path: root/vendor/plugins/rfpdf
diff options
authorToshi MARUYAMA <>2011-06-30 04:00:55 +0000
committerToshi MARUYAMA <>2011-06-30 04:00:55 +0000
commit79c9fdfa610b99c3befe825250c24a857590fef3 (patch)
treeaec930e232146aec9459222af98f396af5693f60 /vendor/plugins/rfpdf
parente9cdaf0d4bc74ad917d210994304e1a68574675f (diff)
PDF: import rfpdf tcpdf patch for textilized PDF (#69).
Contributed by Jun NAITOH. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/plugins/rfpdf')
1 files changed, 528 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/rfpdf/lib/tcpdf.rb b/vendor/plugins/rfpdf/lib/tcpdf.rb
index 0013ca66a..e2dfab785 100755
--- a/vendor/plugins/rfpdf/lib/tcpdf.rb
+++ b/vendor/plugins/rfpdf/lib/tcpdf.rb
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ class TCPDF
attr_accessor :color_flag
attr_accessor :default_table_columns
+ attr_accessor :max_table_columns
attr_accessor :default_font
@@ -141,11 +143,11 @@ class TCPDF
attr_accessor :links
- attr_accessor :listordered
+ attr_accessor :list_ordered
- attr_accessor :listcount
+ attr_accessor :list_count
- attr_accessor :lispacer
+ attr_accessor :li_spacer
attr_accessor :n
@@ -226,6 +228,12 @@ class TCPDF
@diffs ||= []
@color_flag ||= false
@default_table_columns ||= 4
+ @table_columns ||= 0
+ @max_table_columns ||= []
+ @tr_id ||= 0
+ @max_td_page ||= []
+ @max_td_y ||= []
+ @t_columns ||= 0
@default_font ||= "FreeSans" if unicode
@default_font ||= "Helvetica"
@draw_color ||= '0 G'
@@ -248,9 +256,15 @@ class TCPDF
@is_unicode = unicode
@lasth ||= 0
@links ||= []
- @listordered ||= false
- @listcount ||= 0
- @lispacer ||= ""
+ @list_ordered ||= []
+ @list_count ||= []
+ @li_spacer ||= ""
+ @li_count ||= 0
+ @spacer ||= ""
+ @quote_count ||= 0
+ @prevquote_count ||= 0
+ @quote_top ||= []
+ @quote_page ||= []
@n ||= 2
@offsets ||= []
@orientation_changes ||= []
@@ -272,6 +286,7 @@ class TCPDF
@tempfontsize ||= 10
@text_color ||= '0 g'
@underline ||= false
+ @deleted ||= false
@ws ||= 0
#Standard Unicode fonts
@@ -737,7 +752,7 @@ class TCPDF
- style=@font_style + (@underline ? 'U' : '');
+ style=@font_style + (@underline ? 'U' : '') + (@deleted ? 'D' : '');
@@ -1312,6 +1327,7 @@ class TCPDF
+ style=style.gsub('D','');
if (style == 'IB')
style = 'BI';
@@ -1394,7 +1410,7 @@ class TCPDF
# #Removes bold
# :pdf->SetFont('');
# #Times bold, italic and underlined 14
- # :pdf->SetFont('Times','BIU');
+ # :pdf->SetFont('Times','BIUD');
# </pre><br />
# If the file corresponding to the requested font is not found, the error "Could not include font metric file" is generated.
# @param string :family Family font. It can be either a name defined by AddFont() or one of the standard families (case insensitive):<ul><li>Courier (fixed-width)</li><li>Helvetica or Arial (synonymous; sans serif)</li><li>Times (serif)</li><li>Symbol (symbolic)</li><li>ZapfDingbats (symbolic)</li></ul>It is also possible to pass an empty string. In that case, the current family is retained.
@@ -1426,6 +1442,12 @@ class TCPDF
+ if (style.include?('D'))
+ @deleted=true;
+ style= style.gsub('D','');
+ else
+ @deleted=false;
+ end
if (style=='IB')
@@ -1573,7 +1595,7 @@ class TCPDF
#Output a string
s=sprintf('BT %.2f %.2f Td (%s) Tj ET', x * @k, (@h-y) * @k, escapetext(txt));
if (@underline and (txt!=''))
- s += ' ' + dounderline(x, y, txt);
+ s += ' ' + dolinetxt(x, y, txt);
if (@color_flag)
s='q ' + @text_color + ' ' + s + ' Q';
@@ -1661,19 +1683,25 @@ class TCPDF
if ((@y + h) > @page_break_trigger and !@in_footer and AcceptPageBreak())
#Automatic page break
- x = @x;
- ws = @ws;
- if (ws > 0)
- @ws = 0;
- out('0 Tw');
- end
- AddPage(@cur_orientation);
- @x = x;
- if (ws > 0)
- @ws = ws;
- out(sprintf('%.3f Tw', ws * k));
+ if @pages[@page+1].nil?
+ x = @x;
+ ws = @ws;
+ if (ws > 0)
+ @ws = 0;
+ out('0 Tw');
+ end
+ AddPage(@cur_orientation);
+ @x = x;
+ if (ws > 0)
+ @ws = ws;
+ out(sprintf('%.3f Tw', ws * k));
+ end
+ else
+ @page += 1;
+ @y=@t_margin;
if (w == 0)
w = @w - @r_margin - @x;
@@ -1717,7 +1745,10 @@ class TCPDF
txt2 = escapetext(txt);
s<<sprintf('BT %.2f %.2f Td (%s) Tj ET', (@x + dx) * k, (@h - (@y + 0.5 * h + 0.3 * @font_size)) * k, txt2);
if (@underline)
- s<<' ' + dounderline(@x + dx, @y + 0.5 * h + 0.3 * @font_size, txt);
+ s<<' ' + dolinetxt(@x + dx, @y + 0.5 * h + 0.3 * @font_size, txt);
+ end
+ if (@deleted)
+ s<<' ' + dolinetxt(@x + dx, @y + 0.3 * h + 0.2 * @font_size, txt);
if (@color_flag)
s<<' Q';
@@ -1760,6 +1791,7 @@ class TCPDF
# save current position
prevx = @x;
prevy = @y;
+ prevpage = @page;
#Output text with automatic or explicit line breaks
@@ -1876,6 +1908,7 @@ class TCPDF
@x = @l_margin;
elsif (ln == 0)
# go to the top-right of the cell
+ @page = prevpage;
@y = prevy;
@x = prevx + w;
elsif (ln == 2)
@@ -2075,6 +2108,29 @@ class TCPDF
@y += h;
+ k=@k;
+ if (@y > @page_break_trigger and !@in_footer and AcceptPageBreak())
+ #Automatic page break
+ if @pages[@page+1].nil?
+ x = @x;
+ ws = @ws;
+ if (ws > 0)
+ @ws = 0;
+ out('0 Tw');
+ end
+ AddPage(@cur_orientation);
+ @x = x;
+ if (ws > 0)
+ @ws = ws;
+ out(sprintf('%.3f Tw', ws * k));
+ end
+ else
+ @page += 1;
+ @y=@t_margin;
+ end
+ end
alias_method :ln, :Ln
@@ -2473,6 +2529,7 @@ class TCPDF
def putType0(font)
+ newobj();
out('<</Type /Font')
out('/Subtype /Type0')
out('/BaseFont /'+font['name']+'-'+font['cMap'])
@@ -2525,7 +2582,7 @@ class TCPDF
out('/Width ' + info['w'].to_s);
out('/Height ' + info['h'].to_s);
if (info['cs']=='Indexed')
- out('/ColorSpace [/Indexed /DeviceRGB ' + (info['pal'].length/3-1) + ' ' + (@n+1) + ' 0 R]');
+ out('/ColorSpace [/Indexed /DeviceRGB ' + (info['pal'].length/3-1).to_s + ' ' + (@n+1).to_s + ' 0 R]');
out('/ColorSpace /' + info['cs']);
if (info['cs']=='DeviceCMYK')
@@ -2553,7 +2610,7 @@ class TCPDF
if (info['cs']=='Indexed')
- pal=(@compress) ? gzcompress(info['pal']) : :info['pal'];
+ pal=(@compress) ? gzcompress(info['pal']) : info['pal'];
out('<<' + filter + '/Length ' + pal.length.to_s + '>>');
@@ -2766,10 +2823,10 @@ class TCPDF
- # Underline text
+ # Underline and Deleted text
# @access protected
- def dounderline(x, y, txt)
+ def dolinetxt(x, y, txt)
up = @current_font['up'];
ut = @current_font['ut'];
w = GetStringWidth(txt) + @ws * txt.count(' ');
@@ -3350,7 +3407,7 @@ class TCPDF
# Allows to preserve some HTML formatting.<br />
- # Supports: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, b, u, i, a, img, p, br, strong, em, font, blockquote, li, ul, ol, hr, td, th, tr, table, sup, sub, small
+ # Supports: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, b, u, i, a, img, p, br, strong, em, ins, del, font, blockquote, li, ul, ol, hr, td, th, tr, table, sup, sub, small
# @param string :html text to display
# @param boolean :ln if true add a new line after text (default = true)
# @param int :fill Indicates if the background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0.
@@ -3364,12 +3421,38 @@ class TCPDF
@href = nil
- @style = {}
- html.gsub!(/[\t\r\n\f]/, "")#\0\x0B
+ @style = "";
+ @t_cells = [[]];
+ @table_id = 0;
+ # pre calculate
html.split(/(<[^>]+>)/).each do |element|
if "<" == element[0,1]
if (element[1, 1] == '/')
+ closedHTMLTagCalc(element[2..-2].downcase);
+ else
+ #Extract attributes
+ # get tag name
+ tag = element.scan(/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/).flatten.delete_if {|x| x.length == 0}
+ tag = tag[0].downcase;
+ # get attributes
+ attr_array = element.scan(/([^=\s]*)=["\']?([^"\']*)["\']?/)
+ attrs = {}
+ attr_array.each do |name, value|
+ attrs[name.downcase] = value;
+ end
+ openHTMLTagCalc(tag, attrs);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @table_id = 0;
+ html.split(/(<[A-Za-z!?\/][^>]*?>)/).each do |element|
+ if "<" == element[0,1]
+ #Tag
+ if (element[1, 1] == '/')
#Extract attributes
@@ -3389,14 +3472,32 @@ class TCPDF
if (@href)
+ element.gsub!(/[\t\r\n\f]/, "");
addHtmlLink(@href, element, fill);
elsif (@tdbegin)
- if ((element.strip.length > 0) and (element != "&nbsp;"))
- Cell(@tdwidth, @tdheight, unhtmlentities(element.strip), @tableborder, 0, @tdalign, @tdfill);
- elsif (element == "&nbsp;")
- Cell(@tdwidth, @tdheight, '', @tableborder, 0, @tdalign, @tdfill);
+ element.gsub!(/[\t\r\n\f]/, "");
+ element.gsub!(/&nbsp;/, " ");
+ base_page = @page;
+ base_x = @x;
+ base_y = @y;
+ MultiCell(@tdwidth, @tdheight, unhtmlentities(element.strip), @tableborder, @tdalign, @tdfill, 1);
+ tr_end = @t_cells[@table_id][@tr_id][@td_id]['j1'] + 1;
+ if @max_td_page[tr_end].nil? or (@max_td_page[tr_end] < @page)
+ @max_td_page[tr_end] = @page
+ @max_td_y[tr_end] = @y
+ elsif (@max_td_page[tr_end] == @page)
+ @max_td_y[tr_end] = @y if @max_td_y[tr_end].nil? or (@max_td_y[tr_end] < @y)
+ end
+ @page = base_page;
+ @x = base_x + @tdwidth;
+ @y = base_y;
+ elsif (element.strip.length > 0)
+ if @pre_state != true
+ element.gsub!(/[\t\r\n\f]/, "");
+ element.gsub!(/&nbsp;/, " ");
- elsif ((element.strip.length > 0) and (element != "&nbsp;"))
Write(@lasth, unhtmlentities(element), '', fill);
@@ -3422,7 +3523,7 @@ class TCPDF
# @param int :fill Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0.
# @see Cell()
- def writeHTMLCell(w, h, x, y, html='', border=0, ln=0, fill=0)
+ def writeHTMLCell(w, h, x, y, html='', border=0, ln=1, fill=0)
if (@lasth == 0)
#set row height
@@ -3446,6 +3547,24 @@ class TCPDF
w = @fw - x - @r_margin;
+ b=0;
+ if (border)
+ if (border==1)
+ border='LTRB';
+ b='LRT';
+ b2='LR';
+ elsif border.is_a?(String)
+ b2='';
+ if (border.include?('L'))
+ b2<<'L';
+ end
+ if (border.include?('R'))
+ b2<<'R';
+ end
+ b=(border.include?('T')) ? b2 + 'T' : b2;
+ end
+ end
# store original margin values
l_margin = @l_margin;
r_margin = @r_margin;
@@ -3461,37 +3580,188 @@ class TCPDF
currentY = GetY();
+ @auto_page_break = false;
# check if a new page has been created
if (@page > pagenum)
# design a cell around the text on first page
currentpage = @page;
@page = pagenum;
SetY(GetPageHeight() - restspace - GetBreakMargin());
- h = restspace - 1;
- Cell(w, h, "", border, ln, 'L', 0);
+ Cell(w, restspace - 1, "", b, 0, 'L', 0);
+ b = b2;
+ @page += 1;
+ while @page < currentpage
+ SetY(@t_margin); # put cursor at the beginning of text
+ Cell(w, @page_break_trigger - @t_margin, "", b, 0, 'L', 0);
+ @page += 1;
+ end
+ if (border.is_a?(String) and border.include?('B'))
+ b<<'B';
+ end
# design a cell around the text on last page
- @page = currentpage;
- h = currentY - @t_margin;
SetY(@t_margin); # put cursor at the beginning of text
- Cell(w, h, "", border, ln, 'L', 0);
+ Cell(w, currentY - @t_margin, "", b, 0, 'L', 0);
- h = [h, (currentY - y)].max;
SetY(y); # put cursor at the beginning of text
# design a cell around the text
- Cell(w, h, "", border, ln, 'L', 0);
+ Cell(w, [h, (currentY - y)].max, "", border, 0, 'L', 0);
+ @auto_page_break = true;
# restore original margin values
- if (ln)
- Ln(0);
+ @lasth = h
+ # move cursor to specified position
+ if (ln == 0)
+ # go to the top-right of the cell
+ @x = x + w;
+ @y = y;
+ elsif (ln == 1)
+ # go to the beginning of the next line
+ @x = @l_margin;
+ @y = currentY;
+ elsif (ln == 2)
+ # go to the bottom-left of the cell (below)
+ @x = x;
+ @y = currentY;
alias_method :write_html_cell, :writeHTMLCell
+ # Check html table tag position.
+ #
+ # @param array :table potision array
+ # @param int :current tr tag id number
+ # @param int :current td tag id number
+ # @access private
+ # @return int : next td_id position.
+ # value 0 mean that can use position.
+ #
+ def checkTableBlockingCellPosition(table, tr_id, td_id )
+ 0.upto(tr_id) do |j|
+ 0.upto(@t_cells[table][j].size - 1) do |i|
+ if @t_cells[table][j][i]['i0'] <= td_id and td_id <= @t_cells[table][j][i]['i1']
+ if @t_cells[table][j][i]['j0'] <= tr_id and tr_id <= @t_cells[table][j][i]['j1']
+ return @t_cells[table][j][i]['i1'] - td_id + 1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return 0;
+ end
+ #
+ # Calculate opening tags.
+ #
+ # html table cell array : @t_cells
+ #
+ # i0: table cell start position
+ # i1: table cell end position
+ # j0: table row start position
+ # j1: table row end position
+ #
+ # +------+
+ # |i0,j0 |
+ # | i1,j1|
+ # +------+
+ #
+ # example html:
+ # <table>
+ # <tr><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
+ # <tr><td colspan=2></td><td></td></tr>
+ # <tr><td rowspan=2></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
+ # <tr><td></td><td></td></tr>
+ # </table>
+ #
+ # i: 0 1 2
+ # j+----+----+----+
+ # :|0,0 |1,0 |2,0 |
+ # 0| 0,0| 1,0| 2,0|
+ # +----+----+----+
+ # |0,1 |2,1 |
+ # 1| 1,1| 2,1|
+ # +----+----+----+
+ # |0,2 |1,2 |2,2 |
+ # 2| | 1,2| 2,2|
+ # + +----+----+
+ # | |1,3 |2,3 |
+ # 3| 0,3| 1,3| 2,3|
+ # +----+----+----+
+ #
+ # html table cell array :
+ # [[[i0=>0,j0=>0,i1=>0,j1=>0],[i0=>1,j0=>0,i1=>1,j1=>0],[i0=>2,j0=>0,i1=>2,j1=>0]],
+ # [[i0=>0,j0=>1,i1=>1,j1=>1],[i0=>2,j0=>1,i1=>2,j1=>1]],
+ # [[i0=>0,j0=>2,i1=>0,j1=>3],[i0=>1,j0=>2,i1=>1,j1=>2],[i0=>2,j0=>2,i1=>2,j1=>2]]
+ # [[i0=>1,j0=>3,i1=>1,j1=>3],[i0=>2,j0=>3,i1=>2,j1=>3]]]
+ #
+ # @param string :tag tag name (in upcase)
+ # @param string :attr tag attribute (in upcase)
+ # @access private
+ #
+ def openHTMLTagCalc(tag, attrs)
+ #Opening tag
+ case (tag)
+ when 'table'
+ @max_table_columns[@table_id] = 0;
+ @t_columns = 0;
+ @tr_id = -1;
+ when 'tr'
+ if @max_table_columns[@table_id] < @t_columns
+ @max_table_columns[@table_id] = @t_columns;
+ end
+ @t_columns = 0;
+ @tr_id += 1;
+ @td_id = -1;
+ @t_cells[@table_id].push []
+ when 'td', 'th'
+ @td_id += 1;
+ if attrs['colspan'].nil? or attrs['colspan'] == ''
+ colspan = 1;
+ else
+ colspan = attrs['colspan'].to_i;
+ end
+ if attrs['rowspan'].nil? or attrs['rowspan'] == ''
+ rowspan = 1;
+ else
+ rowspan = attrs['rowspan'].to_i;
+ end
+ i = 0;
+ while true
+ next_i_distance = checkTableBlockingCellPosition(@table_id, @tr_id, @td_id + i);
+ if next_i_distance == 0
+ @t_cells[@table_id][@tr_id].push "i0"=>@td_id + i, "j0"=>@tr_id, "i1"=>(@td_id + i + colspan - 1), "j1"=>@tr_id + rowspan - 1
+ break;
+ end
+ i += next_i_distance;
+ end
+ @t_columns += colspan;
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Calculate closing tags.
+ # @param string :tag tag name (in upcase)
+ # @access private
+ #
+ def closedHTMLTagCalc(tag)
+ #Closing tag
+ case (tag)
+ when 'table'
+ if @max_table_columns[@table_id] < @t_columns
+ @max_table_columns[@table_id] = @t_columns;
+ end
+ @table_id += 1;
+ @t_cells.push []
+ end
+ end
+ #
# Process opening tags.
# @param string :tag tag name (in upcase)
# @param string :attr tag attribute (in upcase)
@@ -3501,20 +3771,56 @@ class TCPDF
def openHTMLTagHandler(tag, attrs, fill=0)
#Opening tag
case (tag)
+ when 'pre'
+ @pre_state = true;
+ @l_margin += 5;
+ @r_margin += 5;
+ @x += 5;
when 'table'
+ if @default_table_columns < @max_table_columns[@table_id]
+ @table_columns = @max_table_columns[@table_id];
+ else
+ @table_columns = @default_table_columns;
+ end
+ @l_margin += 5;
+ @r_margin += 5;
+ @x += 5;
if attrs['border'].nil? or attrs['border'] == ''
@tableborder = 0;
@tableborder = attrs['border'];
+ @tr_id = -1;
+ @max_td_page[0] = @page;
+ @max_td_y[0] = @y;
when 'tr', 'td', 'th'
- # SetStyle('b', true) if tag == 'th'
+ if tag == 'th'
+ SetStyle('b', true);
+ @tdalign = "C";
+ end
if ((!attrs['width'].nil?) and (attrs['width'] != ''))
@tdwidth = (attrs['width'].to_i/4);
- @tdwidth = ((@w - @l_margin - @r_margin) / @default_table_columns);
+ @tdwidth = ((@w - @l_margin - @r_margin) / @table_columns);
+ end
+ if tag == 'tr'
+ @tr_id += 1;
+ @td_id = -1;
+ else
+ @td_id += 1;
+ @x = @l_margin + @tdwidth * @t_cells[@table_id][@tr_id][@td_id]['i0'];
+ if attrs['colspan'].nil? or attrs['border'] == ''
+ @colspan = 1;
+ else
+ @colspan = attrs['colspan'].to_i;
+ end
+ @tdwidth *= @colspan;
if ((!attrs['height'].nil?) and (attrs['height'] != ''))
@tdheight=(attrs['height'].to_i / @k);
@@ -3538,17 +3844,14 @@ class TCPDF
when 'hr'
- Ln();
+ margin = 1;
if ((!attrs['width'].nil?) and (attrs['width'] != ''))
hrWidth = attrs['width'];
- hrWidth = @w - @l_margin - @r_margin;
+ hrWidth = @w - @l_margin - @r_margin - margin;
- x = GetX();
- y = GetY();
- SetLineWidth(0.2);
- Line(x, y, x + hrWidth, y);
+ Line(@x + margin, @y, @x + hrWidth, @y);
when 'strong'
@@ -3557,6 +3860,12 @@ class TCPDF
when 'em'
SetStyle('i', true);
+ when 'ins'
+ SetStyle('u', true);
+ when 'del'
+ SetStyle('d', true);
when 'b', 'i', 'u'
SetStyle(tag, true);
@@ -3565,6 +3874,8 @@ class TCPDF
when 'img'
if (!attrs['src'].nil?)
+ Write(@lasth, '!' + attrs['src'] + '!', '', fill);
+=begin Comment out. Because not implement image output yet.
# replace relative path with real server path
attrs['src'] = attrs['src'].gsub(@@k_path_url_cache, @@k_path_cache);
if (attrs['width'].nil?)
@@ -3577,37 +3888,70 @@ class TCPDF
Image(attrs['src'], GetX(),GetY(), pixelsToMillimeters(attrs['width']), pixelsToMillimeters(attrs['height']));
- when 'ul'
- @listordered = false;
- @listcount = 0;
- when 'ol'
- @listordered = true;
- @listcount = 0;
+ when 'ul', 'ol'
+ if @li_count == 0
+ Ln() if @prevquote_count == @quote_count; # insert Ln for keeping quote lines
+ @prevquote_count = @quote_count;
+ end
+ if @li_state == true
+ Ln();
+ @li_state = false;
+ end
+ if tag == 'ul'
+ @list_ordered[@li_count] = false;
+ else
+ @list_ordered[@li_count] = true;
+ end
+ @list_count[@li_count] = 0;
+ @li_count += 1
when 'li'
- Ln();
- if (@listordered)
- @listcount += 1
- @lispacer = " " + (@listcount).to_s + ". ";
+ Ln() if @li_state == true
+ if (@list_ordered[@li_count - 1])
+ @list_count[@li_count - 1] += 1;
+ @li_spacer = " " * @li_count + (@list_count[@li_count - 1]).to_s + ". ";
#unordered list simbol
- @lispacer = " - ";
+ @li_spacer = " " * @li_count + "- ";
- Write(@lasth, @lispacer, '', fill);
+ Write(@lasth, @spacer + @li_spacer, '', fill);
+ @li_state = true;
- when 'blockquote', 'br'
+ when 'blockquote'
+ if (@quote_count == 0)
+ SetStyle('i', true);
+ @l_margin += 5;
+ else
+ @l_margin += 5 / 2;
+ end
+ @x = @l_margin;
+ @quote_top[@quote_count] = @y;
+ @quote_page[@quote_count] = @page;
+ @quote_count += 1
+ when 'br'
- if (@lispacer.length > 0)
- @x += GetStringWidth(@lispacer);
+ if (@li_spacer.length > 0)
+ @x += GetStringWidth(@li_spacer);
when 'p'
- Ln();
+ 0.upto(@quote_count - 1) do |i|
+ if @quote_page[i] == @page;
+ if @quote_top[i] == @y - @lasth; # fix start line
+ @quote_top[i] = @y;
+ end
+ else
+ if @quote_page[i] == @page - 1;
+ @quote_page[i] = @page; # fix start line
+ @quote_top[i] = @t_margin;
+ end
+ end
+ end
when 'sup'
currentfont_size = @font_size;
@@ -3648,6 +3992,7 @@ class TCPDF
@lasth = @font_size * @@k_cell_height_ratio;
when 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'
+ Ln();
headsize = (4 - tag[1,1].to_f) * 2
@tempfontsize = @font_size_pt;
SetFontSize(@font_size_pt + headsize);
@@ -3665,19 +4010,63 @@ class TCPDF
def closedHTMLTagHandler(tag)
#Closing tag
case (tag)
+ when 'pre'
+ @pre_state = false;
+ @l_margin -= 5;
+ @r_margin -= 5;
+ @x = @l_margin;
+ Ln();
when 'td','th'
@tdbegin = false;
@tdwidth = 0;
@tdheight = 0;
@tdalign = "L";
+ SetStyle('b', false);
@tdfill = 0;
SetFillColor(@prevfill_color[0], @prevfill_color[1], @prevfill_color[2]);
when 'tr'
- Ln();
+ @y = @max_td_y[@tr_id + 1];
+ @x = @l_margin;
+ @page = @max_td_page[@tr_id + 1];
when 'table'
+ # Write Table Line
+ width = (@w - @l_margin - @r_margin) / @table_columns;
+ 0.upto(@t_cells[@table_id].size - 1) do |j|
+ 0.upto(@t_cells[@table_id][j].size - 1) do |i|
+ @page = @max_td_page[j]
+ i0=@t_cells[@table_id][j][i]['i0'];
+ j0=@t_cells[@table_id][j][i]['j0'];
+ i1=@t_cells[@table_id][j][i]['i1'];
+ j1=@t_cells[@table_id][j][i]['j1'];
+ Line(@l_margin + width * i0, @max_td_y[j0], @l_margin + width * (i1+1), @max_td_y[j0]) # top
+ if ( @page == @max_td_page[j1 + 1])
+ Line(@l_margin + width * i0, @max_td_y[j0], @l_margin + width * i0, @max_td_y[j1+1]) # left
+ Line(@l_margin + width * (i1+1), @max_td_y[j0], @l_margin + width * (i1+1), @max_td_y[j1+1]) # right
+ else
+ Line(@l_margin + width * i0, @max_td_y[j0], @l_margin + width * i0, @page_break_trigger) # left
+ Line(@l_margin + width * (i1+1), @max_td_y[j0], @l_margin + width * (i1+1), @page_break_trigger) # right
+ @page += 1;
+ while @page < @max_td_page[j1 + 1]
+ Line(@l_margin + width * i0, @t_margin, @l_margin + width * i0, @page_break_trigger) # left
+ Line(@l_margin + width * (i1+1), @t_margin, @l_margin + width * (i1+1), @page_break_trigger) # right
+ @page += 1;
+ end
+ Line(@l_margin + width * i0, @t_margin, @l_margin + width * i0, @max_td_y[j1+1]) # left
+ Line(@l_margin + width * (i1+1), @t_margin, @l_margin + width * (i1+1), @max_td_y[j1+1]) # right
+ end
+ Line(@l_margin + width * i0, @max_td_y[j1+1], @l_margin + width * (i1+1), @max_td_y[j1+1]) # bottom
+ end
+ end
+ @l_margin -= 5;
+ @r_margin -= 5;
+ Ln();
+ @table_id += 1;
when 'strong'
SetStyle('b', false);
@@ -3685,12 +4074,21 @@ class TCPDF
when 'em'
SetStyle('i', false);
+ when 'ins'
+ SetStyle('u', false);
+ when 'del'
+ SetStyle('d', false);
when 'b', 'i', 'u'
SetStyle(tag, false);
when 'a'
@href = nil;
+ when 'p'
+ Ln();
when 'sup'
currentfont_size = @font_size;
@@ -3725,14 +4123,47 @@ class TCPDF
#@text_color = @prevtext_color;
@lasth = @font_size * @@k_cell_height_ratio;
- when 'ul'
- Ln();
- when 'ol'
- Ln();
+ when 'blockquote'
+ @quote_count -= 1
+ if (@quote_page[@quote_count] == @page)
+ Line(@l_margin - 1, @quote_top[@quote_count], @l_margin - 1, @y) # quoto line
+ else
+ cur_page = @page;
+ cur_y = @y;
+ @page = @quote_page[@quote_count];
+ if (@quote_top[@quote_count] < @page_break_trigger)
+ Line(@l_margin - 1, @quote_top[@quote_count], @l_margin - 1, @page_break_trigger) # quoto line
+ end
+ @page += 1;
+ while @page < cur_page
+ Line(@l_margin - 1, @t_margin, @l_margin - 1, @page_break_trigger) # quoto line
+ @page += 1;
+ end
+ @y = cur_y;
+ Line(@l_margin - 1, @t_margin, @l_margin - 1, @y) # quoto line
+ end
+ if (@quote_count <= 0)
+ SetStyle('i', false);
+ @l_margin -= 5;
+ else
+ @l_margin -= 5 / 2;
+ end
+ @x = @l_margin;
+ Ln() if @quote_count == 0
+ when 'ul', 'ol'
+ @li_count -= 1
+ if @li_state == true
+ Ln();
+ @li_state = false;
+ end
when 'li'
- @lispacer = "";
+ @li_spacer = "";
+ if @li_state == true
+ Ln();
+ @li_state = false;
+ end
when 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'
@@ -3740,7 +4171,17 @@ class TCPDF
SetStyle('b', false);
@lasth = @font_size * @@k_cell_height_ratio;
+ if tag == 'h1' or tag == 'h2' or tag == 'h3' or tag == 'h4'
+ margin = 1;
+ hrWidth = @w - @l_margin - @r_margin - margin;
+ if tag == 'h1' or tag == 'h2'
+ SetLineWidth(0.2);
+ else
+ SetLineWidth(0.1);
+ end
+ Line(@x + margin, @y, @x + hrWidth, @y);
+ end
@@ -3752,11 +4193,16 @@ class TCPDF
def SetStyle(tag, enable)
#Modify style and select corresponding font
- style='';
- ['b', 'i', 'u'].each do |s|
- style << s if tag.downcase == s and enable
+ ['b', 'i', 'u', 'd'].each do |s|
+ if tag.downcase == s
+ if enable
+ @style << s if ! @style.include?(s)
+ else
+ @style = @style.gsub(s,'')
+ end
+ end
- SetFont('', style);
+ SetFont('', @style);