diff options
authorToshi MARUYAMA <>2016-09-08 14:41:49 +0000
committerToshi MARUYAMA <>2016-09-08 14:41:49 +0000
commit6b6a73e176d678d8c2cf2dac7cb11545a0afdb2c (patch)
parente50b066cb1b7f7355b29024cbc71d5165e25bda2 (diff)
Traditional Chinese textile and markdown detailed help translation for 3.1-stable by ChunChang Lo (#23387)
git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2 files changed, 144 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/public/help/zh-tw/wiki_syntax_detailed_markdown.html b/public/help/zh-tw/wiki_syntax_detailed_markdown.html
index b42394882..9a8127c39 100644
--- a/public/help/zh-tw/wiki_syntax_detailed_markdown.html
+++ b/public/help/zh-tw/wiki_syntax_detailed_markdown.html
@@ -33,205 +33,205 @@
-<h1><a name="1" class="wiki-page"></a>Wiki formatting (Markdown)</h1>
+<h1><a name="1" class="wiki-page"></a>Wiki 格式設定 (Markdown)</h1>
- <h2><a name="2" class="wiki-page"></a>Links</h2>
+ <h2><a name="2" class="wiki-page"></a>連結</h2>
- <h3><a name="3" class="wiki-page"></a>Redmine links</h3>
+ <h3><a name="3" class="wiki-page"></a>Redmine 連結</h3>
- <p>Redmine allows hyperlinking between resources (issues, changesets, wiki pages...) from anywhere wiki formatting is used.</p>
+ <p>在任何可以使用 Wiki 格式設定的地方, Redmine 都允許在資源 (問題、變更集、 Wiki 頁面...) 間建立超連結。</p>
- <li>Link to an issue: <strong>#124</strong> (displays <del><a href="#" class="issue" title="bulk edit doesn't change the category or fixed version properties (Closed)">#124</a></del>, link is striked-through if the issue is closed)</li>
- <li>Link to an issue note: <strong>#124-6</strong>, or <strong>#124#note-6</strong></li>
+ <li>連結至一個問題: <strong>#124</strong> (若該問題已經結束,則使用刪除線顯示連結: <del><a href="#" class="issue" title="bulk edit doesn't change the category or fixed version properties (Closed)">#124</a></del>)</li>
+ <li>連結至一個問題的筆記: <strong>#124-6</strong>, 或 <strong>#124#note-6</strong></li>
- <p>Wiki links:</p>
+ <p>Wiki 連結:</p>
- <li><strong>[[Guide]]</strong> displays a link to the page named 'Guide': <a href="#" class="wiki-page">Guide</a></li>
- <li><strong>[[Guide#further-reading]]</strong> takes you to the anchor "further-reading". Headings get automatically assigned anchors so that you can refer to them: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">Guide</a></li>
- <li><strong>[[Guide|User manual]]</strong> displays a link to the same page but with a different text: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">User manual</a></li>
+ <li><strong>[[Guide]]</strong> 顯示一個頁面名稱為 'Guide' 的連結: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">Guide</a></li>
+ <li><strong>[[Guide#further-reading]]</strong> 會顯示連結至一個 "further-reading" 的 HTML 錨定 (anchor) 。每個標題文字都會被自動指定一個 HTML 錨定,以便您可以用來連結它們: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">Guide</a></li>
+ <li><strong>[[Guide|User manual]]</strong> 使用不同的文字來顯示一個頁面名稱為 'Guide' 的連結: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">User manual</a></li>
- <p>You can also link to pages of an other project wiki:</p>
+ <p>您也可以連結至其他專案的 Wiki 頁面:</p>
- <li><strong>[[sandbox:some page]]</strong> displays a link to the page named 'Some page' of the Sandbox wiki</li>
- <li><strong>[[sandbox:]]</strong> displays a link to the Sandbox wiki main page</li>
+ <li><strong>[[sandbox:some page]]</strong> 顯示一個 Sanbox wiki 中頁面名稱為 'Some page' 的連結</li>
+ <li><strong>[[sandbox:]]</strong> 顯示 Sandbox wiki 首頁頁面的連結</li>
- <p>Wiki links are displayed in red if the page doesn't exist yet, eg: <a href="#" class="wiki-page new">Nonexistent page</a>.</p>
+ <p>當頁面不存在的時候, Wiki 連結會以紅色的方式顯示,例如: <a href="#" class="wiki-page new">Nonexistent page</a>.</p>
- <p>Links to other resources:</p>
+ <p>連結至其他資源:</p>
- <li>Documents:
+ <li>文件:
- <li><strong>document#17</strong> (link to document with id 17)</li>
- <li><strong>document:Greetings</strong> (link to the document with title "Greetings")</li>
- <li><strong>document:"Some document"</strong> (double quotes can be used when document title contains spaces)</li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:document:"Some document"</strong> (link to a document with title "Some document" in other project "sandbox")</li>
+ <li><strong>document#17</strong> (連結到編號為 17 的文件)</li>
+ <li><strong>document:Greetings</strong> (連結至文件標題為 "Greetings" 的文件)</li>
+ <li><strong>document:"Some document"</strong> (文件標題包含空白字元時可以使用雙引號來標示)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:document:"Some document"</strong> (連結至另外一個 "sandbox" 專案中,文件標題為 "Some document" 的文件)</li>
- <li>Versions:
+ <li>版本:
- <li><strong>version#3</strong> (link to version with id 3)</li>
- <li><strong>version:1.0.0</strong> (link to version named "1.0.0")</li>
- <li><strong>version:"1.0 beta 2"</strong></li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:version:1.0.0</strong> (link to version "1.0.0" in the project "sandbox")</li>
+ <li><strong>version#3</strong> (連結至編號為 3 的版本)</li>
+ <li><strong>version:1.0.0</strong> 連結至名稱為 "1.0.0" 的版本</li>
+ <li><strong>version:"1.0 beta 2"</strong> (版本名稱包含空白字元時可以使用雙引號來標示)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:version:1.0.0</strong> (連結至 "sandbox" 專案中,名稱為 "1.0.0" 的版本)</li>
- <li>Attachments:
+ <li>附加檔案:
- <li><strong></strong> (link to the attachment of the current object named</li>
- <li>For now, attachments of the current object can be referenced only (if you're on an issue, it's possible to reference attachments of this issue only)</li>
+ <li><strong></strong> (連結至目前物件中,名稱為 的附加檔案)</li>
+ <li>目前僅提供參考到目前物件中的附加檔案 (若您正位於一個問題中,僅可參考位於此問題中之附加檔案)</li>
- <li>Changesets:
+ <li>變更集:
- <li><strong>r758</strong> (link to a changeset)</li>
- <li><strong>commit:c6f4d0fd</strong> (link to a changeset with a non-numeric hash)</li>
- <li><strong>svn1|r758</strong> (link to a changeset of a specific repository, for projects with multiple repositories)</li>
- <li><strong>commit:hg|c6f4d0fd</strong> (link to a changeset with a non-numeric hash of a specific repository)</li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:r758</strong> (link to a changeset of another project)</li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:commit:c6f4d0fd</strong> (link to a changeset with a non-numeric hash of another project)</li>
+ <li><strong>r758</strong> (連結至一個變更集)</li>
+ <li><strong>commit:c6f4d0fd</strong> (使用雜湊碼連結至一個變更集)</li>
+ <li><strong>svn1|r758</strong> (連結至指定儲存機制中之變更集,用於專案使用多個儲存機制時之情況)</li>
+ <li><strong>commit:hg|c6f4d0fd</strong> (使用某特定儲存機制中的雜湊碼連結至一個變更集)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:r758</strong> (連結至其他專案的變更集)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:commit:c6f4d0fd</strong> (使用其他專案的雜湊碼連結至一個變更集)</li>
- <li>Repository files:
+ <li>儲存機制中之檔案:
- <li><strong>source:some/file</strong> (link to the file located at /some/file in the project's repository)</li>
- <li><strong>source:some/file@52</strong> (link to the file's revision 52)</li>
- <li><strong>source:some/file#L120</strong> (link to line 120 of the file)</li>
- <li><strong>source:some/file@52#L120</strong> (link to line 120 of the file's revision 52)</li>
- <li><strong>source:"some file@52#L120"</strong> (use double quotes when the URL contains spaces</li>
- <li><strong>export:some/file</strong> (force the download of the file)</li>
- <li><strong>source:svn1|some/file</strong> (link to a file of a specific repository, for projects with multiple repositories)</li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:source:some/file</strong> (link to the file located at /some/file in the repository of the project "sandbox")</li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:export:some/file</strong> (force the download of the file)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:some/file</strong> (連結至專案儲存機制中,位於 /some/file 的檔案)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:some/file@52</strong> (連結至該檔案的 52 版次)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:some/file#L120</strong> (連結至該檔案的第 120 行)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:some/file@52#L120</strong> (連結至該檔案的 52 版次中之第 120 行)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:"some file@52#L120"</strong> (當 URL 中包含空白字元時,使用雙引號來標示)</li>
+ <li><strong>export:some/file</strong> (強制下載該檔案)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:svn1|some/file</strong> (連結至指定儲存機制中的該檔案,用於專案使用多個儲存機制時之情況)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:source:some/file</strong> (連結至 "sandbox" 專案的儲存機制中,位於 /some/file 的檔案)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:export:some/file</strong> (強制下載該檔案)</li>
- <li>Forums:
+ <li>論壇:
- <li><strong>forum#1</strong> (link to forum with id 1</li>
- <li><strong>forum:Support</strong> (link to forum named Support)</li>
- <li><strong>forum:"Technical Support"</strong> (use double quotes if forum name contains spaces)</li>
+ <li><strong>forum#1</strong> (連結至編號為 1 的論壇)</li>
+ <li><strong>forum:Support</strong> (連結至名稱為 Support 的論壇)</li>
+ <li><strong>forum:"Technical Support"</strong> (當論壇名稱中包含空白字元時,使用雙引號來標示)</li>
- <li>Forum messages:
+ <li>論壇訊息:
- <li><strong>message#1218</strong> (link to message with id 1218)</li>
+ <li><strong>message#1218</strong> (連結至編號為 1218 的訊息)</li>
- <li>Projects:
+ <li>專案:
- <li><strong>project#3</strong> (link to project with id 3)</li>
- <li><strong>project:some-project</strong> (link to project with name or slug of "some-project")</li>
- <li><strong>project:"Some Project"</strong> (use double quotes for project name containing spaces)</li>
+ <li><strong>project#3</strong> (連結至編號為 3 的專案)</li>
+ <li><strong>project:some-project</strong> (連結至名稱為 "someproject" 的專案)</li>
+ <li><strong>project:"Some Project"</strong> (當專案名稱中包含空白字元時,使用雙引號來標示)</li>
- <li>News:
+ <li>新聞:
- <li><strong>news#2</strong> (link to news item with id 2)</li>
- <li><strong>news:Greetings</strong> (link to news item named "Greetings")</li>
- <li><strong>news:"First Release"</strong> (use double quotes if news item name contains spaces)</li>
+ <li><strong>news#2</strong> (連結至編號為 2 的新聞項目)</li>
+ <li><strong>news:Greetings</strong> (連結至名稱為 "Greetings" 的新聞項目)</li>
+ <li><strong>news:"First Release"</strong> (當新聞項目名稱中包含空白字元時,使用雙引號來標示)</li>
- <p>Escaping:</p>
+ <p>逸出字元:</p>
- <li>You can prevent Redmine links from being parsed by preceding them with an exclamation mark: !</li>
+ <li>您可以在文字的前面加上驚嘆號 (!) 來避免該文字被剖析成 Redmine 連結</li>
- <h3><a name="4" class="wiki-page"></a>External links</h3>
+ <h3><a name="4" class="wiki-page"></a>外部連結</h3>
- <p>HTTP URLs and email addresses are automatically turned into clickable links:</p>
+ <p>HTTP URLs 與電子郵件地址會自動被轉換成可被點擊的連結:</p>
- <p>displays: <a class="external" href=""></a>, <a href="" class="email"></a></p>
+ <p>會顯示成: <a class="external" href=""></a>, <a href="" class="email"></a></p>
- <p>If you want to display a specific text instead of the URL, you can use the standard markdown syntax:</p>
+ <p>若您想要顯示指定的文字而非該 URL ,您可以使用下列標準的 markdown 語法:</p>
[Redmine web site](
- <p>displays: <a href="" class="external">Redmine web site</a></p>
+ <p>會顯示成: <a href="" class="external">Redmine web site</a></p>
- <h2><a name="5" class="wiki-page"></a>Text formatting</h2>
+ <h2><a name="5" class="wiki-page"></a>文字格式設定</h2>
- <p>For things such as headlines, bold, tables, lists, Redmine supports Markdown syntax. See <a class="external" href=""></a> for information on using any of these features. A few samples are included below, but the engine is capable of much more of that.</p>
+ <p>對於諸如標題、粗體、表格、清單等項目, Redmine 支援使用 Markdown 語法。 可參考 <a class="external" href=""></a> 中關於使用這些格式化功能的說明資訊。 下面包含了一些使用範例,但格式化引擎的處理能力遠多於這些簡單的使用範例。</p>
- <h3><a name="6" class="wiki-page"></a>Font style</h3>
+ <h3><a name="6" class="wiki-page"></a>字型樣式</h3>
-* **bold**
-* *Italic*
-* ***bold italic***
-* ~~strike-through~~
+* **粗體**
+* *斜體*
+* ***粗斜體***
+* ~~刪除線~~
- <p>Display:</p>
+ <p>會顯示成:</p>
- <li><strong>bold</strong></li>
- <li><em>italic</em></li>
- <li><em><strong>bold italic</strong></em></li>
- <li><del>strike-through</del></li>
+ <li><strong>粗體</strong></li>
+ <li><em>斜體</em></li>
+ <li><em><strong>粗斜體</strong></em></li>
+ <li><del>刪除線</del></li>
- <h3><a name="7" class="wiki-page"></a>Inline images</h3>
+ <h3><a name="7" class="wiki-page"></a>內嵌圖像</h3>
- <li><strong>![](image_url)</strong> displays an image located at image_url (markdown syntax)</li>
- <li>If you have an image attached to your wiki page, it can be displayed inline using its filename: <strong>![](attached_image)</strong></li>
+ <li><strong>![](image_url)</strong> 顯示一個位於 image_url 位址的圖像 (markdown 語法)</li>
+ <li>若您附加了一個圖像到 Wiki 頁面中,可以使用他的檔案名稱來顯示成內嵌圖像: <strong>![](attached_image)</strong></li>
- <h3><a name="8" class="wiki-page"></a>Headings</h3>
+ <h3><a name="8" class="wiki-page"></a>標題</h3>
-# Heading
-## Subheading
-### Subsubheading
+# 標題
+## 次標題
+### 次次標題
- <p>Redmine assigns an anchor to each of those headings thus you can link to them with "#Heading", "#Subheading" and so forth.</p>
+ <p>Redmine 為每一種標題指定一個 HTML 錨定 (anchor) ,因此您可使用 "#標題" 、 "#次標題" 等方式連結至這些標題。</p>
- <h3><a name="10" class="wiki-page"></a>Blockquotes</h3>
+ <h3><a name="10" class="wiki-page"></a>區塊引述</h3>
- <p>Start the paragraph with <strong>&gt;</strong></p>
+ <p>使用 <strong>&gt;</strong> 啟動一個區塊引述的段落。</p>
&gt; Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern.
@@ -245,57 +245,57 @@ To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.
- <h3><a name="11" class="wiki-page"></a>Table of content</h3>
+ <h3><a name="11" class="wiki-page"></a>目錄</h3>
-{{toc}} =&gt; left aligned toc
-{{&gt;toc}} =&gt; right aligned toc
+{{toc}} =&gt; 靠左對齊目錄
+{{&gt;toc}} =&gt; 靠右對齊目錄
- <h3><a name="14" class="wiki-page"></a>Horizontal Rule</h3>
+ <h3><a name="14" class="wiki-page"></a>水平線</h3>
- <h2><a name="12" class="wiki-page"></a>Macros</h2>
+ <h2><a name="12" class="wiki-page"></a>巨集</h2>
- <p>Redmine has the following builtin macros:</p>
+ <p>Redmine 內建下列巨集:</p>
- <dd><p>Sample macro.</p></dd>
+ <dd><p>範例巨集</p></dd>
- <dd><p>Displays a list of all available macros, including description if available.</p></dd>
+ <dd><p>顯示所有可用巨集的清單,若巨集有提供說明也會一併顯示。</p></dd>
- <dd><p>Displays a list of child pages. With no argument, it displays the child pages of the current wiki page. Examples:</p>
- <pre><code>{{child_pages}} -- can be used from a wiki page only
-{{child_pages(depth=2)}} -- display 2 levels nesting only</code></pre></dd>
+ <dd><p>顯示子頁面的清單。 若未指定參數,它將會顯示目前 Wiki 頁面的子頁面清單。 範例:</p>
+ <pre><code>{{child_pages}} -- 僅可於某 Wiki 頁面中被使用
+{{child_pages(depth=2)}} -- 僅顯示兩層巢狀層次</code></pre></dd>
- <dd><p>Include a wiki page. Example:</p>
+ <dd><p>引入一個 wiki 頁面。範例:</p>
- <p>or to include a page of a specific project wiki:</p>
+ <p>或用以引入某特定專案的 Wiki 頁面:</p>
- <dd><p>Inserts of collapsed block of text. Example:</p>
+ <dd><p>插入一個摺疊的文字區塊。範例:</p>
<pre><code>{{collapse(View details...)
This is a block of text that is collapsed by default.
It can be expanded by clicking a link.
- <dd><p>Displays a clickable thumbnail of an attached image. Examples:</p>
+ <dd><p>顯示可被點擊的附加圖像之縮圖。範例:</p>
{{thumbnail(image.png, size=300, title=Thumbnail)}}</pre></dd>
- <h2><a name="13" class="wiki-page"></a>Code highlighting</h2>
+ <h2><a name="13" class="wiki-page"></a>程式碼醒目提示</h2>
<p>Default code highlightment relies on <a href="" class="external">CodeRay</a>, a fast syntax highlighting library written completely in Ruby. It currently supports c, clojure, cpp (c++, cplusplus), css, delphi (pascal), diff (patch), erb (eruby, rhtml), go, groovy, haml, html (xhtml), java, javascript (ecmascript, ecma_script, java_script, js), json, lua, php, python, ruby (irb), sass, sql, taskpaper, text (plain, plaintext), xml and yaml (yml) languages, where the names inside parentheses are aliases.</p>
@@ -303,11 +303,11 @@ It can be expanded by clicking a link.
~~~ ruby
- Place your code here.
+ 將程式碼放在這裡。
- <p>Example:</p>
+ <p>範例:</p>
<pre><code class="ruby syntaxhl"><span class="CodeRay"><span class="comment"># The Greeter class</span>
<span class="keyword">class</span> <span class="class">Greeter</span>
diff --git a/public/help/zh-tw/wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html b/public/help/zh-tw/wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
index 60ad3b1b7..0d4e45bfc 100644
--- a/public/help/zh-tw/wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
+++ b/public/help/zh-tw/wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
@@ -39,17 +39,17 @@
<h3><a name="3" class="wiki-page"></a>Redmine 連結</h3>
- <p>在任何可以使用 Wiki 格式設定的地方, Redmine 都允許在資源(問題、變更集、 Wiki 頁面...)間建立超連結。</p>
+ <p>在任何可以使用 Wiki 格式設定的地方, Redmine 都允許在資源 (問題、變更集、 Wiki 頁面...) 間建立超連結。</p>
<li>連結至一個問題: <strong>#124</strong> (若該問題已經結束,則使用刪除線顯示連結: <del><a href="#" class="issue" title="bulk edit doesn't change the category or fixed version properties (Closed)">#124</a></del>)</li>
- <li>連結至一個問題的筆記: <strong>#124-6</strong>, or <strong>#124#note-6</strong></li>
+ <li>連結至一個問題的筆記: <strong>#124-6</strong>, 或 <strong>#124#note-6</strong></li>
<p>Wiki 連結:</p>
<li><strong>[[Guide]]</strong> 顯示一個頁面名稱為 'Guide' 的連結: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">Guide</a></li>
- <li><strong>[[Guide#further-reading]]</strong> 會連結至一個 "further-reading" 的 HTML 錨定 (anchor) 。每個標題文字都會被自動指定一個 HTML 錨定,以便您可以用來連結它們: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">Guide</a></li>
+ <li><strong>[[Guide#further-reading]]</strong> 會顯示連結至一個 "further-reading" 的 HTML 錨定 (anchor) 。每個標題文字都會被自動指定一個 HTML 錨定,以便您可以用來連結它們: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">Guide</a></li>
<li><strong>[[Guide|User manual]]</strong> 使用不同的文字來顯示一個頁面名稱為 'Guide' 的連結: <a href="#" class="wiki-page">User manual</a></li>
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@
<li><strong>r758</strong> (連結至一個變更集)</li>
- <li><strong>commit:c6f4d0fd</strong> (連結至一個使用非數字雜湊的變更集)</li>
+ <li><strong>commit:c6f4d0fd</strong> (使用雜湊碼連結至一個變更集)</li>
<li><strong>svn1|r758</strong> (連結至指定儲存機制中之變更集,用於專案使用多個儲存機制時之情況)</li>
- <li><strong>commit:hg|c6f4d0fd</strong> (連結至指定儲存機制中,使用非數字雜湊的變更集)</li>
+ <li><strong>commit:hg|c6f4d0fd</strong> (使用某特定儲存機制中的雜湊碼連結至一個變更集)</li>
<li><strong>sandbox:r758</strong> (連結至其他專案的變更集)</li>
- <li><strong>sandbox:commit:c6f4d0fd</strong> (連結至其他專案中,使用非數字雜湊的變更集)</li>
+ <li><strong>sandbox:commit:c6f4d0fd</strong> (使用其他專案的雜湊碼連結至一個變更集)</li>
@@ -108,30 +108,30 @@
<li><strong>source:some/file</strong> (連結至專案儲存機制中,位於 /some/file 的檔案)</li>
- <li><strong>source:some/file@52</strong> (連結至此檔案的 52 版次)</li>
- <li><strong>source:some/file#L120</strong> (連結至此檔案的第 120 行)</li>
- <li><strong>source:some/file@52#L120</strong> (連結至此檔案的 52 版刺中之第 120 行)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:some/file@52</strong> (連結至該檔案的 52 版次)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:some/file#L120</strong> (連結至該檔案的第 120 行)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:some/file@52#L120</strong> (連結至該檔案的 52 版次中之第 120 行)</li>
<li><strong>source:"some file@52#L120"</strong> (當 URL 中包含空白字元時,使用雙引號來標示)</li>
- <li><strong>export:some/file</strong> (強制下載此檔案)</li>
- <li><strong>source:svn1|some/file</strong> (連結至指定儲存機制中的此檔案,用於專案使用多個儲存機制時之情況)</li>
+ <li><strong>export:some/file</strong> (強制下載該檔案)</li>
+ <li><strong>source:svn1|some/file</strong> (連結至指定儲存機制中的該檔案,用於專案使用多個儲存機制時之情況)</li>
<li><strong>sandbox:source:some/file</strong> (連結至 "sandbox" 專案的儲存機制中,位於 /some/file 的檔案)</li>
<li><strong>sandbox:export:some/file</strong> (強迫下載該檔案)</li>
- <li>Forums:
+ <li>論壇:
- <li><strong>forum#1</strong> (link to forum with id 1</li>
- <li><strong>forum:Support</strong> (link to forum named Support)</li>
- <li><strong>forum:"Technical Support"</strong> (use double quotes if forum name contains spaces)</li>
+ <li><strong>forum#1</strong> (連結至編號為 1 的論壇)</li>
+ <li><strong>forum:Support</strong> (連結至名稱為 Support 的論壇)</li>
+ <li><strong>forum:"Technical Support"</strong> (當論壇名稱中包含空白字元時,使用雙引號來標示)</li>
- <li><strong>message#1218</strong> (連結至編號 1218 的訊息)</li>
+ <li><strong>message#1218</strong> (連結至編號為 1218 的訊息)</li>
@@ -140,16 +140,16 @@
<li><strong>project#3</strong> (連結至編號為 3 的專案)</li>
<li><strong>project:someproject</strong> (連結至名稱為 "someproject" 的專案)</li>
- <li><strong>project:"some project"</strong> (use double quotes if project name contains spaces)</li>
+ <li><strong>project:"some project"</strong> (當專案名稱中包含空白字元時,使用雙引號來標示)</li>
- <li>News:
+ <li>新聞:
- <li><strong>news#2</strong> (link to news item with id 2)</li>
- <li><strong>news:Greetings</strong> (link to news item named "Greetings")</li>
- <li><strong>news:"First Release"</strong> (use double quotes if news item name contains spaces)</li>
+ <li><strong>news#2</strong> (連結至編號為 2 的新聞項目)</li>
+ <li><strong>news:Greetings</strong> (連結至名稱為 "Greetings" 的新聞項目)</li>
+ <li><strong>news:"First Release"</strong> (當新聞項目名稱中包含空白字元時,使用雙引號來標示)</li>
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@,
- <p>顯示為: <a class="external" href=""></a>, <a href="" class="email"></a></p>
+ <p>會顯示成: <a class="external" href=""></a>, <a href="" class="email"></a></p>
<p>若您想要顯示指定的文字而非該 URL ,您可以使用下列標準的 textile 語法:</p>
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@,
"Redmine web site":
- <p>顯示為: <a href="" class="external">Redmine web site</a></p>
+ <p>會顯示成: <a href="" class="external">Redmine web site</a></p>
<h2><a name="5" class="wiki-page"></a>文字格式設定</h2>
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@,
* -刪除線-
- <p>顯示為:</p>
+ <p>會顯示成:</p>
@@ -204,12 +204,12 @@,
- <h3><a name="7" class="wiki-page"></a>內置圖像</h3>
+ <h3><a name="7" class="wiki-page"></a>內嵌圖像</h3>
- <li><strong>!圖像_url!</strong> 顯示一個位於 圖像_url 位址的圖像(textile 語法)</li>
+ <li><strong>!image_url!</strong> 顯示一個位於 image_url 位址的圖像 (textile 語法)</li>
<li><strong>!&gt;image_url!</strong> 右側浮動圖像</li>
- <li>若您附加了一個圖像到 Wiki 頁面中,可以使用他的檔案名稱來顯示成內置圖像: <strong>!attached_image.png!</strong></li>
+ <li>若您附加了一個圖像到 Wiki 頁面中,可以使用他的檔案名稱來顯示成內嵌圖像: <strong>!attached_image.png!</strong></li>
<h3><a name="8" class="wiki-page"></a>標題</h3>
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ h2. 次標題
h3. 次次標題
- <p>Redmine 為每一種標題指定一個 HTML 錨定 (anchor) ,因此您可使用 "#Heading" 、 "#Subheading" 等方式連結至這些標題。</p>
+ <p>Redmine 為每一種標題指定一個 HTML 錨定 (anchor) ,因此您可使用 "#標題" 、 "#次標題" 等方式連結至這些標題。</p>
<h3><a name="9" class="wiki-page"></a>段落</h3>
@@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ p=. 置中對齊
<p style="text-align:center;">這是一個置中對齊的段落。</p>
- <h3><a name="10" class="wiki-page"></a>引用文字</h3>
+ <h3><a name="10" class="wiki-page"></a>區塊引述</h3>
- <p>使用 <strong>bq.</strong> 開始一個引文的段落</p>
+ <p>使用 <strong>bq.</strong> 啟動一個區塊引述的段落。</p>
bq. Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern.
@@ -275,25 +275,25 @@ To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.
- <dd><p>Displays a list of child pages. With no argument, it displays the child pages of the current wiki page. Examples:</p>
- <pre><code>{{child_pages}} -- can be used from a wiki page only
-{{child_pages(depth=2)}} -- display 2 levels nesting only</code></pre></dd>
+ <dd><p>顯示子頁面的清單。若未指定參數,它將會顯示目前 Wiki 頁面的子頁面清單。範例:</p>
+ <pre><code>{{child_pages}} -- 僅可於某 Wiki 頁面中被使用
+{{child_pages(depth=2)}} -- 僅顯示兩層巢狀層次</code></pre></dd>
- <dd><p>引入一個 wiki 頁面。例子:</p>
+ <dd><p>引入一個 wiki 頁面。範例:</p>
- <p>or to include a page of a specific project wiki:</p>
+ <p>或用以引入某特定專案的 Wiki 頁面:</p>
- <dd><p>Inserts of collapsed block of text. Example:</p>
+ <dd><p>插入一個摺疊的文字區塊。範例:</p>
<pre><code>{{collapse(View details...)
This is a block of text that is collapsed by default.
It can be expanded by clicking a link.
- <dd><p>Displays a clickable thumbnail of an attached image. Examples:</p>
+ <dd><p>顯示可被點擊的附加圖像之縮圖。範例:</p>
{{thumbnail(image.png, size=300, title=Thumbnail)}}</pre></dd>
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ It can be expanded by clicking a link.
- <p>例子:</p>
+ <p>範例:</p>
<pre><code class="ruby syntaxhl"><span class="CodeRay"><span class="comment"># The Greeter class</span>
<span class="keyword">class</span> <span class="class">Greeter</span>