path: root/app
diff options
authorJean-Philippe Lang <>2014-11-14 21:31:27 +0000
committerJean-Philippe Lang <>2014-11-14 21:31:27 +0000
commiteac3b2b27def63a68ea0de78f9bedba95da6121c (patch)
treecb83c30f8e6f109ff38e44a1f187f6f44c07bd86 /app
parent46756cbd5646286a96df9058373324454add49a4 (diff)
Fixed that Redmine links should not be parsed inside links (#18301).
git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
Diffstat (limited to 'app')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/app/helpers/application_helper.rb b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
index 6476fba51..f93755240 100644
--- a/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
@@ -754,144 +754,148 @@ module ApplicationHelper
# identifier:version:1.0.0
# identifier:source:some/file
def parse_redmine_links(text, default_project, obj, attr, only_path, options)
- text.gsub!(%r{([\s\(,\-\[\>]|^)(!)?(([a-z0-9\-_]+):)?(attachment|document|version|forum|news|message|project|commit|source|export)?(((#)|((([a-z0-9\-_]+)\|)?(r)))((\d+)((#note)?-(\d+))?)|(:)([^"\s<>][^\s<>]*?|"[^"]+?"))(?=(?=[[:punct:]][^A-Za-z0-9_/])|,|\s|\]|<|$)}) do |m|
- leading, esc, project_prefix, project_identifier, prefix, repo_prefix, repo_identifier, sep, identifier, comment_suffix, comment_id = $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $10, $11, $8 || $12 || $18, $14 || $19, $15, $17
- link = nil
- project = default_project
- if project_identifier
- project = Project.visible.find_by_identifier(project_identifier)
- end
- if esc.nil?
- if prefix.nil? && sep == 'r'
- if project
- repository = nil
- if repo_identifier
- repository = project.repositories.detect {|repo| repo.identifier == repo_identifier}
- else
- repository = project.repository
- end
- # project.changesets.visible raises an SQL error because of a double join on repositories
- if repository &&
- (changeset = Changeset.visible.
- find_by_repository_id_and_revision(, identifier))
- link = link_to(h("#{project_prefix}#{repo_prefix}r#{identifier}"),
- {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories',
- :action => 'revision', :id => project,
- :repository_id => repository.identifier_param,
- :rev => changeset.revision},
- :class => 'changeset',
- :title => truncate_single_line_raw(changeset.comments, 100))
- end
- end
- elsif sep == '#'
- oid = identifier.to_i
- case prefix
- when nil
- if oid.to_s == identifier &&
- issue = Issue.visible.includes(:status).find_by_id(oid)
- anchor = comment_id ? "note-#{comment_id}" : nil
- link = link_to(h("##{oid}#{comment_suffix}"),
- {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'issues',
- :action => 'show', :id => oid, :anchor => anchor},
- :class => issue.css_classes,
- :title => "#{issue.subject.truncate(100)} (#{})")
- end
- when 'document'
- if document = Document.visible.find_by_id(oid)
- link = link_to h(document.title), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'documents', :action => 'show', :id => document},
- :class => 'document'
- end
- when 'version'
- if version = Version.visible.find_by_id(oid)
- link = link_to h(, {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'versions', :action => 'show', :id => version},
- :class => 'version'
- end
- when 'message'
- if message = Message.visible.includes(:parent).find_by_id(oid)
- link = link_to_message(message, {:only_path => only_path}, :class => 'message')
- end
- when 'forum'
- if board = Board.visible.find_by_id(oid)
- link = link_to h(, {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'boards', :action => 'show', :id => board, :project_id => board.project},
- :class => 'board'
- end
- when 'news'
- if news = News.visible.find_by_id(oid)
- link = link_to h(news.title), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => news},
- :class => 'news'
- end
- when 'project'
- if p = Project.visible.find_by_id(oid)
- link = link_to_project(p, {:only_path => only_path}, :class => 'project')
- end
- end
- elsif sep == ':'
- # removes the double quotes if any
- name = identifier.gsub(%r{^"(.*)"$}, "\\1")
- name = CGI.unescapeHTML(name)
- case prefix
- when 'document'
- if project && document = project.documents.visible.find_by_title(name)
- link = link_to h(document.title), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'documents', :action => 'show', :id => document},
- :class => 'document'
- end
- when 'version'
- if project && version = project.versions.visible.find_by_name(name)
- link = link_to h(, {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'versions', :action => 'show', :id => version},
- :class => 'version'
- end
- when 'forum'
- if project && board = project.boards.visible.find_by_name(name)
- link = link_to h(, {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'boards', :action => 'show', :id => board, :project_id => board.project},
- :class => 'board'
- end
- when 'news'
- if project && news =
- link = link_to h(news.title), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => news},
- :class => 'news'
- end
- when 'commit', 'source', 'export'
+ text.gsub!(%r{<a( [^>]+?)?>(.*?)</a>|([\s\(,\-\[\>]|^)(!)?(([a-z0-9\-_]+):)?(attachment|document|version|forum|news|message|project|commit|source|export)?(((#)|((([a-z0-9\-_]+)\|)?(r)))((\d+)((#note)?-(\d+))?)|(:)([^"\s<>][^\s<>]*?|"[^"]+?"))(?=(?=[[:punct:]][^A-Za-z0-9_/])|,|\s|\]|<|$)}) do |m|
+ tag_content, leading, esc, project_prefix, project_identifier, prefix, repo_prefix, repo_identifier, sep, identifier, comment_suffix, comment_id = $1, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $12, $13, $10 || $14 || $20, $16 || $21, $17, $19
+ if tag_content
+ $&
+ else
+ link = nil
+ project = default_project
+ if project_identifier
+ project = Project.visible.find_by_identifier(project_identifier)
+ end
+ if esc.nil?
+ if prefix.nil? && sep == 'r'
if project
repository = nil
- if name =~ %r{^(([a-z0-9\-_]+)\|)(.+)$}
- repo_prefix, repo_identifier, name = $1, $2, $3
+ if repo_identifier
repository = project.repositories.detect {|repo| repo.identifier == repo_identifier}
repository = project.repository
- if prefix == 'commit'
- if repository && (changeset = Changeset.visible.where("repository_id = ? AND scmid LIKE ?",, "#{name}%").first)
- link = link_to h("#{project_prefix}#{repo_prefix}#{name}"), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => project, :repository_id => repository.identifier_param, :rev => changeset.identifier},
- :class => 'changeset',
- :title => truncate_single_line_raw(changeset.comments, 100)
- end
- else
- if repository && User.current.allowed_to?(:browse_repository, project)
- name =~ %r{^[/\\]*(.*?)(@([^/\\@]+?))?(#(L\d+))?$}
- path, rev, anchor = $1, $3, $5
- link = link_to h("#{project_prefix}#{prefix}:#{repo_prefix}#{name}"), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories', :action => (prefix == 'export' ? 'raw' : 'entry'), :id => project, :repository_id => repository.identifier_param,
- :path => to_path_param(path),
- :rev => rev,
- :anchor => anchor},
- :class => (prefix == 'export' ? 'source download' : 'source')
- end
+ # project.changesets.visible raises an SQL error because of a double join on repositories
+ if repository &&
+ (changeset = Changeset.visible.
+ find_by_repository_id_and_revision(, identifier))
+ link = link_to(h("#{project_prefix}#{repo_prefix}r#{identifier}"),
+ {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories',
+ :action => 'revision', :id => project,
+ :repository_id => repository.identifier_param,
+ :rev => changeset.revision},
+ :class => 'changeset',
+ :title => truncate_single_line_raw(changeset.comments, 100))
- repo_prefix = nil
- when 'attachment'
- attachments = options[:attachments] || []
- attachments += obj.attachments if obj.respond_to?(:attachments)
- if attachments && attachment = Attachment.latest_attach(attachments, name)
- link = link_to_attachment(attachment, :only_path => only_path, :download => true, :class => 'attachment')
+ elsif sep == '#'
+ oid = identifier.to_i
+ case prefix
+ when nil
+ if oid.to_s == identifier &&
+ issue = Issue.visible.includes(:status).find_by_id(oid)
+ anchor = comment_id ? "note-#{comment_id}" : nil
+ link = link_to(h("##{oid}#{comment_suffix}"),
+ {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'issues',
+ :action => 'show', :id => oid, :anchor => anchor},
+ :class => issue.css_classes,
+ :title => "#{issue.subject.truncate(100)} (#{})")
+ end
+ when 'document'
+ if document = Document.visible.find_by_id(oid)
+ link = link_to h(document.title), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'documents', :action => 'show', :id => document},
+ :class => 'document'
+ end
+ when 'version'
+ if version = Version.visible.find_by_id(oid)
+ link = link_to h(, {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'versions', :action => 'show', :id => version},
+ :class => 'version'
+ end
+ when 'message'
+ if message = Message.visible.includes(:parent).find_by_id(oid)
+ link = link_to_message(message, {:only_path => only_path}, :class => 'message')
+ end
+ when 'forum'
+ if board = Board.visible.find_by_id(oid)
+ link = link_to h(, {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'boards', :action => 'show', :id => board, :project_id => board.project},
+ :class => 'board'
+ end
+ when 'news'
+ if news = News.visible.find_by_id(oid)
+ link = link_to h(news.title), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => news},
+ :class => 'news'
+ end
+ when 'project'
+ if p = Project.visible.find_by_id(oid)
+ link = link_to_project(p, {:only_path => only_path}, :class => 'project')
+ end
- when 'project'
- if p = Project.visible.where("identifier = :s OR LOWER(name) = :s", :s => name.downcase).first
- link = link_to_project(p, {:only_path => only_path}, :class => 'project')
+ elsif sep == ':'
+ # removes the double quotes if any
+ name = identifier.gsub(%r{^"(.*)"$}, "\\1")
+ name = CGI.unescapeHTML(name)
+ case prefix
+ when 'document'
+ if project && document = project.documents.visible.find_by_title(name)
+ link = link_to h(document.title), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'documents', :action => 'show', :id => document},
+ :class => 'document'
+ end
+ when 'version'
+ if project && version = project.versions.visible.find_by_name(name)
+ link = link_to h(, {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'versions', :action => 'show', :id => version},
+ :class => 'version'
+ end
+ when 'forum'
+ if project && board = project.boards.visible.find_by_name(name)
+ link = link_to h(, {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'boards', :action => 'show', :id => board, :project_id => board.project},
+ :class => 'board'
+ end
+ when 'news'
+ if project && news =
+ link = link_to h(news.title), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => news},
+ :class => 'news'
+ end
+ when 'commit', 'source', 'export'
+ if project
+ repository = nil
+ if name =~ %r{^(([a-z0-9\-_]+)\|)(.+)$}
+ repo_prefix, repo_identifier, name = $1, $2, $3
+ repository = project.repositories.detect {|repo| repo.identifier == repo_identifier}
+ else
+ repository = project.repository
+ end
+ if prefix == 'commit'
+ if repository && (changeset = Changeset.visible.where("repository_id = ? AND scmid LIKE ?",, "#{name}%").first)
+ link = link_to h("#{project_prefix}#{repo_prefix}#{name}"), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => project, :repository_id => repository.identifier_param, :rev => changeset.identifier},
+ :class => 'changeset',
+ :title => truncate_single_line_raw(changeset.comments, 100)
+ end
+ else
+ if repository && User.current.allowed_to?(:browse_repository, project)
+ name =~ %r{^[/\\]*(.*?)(@([^/\\@]+?))?(#(L\d+))?$}
+ path, rev, anchor = $1, $3, $5
+ link = link_to h("#{project_prefix}#{prefix}:#{repo_prefix}#{name}"), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories', :action => (prefix == 'export' ? 'raw' : 'entry'), :id => project, :repository_id => repository.identifier_param,
+ :path => to_path_param(path),
+ :rev => rev,
+ :anchor => anchor},
+ :class => (prefix == 'export' ? 'source download' : 'source')
+ end
+ end
+ repo_prefix = nil
+ end
+ when 'attachment'
+ attachments = options[:attachments] || []
+ attachments += obj.attachments if obj.respond_to?(:attachments)
+ if attachments && attachment = Attachment.latest_attach(attachments, name)
+ link = link_to_attachment(attachment, :only_path => only_path, :download => true, :class => 'attachment')
+ end
+ when 'project'
+ if p = Project.visible.where("identifier = :s OR LOWER(name) = :s", :s => name.downcase).first
+ link = link_to_project(p, {:only_path => only_path}, :class => 'project')
+ end
+ (leading + (link || "#{project_prefix}#{prefix}#{repo_prefix}#{sep}#{identifier}#{comment_suffix}"))
- (leading + (link || "#{project_prefix}#{prefix}#{repo_prefix}#{sep}#{identifier}#{comment_suffix}"))