path: root/lib
diff options
authorJean-Philippe Lang <>2010-12-17 13:40:25 +0000
committerJean-Philippe Lang <>2010-12-17 13:40:25 +0000
commit98c7c179ca3fb614ba4544f1199eaaaae56c6524 (patch)
tree0b806d11172336740096ec38bb3bf9f9b9e938cb /lib
parent8f7da03419071e132bbda1c1983707de15350597 (diff)
Gantt code cleanup.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/lib/redmine/helpers/gantt.rb b/lib/redmine/helpers/gantt.rb
index ea0140c4d..2d22da537 100644
--- a/lib/redmine/helpers/gantt.rb
+++ b/lib/redmine/helpers/gantt.rb
@@ -435,65 +435,11 @@ module Redmine
case options[:format]
when :html
- output = ''
- i_left = ((version.start_date - self.date_from)*options[:zoom]).floor
- # TODO: or version.fixed_issues.collect(&:start_date).min
- start_date = version.fixed_issues.minimum('start_date') if version.fixed_issues.present?
- start_date ||= self.date_from
- start_left = ((start_date - self.date_from)*options[:zoom]).floor
- i_end_date = ((version.due_date <= self.date_to) ? version.due_date : self.date_to )
- i_done_date = start_date + ((version.due_date - start_date+1)* version.completed_pourcent/100).floor
- i_done_date = (i_done_date <= self.date_from ? self.date_from : i_done_date )
- i_done_date = (i_done_date >= self.date_to ? self.date_to : i_done_date )
+ coords = coordinates(version.fixed_issues.minimum('start_date'), version.due_date, version.completed_pourcent, options[:zoom])
+ label = "#{h version } #{h version.completed_pourcent.to_i.to_s}%"
+ label = h("#{version.project} -") + label unless @project && @project == version.project
+ output = html_task(options[:top], coords, :css => "version task", :label => label, :markers => true)
- i_late_date = [i_end_date,].min if start_date <
- i_width = (i_left - start_left + 1).floor - 2 # total width of the issue (- 2 for left and right borders)
- d_width = ((i_done_date - start_date)*options[:zoom]).floor - 2 # done width
- l_width = i_late_date ? ((i_late_date - start_date+1)*options[:zoom]).floor - 2 : 0 # delay width
- i_end = ((i_end_date - self.date_from) * options[:zoom]).floor # Ending pixel
- # Bar graphic
- # Make sure that negative i_left and i_width don't
- # overflow the subject
- if i_width > 0 && i_left <= options[:g_width]
- output << "<div style='top:#{ options[:top] }px;left:#{ start_left }px;width:#{ i_width }px;' class='task milestone_todo'>&nbsp;</div>"
- end
- if l_width > 0 && i_left <= options[:g_width]
- output << "<div style='top:#{ options[:top] }px;left:#{ start_left }px;width:#{ l_width }px;' class='task milestone_late'>&nbsp;</div>"
- end
- if d_width > 0 && i_left <= options[:g_width]
- output<< "<div style='top:#{ options[:top] }px;left:#{ start_left }px;width:#{ d_width }px;' class='task milestone_done'>&nbsp;</div>"
- end
- # Starting diamond
- if start_left <= options[:g_width] && start_left > 0
- output << "<div style='top:#{ options[:top] }px;left:#{ start_left }px;width:15px;' class='task milestone starting'>&nbsp;</div>"
- output << "<div style='top:#{ options[:top] }px;left:#{ start_left + 12 }px;background:#fff;' class='task'>"
- output << "</div>"
- end
- # Ending diamond
- # Don't show items too far ahead
- if i_left <= options[:g_width] && i_end > 0
- output << "<div style='top:#{ options[:top] }px;left:#{ i_end }px;width:15px;' class='task milestone ending'>&nbsp;</div>"
- end
- # Display the Version name and %
- if i_end <= options[:g_width]
- # Display the status even if it's floated off to the left
- status_px = i_end + 12 # 12px for the diamond
- status_px = 0 if status_px <= 0
- output << "<div style='top:#{ options[:top] }px;left:#{ status_px }px;' class='task label version-name'>"
- output << h("#{version.project} -") unless @project && @project == version.project
- output << "<strong>#{h version } #{h version.completed_pourcent.to_i.to_s}%</strong>"
- output << "</div>"
- end
@lines << output
when :image
@@ -1017,6 +963,15 @@ module Redmine
output << "<div style='top:#{ top }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_progress_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2}px;' class='#{options[:css]} task_done'>&nbsp;</div>"
+ # Renders the markers
+ if options[:markers]
+ if coords[:start]
+ output << "<div style='top:#{ top }px;left:#{ coords[:start] }px;width:15px;' class='#{options[:css]} marker starting'>&nbsp;</div>"
+ end
+ if coords[:end]
+ output << "<div style='top:#{ top }px;left:#{ coords[:end] }px;width:15px;' class='#{options[:css]} marker ending'>&nbsp;</div>"
+ end
+ end
# Renders the label on the right
if options[:label]
output << "<div style='top:#{ top }px;left:#{ (coords[:bar_end] || 0) + 5 }px;' class='#{options[:css]} label'>"