path: root/app
diff options
authorJean-Philippe Lang <>2007-08-26 07:55:57 +0000
committerJean-Philippe Lang <>2007-08-26 07:55:57 +0000
commitedba1f692b5a2648392718834a5cb8fb244b7ca6 (patch)
tree437ad518019f8f36bf32a9d181b5bcabe9beca32 /app
parentc1eb587c6dcc9b955a1718bf431c8db77ed3bd5e (diff)
Gantt chart can now be exported to a graphic file (png).
This functionality is only available if RMagick is present. git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
Diffstat (limited to 'app')
3 files changed, 161 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/app/controllers/projects_controller.rb b/app/controllers/projects_controller.rb
index 5ee848ba9..86248e498 100644
--- a/app/controllers/projects_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/projects_controller.rb
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
include QueriesHelper
helper :repositories
include RepositoriesHelper
+ include ProjectsHelper
def index
@@ -614,10 +615,14 @@ class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
@events += @project.versions.find(:all, :conditions => ["effective_date BETWEEN ? AND ?", @date_from, @date_to])
@events.sort! {|x,y| x.start_date <=> y.start_date }
- if params[:output]=='pdf'
+ if params[:format]=='pdf'
@options_for_rfpdf ||= {}
- @options_for_rfpdf[:file_name] = "gantt.pdf"
+ @options_for_rfpdf[:file_name] = "#{@project.identifier}-gantt.pdf"
render :template => "projects/gantt.rfpdf", :layout => false
+ elsif params[:format]=='png' && respond_to?('gantt_image')
+ image = gantt_image(@events, @date_from, @months, @zoom)
+ image.format = 'PNG'
+ send_data(image.to_blob, :disposition => 'inline', :type => 'image/png', :filename => "#{@project.identifier}-gantt.png")
render :template => "projects/gantt.rhtml"
diff --git a/app/helpers/projects_helper.rb b/app/helpers/projects_helper.rb
index 74805ba53..abf2bcf86 100644
--- a/app/helpers/projects_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/projects_helper.rb
@@ -25,4 +25,154 @@ module ProjectsHelper
:anchor =>
}, options
+ # Generates a gantt image
+ # Only defined if RMagick is avalaible
+ def gantt_image(events, date_from, months, zoom)
+ date_to = (date_from >> months)-1
+ show_weeks = zoom > 1
+ show_days = zoom > 2
+ subject_width = 320
+ header_heigth = 18
+ # width of one day in pixels
+ zoom = zoom*2
+ g_width = (date_to - date_from + 1)*zoom
+ g_height = 20 * events.length + 20
+ headers_heigth = (show_weeks ? 2*header_heigth : header_heigth)
+ height = g_height + headers_heigth
+ imgl =
+ imgl.new_image(subject_width+g_width+1, height)
+ gc =
+ # Subjects
+ top = headers_heigth + 20
+ gc.fill('black')
+ gc.stroke('transparent')
+ gc.stroke_width(1)
+ events.each do |i|
+ gc.text(4, top + 2, (i.is_a?(Issue) ? i.subject :
+ top = top + 20
+ end
+ # Months headers
+ month_f = date_from
+ left = subject_width
+ months.times do
+ width = ((month_f >> 1) - month_f) * zoom
+ gc.fill('white')
+ gc.stroke('grey')
+ gc.stroke_width(1)
+ gc.rectangle(left, 0, left + width, height)
+ gc.fill('black')
+ gc.stroke('transparent')
+ gc.stroke_width(1)
+ gc.text(left.round + 8, 14, "#{month_f.year}-#{month_f.month}")
+ left = left + width
+ month_f = month_f >> 1
+ end
+ # Weeks headers
+ if show_weeks
+ left = subject_width
+ height = header_heigth
+ if date_from.cwday == 1
+ # date_from is monday
+ week_f = date_from
+ else
+ # find next monday after date_from
+ week_f = date_from + (7 - date_from.cwday + 1)
+ width = (7 - date_from.cwday + 1) * zoom
+ gc.fill('white')
+ gc.stroke('grey')
+ gc.stroke_width(1)
+ gc.rectangle(left, header_heigth, left + width, 2*header_heigth + g_height-1)
+ left = left + width
+ end
+ while week_f <= date_to
+ width = (week_f + 6 <= date_to) ? 7 * zoom : (date_to - week_f + 1) * zoom
+ gc.fill('white')
+ gc.stroke('grey')
+ gc.stroke_width(1)
+ gc.rectangle(left.round, header_heigth, left.round + width, 2*header_heigth + g_height-1)
+ gc.fill('black')
+ gc.stroke('transparent')
+ gc.stroke_width(1)
+ gc.text(left.round + 2, header_heigth + 14, week_f.cweek.to_s)
+ left = left + width
+ week_f = week_f+7
+ end
+ end
+ # Days details (week-end in grey)
+ if show_days
+ left = subject_width
+ height = g_height + header_heigth - 1
+ wday = date_from.cwday
+ (date_to - date_from + 1).to_i.times do
+ width = zoom
+ gc.fill(wday == 6 || wday == 7 ? '#eee' : 'white')
+ gc.stroke('grey')
+ gc.stroke_width(1)
+ gc.rectangle(left, 2*header_heigth, left + width, 2*header_heigth + g_height-1)
+ left = left + width
+ wday = wday + 1
+ wday = 1 if wday > 7
+ end
+ end
+ # border
+ gc.fill('transparent')
+ gc.stroke('grey')
+ gc.stroke_width(1)
+ gc.rectangle(0, 0, subject_width+g_width, headers_heigth)
+ gc.stroke('black')
+ gc.rectangle(0, 0, subject_width+g_width, g_height+ headers_heigth-1)
+ # content
+ top = headers_heigth + 20
+ gc.stroke('transparent')
+ events.each do |i|
+ if i.is_a?(Issue)
+ i_start_date = (i.start_date >= date_from ? i.start_date : date_from )
+ i_end_date = (i.due_date <= date_to ? i.due_date : date_to )
+ i_done_date = i.start_date + ((i.due_date - i.start_date+1)*i.done_ratio/100).floor
+ i_done_date = (i_done_date <= date_from ? date_from : i_done_date )
+ i_done_date = (i_done_date >= date_to ? date_to : i_done_date )
+ i_late_date = [i_end_date,].min if i_start_date <
+ i_left = subject_width + ((i_start_date - date_from)*zoom).floor
+ i_width = ((i_end_date - i_start_date + 1)*zoom).floor # total width of the issue
+ d_width = ((i_done_date - i_start_date)*zoom).floor # done width
+ l_width = i_late_date ? ((i_late_date - i_start_date+1)*zoom).floor : 0 # delay width
+ gc.fill('grey')
+ gc.rectangle(i_left, top, i_left + i_width, top - 6)
+ gc.fill('red')
+ gc.rectangle(i_left, top, i_left + l_width, top - 6) if l_width > 0
+ gc.fill('blue')
+ gc.rectangle(i_left, top, i_left + d_width, top - 6) if d_width > 0
+ gc.fill('black')
+ gc.text(i_left + i_width + 5,top + 1, "#{} #{i.done_ratio}%")
+ else
+ i_left = subject_width + ((i.start_date - date_from)*zoom).floor
+ gc.fill('green')
+ gc.rectangle(i_left, top, i_left + 6, top - 6)
+ gc.fill('black')
+ gc.text(i_left + 11, top + 1,
+ end
+ top = top + 20
+ end
+ # today red line
+ if >= @date_from and <= @date_to
+ gc.stroke('red')
+ x = (*zoom + subject_width
+ gc.line(x, headers_heigth, x, headers_heigth + g_height-1)
+ end
+ gc.draw(imgl)
+ imgl
+ end if Object.const_defined?(:Magick)
diff --git a/app/views/projects/gantt.rhtml b/app/views/projects/gantt.rhtml
index c46ef9f5f..1de8242ea 100644
--- a/app/views/projects/gantt.rhtml
+++ b/app/views/projects/gantt.rhtml
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ g_height = [(20 * @events.length + 6)+150, 206].max
t_height = g_height + headers_height
-<% cache(:year => @year_from, :month => @month_from, :months => @months, :zoom => @zoom, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :subprojects => params[:with_subprojects], :lang => current_language) do %>
<div class="contextual">
<%= l(:label_export_to) %>
-<%= link_to 'PDF', {:zoom => @zoom, :year => @year_from, :month => @month_from, :months => @months, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :with_subprojects => params[:with_subprojects], :output => 'pdf'}, :class => 'icon icon-pdf' %>
+<%= link_to 'PDF', {:zoom => @zoom, :year => @year_from, :month => @month_from, :months => @months, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :with_subprojects => params[:with_subprojects], :format => 'pdf'}, :class => 'icon icon-pdf' %>
+<%= link_to 'PNG', {:zoom => @zoom, :year => @year_from, :month => @month_from, :months => @months, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :with_subprojects => params[:with_subprojects], :format => 'png'}, :class => 'icon icon-image' if respond_to?('gantt_image') %>
<h2><%= l(:label_gantt) %></h2>
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ t_height = g_height + headers_height
<% end %>
+<% cache(:year => @year_from, :month => @month_from, :months => @months, :zoom => @zoom, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :subprojects => params[:with_subprojects], :lang => current_language) do %>
<table width="100%" style="border:0; border-collapse: collapse;">
<td style="width:<%= subject_width %>px;">