path: root/lib
diff options
authorToshi MARUYAMA <>2012-03-20 07:09:15 +0000
committerToshi MARUYAMA <>2012-03-20 07:09:15 +0000
commite55c8f6b67bc416fb5c01d9c2cdd44667512261f (patch)
tree3c9f94a81a038b7bb819244cf564d697955bef3c /lib
parentb17b6730395d703d0a14a2d657347ae82d60cd36 (diff)
pdf: enhanced issues list (#10464)
* Automatic calculation of the size of table columns depending on their content * Output table header on each page Contributed by Yuri Makarov. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/lib/redmine/export/pdf.rb b/lib/redmine/export/pdf.rb
index 914a7a002..39ac46824 100644
--- a/lib/redmine/export/pdf.rb
+++ b/lib/redmine/export/pdf.rb
@@ -234,6 +234,157 @@ module Redmine
+ # fetch row values
+ def fetch_row_values(issue, query, level)
+ query.columns.collect do |column|
+ s = if column.is_a?(QueryCustomFieldColumn)
+ cv = issue.custom_field_values.detect {|v| v.custom_field_id ==}
+ show_value(cv)
+ else
+ value = issue.send(
+ if == :subject
+ value = " " * level + value
+ end
+ if value.is_a?(Date)
+ format_date(value)
+ elsif value.is_a?(Time)
+ format_time(value)
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ end
+ s.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ # calculate columns width
+ def calc_col_width(issues, query, table_width, pdf)
+ # calculate statistics
+ # by captions
+ pdf.SetFontStyle('B',8)
+ col_padding = pdf.GetStringWidth('OO')
+ col_width_min = {|v| pdf.GetStringWidth(v.caption) + col_padding}
+ col_width_max =
+ col_width_avg =
+ word_width_max = {|c|
+ n = 10
+ c.caption.split.each {|w|
+ x = pdf.GetStringWidth(w) + col_padding
+ n = x if n < x
+ }
+ n
+ }
+ # by properties of issues
+ pdf.SetFontStyle('',8)
+ col_padding = pdf.GetStringWidth('OO')
+ k = 1
+ issue_list(issues) {|issue, level|
+ k += 1
+ values = fetch_row_values(issue, query, level)
+ values.each_with_index {|v,i|
+ n = pdf.GetStringWidth(v) + col_padding
+ col_width_max[i] = n if col_width_max[i] < n
+ col_width_min[i] = n if col_width_min[i] > n
+ col_width_avg[i] += n
+ v.split.each {|w|
+ x = pdf.GetStringWidth(w) + col_padding
+ word_width_max[i] = x if word_width_max[i] < x
+ }
+ }
+ }
+! {|x| x / k}
+ # calculate columns width
+ ratio = table_width / col_width_avg.inject(0) {|s,w| s += w}
+ col_width = {|w| w * ratio}
+ # correct max word width if too many columns
+ ratio = table_width / word_width_max.inject(0) {|s,w| s += w}
+! {|v| v * ratio} if ratio < 1
+ # correct and lock width of some columns
+ done = 1
+ col_fix = []
+ col_width.each_with_index do |w,i|
+ if w > col_width_max[i]
+ col_width[i] = col_width_max[i]
+ col_fix[i] = 1
+ done = 0
+ elsif w < word_width_max[i]
+ col_width[i] = word_width_max[i]
+ col_fix[i] = 1
+ done = 0
+ else
+ col_fix[i] = 0
+ end
+ end
+ # iterate while need to correct and lock coluns width
+ while done == 0
+ # calculate free & locked columns width
+ done = 1
+ fix_col_width = 0
+ free_col_width = 0
+ col_width.each_with_index do |w,i|
+ if col_fix[i] == 1
+ fix_col_width += w
+ else
+ free_col_width += w
+ end
+ end
+ # calculate column normalizing ratio
+ if free_col_width == 0
+ ratio = table_width / col_width.inject(0) {|s,w| s += w}
+ else
+ ratio = (table_width - fix_col_width) / free_col_width
+ end
+ # correct columns width
+ col_width.each_with_index do |w,i|
+ if col_fix[i] == 0
+ col_width[i] = w * ratio
+ # check if column width less then max word width
+ if col_width[i] < word_width_max[i]
+ col_width[i] = word_width_max[i]
+ col_fix[i] = 1
+ done = 0
+ elsif col_width[i] > col_width_max[i]
+ col_width[i] = col_width_max[i]
+ col_fix[i] = 1
+ done = 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ col_width
+ end
+ def render_table_header(pdf, query, col_width, row_height, col_id_width, table_width)
+ # headers
+ pdf.SetFontStyle('B',8)
+ pdf.SetFillColor(230, 230, 230)
+ # render it background to find the max height used
+ base_x = pdf.GetX
+ base_y = pdf.GetY
+ max_height = issues_to_pdf_write_cells(pdf, query.columns, col_width, row_height, true)
+ pdf.Rect(base_x, base_y, table_width + col_id_width, max_height, 'FD');
+ pdf.SetXY(base_x, base_y);
+ # write the cells on page
+ pdf.RDMCell(col_id_width, row_height, "#", "T", 0, 'C', 1)
+ issues_to_pdf_write_cells(pdf, query.columns, col_width, row_height, true)
+ issues_to_pdf_draw_borders(pdf, base_x, base_y, base_y + max_height, col_id_width, col_width)
+ pdf.SetY(base_y + max_height);
+ # rows
+ pdf.SetFontStyle('',8)
+ pdf.SetFillColor(255, 255, 255)
+ end
# Returns a PDF string of a list of issues
def issues_to_pdf(issues, project, query)
pdf =
@@ -251,77 +402,36 @@ module Redmine
right_margin = 10
bottom_margin = 20
col_id_width = 10
- row_height = 5
+ row_height = 4
# column widths
table_width = page_width - right_margin - 10 # fixed left margin
col_width = []
unless query.columns.empty?
- col_width = query.columns.collect do |c|
- ( == :subject || (c.is_a?(QueryCustomFieldColumn) &&
- ['string', 'text'].include?(c.custom_field.field_format))) ? 4.0 : 1.0
- end
- ratio = (table_width - col_id_width) / col_width.inject(0) {|s,w| s += w}
- col_width = col_width.collect {|w| w * ratio}
+ col_width = calc_col_width(issues, query, table_width - col_id_width, pdf)
+ table_width = col_width.inject(0) {|s,v| s += v}
# title
pdf.RDMCell(190,10, title)
- # headers
- pdf.SetFontStyle('B',8)
- pdf.SetFillColor(230, 230, 230)
- # render it background to find the max height used
- base_x = pdf.GetX
- base_y = pdf.GetY
- max_height = issues_to_pdf_write_cells(pdf, query.columns, col_width, row_height, true)
- pdf.Rect(base_x, base_y, table_width, max_height, 'FD');
- pdf.SetXY(base_x, base_y);
- # write the cells on page
- pdf.RDMCell(col_id_width, row_height, "#", "T", 0, 'C', 1)
- issues_to_pdf_write_cells(pdf, query.columns, col_width, row_height, true)
- issues_to_pdf_draw_borders(pdf, base_x, base_y, base_y + max_height, col_id_width, col_width)
- pdf.SetY(base_y + max_height);
- # rows
- pdf.SetFontStyle('',8)
- pdf.SetFillColor(255, 255, 255)
+ render_table_header(pdf, query, col_width, row_height, col_id_width, table_width)
previous_group = false
issue_list(issues) do |issue, level|
if query.grouped? &&
(group = query.group_by_column.value(issue)) != previous_group
- pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
+ pdf.SetFontStyle('B',10)
group_label = group.blank? ? 'None' : group.to_s
group_label << " (#{query.issue_count_by_group[group]})"
pdf.Bookmark group_label, 0, -1
- pdf.RDMCell(277, row_height, group_label, 1, 1, 'L')
+ pdf.RDMCell(table_width + col_id_width, row_height * 2, group_label, 1, 1, 'L')
previous_group = group
- # fetch all the row values
- col_values = query.columns.collect do |column|
- s = if column.is_a?(QueryCustomFieldColumn)
- cv = issue.custom_field_values.detect {|v| v.custom_field_id ==}
- show_value(cv)
- else
- value = issue.send(
- if == :subject
- value = " " * level + value
- end
- if value.is_a?(Date)
- format_date(value)
- elsif value.is_a?(Time)
- format_time(value)
- else
- value
- end
- end
- s.to_s
- end
+ # fetch row values
+ col_values = fetch_row_values(issue, query, level)
# render it off-page to find the max height used
base_x = pdf.GetX
@@ -334,6 +444,7 @@ module Redmine
space_left = page_height - base_y - bottom_margin
if max_height > space_left
+ render_table_header(pdf, query, col_width, row_height, col_id_width, table_width)
base_x = pdf.GetX
base_y = pdf.GetY