path: root/config/locales
diff options
authorJean-Philippe Lang <>2009-05-17 14:04:08 +0000
committerJean-Philippe Lang <>2009-05-17 14:04:08 +0000
commitce8bd1602035f07e8f70f92d4c2a15698b6f50c5 (patch)
tree1ec828d46d4cb547fc39b42cbdd87c0b77e2092f /config/locales
parent7f94e3446fe9ddb9b06a0036f979dd735af2622b (diff)
Translations updates.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
Diffstat (limited to 'config/locales')
4 files changed, 39 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml
index 8cc72b34b..783d2b5c1 100644
--- a/config/locales/es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/es.yml
@@ -819,30 +819,30 @@ es:
text_wiki_destroy_confirmation: ¿Seguro que quiere borrar el wiki y todo su contenido?
text_workflow_edit: Seleccionar un flujo de trabajo para actualizar
text_plugin_assets_writable: Plugin assets directory writable
- warning_attachments_not_saved: "{{count}} file(s) could not be saved."
- button_create_and_continue: Create and continue
- text_custom_field_possible_values_info: 'One line for each value'
- label_display: Display
+ warning_attachments_not_saved: "No fue posible guardar {{count}} fichero(s)."
+ button_create_and_continue: Crear y continuar
+ text_custom_field_possible_values_info: 'Una línea para cada valor'
+ label_display: Mostrar
field_editable: Editable
- setting_repository_log_display_limit: Maximum number of revisions displayed on file log
- setting_file_max_size_displayed: Max size of text files displayed inline
- field_watcher: Watcher
- setting_openid: Allow OpenID login and registration
+ setting_repository_log_display_limit: Número máximo de revisiones mostradas en el fichero de trazas
+ setting_file_max_size_displayed: Tamaño máximo de ficheros de texto a mostrar
+ field_watcher: Seguidor
+ setting_openid: Permitir autenticación y registro con OpenID
field_identity_url: OpenID URL
- label_login_with_open_id_option: or login with OpenID
- field_content: Content
- label_descending: Descending
- label_sort: Sort
- label_ascending: Ascending
- label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
+ label_login_with_open_id_option: o acceder mediante OpenID
+ field_content: Contenido
+ label_descending: Descendiente
+ label_sort: Ordenar
+ label_ascending: Ascendente
+ label_date_from_to: Desde {{start}} a {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
- text_wiki_page_destroy_question: This page has {{descendants}} child page(s) and descendant(s). What do you want to do?
- text_wiki_page_reassign_children: Reassign child pages to this parent page
- text_wiki_page_nullify_children: Keep child pages as root pages
- text_wiki_page_destroy_children: Delete child pages and all their descendants
- setting_password_min_length: Minimum password length
- field_group_by: Group results by
+ text_wiki_page_destroy_question: Esta página tiene {{descendants}} página(s) hija(s) y descendiente(s). ¿Qué desea hacer?
+ text_wiki_page_reassign_children: Reasignar páginas hijas a esta página
+ text_wiki_page_nullify_children: Dejar páginas hijas como páginas raíz
+ text_wiki_page_destroy_children: Eliminar páginas hijas y todos sus descendientes
+ setting_password_min_length: Tamaño mínimo de contraseña
+ field_group_by: Agrupar resultados por
mail_subject_wiki_content_updated: "'{{page}}' wiki page has been updated"
label_wiki_content_added: Wiki page added
mail_subject_wiki_content_added: "'{{page}}' wiki page has been added"
diff --git a/config/locales/hu.yml b/config/locales/hu.yml
index 7b00becdd..1719562b0 100644
--- a/config/locales/hu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/hu.yml
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@
field_parent_title: Szülő oldal
label_issue_watchers: Megfigyelők
setting_commit_logs_encoding: Commit üzenetek kódlapja
- button_quote: Idézet
+ button_quote: Hozzászólás / Idézet
setting_sequential_project_identifiers: Szekvenciális projekt azonosítók generálása
notice_unable_delete_version: A verziót nem lehet törölni
label_renamed: átnevezve
@@ -821,13 +821,13 @@
label_ascending: Növekvő
label_date_from_to: "{{start}} -tól {{end}} -ig"
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
- label_less_or_equal: <=
- text_wiki_page_destroy_question: This page has {{descendants}} child page(s) and descendant(s). What do you want to do?
- text_wiki_page_reassign_children: Reassign child pages to this parent page
- text_wiki_page_nullify_children: Keep child pages as root pages
- text_wiki_page_destroy_children: Delete child pages and all their descendants
- setting_password_min_length: Minimum password length
- field_group_by: Group results by
+ label_less_or_equal: "<="
+ text_wiki_page_destroy_question: Ennek az oldalnak {{descendants}} gyermek-, és leszármazott oldala van. Mit szeretne tenni?
+ text_wiki_page_reassign_children: Az aloldalak hozzárendelése ehhez a szülő oldalhoz
+ text_wiki_page_nullify_children: Az aloldalak megtartása, mint főoldalak
+ text_wiki_page_destroy_children: Minden aloldal és leszármazottjának törlése
+ setting_password_min_length: Minimum jelszó hosszúság
+ field_group_by: Szerint csoportosítva
mail_subject_wiki_content_updated: "'{{page}}' wiki page has been updated"
label_wiki_content_added: Wiki page added
mail_subject_wiki_content_added: "'{{page}}' wiki page has been added"
diff --git a/config/locales/nl.yml b/config/locales/nl.yml
index 071c1306a..8c0a59ea5 100644
--- a/config/locales/nl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/nl.yml
@@ -772,11 +772,11 @@ nl:
label_date_from_to: Van {{start}} tot {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
- text_wiki_page_destroy_question: This page has {{descendants}} child page(s) and descendant(s). What do you want to do?
- text_wiki_page_reassign_children: Reassign child pages to this parent page
- text_wiki_page_nullify_children: Keep child pages as root pages
- text_wiki_page_destroy_children: Delete child pages and all their descendants
- setting_password_min_length: Minimum password length
+ text_wiki_page_destroy_question: Deze pagina heeft {{descendants}} subpagina's en onderliggende pagina's?. Wil wil je ermee doen?
+ text_wiki_page_reassign_children: Alle subpagina's toewijzen aan deze hoofdpagina
+ text_wiki_page_nullify_children: Behoud subpagina's als hoofdpagina's
+ text_wiki_page_destroy_children: Verwijder alle subpagina's en onderliggende pagina's
+ setting_password_min_length: Minimum wachtwoord lengte
field_group_by: Group results by
mail_subject_wiki_content_updated: "'{{page}}' wiki page has been updated"
label_wiki_content_added: Wiki page added
diff --git a/config/locales/pt-BR.yml b/config/locales/pt-BR.yml
index 7f4343a25..16b151bf7 100644
--- a/config/locales/pt-BR.yml
+++ b/config/locales/pt-BR.yml
@@ -822,12 +822,12 @@ pt-BR:
label_date_from_to: De {{start}} até {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
- text_wiki_page_destroy_question: This page has {{descendants}} child page(s) and descendant(s). What do you want to do?
- text_wiki_page_reassign_children: Reassign child pages to this parent page
- text_wiki_page_nullify_children: Keep child pages as root pages
- text_wiki_page_destroy_children: Delete child pages and all their descendants
- setting_password_min_length: Minimum password length
- field_group_by: Group results by
+ text_wiki_page_destroy_question: Esta página tem {{descendants}} página(s) filha(s) e descendente(s). O que você quer fazer?
+ text_wiki_page_reassign_children: Reatribuir páginas filhas para esta página pai
+ text_wiki_page_nullify_children: Manter as páginas filhas como páginas raízes
+ text_wiki_page_destroy_children: Excluir páginas filhas e todas suas descendentes
+ setting_password_min_length: Comprimento mínimo para senhas
+ field_group_by: Agrupar por
mail_subject_wiki_content_updated: "'{{page}}' wiki page has been updated"
label_wiki_content_added: Wiki page added
mail_subject_wiki_content_added: "'{{page}}' wiki page has been added"