path: root/public
diff options
authorEric Davis <>2010-08-22 19:48:26 +0000
committerEric Davis <>2010-08-22 19:48:26 +0000
commit9e5d2100b612cc51576c689100a63187a6ae01e2 (patch)
tree65876d3157e867cb59ae3d569f576f16c1bea196 /public
parentccbc9f8ff963e51f81016e92e1277c224e85dd9d (diff)
Merged r4003 from trunk.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
Diffstat (limited to 'public')
7 files changed, 304 insertions, 282 deletions
diff --git a/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-it.js b/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-it.js
index fbc80c935..2c3379c73 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-it.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-it.js
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
+// Italian translation
+// by Diego Pierotto (
// full day names
Calendar._DN = new Array
@@ -83,19 +86,19 @@ Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "Informazioni sul calendario";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" +
-"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
-"For latest version visit:\n" +
-"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See for details." +
+"(c) 2002-2005 / Autore: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
+"Per l'ultima versione visita:\n" +
+"Distribuito sotto i termini GNU LGPL. Vedi per maggiori dettagli." +
"\n\n" +
-"Date selection:\n" +
-"- Use the \xab, \xbb buttons to select year\n" +
-"- Use the " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " buttons to select month\n" +
-"- Hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection.";
+"Selezione data:\n" +
+"- Usa i tasti \xab, \xbb per selezionare l'anno\n" +
+"- Usa i tasti " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " per selezionare il mese\n" +
+"- Tieni premuto il tasto del mouse su uno qualunque dei tasti sopra per una selezione più veloce.";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
-"Time selection:\n" +
-"- Click on any of the time parts to increase it\n" +
-"- or Shift-click to decrease it\n" +
-"- or click and drag for faster selection.";
+"Selezione ora:\n" +
+"- Fai click su una delle ore per incrementarla\n" +
+"- oppure Shift-click per diminuirla\n" +
+"- oppure click e trascina per una selezione più veloce.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Anno prec. (tieni premuto per menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Mese prec. (tieni premuto per menu)";
diff --git a/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-sr-CY.js b/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-sr-CY.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a43b49e10..000000000
--- a/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-sr-CY.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// ** I18N
-// Calendar SR language
-// Author: Dragan Matic, <>
-// Encoding: any
-// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
-// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
-// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
-// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
-// full day names
-Calendar._DN = new Array
- "Понедељак",
- "Уторак",
- "Среда",
- "Четвртак",
- "Петак",
- "Субота",
- "Недеља");
-// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
-// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
-// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
-// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
-// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
-// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
-// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
-// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
-// this feature.
-// short day names
-Calendar._SDN = new Array
- "Пон",
- "Уто",
- "Сре",
- "Чет",
- "Пет",
- "Суб",
- "Нед");
-// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
-// Monday first, etc.
-Calendar._FD = 1;
-// full month names
-Calendar._MN = new Array
- "Фебруар",
- "Март",
- "Април",
- "Мај",
- "Јун",
- "Јул",
- "Август",
- "Септембар",
- "Октобар",
- "Новембар",
- "Децембар");
-// short month names
-Calendar._SMN = new Array
- "феб",
- "мар",
- "апр",
- "мај",
- "јун",
- "јул",
- "авг",
- "сеп",
- "окт",
- "нов",
- "дец");
-// tooltips
-Calendar._TT = {};
-Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "О календару";
-Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
-"DHTML бирач датума/времена\n" +
-"(c) 2002-2005 / Аутор: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
-"За новију верзију посетите:\n" +
-"Дистрибуира се под GNU LGPL. Погледајте за детаљe." +
-"\n\n" +
-"Избор датума:\n" +
-"- Користите \xab, \xbb тастере за избор године\n" +
-"- Користите " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " тастере за избор месеца\n" +
-"- Задржите тастер миша на било ком тастеру изнад за бржи избор.";
-Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
-"Избор времена:\n" +
-"- Кликните на било који део времена за повећање\n" +
-"- или Shift-клик за умањење\n" +
-"- или кликните и превуците за бржи одабир.";
-Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Претходна година (задржати за мени)";
-Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Претходни месец (задржати за мени)";
-Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "На данашњи дан";
-Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Наредни месец (задржати за мени)";
-Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Наредна година (задржати за мени)";
-Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Избор датума";
-Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Превуците за премештање";
-Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (данас)";
-// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
-// %s will be replaced with the day name.
-Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "%s као први дан у седмици";
-// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
-// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
-// means Monday, etc.
-Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "6,7";
-Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Затвори";
-Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Данас";
-Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-) клик или превлачење за измену вредности";
-// date formats
-Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%d.%m.%Y.";
-Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %e. %b";
-Calendar._TT["WK"] = "сед.";
-Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Време:";
diff --git a/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-sr-yu.js b/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-sr-yu.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fd5ceb83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-sr-yu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// ** I18N
+// Calendar SR language
+// Author: Dragan Matic, <>
+// Encoding: any
+// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
+// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
+// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
+// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
+// full day names
+Calendar._DN = new Array
+ "ponedeljak",
+ "utorak",
+ "sreda",
+ "četvrtak",
+ "petak",
+ "subota",
+ "nedelja");
+// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
+// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
+// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
+// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
+// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
+// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
+// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
+// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
+// this feature.
+// short day names
+Calendar._SDN = new Array
+ "pon",
+ "uto",
+ "sre",
+ "čet",
+ "pet",
+ "sub",
+ "ned");
+// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
+// Monday first, etc.
+Calendar._FD = 1;
+// full month names
+Calendar._MN = new Array
+ "februar",
+ "mart",
+ "april",
+ "maj",
+ "jun",
+ "jul",
+ "avgust",
+ "septembar",
+ "oktobar",
+ "novembar",
+ "decembar");
+// short month names
+Calendar._SMN = new Array
+ "feb",
+ "mar",
+ "apr",
+ "maj",
+ "jun",
+ "jul",
+ "avg",
+ "sep",
+ "okt",
+ "nov",
+ "dec");
+// tooltips
+Calendar._TT = {};
+Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "O kalendaru";
+Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
+"DHTML birač datuma/vremena\n" +
+"(c) 2002-2005 / Autor: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
+"Za noviju verziju posetite:\n" +
+"Distribuira se pod GNU LGPL. Pogledajte za detalje." +
+"\n\n" +
+"Izbor datuma:\n" +
+"- Koristite \xab, \xbb tastere za izbor godine\n" +
+"- Koristite " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " tastere za izbor meseca\n" +
+"- Zadržite taster miša na bilo kom tasteru iznad za brži izbor.";
+Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
+"Izbor vremena:\n" +
+"- Kliknite na bilo koji deo vremena za povećanje\n" +
+"- ili Shift-klik za umanjenje\n" +
+"- ili kliknite i prevucite za brži odabir.";
+Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Prethodna godina (zadržati za meni)";
+Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Prethodni mesec (zadržati za meni)";
+Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Na današnji dan";
+Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Naredni mesec (zadržati za meni)";
+Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Naredna godina (zadržati za meni)";
+Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Izbor datuma";
+Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Prevucite za premeštanje";
+Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (danas)";
+// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
+// %s will be replaced with the day name.
+Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "%s kao prvi dan u sedmici";
+// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
+// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
+// means Monday, etc.
+Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "6,7";
+Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Zatvori";
+Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Danas";
+Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-) klik ili prevlačenje za izmenu vrednosti";
+// date formats
+Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%d.%m.%Y.";
+Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %e. %b";
+Calendar._TT["WK"] = "sed.";
+Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Vreme:";
diff --git a/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-sr.js b/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-sr.js
index 676373349..2fa58d73c 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-sr.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-sr.js
@@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
-// ** I18N
-// Calendar SR language
-// Author: Dragan Matic, <>
-// Encoding: any
-// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
-// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
-// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
-// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
-// full day names
-Calendar._DN = new Array
- "Ponedeljak",
- "Utorak",
- "Sreda",
- "Četvrtak",
- "Petak",
- "Subota",
- "Nedelja");
-// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
-// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
-// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
-// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
-// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
-// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
-// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
-// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
-// this feature.
-// short day names
-Calendar._SDN = new Array
- "Pon",
- "Uto",
- "Sre",
- "Čet",
- "Pet",
- "Sub",
- "Ned");
-// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
-// Monday first, etc.
-Calendar._FD = 1;
-// full month names
-Calendar._MN = new Array
- "Februar",
- "Mart",
- "April",
- "Maj",
- "Jun",
- "Jul",
- "Avgust",
- "Septembar",
- "Oktobar",
- "Novembar",
- "Decembar");
-// short month names
-Calendar._SMN = new Array
- "feb",
- "mar",
- "apr",
- "maj",
- "jun",
- "jul",
- "avg",
- "sep",
- "okt",
- "nov",
- "dec");
-// tooltips
-Calendar._TT = {};
-Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "O kalendaru";
-Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
-"DHTML birač datuma/vremena\n" +
-"(c) 2002-2005 / Autor: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
-"Za noviju verziju posetite:\n" +
-"Distribuira se pod GNU LGPL. Pogledajte za detalje." +
-"\n\n" +
-"Izbor datuma:\n" +
-"- Koristite \xab, \xbb tastere za izbor godine\n" +
-"- Koristite " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " tastere za izbor meseca\n" +
-"- Zadržite taster miša na bilo kom tasteru iznad za brži izbor.";
-Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
-"Izbor vremena:\n" +
-"- Kliknite na bilo koji deo vremena za povećanje\n" +
-"- ili Shift-klik za umanjenje\n" +
-"- ili kliknite i prevucite za brži odabir.";
-Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Prethodna godina (zadržati za meni)";
-Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Prethodni mesec (zadržati za meni)";
-Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Na današnji dan";
-Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Naredni mesec (zadržati za meni)";
-Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Naredna godina (zadržati za meni)";
-Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Izbor datuma";
-Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Prevucite za premeštanje";
-Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (danas)";
-// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
-// %s will be replaced with the day name.
-Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "%s kao prvi dan u sedmici";
-// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
-// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
-// means Monday, etc.
-Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "6,7";
-Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Zatvori";
-Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Danas";
-Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-) klik ili prevlačenje za izmenu vrednosti";
-// date formats
-Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%d.%m.%Y.";
-Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %e. %b";
-Calendar._TT["WK"] = "sed.";
-Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Vreme:";
+// ** I18N
+// Calendar SR language
+// Author: Dragan Matic, <>
+// Encoding: any
+// Distributed under the same terms as the calendar itself.
+// For translators: please use UTF-8 if possible. We strongly believe that
+// Unicode is the answer to a real internationalized world. Also please
+// include your contact information in the header, as can be seen above.
+// full day names
+Calendar._DN = new Array
+ "понедељак",
+ "уторак",
+ "среда",
+ "четвртак",
+ "петак",
+ "субота",
+ "недеља");
+// Please note that the following array of short day names (and the same goes
+// for short month names, _SMN) isn't absolutely necessary. We give it here
+// for exemplification on how one can customize the short day names, but if
+// they are simply the first N letters of the full name you can simply say:
+// Calendar._SDN_len = N; // short day name length
+// Calendar._SMN_len = N; // short month name length
+// If N = 3 then this is not needed either since we assume a value of 3 if not
+// present, to be compatible with translation files that were written before
+// this feature.
+// short day names
+Calendar._SDN = new Array
+ "пон",
+ "уто",
+ "сре",
+ "чет",
+ "пет",
+ "суб",
+ "нед");
+// First day of the week. "0" means display Sunday first, "1" means display
+// Monday first, etc.
+Calendar._FD = 1;
+// full month names
+Calendar._MN = new Array
+ "фебруар",
+ "март",
+ "април",
+ "мај",
+ "јун",
+ "јул",
+ "август",
+ "септембар",
+ "октобар",
+ "новембар",
+ "децембар");
+// short month names
+Calendar._SMN = new Array
+ "феб",
+ "мар",
+ "апр",
+ "мај",
+ "јун",
+ "јул",
+ "авг",
+ "сеп",
+ "окт",
+ "нов",
+ "дец");
+// tooltips
+Calendar._TT = {};
+Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "О календару";
+Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
+"DHTML бирач датума/времена\n" +
+"(c) 2002-2005 / Аутор: Mihai Bazon\n" + // don't translate this this ;-)
+"За новију верзију посетите:\n" +
+"Дистрибуира се под GNU LGPL. Погледајте за детаљe." +
+"\n\n" +
+"Избор датума:\n" +
+"- Користите \xab, \xbb тастере за избор године\n" +
+"- Користите " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " тастере за избор месеца\n" +
+"- Задржите тастер миша на било ком тастеру изнад за бржи избор.";
+Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
+"Избор времена:\n" +
+"- Кликните на било који део времена за повећање\n" +
+"- или Shift-клик за умањење\n" +
+"- или кликните и превуците за бржи одабир.";
+Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Претходна година (задржати за мени)";
+Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Претходни месец (задржати за мени)";
+Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "На данашњи дан";
+Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Наредни месец (задржати за мени)";
+Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Наредна година (задржати за мени)";
+Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Избор датума";
+Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Превуците за премештање";
+Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (данас)";
+// the following is to inform that "%s" is to be the first day of week
+// %s will be replaced with the day name.
+Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "%s као први дан у седмици";
+// This may be locale-dependent. It specifies the week-end days, as an array
+// of comma-separated numbers. The numbers are from 0 to 6: 0 means Sunday, 1
+// means Monday, etc.
+Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "6,7";
+Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Затвори";
+Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Данас";
+Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-) клик или превлачење за измену вредности";
+// date formats
+Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%d.%m.%Y.";
+Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %e. %b";
+Calendar._TT["WK"] = "сед.";
+Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "Време:";
diff --git a/public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-it.js b/public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-it.js
index bf7fcefb2..99749b40c 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-it.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-it.js
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+// Italian translation
+// by Diego Pierotto (
jsToolBar.strings = {};
jsToolBar.strings['Strong'] = 'Grassetto';
jsToolBar.strings['Italic'] = 'Corsivo';
@@ -8,7 +11,7 @@ jsToolBar.strings['Heading 1'] = 'Titolo 1';
jsToolBar.strings['Heading 2'] = 'Titolo 2';
jsToolBar.strings['Heading 3'] = 'Titolo 3';
jsToolBar.strings['Unordered list'] = 'Elenco puntato';
-jsToolBar.strings['Ordered list'] = 'Numerazione';
+jsToolBar.strings['Ordered list'] = 'Elenco numerato';
jsToolBar.strings['Quote'] = 'Aumenta rientro';
jsToolBar.strings['Unquote'] = 'Riduci rientro';
jsToolBar.strings['Preformatted text'] = 'Testo preformattato';
diff --git a/public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-sr-yu.js b/public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-sr-yu.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e231e029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-sr-yu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+jsToolBar.strings = {};
+jsToolBar.strings['Strong'] = 'Podebljano';
+jsToolBar.strings['Italic'] = 'Kurziv';
+jsToolBar.strings['Underline'] = 'Podvučeno';
+jsToolBar.strings['Deleted'] = 'Obrisano';
+jsToolBar.strings['Code'] = 'Ugrađeni kôd';
+jsToolBar.strings['Heading 1'] = 'Naslov 1';
+jsToolBar.strings['Heading 2'] = 'Naslov 2';
+jsToolBar.strings['Heading 3'] = 'Naslov 3';
+jsToolBar.strings['Unordered list'] = 'Lista nabrajanja';
+jsToolBar.strings['Ordered list'] = 'Uređena lista';
+jsToolBar.strings['Quote'] = 'Pod navodnicima';
+jsToolBar.strings['Unquote'] = 'Ukloni navodnike';
+jsToolBar.strings['Preformatted text'] = 'Prethodno formatiran tekst';
+jsToolBar.strings['Wiki link'] = 'Veza prema Wiki strani';
+jsToolBar.strings['Image'] = 'Slika';
diff --git a/public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-sr.js b/public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-sr.js
index 0e231e029..75a768ad0 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-sr.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-sr.js
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-jsToolBar.strings = {};
-jsToolBar.strings['Strong'] = 'Podebljano';
-jsToolBar.strings['Italic'] = 'Kurziv';
-jsToolBar.strings['Underline'] = 'Podvučeno';
-jsToolBar.strings['Deleted'] = 'Obrisano';
-jsToolBar.strings['Code'] = 'Ugrađeni kôd';
-jsToolBar.strings['Heading 1'] = 'Naslov 1';
-jsToolBar.strings['Heading 2'] = 'Naslov 2';
-jsToolBar.strings['Heading 3'] = 'Naslov 3';
-jsToolBar.strings['Unordered list'] = 'Lista nabrajanja';
-jsToolBar.strings['Ordered list'] = 'Uređena lista';
-jsToolBar.strings['Quote'] = 'Pod navodnicima';
-jsToolBar.strings['Unquote'] = 'Ukloni navodnike';
-jsToolBar.strings['Preformatted text'] = 'Prethodno formatiran tekst';
-jsToolBar.strings['Wiki link'] = 'Veza prema Wiki strani';
-jsToolBar.strings['Image'] = 'Slika';
+jsToolBar.strings = {};
+jsToolBar.strings['Strong'] = 'Подебљано';
+jsToolBar.strings['Italic'] = 'Курзив';
+jsToolBar.strings['Underline'] = 'Подвучено';
+jsToolBar.strings['Deleted'] = 'Обрисано';
+jsToolBar.strings['Code'] = 'Уграђени кôд';
+jsToolBar.strings['Heading 1'] = 'Наслов 1';
+jsToolBar.strings['Heading 2'] = 'Наслов 2';
+jsToolBar.strings['Heading 3'] = 'Наслов 3';
+jsToolBar.strings['Unordered list'] = 'Листа набрајања';
+jsToolBar.strings['Ordered list'] = 'Уређена листа';
+jsToolBar.strings['Quote'] = 'Под наводницима';
+jsToolBar.strings['Unquote'] = 'Уклони наводнике';
+jsToolBar.strings['Preformatted text'] = 'Претходно форматиран текст';
+jsToolBar.strings['Wiki link'] = 'Веза према Wiki страни';
+jsToolBar.strings['Image'] = 'Слика';