* _*bold italic*_
-* +underline+
-* -strike-through-
+* *粗体*
+* _斜体_
+* _*粗体 斜体*_
+* +下划线+
+* -中划线-
- <p>Display:</p>
+ <p>显示为:</p>
- <li><strong>bold</strong></li>
- <li><em>italic</em></li>
- <li><em><strong>bold italic</strong></em></li>
- <li><ins>underline</ins></li>
- <li><del>strike-through</del></li>
+ <li><strong>粗体</strong></li>
+ <li><em>斜体</em></li>
+ <li><em><strong>粗体 斜体</strong></em></li>
+ <li><ins>下划线</ins></li>
+ <li><del>中划线</del></li>
- <h3><a name="7" class="wiki-page"></a>Inline images</h3>
+ <h3><a name="7" class="wiki-page"></a>内嵌图片</h3>
<li><strong>!image_url!</strong> displays an image located at image_url (textile syntax)</li>
<li><strong>!&gt;image_url!</strong> right floating image</li>
- <li>If you have an image attached to your wiki page, it can be displayed inline using its filename: <strong>!attached_image.png!</strong></li>
+ <li>你可以上传图片附件到 wiki 页面,然后使用它的文件名作为路径: <strong>!已上传的图片.png!</strong></li>
- <h3><a name="8" class="wiki-page"></a>Headings</h3>
+ <h3><a name="8" class="wiki-page"></a>标题</h3>
-h1. Heading
-h2. Subheading
-h3. Subsubheading
+h1. 一级标题
+h2. 二级标题
+h3. 三级标题
- <p>Redmine assigns an anchor to each of those headings thus you can link to them with "#Heading", "#Subheading" and so forth.</p>
+ <p>你可以使用“#一级标题”、“#二级标题”等等来链接到这些标题</p>
- <h3><a name="9" class="wiki-page"></a>Paragraphs</h3>
+ <h3><a name="9" class="wiki-page"></a>段落</h3>
-p&gt;. right aligned
-p=. centered
+p&gt;. 向右对齐
+p=. 居中
- <p style="text-align:center;">This is a centered paragraph.</p>
+ <p style="text-align:center;">这是一个居中对齐的段落</p>
- <h3><a name="10" class="wiki-page"></a>Blockquotes</h3>
+ <h3><a name="10" class="wiki-page"></a>引用文字</h3>
- <p>Start the paragraph with <strong>bq.</strong></p>
+ <p>在段落前加上 <strong>bq.</strong></p>
bq. Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern.
To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.
- <p>Display:</p>
+ <p>显示为:</p>
<p>Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern.<br />To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.</p>
- <h3><a name="11" class="wiki-page"></a>Table of content</h3>
+ <h3><a name="11" class="wiki-page"></a>目录</h3>
-{{toc}} =&gt; left aligned toc
-{{&gt;toc}} =&gt; right aligned toc
+{{toc}} =&gt; 靠左对齐目录
+{{&gt;toc}} =&gt; 靠右对齐目录
- <h3><a name="14" class="wiki-page"></a>Horizontal Rule</h3>
+ <h3><a name="14" class="wiki-page"></a>水平线</h3>
- <h2><a name="12" class="wiki-page"></a>Macros</h2>
+ <h2><a name="12" class="wiki-page"></a>宏</h2>
- <p>Redmine has the following builtin macros:</p>
+ <p>Redmine内建了以下宏:</p>
- <dd><p>Sample macro.</p></dd>
+ <dd><p>宏示例.</p></dd>
- <dd><p>Displays a list of all available macros, including description if available.</p></dd>
+ <dd><p>显示所有可用的宏列表,如果该宏有提供说明也会一并显示。</p></dd>
- <dd><p>Displays a list of child pages. With no argument, it displays the child pages of the current wiki page. Examples:</p>
- <pre><code>{{child_pages}} -- can be used from a wiki page only
-{{child_pages(depth=2)}} -- display 2 levels nesting only</code></pre></dd>
+ <dd><p>显示一个子页面列表。默认显示当前Wiki页面的所有子页面。 示例:</p>
+ <pre><code>{{child_pages}} -- 只能在Wiki页面调用
+{{child_pages(depth=2)}} -- 显示两级子页面</code></pre></dd>
- <dd><p>Include a wiki page. Example:</p>
+ <dd><p>引用一个Wiki页面。示例:</p>
- <p>or to include a page of a specific project wiki:</p>
+ <p>或者引用一个指定项目的Wiki页面:</p>
- <dd><p>Inserts of collapsed block of text. Example:</p>
+ <dd><p>插入一个折叠文本块。示例:</p>
<pre><code>{{collapse(View details...)
-This is a block of text that is collapsed by default.
-It can be expanded by clicking a link.
- <dd><p>Displays a clickable thumbnail of an attached image. Examples:</p>
+ <dd><p>显示一个图像附件的可点击缩略图。示例:</p>
{{thumbnail(image.png, size=300, title=Thumbnail)}}</pre></dd>
- <h2><a name="13" class="wiki-page"></a>Code highlighting</h2>
+ <h2><a name="13" class="wiki-page"></a>代码高亮</h2>
<p>Default code highlightment relies on <a href="" class="external">CodeRay</a>, a fast syntax highlighting library written completely in Ruby. It currently supports c, clojure, cpp (c++, cplusplus), css, delphi (pascal), diff (patch), erb (eruby, rhtml), go, groovy, haml, html (xhtml), java, javascript (ecmascript, ecma_script, java_script, js), json, lua, php, python, ruby (irb), sass, sql, taskpaper, text (plain, plaintext), xml and yaml (yml) languages, where the names inside parentheses are aliases.</p>
@@ -307,11 +307,11 @@ It can be expanded by clicking a link.
&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code class="ruby"&gt;
- Place your code here.
+ 这里写 Ruby 代码
- <p>Example:</p>
+ <p>示例:</p>
<pre><code class="ruby syntaxhl"><span class="CodeRay"><span class="comment"># The Greeter class</span>
<span class="keyword">class</span> <span class="class">Greeter</span>
diff --git a/public/help/zh/wiki_syntax_textile.html b/public/help/zh/wiki_syntax_textile.html
index 55a900dcf..d3de76000 100644
--- a/public/help/zh/wiki_syntax_textile.html
+++ b/public/help/zh/wiki_syntax_textile.html
@@ -20,20 +20,20 @@ table.sample th, table.sample td { border: solid 1px #bbb; padding: 4px; height:
-<h1>Wiki Syntax Quick Reference</h1>
+<h1>Wiki 语法快速参考</h1>
<table style="width:100%">
-<tr><th colspan="3">Font Styles</th></tr>
-<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_strong.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Strong" /></th><td style="width:50%;">*Strong*</td><td style="width:50%;"><strong>Strong</strong></td></tr>
-<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_em.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Italic" /></th><td>_Italic_</td><td><em>Italic</em></td></tr>
-<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_ins.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Underline" /></th><td>+Underline+</td><td><ins>Underline</ins></td></tr>
-<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_del.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Deleted" /></th><td>-Deleted-</td><td><del>Deleted</del></td></tr>
-<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_code.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Inline Code" /></th><td>@Inline Code@</td><td><code>Inline Code</code></td></tr>
-<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_pre.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Preformatted text" /></th><td>&lt;pre&gt;<br />&nbsp;lines<br />&nbsp;of code<br />&lt;/pre&gt;</td><td>
+<tr><th colspan="3">字体风格</th></tr>
+<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_strong.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="粗体" /></th><td style="width:50%;">*粗体*</td><td style="width:50%;"><strong>粗体</strong></td></tr>
+<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_em.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="斜体" /></th><td>_Italic_</td><td><em>斜体</em></td></tr>
+<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_ins.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="下划线" /></th><td>+下划线+</td><td><ins>下划线</ins></td></tr>
+<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_del.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="删除线" /></th><td>-删除线-</td><td><del>删除线</del></td></tr>
+<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_code.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="内嵌程序代码" /></th><td>@内嵌程序代码@</td><td><code>内嵌程序代码</code></td></tr>
+<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_pre.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="预先格式化的段落" /></th><td>&lt;pre&gt;<br />&nbsp;格式化<br />&nbsp;的段落<br />&lt;/pre&gt;</td><td>
- lines
- of code
+ 格式化
+ 的段落
@@ -41,21 +41,21 @@ table.sample th, table.sample td { border: solid 1px #bbb; padding: 4px; height:
<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_ul.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Unordered list" /></th><td>* Item 1<br />** Sub<br />* Item 2</td><td><ul><li>Item 1<ul><li>Sub</li></ul></li><li>Item 2</li></ul></td></tr>
<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_ol.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Ordered list" /></th><td># Item 1<br />## Sub<br /># Item 2</td><td><ol><li>Item 1<ol><li>Sub</li></ol></li><li>Item 2</li></ol></td></tr>
-<tr><th colspan="3">Headings</th></tr>
-<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_h1.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Heading 1" /></th><td>h1. Title 1</td><td><h1>Title 1</h1></td></tr>
-<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_h2.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Heading 2" /></th><td>h2. Title 2</td><td><h2>Title 2</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_h3.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Heading 3" /></th><td>h3. Title 3</td><td><h3>Title 3</h3></td></tr>
+<tr><th colspan="3">标题</th></tr>
+<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_h1.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="标题 1" /></th><td>h1. 标题 1</td><td><h1>标题 1</h1></td></tr>
+<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_h2.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="标题 2" /></th><td>h2. 标题 2</td><td><h2>标题 2</h2></td></tr>
+<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_h3.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="标题 3" /></th><td>h3. 标题 3</td><td><h3>标题 3</h3></td></tr>
-<tr><th colspan="3">Links</th></tr>
+<tr><th colspan="3">链接</th></tr>
<tr><th></th><td></td><td><a href="#"></a></td></tr>
<tr><th></th><td>"Foo":</td><td><a href="#">Foo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><th colspan="3">Redmine links</th></tr>
-<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_link.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Link to a Wiki page" /></th><td>[[Wiki page]]</td><td><a href="#">Wiki page</a></td></tr>
-<tr><th></th><td>Issue #12</td><td>Issue <a href="#">#12</a></td></tr>
-<tr><th></th><td>Revision r43</td><td>Revision <a href="#">r43</a></td></tr>
-<tr><th></th><td>commit:f30e13e43</td><td><a href="#">f30e13e4</a></td></tr>
-<tr><th></th><td>source:some/file</td><td><a href="#">source:some/file</a></td></tr>
+<tr><th colspan="3">Redmine 链接</th></tr>
+<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_link.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="链接到一个Wiki 页面" /></th><td>[[Wiki 页面]]</td><td><a href="#">Wiki 页面</a></td></tr>
+<tr><th></th><td>问题 #12</td><td>问题 <a href="#">#12</a></td></tr>
+<tr><th></th><td>修订 r43</td><td>修订 <a href="#">r43</a></td></tr>
+<tr><th></th><td>commit:f30e13e43</td><td>提交: <a href="#">f30e13e4</a></td></tr>
+<tr><th></th><td>source:some/file</td><td>代码:<a href="#">source:some/file</a></td></tr>
<tr><th colspan="3">Inline images</th></tr>
<tr><th><img src="../../images/jstoolbar/bt_img.png" style="border: 1px solid #bbb;" alt="Image" /></th><td>!<em>image_url</em>!</td><td></td></tr>
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ table.sample th, table.sample td { border: solid 1px #bbb; padding: 4px; height:
-<p><a href="wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html" onclick="'wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html', '', ''); return false;">More Information</a></p>
+<p><a href="wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html" onclick="'wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html', '', ''); return false;">更多帮助信息</a></p>