path: root/config/locales/sr-YU.yml
diff options
authorToshi MARUYAMA <>2013-01-11 07:02:36 +0000
committerToshi MARUYAMA <>2013-01-11 07:02:36 +0000
commit4a71be4a1122f6f41d1cf46c6537e65e35e14749 (patch)
treed324a265cd4e09c30c95974d4f94e26a1e30430c /config/locales/sr-YU.yml
parent956239fc855ae3f7ac4880bba2a4663b2c9a9cc9 (diff)
Serbian translation updated by Miodrag Milic (#12800)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
Diffstat (limited to 'config/locales/sr-YU.yml')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/config/locales/sr-YU.yml b/config/locales/sr-YU.yml
index 528990a0a..cf6a8d2fc 100644
--- a/config/locales/sr-YU.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sr-YU.yml
@@ -917,47 +917,47 @@ sr-YU:
project_module_calendar: Kalendar
button_edit_associated_wikipage: "Edit associated Wiki page: %{page_title}"
field_text: Text field
- label_user_mail_option_only_owner: Only for things I am the owner of
- setting_default_notification_option: Default notification option
- label_user_mail_option_only_my_events: Only for things I watch or I'm involved in
- label_user_mail_option_only_assigned: Only for things I am assigned to
- label_user_mail_option_none: No events
+ label_user_mail_option_only_owner: Samo za stvari koje posedujem
+ setting_default_notification_option: Podrazumevana opcija za notifikaciju
+ label_user_mail_option_only_my_events: Za dogadjaje koje pratim ili sam u njih uključen
+ label_user_mail_option_only_assigned: Za dogadjaje koji su mi dodeljeni lično
+ label_user_mail_option_none: Bez obaveštenja
field_member_of_group: Assignee's group
field_assigned_to_role: Assignee's role
- notice_not_authorized_archived_project: The project you're trying to access has been archived.
- label_principal_search: "Search for user or group:"
- label_user_search: "Search for user:"
- field_visible: Visible
- setting_emails_header: Emails header
+ notice_not_authorized_archived_project: Projekat kome pokušavate da pristupite je arhiviran
+ label_principal_search: "Traži korisnike ili grupe:"
+ label_user_search: "Traži korisnike:"
+ field_visible: Vidljivo
+ setting_emails_header: Email zaglavlje
setting_commit_logtime_activity_id: Activity for logged time
text_time_logged_by_changeset: Applied in changeset %{value}.
- setting_commit_logtime_enabled: Enable time logging
+ setting_commit_logtime_enabled: Omogući praćenje vremena
notice_gantt_chart_truncated: The chart was truncated because it exceeds the maximum number of items that can be displayed (%{max})
- setting_gantt_items_limit: Maximum number of items displayed on the gantt chart
- field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Warn me when leaving a page with unsaved text
- text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: The current page contains unsaved text that will be lost if you leave this page.
+ setting_gantt_items_limit: Maksimalan broj stavki na gant grafiku
+ field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Upozori me ako napuštam stranu sa tekstom koji nije snimljen
+ text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Strana sadrži tekst koji nije snimljen i biće izgubljen ako je napustite.
label_my_queries: My custom queries
- text_journal_changed_no_detail: "%{label} updated"
- label_news_comment_added: Comment added to a news
- button_expand_all: Expand all
- button_collapse_all: Collapse all
+ text_journal_changed_no_detail: "%{label} ažuriran"
+ label_news_comment_added: Komentar dodat u novosti
+ button_expand_all: Proširi sve
+ button_collapse_all: Zatvori sve
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_assignee: Additional transitions allowed when the user is the assignee
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: Additional transitions allowed when the user is the author
label_bulk_edit_selected_time_entries: Bulk edit selected time entries
- text_time_entries_destroy_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete the selected time entr(y/ies)?
- label_role_anonymous: Anonymous
- label_role_non_member: Non member
- label_issue_note_added: Note added
- label_issue_status_updated: Status updated
- label_issue_priority_updated: Priority updated
- label_issues_visibility_own: Issues created by or assigned to the user
- field_issues_visibility: Issues visibility
- label_issues_visibility_all: All issues
- permission_set_own_issues_private: Set own issues public or private
- field_is_private: Private
- permission_set_issues_private: Set issues public or private
- label_issues_visibility_public: All non private issues
- text_issues_destroy_descendants_confirmation: This will also delete %{count} subtask(s).
+ text_time_entries_destroy_confirmation: Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete selektovane stavke ?
+ label_role_anonymous: Anonimus
+ label_role_non_member: Nije član
+ label_issue_note_added: Nota dodana
+ label_issue_status_updated: Status ažuriran
+ label_issue_priority_updated: Prioritet ažuriran
+ label_issues_visibility_own: Problem kreiran od strane ili je dodeljen korisniku
+ field_issues_visibility: Vidljivost problema
+ label_issues_visibility_all: Svi problemi
+ permission_set_own_issues_private: Podesi sopstveni problem kao privatan ili javan
+ field_is_private: Privatno
+ permission_set_issues_private: Podesi problem kao privatan ili javan
+ label_issues_visibility_public: Svi javni problemi
+ text_issues_destroy_descendants_confirmation: Ova operacija će takođe obrisati %{count} podzadataka.
field_commit_logs_encoding: Kodiranje izvršnih poruka
field_scm_path_encoding: Path encoding
text_scm_path_encoding_note: "Default: UTF-8"