diff options
authorJean-Philippe Lang <>2011-12-02 18:46:43 +0000
committerJean-Philippe Lang <>2011-12-02 18:46:43 +0000
commitcaf898d7d13fa9df8acfaab4a7163f123cb59bf9 (patch)
parentda140238e778abb2b4dabe8c3b1d8167ffca3cad (diff)
Extracted time report logic from the controller.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
6 files changed, 239 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/app/controllers/time_entry_reports_controller.rb b/app/controllers/time_entry_reports_controller.rb
index 467598d2a..bd6918192 100644
--- a/app/controllers/time_entry_reports_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/time_entry_reports_controller.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
class TimeEntryReportsController < ApplicationController
menu_item :issues
before_filter :find_optional_project
- before_filter :load_available_criterias
helper :sort
include SortHelper
@@ -12,78 +11,12 @@ class TimeEntryReportsController < ApplicationController
include CustomFieldsHelper
def report
- @criterias = params[:criterias] || []
- @criterias ={|criteria| @available_criterias.has_key? criteria}
- @criterias.uniq!
- @criterias = @criterias[0,3]
- @columns = (params[:columns] && %w(year month week day).include?(params[:columns])) ? params[:columns] : 'month'
- unless @criterias.empty?
- sql_select = @criterias.collect{|criteria| @available_criterias[criteria][:sql] + " AS " + criteria}.join(', ')
- sql_group_by = @criterias.collect{|criteria| @available_criterias[criteria][:sql]}.join(', ')
- sql_condition = ''
- if @project.nil?
- sql_condition = Project.allowed_to_condition(User.current, :view_time_entries)
- elsif @issue.nil?
- sql_condition = @project.project_condition(Setting.display_subprojects_issues?)
- else
- sql_condition = "#{Issue.table_name}.root_id = #{@issue.root_id} AND #{Issue.table_name}.lft >= #{@issue.lft} AND #{Issue.table_name}.rgt <= #{@issue.rgt}"
- end
- sql = "SELECT #{sql_select}, tyear, tmonth, tweek, spent_on, SUM(hours) AS hours"
- sql << " FROM #{TimeEntry.table_name}"
- sql << time_report_joins
- sql << " WHERE"
- sql << " (%s) AND" % sql_condition
- sql << " (spent_on BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s')" % [ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quoted_date(@from), ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quoted_date(@to)]
- sql << " GROUP BY #{sql_group_by}, tyear, tmonth, tweek, spent_on"
- @hours = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql)
- @hours.each do |row|
- case @columns
- when 'year'
- row['year'] = row['tyear']
- when 'month'
- row['month'] = "#{row['tyear']}-#{row['tmonth']}"
- when 'week'
- row['week'] = "#{row['tyear']}-#{row['tweek']}"
- when 'day'
- row['day'] = "#{row['spent_on']}"
- end
- end
- @total_hours = @hours.inject(0) {|s,k| s = s + k['hours'].to_f}
- @periods = []
- # Date#at_beginning_of_ not supported in Rails 1.2.x
- date_from = @from.to_time
- # 100 columns max
- while date_from <= @to.to_time && @periods.length < 100
- case @columns
- when 'year'
- @periods << "#{date_from.year}"
- date_from = (date_from + 1.year).at_beginning_of_year
- when 'month'
- @periods << "#{date_from.year}-#{date_from.month}"
- date_from = (date_from + 1.month).at_beginning_of_month
- when 'week'
- @periods << "#{date_from.year}-#{date_from.to_date.cweek}"
- date_from = (date_from +
- when 'day'
- @periods << "#{date_from.to_date}"
- date_from = date_from +
- end
- end
- end
+ @report =, @issue, params[:criteria], params[:columns], @from, @to)
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render :layout => !request.xhr? }
- format.csv { send_data(report_to_csv(@criterias, @periods, @hours), :type => 'text/csv; header=present', :filename => 'timelog.csv') }
+ format.csv { send_data(report_to_csv(@report), :type => 'text/csv; header=present', :filename => 'timelog.csv') }
@@ -146,64 +79,4 @@ class TimeEntryReportsController < ApplicationController
@from ||= (TimeEntry.earilest_date_for_project(@project) ||
@to ||= (TimeEntry.latest_date_for_project(@project) ||
- def load_available_criterias
- @available_criterias = { 'project' => {:sql => "#{TimeEntry.table_name}.project_id",
- :klass => Project,
- :label => :label_project},
- 'version' => {:sql => "#{Issue.table_name}.fixed_version_id",
- :klass => Version,
- :label => :label_version},
- 'category' => {:sql => "#{Issue.table_name}.category_id",
- :klass => IssueCategory,
- :label => :field_category},
- 'member' => {:sql => "#{TimeEntry.table_name}.user_id",
- :klass => User,
- :label => :label_member},
- 'tracker' => {:sql => "#{Issue.table_name}.tracker_id",
- :klass => Tracker,
- :label => :label_tracker},
- 'activity' => {:sql => "#{TimeEntry.table_name}.activity_id",
- :klass => TimeEntryActivity,
- :label => :label_activity},
- 'issue' => {:sql => "#{TimeEntry.table_name}.issue_id",
- :klass => Issue,
- :label => :label_issue}
- }
- # Add list and boolean custom fields as available criterias
- custom_fields = (@project.nil? ? IssueCustomField.for_all : @project.all_issue_custom_fields)
- {|cf| %w(list bool).include? cf.field_format }.each do |cf|
- @available_criterias["cf_#{}"] = {:sql => "(SELECT c.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} c WHERE c.custom_field_id = #{} AND c.customized_type = 'Issue' AND c.customized_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id)",
- :format => cf.field_format,
- :label =>}
- end if @project
- # Add list and boolean time entry custom fields
- TimeEntryCustomField.find(:all).select {|cf| %w(list bool).include? cf.field_format }.each do |cf|
- @available_criterias["cf_#{}"] = {:sql => "(SELECT c.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} c WHERE c.custom_field_id = #{} AND c.customized_type = 'TimeEntry' AND c.customized_id = #{TimeEntry.table_name}.id)",
- :format => cf.field_format,
- :label =>}
- end
- # Add list and boolean time entry activity custom fields
- TimeEntryActivityCustomField.find(:all).select {|cf| %w(list bool).include? cf.field_format }.each do |cf|
- @available_criterias["cf_#{}"] = {:sql => "(SELECT c.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} c WHERE c.custom_field_id = #{} AND c.customized_type = 'Enumeration' AND c.customized_id = #{TimeEntry.table_name}.activity_id)",
- :format => cf.field_format,
- :label =>}
- end
- call_hook(:controller_timelog_available_criterias, { :available_criterias => @available_criterias, :project => @project })
- @available_criterias
- end
- def time_report_joins
- sql = ''
- sql << " LEFT JOIN #{Issue.table_name} ON #{TimeEntry.table_name}.issue_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id"
- sql << " LEFT JOIN #{Project.table_name} ON #{TimeEntry.table_name}.project_id = #{Project.table_name}.id"
- # TODO: rename hook
- call_hook(:controller_timelog_time_report_joins, {:sql => sql} )
- sql
- end
diff --git a/app/helpers/timelog_helper.rb b/app/helpers/timelog_helper.rb
index 0467acc21..c892ae1ce 100644
--- a/app/helpers/timelog_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/timelog_helper.rb
@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ module TimelogHelper
- def format_criteria_value(criteria, value)
+ def format_criteria_value(criteria_options, value)
if value.blank?
- elsif k = @available_criterias[criteria][:klass]
+ elsif k = criteria_options[:klass]
obj = k.find_by_id(value.to_i)
if obj.is_a?(Issue)
obj.visible? ? "#{obj.tracker} ##{}: #{obj.subject}" : "##{}"
@@ -137,28 +137,28 @@ module TimelogHelper
- format_value(value, @available_criterias[criteria][:format])
+ format_value(value, criteria_options[:format])
- def report_to_csv(criterias, periods, hours)
+ def report_to_csv(report)
decimal_separator = l(:general_csv_decimal_separator)
export = FCSV.generate(:col_sep => l(:general_csv_separator)) do |csv|
# Column headers
- headers = criterias.collect {|criteria| l(@available_criterias[criteria][:label]) }
- headers += periods
+ headers = report.criteria.collect {|criteria| l(report.available_criteria[criteria][:label]) }
+ headers += report.periods
headers << l(:label_total)
csv << headers.collect {|c| Redmine::CodesetUtil.from_utf8(
l(:general_csv_encoding) ) }
# Content
- report_criteria_to_csv(csv, criterias, periods, hours)
+ report_criteria_to_csv(csv, report.available_criteria, report.columns, report.criteria, report.periods, report.hours)
# Total row
str_total = Redmine::CodesetUtil.from_utf8(l(:label_total), l(:general_csv_encoding))
- row = [ str_total ] + [''] * (criterias.size - 1)
+ row = [ str_total ] + [''] * (report.criteria.size - 1)
total = 0
- periods.each do |period|
- sum = sum_hours(select_hours(hours, @columns, period.to_s))
+ report.periods.each do |period|
+ sum = sum_hours(select_hours(report.hours, report.columns, period.to_s))
total += sum
row << (sum > 0 ? ("%.2f" % sum).gsub('.',decimal_separator) : '')
@@ -168,26 +168,26 @@ module TimelogHelper
- def report_criteria_to_csv(csv, criterias, periods, hours, level=0)
+ def report_criteria_to_csv(csv, available_criteria, columns, criteria, periods, hours, level=0)
decimal_separator = l(:general_csv_decimal_separator)
- hours.collect {|h| h[criterias[level]].to_s}.uniq.each do |value|
- hours_for_value = select_hours(hours, criterias[level], value)
+ hours.collect {|h| h[criteria[level]].to_s}.uniq.each do |value|
+ hours_for_value = select_hours(hours, criteria[level], value)
next if hours_for_value.empty?
row = [''] * level
row << Redmine::CodesetUtil.from_utf8(
- format_criteria_value(criterias[level], value).to_s,
+ format_criteria_value(available_criteria[criteria[level]], value).to_s,
l(:general_csv_encoding) )
- row += [''] * (criterias.length - level - 1)
+ row += [''] * (criteria.length - level - 1)
total = 0
periods.each do |period|
- sum = sum_hours(select_hours(hours_for_value, @columns, period.to_s))
+ sum = sum_hours(select_hours(hours_for_value, columns, period.to_s))
total += sum
row << (sum > 0 ? ("%.2f" % sum).gsub('.',decimal_separator) : '')
row << ("%.2f" % total).gsub('.',decimal_separator)
csv << row
- if criterias.length > level + 1
- report_criteria_to_csv(csv, criterias, periods, hours_for_value, level + 1)
+ if criteria.length > level + 1
+ report_criteria_to_csv(csv, available_criteria, columns, criteria, periods, hours_for_value, level + 1)
diff --git a/app/views/time_entry_reports/_report_criteria.html.erb b/app/views/time_entry_reports/_report_criteria.html.erb
index c9a1cfb45..356a7ab10 100644
--- a/app/views/time_entry_reports/_report_criteria.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/time_entry_reports/_report_criteria.html.erb
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<% @hours.collect {|h| h[criterias[level]].to_s}.uniq.each do |value| %>
+<% @report.hours.collect {|h| h[criterias[level]].to_s}.uniq.each do |value| %>
<% hours_for_value = select_hours(hours, criterias[level], value) -%>
<% next if hours_for_value.empty? -%>
<tr class="<%= cycle('odd', 'even') %> <%= 'last-level' unless criterias.length > level+1 %>">
<%= '<td></td>' * level %>
-<td><%= h(format_criteria_value(criterias[level], value)) %></td>
+<td><%= h(format_criteria_value(@report.available_criteria[criterias[level]], value)) %></td>
<%= '<td></td>' * (criterias.length - level - 1) -%>
<% total = 0 -%>
- <% @periods.each do |period| -%>
- <% sum = sum_hours(select_hours(hours_for_value, @columns, period.to_s)); total += sum -%>
+ <% @report.periods.each do |period| -%>
+ <% sum = sum_hours(select_hours(hours_for_value, @report.columns, period.to_s)); total += sum -%>
<td class="hours"><%= html_hours("%.2f" % sum) if sum > 0 %></td>
<% end -%>
<td class="hours"><%= html_hours("%.2f" % total) if total > 0 %></td>
diff --git a/app/views/time_entry_reports/report.html.erb b/app/views/time_entry_reports/report.html.erb
index 0af89a1de..bd876aacd 100644
--- a/app/views/time_entry_reports/report.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/time_entry_reports/report.html.erb
@@ -7,53 +7,53 @@
<h2><%= l(:label_spent_time) %></h2>
<% form_tag({:controller => 'time_entry_reports', :action => 'report', :project_id => @project, :issue_id => @issue}, :method => :get, :id => 'query_form') do %>
- <% @criterias.each do |criteria| %>
- <%= hidden_field_tag 'criterias[]', criteria, :id => nil %>
+ <% @report.criteria.each do |criterion| %>
+ <%= hidden_field_tag 'criteria[]', criterion, :id => nil %>
<% end %>
<%= render :partial => 'timelog/date_range' %>
<p><label for='columns'><%= l(:label_details) %></label>: <%= select_tag 'columns', options_for_select([[l(:label_year), 'year'],
[l(:label_month), 'month'],
[l(:label_week), 'week'],
- [l(:label_day_plural).titleize, 'day']], @columns),
+ [l(:label_day_plural).titleize, 'day']], @report.columns),
:onchange => "this.form.onsubmit();" %>
- <label for='criterias'><%= l(:button_add) %></label>: <%= select_tag('criterias[]', options_for_select([[]] + (@available_criterias.keys - @criterias).collect{|k| [l_or_humanize(@available_criterias[k][:label]), k]}),
+ <label for='criterias'><%= l(:button_add) %></label>: <%= select_tag('criteria[]', options_for_select([[]] + (@report.available_criteria.keys - @report.criteria).collect{|k| [l_or_humanize(@report.available_criteria[k][:label]), k]}),
:onchange => "this.form.submit();",
:style => 'width: 200px',
:id => nil,
- :disabled => (@criterias.length >= 3), :id => "criterias") %>
- <%= link_to l(:button_clear), {:project_id => @project, :issue_id => @issue, :period_type => params[:period_type], :period => params[:period], :from => @from, :to => @to, :columns => @columns}, :class => 'icon icon-reload' %></p>
+ :disabled => (@report.criteria.length >= 3), :id => "criterias") %>
+ <%= link_to l(:button_clear), {:project_id => @project, :issue_id => @issue, :period_type => params[:period_type], :period => params[:period], :from => @from, :to => @to, :columns => @report.columns}, :class => 'icon icon-reload' %></p>
<% end %>
-<% unless @criterias.empty? %>
+<% unless @report.criteria.empty? %>
<div class="total-hours">
-<p><%= l(:label_total) %>: <%= html_hours(l_hours(@total_hours)) %></p>
+<p><%= l(:label_total) %>: <%= html_hours(l_hours(@report.total_hours)) %></p>
-<% unless @hours.empty? %>
+<% unless @report.hours.empty? %>
<div class="autoscroll">
<table class="list" id="time-report">
-<% @criterias.each do |criteria| %>
- <th><%= l_or_humanize(@available_criterias[criteria][:label]) %></th>
+<% @report.criteria.each do |criteria| %>
+ <th><%= l_or_humanize(@report.available_criteria[criteria][:label]) %></th>
<% end %>
-<% columns_width = (40 / (@periods.length+1)).to_i %>
-<% @periods.each do |period| %>
+<% columns_width = (40 / (@report.periods.length+1)).to_i %>
+<% @report.periods.each do |period| %>
<th class="period" width="<%= columns_width %>%"><%= period %></th>
<% end %>
<th class="total" width="<%= columns_width %>%"><%= l(:label_total) %></th>
-<%= render :partial => 'report_criteria', :locals => {:criterias => @criterias, :hours => @hours, :level => 0} %>
+<%= render :partial => 'report_criteria', :locals => {:criterias => @report.criteria, :hours => @report.hours, :level => 0} %>
<tr class="total">
<td><%= l(:label_total) %></td>
- <%= '<td></td>' * (@criterias.size - 1) %>
+ <%= '<td></td>' * (@report.criteria.size - 1) %>
<% total = 0 -%>
- <% @periods.each do |period| -%>
- <% sum = sum_hours(select_hours(@hours, @columns, period.to_s)); total += sum -%>
+ <% @report.periods.each do |period| -%>
+ <% sum = sum_hours(select_hours(@report.hours, @report.columns, period.to_s)); total += sum -%>
<td class="hours"><%= html_hours("%.2f" % sum) if sum > 0 %></td>
<% end -%>
<td class="hours"><%= html_hours("%.2f" % total) if total > 0 %></td>
diff --git a/lib/redmine/helpers/time_report.rb b/lib/redmine/helpers/time_report.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..528ef02fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/redmine/helpers/time_report.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# Redmine - project management software
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Jean-Philippe Lang
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+module Redmine
+ module Helpers
+ class TimeReport
+ attr_reader :criteria, :columns, :from, :to, :hours, :total_hours, :periods
+ def initialize(project, issue, criteria, columns, from, to)
+ @project = project
+ @issue = issue
+ @criteria = criteria || []
+ @criteria ={|criteria| available_criteria.has_key? criteria}
+ @criteria.uniq!
+ @criteria = @criteria[0,3]
+ @columns = (columns && %w(year month week day).include?(columns)) ? columns : 'month'
+ @from = from
+ @to = to
+ run
+ end
+ def available_criteria
+ @available_criteria || load_available_criteria
+ end
+ private
+ def run
+ unless @criteria.empty?
+ sql_select = @criteria.collect{|criteria| @available_criteria[criteria][:sql] + " AS " + criteria}.join(', ')
+ sql_group_by = @criteria.collect{|criteria| @available_criteria[criteria][:sql]}.join(', ')
+ sql_condition = ''
+ if @project.nil?
+ sql_condition = Project.allowed_to_condition(User.current, :view_time_entries)
+ elsif @issue.nil?
+ sql_condition = @project.project_condition(Setting.display_subprojects_issues?)
+ else
+ sql_condition = "#{Issue.table_name}.root_id = #{@issue.root_id} AND #{Issue.table_name}.lft >= #{@issue.lft} AND #{Issue.table_name}.rgt <= #{@issue.rgt}"
+ end
+ sql = "SELECT #{sql_select}, tyear, tmonth, tweek, spent_on, SUM(hours) AS hours"
+ sql << " FROM #{TimeEntry.table_name}"
+ sql << time_report_joins
+ sql << " WHERE"
+ sql << " (%s) AND" % sql_condition
+ sql << " (spent_on BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s')" % [ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quoted_date(@from), ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quoted_date(@to)]
+ sql << " GROUP BY #{sql_group_by}, tyear, tmonth, tweek, spent_on"
+ @hours = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql)
+ @hours.each do |row|
+ case @columns
+ when 'year'
+ row['year'] = row['tyear']
+ when 'month'
+ row['month'] = "#{row['tyear']}-#{row['tmonth']}"
+ when 'week'
+ row['week'] = "#{row['tyear']}-#{row['tweek']}"
+ when 'day'
+ row['day'] = "#{row['spent_on']}"
+ end
+ end
+ @total_hours = @hours.inject(0) {|s,k| s = s + k['hours'].to_f}
+ @periods = []
+ # Date#at_beginning_of_ not supported in Rails 1.2.x
+ date_from = @from.to_time
+ # 100 columns max
+ while date_from <= @to.to_time && @periods.length < 100
+ case @columns
+ when 'year'
+ @periods << "#{date_from.year}"
+ date_from = (date_from + 1.year).at_beginning_of_year
+ when 'month'
+ @periods << "#{date_from.year}-#{date_from.month}"
+ date_from = (date_from + 1.month).at_beginning_of_month
+ when 'week'
+ @periods << "#{date_from.year}-#{date_from.to_date.cweek}"
+ date_from = (date_from +
+ when 'day'
+ @periods << "#{date_from.to_date}"
+ date_from = date_from +
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def load_available_criteria
+ @available_criteria = { 'project' => {:sql => "#{TimeEntry.table_name}.project_id",
+ :klass => Project,
+ :label => :label_project},
+ 'version' => {:sql => "#{Issue.table_name}.fixed_version_id",
+ :klass => Version,
+ :label => :label_version},
+ 'category' => {:sql => "#{Issue.table_name}.category_id",
+ :klass => IssueCategory,
+ :label => :field_category},
+ 'member' => {:sql => "#{TimeEntry.table_name}.user_id",
+ :klass => User,
+ :label => :label_member},
+ 'tracker' => {:sql => "#{Issue.table_name}.tracker_id",
+ :klass => Tracker,
+ :label => :label_tracker},
+ 'activity' => {:sql => "#{TimeEntry.table_name}.activity_id",
+ :klass => TimeEntryActivity,
+ :label => :label_activity},
+ 'issue' => {:sql => "#{TimeEntry.table_name}.issue_id",
+ :klass => Issue,
+ :label => :label_issue}
+ }
+ # Add list and boolean custom fields as available criteria
+ custom_fields = (@project.nil? ? IssueCustomField.for_all : @project.all_issue_custom_fields)
+ {|cf| %w(list bool).include? cf.field_format }.each do |cf|
+ @available_criteria["cf_#{}"] = {:sql => "(SELECT c.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} c WHERE c.custom_field_id = #{} AND c.customized_type = 'Issue' AND c.customized_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id)",
+ :format => cf.field_format,
+ :label =>}
+ end if @project
+ # Add list and boolean time entry custom fields
+ TimeEntryCustomField.find(:all).select {|cf| %w(list bool).include? cf.field_format }.each do |cf|
+ @available_criteria["cf_#{}"] = {:sql => "(SELECT c.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} c WHERE c.custom_field_id = #{} AND c.customized_type = 'TimeEntry' AND c.customized_id = #{TimeEntry.table_name}.id)",
+ :format => cf.field_format,
+ :label =>}
+ end
+ # Add list and boolean time entry activity custom fields
+ TimeEntryActivityCustomField.find(:all).select {|cf| %w(list bool).include? cf.field_format }.each do |cf|
+ @available_criteria["cf_#{}"] = {:sql => "(SELECT c.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} c WHERE c.custom_field_id = #{} AND c.customized_type = 'Enumeration' AND c.customized_id = #{TimeEntry.table_name}.activity_id)",
+ :format => cf.field_format,
+ :label =>}
+ end
+ @available_criteria
+ end
+ def time_report_joins
+ sql = ''
+ sql << " LEFT JOIN #{Issue.table_name} ON #{TimeEntry.table_name}.issue_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id"
+ sql << " LEFT JOIN #{Project.table_name} ON #{TimeEntry.table_name}.project_id = #{Project.table_name}.id"
+ sql
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/functional/time_entry_reports_controller_test.rb b/test/functional/time_entry_reports_controller_test.rb
index 30ebe89d0..1c5c5801e 100644
--- a/test/functional/time_entry_reports_controller_test.rb
+++ b/test/functional/time_entry_reports_controller_test.rb
@@ -38,72 +38,71 @@ class TimeEntryReportsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
def test_report_all_projects_one_criteria
- get :report, :columns => 'week', :from => "2007-04-01", :to => "2007-04-30", :criterias => ['project']
+ get :report, :columns => 'week', :from => "2007-04-01", :to => "2007-04-30", :criteria => ['project']
assert_response :success
assert_template 'report'
- assert_not_nil assigns(:total_hours)
- assert_equal "8.65", "%.2f" % assigns(:total_hours)
+ assert_not_nil assigns(:report)
+ assert_equal "8.65", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours
def test_report_all_time
- get :report, :project_id => 1, :criterias => ['project', 'issue']
+ get :report, :project_id => 1, :criteria => ['project', 'issue']
assert_response :success
assert_template 'report'
- assert_not_nil assigns(:total_hours)
- assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:total_hours)
+ assert_not_nil assigns(:report)
+ assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours
def test_report_all_time_by_day
- get :report, :project_id => 1, :criterias => ['project', 'issue'], :columns => 'day'
+ get :report, :project_id => 1, :criteria => ['project', 'issue'], :columns => 'day'
assert_response :success
assert_template 'report'
- assert_not_nil assigns(:total_hours)
- assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:total_hours)
+ assert_not_nil assigns(:report)
+ assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours
assert_tag :tag => 'th', :content => '2007-03-12'
def test_report_one_criteria
- get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'week', :from => "2007-04-01", :to => "2007-04-30", :criterias => ['project']
+ get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'week', :from => "2007-04-01", :to => "2007-04-30", :criteria => ['project']
assert_response :success
assert_template 'report'
- assert_not_nil assigns(:total_hours)
- assert_equal "8.65", "%.2f" % assigns(:total_hours)
+ assert_not_nil assigns(:report)
+ assert_equal "8.65", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours
- def test_report_two_criterias
- get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'month', :from => "2007-01-01", :to => "2007-12-31", :criterias => ["member", "activity"]
+ def test_report_two_criteria
+ get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'month', :from => "2007-01-01", :to => "2007-12-31", :criteria => ["member", "activity"]
assert_response :success
assert_template 'report'
- assert_not_nil assigns(:total_hours)
- assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:total_hours)
+ assert_not_nil assigns(:report)
+ assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours
def test_report_one_day
- get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'day', :from => "2007-03-23", :to => "2007-03-23", :criterias => ["member", "activity"]
+ get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'day', :from => "2007-03-23", :to => "2007-03-23", :criteria => ["member", "activity"]
assert_response :success
assert_template 'report'
- assert_not_nil assigns(:total_hours)
- assert_equal "4.25", "%.2f" % assigns(:total_hours)
+ assert_not_nil assigns(:report)
+ assert_equal "4.25", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours
def test_report_at_issue_level
- get :report, :project_id => 1, :issue_id => 1, :columns => 'month', :from => "2007-01-01", :to => "2007-12-31", :criterias => ["member", "activity"]
+ get :report, :project_id => 1, :issue_id => 1, :columns => 'month', :from => "2007-01-01", :to => "2007-12-31", :criteria => ["member", "activity"]
assert_response :success
assert_template 'report'
- assert_not_nil assigns(:total_hours)
- assert_equal "154.25", "%.2f" % assigns(:total_hours)
+ assert_not_nil assigns(:report)
+ assert_equal "154.25", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours
assert_tag :form,
:attributes => {:action => "/projects/ecookbook/issues/1/time_entries/report", :id => 'query_form'}
def test_report_custom_field_criteria
- get :report, :project_id => 1, :criterias => ['project', 'cf_1', 'cf_7']
+ get :report, :project_id => 1, :criteria => ['project', 'cf_1', 'cf_7']
assert_response :success
assert_template 'report'
- assert_not_nil assigns(:total_hours)
- assert_not_nil assigns(:criterias)
- assert_equal 3, assigns(:criterias).size
- assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:total_hours)
+ assert_not_nil assigns(:report)
+ assert_equal 3, assigns(:report).criteria.size
+ assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours
# Custom field column
assert_tag :tag => 'th', :content => 'Database'
# Custom field row
@@ -116,16 +115,16 @@ class TimeEntryReportsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
def test_report_one_criteria_no_result
- get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'week', :from => "1998-04-01", :to => "1998-04-30", :criterias => ['project']
+ get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'week', :from => "1998-04-01", :to => "1998-04-30", :criteria => ['project']
assert_response :success
assert_template 'report'
- assert_not_nil assigns(:total_hours)
- assert_equal "0.00", "%.2f" % assigns(:total_hours)
+ assert_not_nil assigns(:report)
+ assert_equal "0.00", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours
def test_report_all_projects_csv_export
get :report, :columns => 'month', :from => "2007-01-01", :to => "2007-06-30",
- :criterias => ["project", "member", "activity"], :format => "csv"
+ :criteria => ["project", "member", "activity"], :format => "csv"
assert_response :success
assert_equal 'text/csv', @response.content_type
lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n")
@@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ class TimeEntryReportsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
def test_report_csv_export
get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'month',
:from => "2007-01-01", :to => "2007-06-30",
- :criterias => ["project", "member", "activity"], :format => "csv"
+ :criteria => ["project", "member", "activity"], :format => "csv"
assert_response :success
assert_equal 'text/csv', @response.content_type
lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n")
@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ class TimeEntryReportsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'day',
:from => "2011-11-11", :to => "2011-11-11",
- :criterias => ["member"], :format => "csv"
+ :criteria => ["member"], :format => "csv"
assert_response :success
assert_equal 'text/csv', @response.content_type
lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n")
@@ -228,7 +227,7 @@ class TimeEntryReportsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'day',
:from => "2011-11-11", :to => "2011-11-11",
- :criterias => ["member"], :format => "csv"
+ :criteria => ["member"], :format => "csv"
assert_response :success
assert_equal 'text/csv', @response.content_type
lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n")
@@ -269,7 +268,7 @@ class TimeEntryReportsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'day',
:from => "2011-11-11", :to => "2011-11-11",
- :criterias => ["member"], :format => "csv"
+ :criteria => ["member"], :format => "csv"
assert_response :success
assert_equal 'text/csv', @response.content_type
lines = @response.body.chomp.split("\n")