path: root/vendor/plugins
diff options
authorJean-Philippe Lang <>2009-01-24 11:31:15 +0000
committerJean-Philippe Lang <>2009-01-24 11:31:15 +0000
commitc9906480d3f279977720dc3f61534f4a5b77d1d2 (patch)
tree23d1ad1fc0a9435bcb703033dd7b5069ac565005 /vendor/plugins
parent51b745470c1d71b92072210a008f29c5d5a945d1 (diff)
Merged nested projects branch. Removes limit on subproject nesting (#594).
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/plugins')
19 files changed, 1726 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/MIT-LICENSE b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/MIT-LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..570ecf870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/MIT-LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Copyright (c) 2007 [name of plugin creator]
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/README.rdoc b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/README.rdoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c093f751d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/README.rdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+= AwesomeNestedSet
+Awesome Nested Set is an implementation of the nested set pattern for ActiveRecord models. It is replacement for acts_as_nested_set and BetterNestedSet, but awesomer.
+== What makes this so awesome?
+This is a new implementation of nested set based off of BetterNestedSet that fixes some bugs, removes tons of duplication, adds a few useful methods, and adds STI support.
+== Installation
+If you are on Rails 2.1 or later:
+ script/plugin install git://
+== Usage
+To make use of awesome_nested_set, your model needs to have 3 fields: lft, rgt, and parent_id:
+ class CreateCategories < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ create_table :categories do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ t.integer :parent_id
+ t.integer :lft
+ t.integer :rgt
+ end
+ end
+ def self.down
+ drop_table :categories
+ end
+ end
+Enable the nested set functionality by declaring acts_as_nested_set on your model
+ class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
+ acts_as_nested_set
+ end
+Run `rake rdoc` to generate the API docs and see CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::SingletonMethods for more info.
+== View Helper
+The view helper is called #nested_set_options.
+Example usage:
+ <%= :parent_id, nested_set_options(Category, @category) {|i| "#{'-' * i.level} #{}" } %>
+ <%= select_tag 'parent_id', options_for_select(nested_set_options(Category) {|i| "#{'-' * i.level} #{}" } ) %>
+See CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::Helper for more information about the helpers.
+== References
+You can learn more about nested sets at:
+Copyright (c) 2008 Collective Idea, released under the MIT license \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/Rakefile b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/Rakefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53906f68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/Rakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+require 'rake'
+require 'rake/testtask'
+require 'rake/rdoctask'
+require 'rake/gempackagetask'
+require 'rcov/rcovtask'
+require "load_multi_rails_rake_tasks"
+spec = eval("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/awesome_nested_set.gemspec"))
+PKG_VERSION = spec.version
+ do |pkg|
+ pkg.need_zip = true
+ pkg.need_tar = true
+desc 'Default: run unit tests.'
+task :default => :test
+desc 'Test the awesome_nested_set plugin.' do |t|
+ t.libs << 'lib'
+ t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb'
+ t.verbose = true
+desc 'Generate documentation for the awesome_nested_set plugin.' do |rdoc|
+ rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc'
+ rdoc.title = 'AwesomeNestedSet'
+ rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source'
+ rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README.rdoc')
+ rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb')
+namespace :test do
+ desc "just rcov minus html output"
+ do |t|
+ # t.libs << 'test'
+ t.test_files = FileList['test/**/*_test.rb']
+ t.output_dir = 'coverage'
+ t.verbose = true
+ t.rcov_opts = %w(--exclude test,/usr/lib/ruby,/Library/Ruby,lib/awesome_nested_set/named_scope.rb --sort coverage)
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/awesome_nested_set.gemspec b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/awesome_nested_set.gemspec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5a1d49e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/awesome_nested_set.gemspec
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ do |s|
+ = "awesome_nested_set"
+ s.version = "1.1.1"
+ s.summary = "An awesome replacement for acts_as_nested_set and better_nested_set."
+ s.description = s.summary
+ s.files = %w(init.rb MIT-LICENSE Rakefile README.rdoc lib/awesome_nested_set.rb lib/awesome_nested_set/compatability.rb lib/awesome_nested_set/helper.rb lib/awesome_nested_set/named_scope.rb rails/init.rb test/awesome_nested_set_test.rb test/test_helper.rb test/awesome_nested_set/helper_test.rb test/db/database.yml test/db/schema.rb test/fixtures/categories.yml test/fixtures/category.rb test/fixtures/departments.yml test/fixtures/notes.yml)
+ s.add_dependency "activerecord", ['>= 1.1']
+ s.has_rdoc = true
+ s.extra_rdoc_files = [ "README.rdoc"]
+ s.rdoc_options = ["--main", "README.rdoc", "--inline-source", "--line-numbers"]
+ s.test_files = %w(test/awesome_nested_set_test.rb test/test_helper.rb test/awesome_nested_set/helper_test.rb test/db/database.yml test/db/schema.rb test/fixtures/categories.yml test/fixtures/category.rb test/fixtures/departments.yml test/fixtures/notes.yml)
+ s.require_path = 'lib'
+ = "Collective Idea"
+ = ""
+ s.homepage = ""
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/init.rb b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/init.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43dc7c274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/init.rb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/rails/init"
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/lib/awesome_nested_set.rb b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/lib/awesome_nested_set.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb67341b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/lib/awesome_nested_set.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+module CollectiveIdea #:nodoc:
+ module Acts #:nodoc:
+ module NestedSet #:nodoc:
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.extend(SingletonMethods)
+ end
+ # This acts provides Nested Set functionality. Nested Set is a smart way to implement
+ # an _ordered_ tree, with the added feature that you can select the children and all of their
+ # descendants with a single query. The drawback is that insertion or move need some complex
+ # sql queries. But everything is done here by this module!
+ #
+ # Nested sets are appropriate each time you want either an orderd tree (menus,
+ # commercial categories) or an efficient way of querying big trees (threaded posts).
+ #
+ # == API
+ #
+ # Methods names are aligned with acts_as_tree as much as possible, to make replacment from one
+ # by another easier, except for the creation:
+ #
+ # in acts_as_tree:
+ # item.children.create(:name => "child1")
+ #
+ # in acts_as_nested_set:
+ # # adds a new item at the "end" of the tree, i.e. with child.left = max(tree.right)+1
+ # child = => "child1")
+ #
+ # # now move the item to its right place
+ # child.move_to_child_of my_item
+ #
+ # You can pass an id or an object to:
+ # * <tt>#move_to_child_of</tt>
+ # * <tt>#move_to_right_of</tt>
+ # * <tt>#move_to_left_of</tt>
+ #
+ module SingletonMethods
+ # Configuration options are:
+ #
+ # * +:parent_column+ - specifies the column name to use for keeping the position integer (default: parent_id)
+ # * +:left_column+ - column name for left boundry data, default "lft"
+ # * +:right_column+ - column name for right boundry data, default "rgt"
+ # * +:scope+ - restricts what is to be considered a list. Given a symbol, it'll attach "_id"
+ # (if it hasn't been already) and use that as the foreign key restriction. You
+ # can also pass an array to scope by multiple attributes.
+ # Example: <tt>acts_as_nested_set :scope => [:notable_id, :notable_type]</tt>
+ # * +:dependent+ - behavior for cascading destroy. If set to :destroy, all the
+ # child objects are destroyed alongside this object by calling their destroy
+ # method. If set to :delete_all (default), all the child objects are deleted
+ # without calling their destroy method.
+ #
+ # See CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::ClassMethods for a list of class methods and
+ # CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::InstanceMethods for a list of instance methods added
+ # to acts_as_nested_set models
+ def acts_as_nested_set(options = {})
+ options = {
+ :parent_column => 'parent_id',
+ :left_column => 'lft',
+ :right_column => 'rgt',
+ :order => 'id',
+ :dependent => :delete_all, # or :destroy
+ }.merge(options)
+ if options[:scope].is_a?(Symbol) && options[:scope].to_s !~ /_id$/
+ options[:scope] = "#{options[:scope]}_id".intern
+ end
+ write_inheritable_attribute :acts_as_nested_set_options, options
+ class_inheritable_reader :acts_as_nested_set_options
+ include Comparable
+ include Columns
+ include InstanceMethods
+ extend Columns
+ extend ClassMethods
+ # no bulk assignment
+ attr_protected left_column_name.intern,
+ right_column_name.intern,
+ parent_column_name.intern
+ before_create :set_default_left_and_right
+ before_destroy :prune_from_tree
+ # no assignment to structure fields
+ [left_column_name, right_column_name, parent_column_name].each do |column|
+ module_eval <<-"end_eval", __FILE__, __LINE__
+ def #{column}=(x)
+ raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "Unauthorized assignment to #{column}: it's an internal field handled by acts_as_nested_set code, use move_to_* methods instead."
+ end
+ end_eval
+ end
+ named_scope :roots, :conditions => {parent_column_name => nil}, :order => quoted_left_column_name
+ named_scope :leaves, :conditions => "#{quoted_right_column_name} - #{quoted_left_column_name} = 1", :order => quoted_left_column_name
+ if self.respond_to?(:define_callbacks)
+ define_callbacks("before_move", "after_move")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ # Returns the first root
+ def root
+ roots.find(:first)
+ end
+ def valid?
+ left_and_rights_valid? && no_duplicates_for_columns? && all_roots_valid?
+ end
+ def left_and_rights_valid?
+ count(
+ :joins => "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{quoted_table_name} AS parent ON " +
+ "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_parent_column_name} = parent.#{primary_key}",
+ :conditions =>
+ "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name} IS NULL OR " +
+ "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_right_column_name} IS NULL OR " +
+ "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name} >= " +
+ "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_right_column_name} OR " +
+ "(#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_parent_column_name} IS NOT NULL AND " +
+ "(#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name} <= parent.#{quoted_left_column_name} OR " +
+ "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_right_column_name} >= parent.#{quoted_right_column_name}))"
+ ) == 0
+ end
+ def no_duplicates_for_columns?
+ scope_string = Array(acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]).map do |c|
+ connection.quote_column_name(c)
+ end.push(nil).join(", ")
+ [quoted_left_column_name, quoted_right_column_name].all? do |column|
+ # No duplicates
+ find(:first,
+ :select => "#{scope_string}#{column}, COUNT(#{column})",
+ :group => "#{scope_string}#{column}
+ HAVING COUNT(#{column}) > 1").nil?
+ end
+ end
+ # Wrapper for each_root_valid? that can deal with scope.
+ def all_roots_valid?
+ if acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]
+ roots(:group => scope_column_names).group_by{|record| scope_column_names.collect{|col| record.send(col.to_sym)}}.all? do |scope, grouped_roots|
+ each_root_valid?(grouped_roots)
+ end
+ else
+ each_root_valid?(roots)
+ end
+ end
+ def each_root_valid?(roots_to_validate)
+ left = right = 0
+ roots_to_validate.all? do |root|
+ returning(root.left > left && root.right > right) do
+ left = root.left
+ right = root.right
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Rebuilds the left & rights if unset or invalid. Also very useful for converting from acts_as_tree.
+ def rebuild!
+ # Don't rebuild a valid tree.
+ return true if valid?
+ scope = lambda{}
+ if acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]
+ scope = lambda{|node|
+ scope_column_names.inject(""){|str, column_name|
+ str << "AND #{connection.quote_column_name(column_name)} = #{connection.quote(node.send(column_name.to_sym))} "
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ indices = {}
+ set_left_and_rights = lambda do |node|
+ # set left
+ node[left_column_name] = indices[] += 1
+ # find
+ find(:all, :conditions => ["#{quoted_parent_column_name} = ? #{}", node], :order => "#{quoted_left_column_name}, #{quoted_right_column_name}, #{acts_as_nested_set_options[:order]}").each{|n| }
+ # set right
+ node[right_column_name] = indices[] += 1
+ end
+ # Find root node(s)
+ root_nodes = find(:all, :conditions => "#{quoted_parent_column_name} IS NULL", :order => "#{quoted_left_column_name}, #{quoted_right_column_name}, #{acts_as_nested_set_options[:order]}").each do |root_node|
+ # setup index for this scope
+ indices[] ||= 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Mixed into both classes and instances to provide easy access to the column names
+ module Columns
+ def left_column_name
+ acts_as_nested_set_options[:left_column]
+ end
+ def right_column_name
+ acts_as_nested_set_options[:right_column]
+ end
+ def parent_column_name
+ acts_as_nested_set_options[:parent_column]
+ end
+ def scope_column_names
+ Array(acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope])
+ end
+ def quoted_left_column_name
+ connection.quote_column_name(left_column_name)
+ end
+ def quoted_right_column_name
+ connection.quote_column_name(right_column_name)
+ end
+ def quoted_parent_column_name
+ connection.quote_column_name(parent_column_name)
+ end
+ def quoted_scope_column_names
+ scope_column_names.collect {|column_name| connection.quote_column_name(column_name) }
+ end
+ end
+ # Any instance method that returns a collection makes use of Rails 2.1's named_scope (which is bundled for Rails 2.0), so it can be treated as a finder.
+ #
+ # category.self_and_descendants.count
+ # category.ancestors.find(:all, :conditions => "name like '%foo%'")
+ module InstanceMethods
+ # Value of the parent column
+ def parent_id
+ self[parent_column_name]
+ end
+ # Value of the left column
+ def left
+ self[left_column_name]
+ end
+ # Value of the right column
+ def right
+ self[right_column_name]
+ end
+ # Returns true if this is a root node.
+ def root?
+ parent_id.nil?
+ end
+ def leaf?
+ right - left == 1
+ end
+ # Returns true is this is a child node
+ def child?
+ !parent_id.nil?
+ end
+ # order by left column
+ def <=>(x)
+ left <=> x.left
+ end
+ # Redefine to act like active record
+ def ==(comparison_object)
+ comparison_object.equal?(self) ||
+ (comparison_object.instance_of?(self.class) &&
+ == id &&
+ !comparison_object.new_record?)
+ end
+ # Returns root
+ def root
+ self_and_ancestors.find(:first)
+ end
+ # Returns the immediate parent
+ def parent
+ nested_set_scope.find_by_id(parent_id) if parent_id
+ end
+ # Returns the array of all parents and self
+ def self_and_ancestors
+ nested_set_scope.scoped :conditions => [
+ "#{self.class.table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name} <= ? AND #{self.class.table_name}.#{quoted_right_column_name} >= ?", left, right
+ ]
+ end
+ # Returns an array of all parents
+ def ancestors
+ without_self self_and_ancestors
+ end
+ # Returns the array of all children of the parent, including self
+ def self_and_siblings
+ nested_set_scope.scoped :conditions => {parent_column_name => parent_id}
+ end
+ # Returns the array of all children of the parent, except self
+ def siblings
+ without_self self_and_siblings
+ end
+ # Returns a set of all of its nested children which do not have children
+ def leaves
+ descendants.scoped :conditions => "#{self.class.table_name}.#{quoted_right_column_name} - #{self.class.table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name} = 1"
+ end
+ # Returns the level of this object in the tree
+ # root level is 0
+ def level
+ parent_id.nil? ? 0 : ancestors.count
+ end
+ # Returns a set of itself and all of its nested children
+ def self_and_descendants
+ nested_set_scope.scoped :conditions => [
+ "#{self.class.table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name} >= ? AND #{self.class.table_name}.#{quoted_right_column_name} <= ?", left, right
+ ]
+ end
+ # Returns a set of all of its children and nested children
+ def descendants
+ without_self self_and_descendants
+ end
+ # Returns a set of only this entry's immediate children
+ def children
+ nested_set_scope.scoped :conditions => {parent_column_name => self}
+ end
+ def is_descendant_of?(other)
+ other.left < self.left && self.left < other.right && same_scope?(other)
+ end
+ def is_or_is_descendant_of?(other)
+ other.left <= self.left && self.left < other.right && same_scope?(other)
+ end
+ def is_ancestor_of?(other)
+ self.left < other.left && other.left < self.right && same_scope?(other)
+ end
+ def is_or_is_ancestor_of?(other)
+ self.left <= other.left && other.left < self.right && same_scope?(other)
+ end
+ # Check if other model is in the same scope
+ def same_scope?(other)
+ Array(acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]).all? do |attr|
+ self.send(attr) == other.send(attr)
+ end
+ end
+ # Find the first sibling to the left
+ def left_sibling
+ siblings.find(:first, :conditions => ["#{self.class.table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name} < ?", left],
+ :order => "#{self.class.table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name} DESC")
+ end
+ # Find the first sibling to the right
+ def right_sibling
+ siblings.find(:first, :conditions => ["#{self.class.table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name} > ?", left])
+ end
+ # Shorthand method for finding the left sibling and moving to the left of it.
+ def move_left
+ move_to_left_of left_sibling
+ end
+ # Shorthand method for finding the right sibling and moving to the right of it.
+ def move_right
+ move_to_right_of right_sibling
+ end
+ # Move the node to the left of another node (you can pass id only)
+ def move_to_left_of(node)
+ move_to node, :left
+ end
+ # Move the node to the left of another node (you can pass id only)
+ def move_to_right_of(node)
+ move_to node, :right
+ end
+ # Move the node to the child of another node (you can pass id only)
+ def move_to_child_of(node)
+ move_to node, :child
+ end
+ # Move the node to root nodes
+ def move_to_root
+ move_to nil, :root
+ end
+ def move_possible?(target)
+ self != target && # Can't target self
+ same_scope?(target) && # can't be in different scopes
+ # !(left..right).include?( # this needs tested more
+ # detect impossible move
+ !((left <= target.left && right >= target.left) or (left <= target.right && right >= target.right))
+ end
+ def to_text
+ do |node|
+ "#{'*'*(node.level+1)} #{} #{node.to_s} (#{node.parent_id}, #{node.left}, #{node.right})"
+ end.join("\n")
+ end
+ protected
+ def without_self(scope)
+ scope.scoped :conditions => ["#{self.class.table_name}.#{self.class.primary_key} != ?", self]
+ end
+ # All nested set queries should use this nested_set_scope, which performs finds on
+ # the base ActiveRecord class, using the :scope declared in the acts_as_nested_set
+ # declaration.
+ def nested_set_scope
+ options = {:order => quoted_left_column_name}
+ scopes = Array(acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope])
+ options[:conditions] = scopes.inject({}) do |conditions,attr|
+ conditions.merge attr => self[attr]
+ end unless scopes.empty?
+ self.class.base_class.scoped options
+ end
+ # on creation, set automatically lft and rgt to the end of the tree
+ def set_default_left_and_right
+ maxright = nested_set_scope.maximum(right_column_name) || 0
+ # adds the new node to the right of all existing nodes
+ self[left_column_name] = maxright + 1
+ self[right_column_name] = maxright + 2
+ end
+ # Prunes a branch off of the tree, shifting all of the elements on the right
+ # back to the left so the counts still work.
+ def prune_from_tree
+ return if right.nil? || left.nil?
+ diff = right - left + 1
+ delete_method = acts_as_nested_set_options[:dependent] == :destroy ?
+ :destroy_all : :delete_all
+ self.class.base_class.transaction do
+ nested_set_scope.send(delete_method,
+ ["#{quoted_left_column_name} > ? AND #{quoted_right_column_name} < ?",
+ left, right]
+ )
+ nested_set_scope.update_all(
+ ["#{quoted_left_column_name} = (#{quoted_left_column_name} - ?)", diff],
+ ["#{quoted_left_column_name} >= ?", right]
+ )
+ nested_set_scope.update_all(
+ ["#{quoted_right_column_name} = (#{quoted_right_column_name} - ?)", diff],
+ ["#{quoted_right_column_name} >= ?", right]
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ # reload left, right, and parent
+ def reload_nested_set
+ reload(:select => "#{quoted_left_column_name}, " +
+ "#{quoted_right_column_name}, #{quoted_parent_column_name}")
+ end
+ def move_to(target, position)
+ raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "You cannot move a new node" if self.new_record?
+ return if callback(:before_move) == false
+ transaction do
+ if target.is_a? self.class.base_class
+ target.reload_nested_set
+ elsif position != :root
+ # load object if node is not an object
+ target = nested_set_scope.find(target)
+ end
+ self.reload_nested_set
+ unless position == :root || move_possible?(target)
+ raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "Impossible move, target node cannot be inside moved tree."
+ end
+ bound = case position
+ when :child; target[right_column_name]
+ when :left; target[left_column_name]
+ when :right; target[right_column_name] + 1
+ when :root; 1
+ else raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "Position should be :child, :left, :right or :root ('#{position}' received)."
+ end
+ if bound > self[right_column_name]
+ bound = bound - 1
+ other_bound = self[right_column_name] + 1
+ else
+ other_bound = self[left_column_name] - 1
+ end
+ # there would be no change
+ return if bound == self[right_column_name] || bound == self[left_column_name]
+ # we have defined the boundaries of two non-overlapping intervals,
+ # so sorting puts both the intervals and their boundaries in order
+ a, b, c, d = [self[left_column_name], self[right_column_name], bound, other_bound].sort
+ new_parent = case position
+ when :child;
+ when :root; nil
+ else target[parent_column_name]
+ end
+ self.class.base_class.update_all([
+ "#{quoted_left_column_name} = CASE " +
+ "WHEN #{quoted_left_column_name} BETWEEN :a AND :b " +
+ "THEN #{quoted_left_column_name} + :d - :b " +
+ "WHEN #{quoted_left_column_name} BETWEEN :c AND :d " +
+ "THEN #{quoted_left_column_name} + :a - :c " +
+ "ELSE #{quoted_left_column_name} END, " +
+ "#{quoted_right_column_name} = CASE " +
+ "WHEN #{quoted_right_column_name} BETWEEN :a AND :b " +
+ "THEN #{quoted_right_column_name} + :d - :b " +
+ "WHEN #{quoted_right_column_name} BETWEEN :c AND :d " +
+ "THEN #{quoted_right_column_name} + :a - :c " +
+ "ELSE #{quoted_right_column_name} END, " +
+ "#{quoted_parent_column_name} = CASE " +
+ "WHEN #{self.class.base_class.primary_key} = :id THEN :new_parent " +
+ "ELSE #{quoted_parent_column_name} END",
+ {:a => a, :b => b, :c => c, :d => d, :id =>, :new_parent => new_parent}
+ ], nested_set_scope.proxy_options[:conditions])
+ end
+ target.reload_nested_set if target
+ self.reload_nested_set
+ callback(:after_move)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/lib/awesome_nested_set/compatability.rb b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/lib/awesome_nested_set/compatability.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d11da330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/lib/awesome_nested_set/compatability.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Rails <2.x doesn't define #except
+class Hash #:nodoc:
+ # Returns a new hash without the given keys.
+ def except(*keys)
+ clone.except!(*keys)
+ end unless method_defined?(:except)
+ # Replaces the hash without the given keys.
+ def except!(*keys)
+! { |key| convert_key(key) } if respond_to?(:convert_key)
+ keys.each { |key| delete(key) }
+ self
+ end unless method_defined?(:except!)
+# NamedScope is new to Rails 2.1
+unless defined? ActiveRecord::NamedScope
+ require 'awesome_nested_set/named_scope'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
+ include CollectiveIdea::NamedScope
+ end
+# Rails 1.2.x doesn't define #quoted_table_name
+class ActiveRecord::Base #:nodoc:
+ def self.quoted_table_name
+ self.connection.quote_column_name(self.table_name)
+ end unless methods.include?('quoted_table_name')
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/lib/awesome_nested_set/helper.rb b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/lib/awesome_nested_set/helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09c803fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/lib/awesome_nested_set/helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+module CollectiveIdea #:nodoc:
+ module Acts #:nodoc:
+ module NestedSet #:nodoc:
+ # This module provides some helpers for the model classes using acts_as_nested_set.
+ # It is included by default in all views.
+ #
+ module Helper
+ # Returns options for select.
+ # You can exclude some items from the tree.
+ # You can pass a block receiving an item and returning the string displayed in the select.
+ #
+ # == Params
+ # * +class_or_item+ - Class name or top level times
+ # * +mover+ - The item that is being move, used to exlude impossible moves
+ # * +&block+ - a block that will be used to display: { |item| ... }
+ #
+ # == Usage
+ #
+ # <%= :parent_id, nested_set_options(Category, @category) {|i|
+ # "#{'–' * i.level} #{}"
+ # }) %>
+ #
+ def nested_set_options(class_or_item, mover = nil)
+ class_or_item = class_or_item.roots if class_or_item.is_a?(Class)
+ items = Array(class_or_item)
+ result = []
+ items.each do |root|
+ result += do |i|
+ if mover.nil? || mover.new_record? || mover.move_possible?(i)
+ [yield(i),]
+ end
+ end.compact
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/lib/awesome_nested_set/named_scope.rb b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/lib/awesome_nested_set/named_scope.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1836498bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/lib/awesome_nested_set/named_scope.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# Taken from Rails 2.1
+module CollectiveIdea #:nodoc:
+ module NamedScope #:nodoc:
+ # All subclasses of ActiveRecord::Base have two named_scopes:
+ # * <tt>all</tt>, which is similar to a <tt>find(:all)</tt> query, and
+ # * <tt>scoped</tt>, which allows for the creation of anonymous scopes, on the fly:
+ #
+ # Shirt.scoped(:conditions => {:color => 'red'}).scoped(:include => :washing_instructions)
+ #
+ # These anonymous scopes tend to be useful when procedurally generating complex queries, where passing
+ # intermediate values (scopes) around as first-class objects is convenient.
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.class_eval do
+ extend ClassMethods
+ named_scope :scoped, lambda { |scope| scope }
+ end
+ end
+ module ClassMethods #:nodoc:
+ def scopes
+ read_inheritable_attribute(:scopes) || write_inheritable_attribute(:scopes, {})
+ end
+ # Adds a class method for retrieving and querying objects. A scope represents a narrowing of a database query,
+ # such as <tt>:conditions => {:color => :red}, :select => 'shirts.*', :include => :washing_instructions</tt>.
+ #
+ # class Shirt < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # named_scope :red, :conditions => {:color => 'red'}
+ # named_scope :dry_clean_only, :joins => :washing_instructions, :conditions => ['washing_instructions.dry_clean_only = ?', true]
+ # end
+ #
+ # The above calls to <tt>named_scope</tt> define class methods <tt></tt> and <tt>Shirt.dry_clean_only</tt>. <tt></tt>,
+ # in effect, represents the query <tt>Shirt.find(:all, :conditions => {:color => 'red'})</tt>.
+ #
+ # Unlike Shirt.find(...), however, the object returned by <tt></tt> is not an Array; it resembles the association object
+ # constructed by a <tt>has_many</tt> declaration. For instance, you can invoke <tt></tt>, <tt></tt>,
+ # <tt>, :conditions => {:size => 'small'})</tt>. Also, just
+ # as with the association objects, name scopes acts like an Array, implementing Enumerable; <tt></tt>,
+ # <tt></tt>, and <tt>, &block)</tt> all behave as if really were an Array.
+ #
+ # These named scopes are composable. For instance, <tt></tt> will produce all shirts that are both red and dry clean only.
+ # Nested finds and calculations also work with these compositions: <tt></tt> returns the number of garments
+ # for which these criteria obtain. Similarly with <tt></tt>.
+ #
+ # All scopes are available as class methods on the ActiveRecord descendent upon which the scopes were defined. But they are also available to
+ # <tt>has_many</tt> associations. If,
+ #
+ # class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # has_many :shirts
+ # end
+ #
+ # then <tt></tt> will return all of Elton's red, dry clean
+ # only shirts.
+ #
+ # Named scopes can also be procedural.
+ #
+ # class Shirt < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # named_scope :colored, lambda { |color|
+ # { :conditions => { :color => color } }
+ # }
+ # end
+ #
+ # In this example, <tt>Shirt.colored('puce')</tt> finds all puce shirts.
+ #
+ # Named scopes can also have extensions, just as with <tt>has_many</tt> declarations:
+ #
+ # class Shirt < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # named_scope :red, :conditions => {:color => 'red'} do
+ # def dom_id
+ # 'red_shirts'
+ # end
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ #
+ # For testing complex named scopes, you can examine the scoping options using the
+ # <tt>proxy_options</tt> method on the proxy itself.
+ #
+ # class Shirt < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # named_scope :colored, lambda { |color|
+ # { :conditions => { :color => color } }
+ # }
+ # end
+ #
+ # expected_options = { :conditions => { :colored => 'red' } }
+ # assert_equal expected_options, Shirt.colored('red').proxy_options
+ def named_scope(name, options = {}, &block)
+ scopes[name] = lambda do |parent_scope, *args|
+, case options
+ when Hash
+ options
+ when Proc
+ end, &block)
+ end
+ (class << self; self end).instance_eval do
+ define_method name do |*args|
+ scopes[name].call(self, *args)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Scope #:nodoc:
+ attr_reader :proxy_scope, :proxy_options
+ [].methods.each { |m| delegate m, :to => :proxy_found unless m =~ /(^__|^nil\?|^send|class|extend|find|count|sum|average|maximum|minimum|paginate)/ }
+ delegate :scopes, :with_scope, :to => :proxy_scope
+ def initialize(proxy_scope, options, &block)
+ [options[:extend]].flatten.each { |extension| extend extension } if options[:extend]
+ extend if block_given?
+ @proxy_scope, @proxy_options = proxy_scope, options.except(:extend)
+ end
+ def reload
+ load_found; self
+ end
+ protected
+ def proxy_found
+ @found || load_found
+ end
+ private
+ def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
+ if scopes.include?(method)
+ scopes[method].call(self, *args)
+ else
+ with_scope :find => proxy_options do
+ proxy_scope.send(method, *args, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def load_found
+ @found = find(:all)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/rails/init.rb b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/rails/init.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0a4e8b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/rails/init.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+require 'awesome_nested_set/compatability'
+require 'awesome_nested_set'
+ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
+ include CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet
+if defined?(ActionView)
+ require 'awesome_nested_set/helper'
+ ActionView::Base.class_eval do
+ include CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::Helper
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/awesome_nested_set/helper_test.rb b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/awesome_nested_set/helper_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6122a0e60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/awesome_nested_set/helper_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
+module CollectiveIdea
+ module Acts #:nodoc:
+ module NestedSet #:nodoc:
+ class AwesomeNestedSetTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include Helper
+ fixtures :categories
+ def test_nested_set_options
+ expected = [
+ [" Top Level", 1],
+ ["- Child 1", 2],
+ ['- Child 2', 3],
+ ['-- Child 2.1', 4],
+ ['- Child 3', 5],
+ [" Top Level 2", 6]
+ ]
+ actual = nested_set_options(Category) do |c|
+ "#{'-' * c.level} #{}"
+ end
+ assert_equal expected, actual
+ end
+ def test_nested_set_options_with_mover
+ expected = [
+ [" Top Level", 1],
+ ["- Child 1", 2],
+ ['- Child 3', 5],
+ [" Top Level 2", 6]
+ ]
+ actual = nested_set_options(Category, categories(:child_2)) do |c|
+ "#{'-' * c.level} #{}"
+ end
+ assert_equal expected, actual
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/awesome_nested_set_test.rb b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/awesome_nested_set_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5252d804e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/awesome_nested_set_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper'
+class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
+ acts_as_nested_set :scope => [:notable_id, :notable_type]
+class AwesomeNestedSetTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ class Default < ActiveRecord::Base
+ acts_as_nested_set
+ set_table_name 'categories'
+ end
+ class Scoped < ActiveRecord::Base
+ acts_as_nested_set :scope => :organization
+ set_table_name 'categories'
+ end
+ def test_left_column_default
+ assert_equal 'lft', Default.acts_as_nested_set_options[:left_column]
+ end
+ def test_right_column_default
+ assert_equal 'rgt', Default.acts_as_nested_set_options[:right_column]
+ end
+ def test_parent_column_default
+ assert_equal 'parent_id', Default.acts_as_nested_set_options[:parent_column]
+ end
+ def test_scope_default
+ assert_nil Default.acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]
+ end
+ def test_left_column_name
+ assert_equal 'lft', Default.left_column_name
+ assert_equal 'lft',
+ end
+ def test_right_column_name
+ assert_equal 'rgt', Default.right_column_name
+ assert_equal 'rgt',
+ end
+ def test_parent_column_name
+ assert_equal 'parent_id', Default.parent_column_name
+ assert_equal 'parent_id',
+ end
+ def test_quoted_left_column_name
+ quoted = Default.connection.quote_column_name('lft')
+ assert_equal quoted, Default.quoted_left_column_name
+ assert_equal quoted,
+ end
+ def test_quoted_right_column_name
+ quoted = Default.connection.quote_column_name('rgt')
+ assert_equal quoted, Default.quoted_right_column_name
+ assert_equal quoted,
+ end
+ def test_left_column_protected_from_assignment
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError) { = 1 }
+ end
+ def test_right_column_protected_from_assignment
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError) { = 1 }
+ end
+ def test_parent_column_protected_from_assignment
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError) { = 1 }
+ end
+ def test_colums_protected_on_initialize
+ c = => 1, :rgt => 2, :parent_id => 3)
+ assert_nil c.lft
+ assert_nil c.rgt
+ assert_nil c.parent_id
+ end
+ def test_scoped_appends_id
+ assert_equal :organization_id, Scoped.acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]
+ end
+ def test_roots_class_method
+ assert_equal Category.find_all_by_parent_id(nil), Category.roots
+ end
+ def test_root_class_method
+ assert_equal categories(:top_level), Category.root
+ end
+ def test_root
+ assert_equal categories(:top_level), categories(:child_3).root
+ end
+ def test_root?
+ assert categories(:top_level).root?
+ assert categories(:top_level_2).root?
+ end
+ def test_leaves_class_method
+ assert_equal Category.find(:all, :conditions => "#{Category.right_column_name} - #{Category.left_column_name} = 1"), Category.leaves
+ assert_equal Category.leaves.count, 4
+ assert (Category.leaves.include? categories(:child_1))
+ assert (Category.leaves.include? categories(:child_2_1))
+ assert (Category.leaves.include? categories(:child_3))
+ assert (Category.leaves.include? categories(:top_level_2))
+ end
+ def test_leaf
+ assert categories(:child_1).leaf?
+ assert categories(:child_2_1).leaf?
+ assert categories(:child_3).leaf?
+ assert categories(:top_level_2).leaf?
+ assert !categories(:top_level).leaf?
+ assert !categories(:child_2).leaf?
+ end
+ def test_parent
+ assert_equal categories(:child_2), categories(:child_2_1).parent
+ end
+ def test_self_and_ancestors
+ child = categories(:child_2_1)
+ self_and_ancestors = [categories(:top_level), categories(:child_2), child]
+ assert_equal self_and_ancestors, child.self_and_ancestors
+ end
+ def test_ancestors
+ child = categories(:child_2_1)
+ ancestors = [categories(:top_level), categories(:child_2)]
+ assert_equal ancestors, child.ancestors
+ end
+ def test_self_and_siblings
+ child = categories(:child_2)
+ self_and_siblings = [categories(:child_1), child, categories(:child_3)]
+ assert_equal self_and_siblings, child.self_and_siblings
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ tops = [categories(:top_level), categories(:top_level_2)]
+ assert_equal tops, categories(:top_level).self_and_siblings
+ end
+ end
+ def test_siblings
+ child = categories(:child_2)
+ siblings = [categories(:child_1), categories(:child_3)]
+ assert_equal siblings, child.siblings
+ end
+ def test_leaves
+ leaves = [categories(:child_1), categories(:child_2_1), categories(:child_3), categories(:top_level_2)]
+ assert categories(:top_level).leaves, leaves
+ end
+ def test_level
+ assert_equal 0, categories(:top_level).level
+ assert_equal 1, categories(:child_1).level
+ assert_equal 2, categories(:child_2_1).level
+ end
+ def test_has_children?
+ assert categories(:child_2_1).children.empty?
+ assert !categories(:child_2).children.empty?
+ assert !categories(:top_level).children.empty?
+ end
+ def test_self_and_descendents
+ parent = categories(:top_level)
+ self_and_descendants = [parent, categories(:child_1), categories(:child_2),
+ categories(:child_2_1), categories(:child_3)]
+ assert_equal self_and_descendants, parent.self_and_descendants
+ assert_equal self_and_descendants, parent.self_and_descendants.count
+ end
+ def test_descendents
+ lawyers = Category.create!(:name => "lawyers")
+ us = Category.create!(:name => "United States")
+ us.move_to_child_of(lawyers)
+ patent = Category.create!(:name => "Patent Law")
+ patent.move_to_child_of(us)
+ lawyers.reload
+ assert_equal 1, lawyers.children.size
+ assert_equal 1, us.children.size
+ assert_equal 2, lawyers.descendants.size
+ end
+ def test_self_and_descendents
+ parent = categories(:top_level)
+ descendants = [categories(:child_1), categories(:child_2),
+ categories(:child_2_1), categories(:child_3)]
+ assert_equal descendants, parent.descendants
+ end
+ def test_children
+ category = categories(:top_level)
+ category.children.each {|c| assert_equal, c.parent_id }
+ end
+ def test_is_or_is_ancestor_of?
+ assert categories(:top_level).is_or_is_ancestor_of?(categories(:child_1))
+ assert categories(:top_level).is_or_is_ancestor_of?(categories(:child_2_1))
+ assert categories(:child_2).is_or_is_ancestor_of?(categories(:child_2_1))
+ assert !categories(:child_2_1).is_or_is_ancestor_of?(categories(:child_2))
+ assert !categories(:child_1).is_or_is_ancestor_of?(categories(:child_2))
+ assert categories(:child_1).is_or_is_ancestor_of?(categories(:child_1))
+ end
+ def test_is_ancestor_of?
+ assert categories(:top_level).is_ancestor_of?(categories(:child_1))
+ assert categories(:top_level).is_ancestor_of?(categories(:child_2_1))
+ assert categories(:child_2).is_ancestor_of?(categories(:child_2_1))
+ assert !categories(:child_2_1).is_ancestor_of?(categories(:child_2))
+ assert !categories(:child_1).is_ancestor_of?(categories(:child_2))
+ assert !categories(:child_1).is_ancestor_of?(categories(:child_1))
+ end
+ def test_is_or_is_ancestor_of_with_scope
+ root = Scoped.root
+ child = root.children.first
+ assert root.is_or_is_ancestor_of?(child)
+ child.update_attribute :organization_id, 'different'
+ assert !root.is_or_is_ancestor_of?(child)
+ end
+ def test_is_or_is_descendant_of?
+ assert categories(:child_1).is_or_is_descendant_of?(categories(:top_level))
+ assert categories(:child_2_1).is_or_is_descendant_of?(categories(:top_level))
+ assert categories(:child_2_1).is_or_is_descendant_of?(categories(:child_2))
+ assert !categories(:child_2).is_or_is_descendant_of?(categories(:child_2_1))
+ assert !categories(:child_2).is_or_is_descendant_of?(categories(:child_1))
+ assert categories(:child_1).is_or_is_descendant_of?(categories(:child_1))
+ end
+ def test_is_descendant_of?
+ assert categories(:child_1).is_descendant_of?(categories(:top_level))
+ assert categories(:child_2_1).is_descendant_of?(categories(:top_level))
+ assert categories(:child_2_1).is_descendant_of?(categories(:child_2))
+ assert !categories(:child_2).is_descendant_of?(categories(:child_2_1))
+ assert !categories(:child_2).is_descendant_of?(categories(:child_1))
+ assert !categories(:child_1).is_descendant_of?(categories(:child_1))
+ end
+ def test_is_or_is_descendant_of_with_scope
+ root = Scoped.root
+ child = root.children.first
+ assert child.is_or_is_descendant_of?(root)
+ child.update_attribute :organization_id, 'different'
+ assert !child.is_or_is_descendant_of?(root)
+ end
+ def test_same_scope?
+ root = Scoped.root
+ child = root.children.first
+ assert child.same_scope?(root)
+ child.update_attribute :organization_id, 'different'
+ assert !child.same_scope?(root)
+ end
+ def test_left_sibling
+ assert_equal categories(:child_1), categories(:child_2).left_sibling
+ assert_equal categories(:child_2), categories(:child_3).left_sibling
+ end
+ def test_left_sibling_of_root
+ assert_nil categories(:top_level).left_sibling
+ end
+ def test_left_sibling_without_siblings
+ assert_nil categories(:child_2_1).left_sibling
+ end
+ def test_left_sibling_of_leftmost_node
+ assert_nil categories(:child_1).left_sibling
+ end
+ def test_right_sibling
+ assert_equal categories(:child_3), categories(:child_2).right_sibling
+ assert_equal categories(:child_2), categories(:child_1).right_sibling
+ end
+ def test_right_sibling_of_root
+ assert_equal categories(:top_level_2), categories(:top_level).right_sibling
+ assert_nil categories(:top_level_2).right_sibling
+ end
+ def test_right_sibling_without_siblings
+ assert_nil categories(:child_2_1).right_sibling
+ end
+ def test_right_sibling_of_rightmost_node
+ assert_nil categories(:child_3).right_sibling
+ end
+ def test_move_left
+ categories(:child_2).move_left
+ assert_nil categories(:child_2).left_sibling
+ assert_equal categories(:child_1), categories(:child_2).right_sibling
+ assert Category.valid?
+ end
+ def test_move_right
+ categories(:child_2).move_right
+ assert_nil categories(:child_2).right_sibling
+ assert_equal categories(:child_3), categories(:child_2).left_sibling
+ assert Category.valid?
+ end
+ def test_move_to_left_of
+ categories(:child_3).move_to_left_of(categories(:child_1))
+ assert_nil categories(:child_3).left_sibling
+ assert_equal categories(:child_1), categories(:child_3).right_sibling
+ assert Category.valid?
+ end
+ def test_move_to_right_of
+ categories(:child_1).move_to_right_of(categories(:child_3))
+ assert_nil categories(:child_1).right_sibling
+ assert_equal categories(:child_3), categories(:child_1).left_sibling
+ assert Category.valid?
+ end
+ def test_move_to_root
+ categories(:child_2).move_to_root
+ assert_nil categories(:child_2).parent
+ assert_equal 0, categories(:child_2).level
+ assert_equal 1, categories(:child_2_1).level
+ assert_equal 1, categories(:child_2).left
+ assert_equal 4, categories(:child_2).right
+ assert Category.valid?
+ end
+ def test_move_to_child_of
+ categories(:child_1).move_to_child_of(categories(:child_3))
+ assert_equal categories(:child_3).id, categories(:child_1).parent_id
+ assert Category.valid?
+ end
+ def test_move_to_child_of_appends_to_end
+ child = Category.create! :name => 'New Child'
+ child.move_to_child_of categories(:top_level)
+ assert_equal child, categories(:top_level).children.last
+ end
+ def test_subtree_move_to_child_of
+ assert_equal 4, categories(:child_2).left
+ assert_equal 7, categories(:child_2).right
+ assert_equal 2, categories(:child_1).left
+ assert_equal 3, categories(:child_1).right
+ categories(:child_2).move_to_child_of(categories(:child_1))
+ assert Category.valid?
+ assert_equal categories(:child_1).id, categories(:child_2).parent_id
+ assert_equal 3, categories(:child_2).left
+ assert_equal 6, categories(:child_2).right
+ assert_equal 2, categories(:child_1).left
+ assert_equal 7, categories(:child_1).right
+ end
+ def test_slightly_difficult_move_to_child_of
+ assert_equal 11, categories(:top_level_2).left
+ assert_equal 12, categories(:top_level_2).right
+ # create a new top-level node and move single-node top-level tree inside it.
+ new_top = Category.create(:name => 'New Top')
+ assert_equal 13, new_top.left
+ assert_equal 14, new_top.right
+ categories(:top_level_2).move_to_child_of(new_top)
+ assert Category.valid?
+ assert_equal, categories(:top_level_2).parent_id
+ assert_equal 12, categories(:top_level_2).left
+ assert_equal 13, categories(:top_level_2).right
+ assert_equal 11, new_top.left
+ assert_equal 14, new_top.right
+ end
+ def test_difficult_move_to_child_of
+ assert_equal 1, categories(:top_level).left
+ assert_equal 10, categories(:top_level).right
+ assert_equal 5, categories(:child_2_1).left
+ assert_equal 6, categories(:child_2_1).right
+ # create a new top-level node and move an entire top-level tree inside it.
+ new_top = Category.create(:name => 'New Top')
+ categories(:top_level).move_to_child_of(new_top)
+ categories(:child_2_1).reload
+ assert Category.valid?
+ assert_equal, categories(:top_level).parent_id
+ assert_equal 4, categories(:top_level).left
+ assert_equal 13, categories(:top_level).right
+ assert_equal 8, categories(:child_2_1).left
+ assert_equal 9, categories(:child_2_1).right
+ end
+ #rebuild swaps the position of the 2 children when added using move_to_child twice onto same parent
+ def test_move_to_child_more_than_once_per_parent_rebuild
+ root1 = Category.create(:name => 'Root1')
+ root2 = Category.create(:name => 'Root2')
+ root3 = Category.create(:name => 'Root3')
+ root2.move_to_child_of root1
+ root3.move_to_child_of root1
+ output = Category.roots.last.to_text
+ Category.update_all('lft = null, rgt = null')
+ Category.rebuild!
+ assert_equal Category.roots.last.to_text, output
+ end
+ # doing move_to_child twice onto same parent from the furthest right first
+ def test_move_to_child_more_than_once_per_parent_outside_in
+ node1 = Category.create(:name => 'Node-1')
+ node2 = Category.create(:name => 'Node-2')
+ node3 = Category.create(:name => 'Node-3')
+ node2.move_to_child_of node1
+ node3.move_to_child_of node1
+ output = Category.roots.last.to_text
+ Category.update_all('lft = null, rgt = null')
+ Category.rebuild!
+ assert_equal Category.roots.last.to_text, output
+ end
+ def test_valid_with_null_lefts
+ assert Category.valid?
+ Category.update_all('lft = null')
+ assert !Category.valid?
+ end
+ def test_valid_with_null_rights
+ assert Category.valid?
+ Category.update_all('rgt = null')
+ assert !Category.valid?
+ end
+ def test_valid_with_missing_intermediate_node
+ # Even though child_2_1 will still exist, it is a sign of a sloppy delete, not an invalid tree.
+ assert Category.valid?
+ Category.delete(categories(:child_2).id)
+ assert Category.valid?
+ end
+ def test_valid_with_overlapping_and_rights
+ assert Category.valid?
+ categories(:top_level_2)['lft'] = 0
+ categories(:top_level_2).save
+ assert !Category.valid?
+ end
+ def test_rebuild
+ assert Category.valid?
+ before_text = Category.root.to_text
+ Category.update_all('lft = null, rgt = null')
+ Category.rebuild!
+ assert Category.valid?
+ assert_equal before_text, Category.root.to_text
+ end
+ def test_move_possible_for_sibling
+ assert categories(:child_2).move_possible?(categories(:child_1))
+ end
+ def test_move_not_possible_to_self
+ assert !categories(:top_level).move_possible?(categories(:top_level))
+ end
+ def test_move_not_possible_to_parent
+ categories(:top_level).descendants.each do |descendant|
+ assert !categories(:top_level).move_possible?(descendant)
+ assert descendant.move_possible?(categories(:top_level))
+ end
+ end
+ def test_is_or_is_ancestor_of?
+ [:child_1, :child_2, :child_2_1, :child_3].each do |c|
+ assert categories(:top_level).is_or_is_ancestor_of?(categories(c))
+ end
+ assert !categories(:top_level).is_or_is_ancestor_of?(categories(:top_level_2))
+ end
+ def test_left_and_rights_valid_with_blank_left
+ assert Category.left_and_rights_valid?
+ categories(:child_2)[:lft] = nil
+ categories(:child_2).save(false)
+ assert !Category.left_and_rights_valid?
+ end
+ def test_left_and_rights_valid_with_blank_right
+ assert Category.left_and_rights_valid?
+ categories(:child_2)[:rgt] = nil
+ categories(:child_2).save(false)
+ assert !Category.left_and_rights_valid?
+ end
+ def test_left_and_rights_valid_with_equal
+ assert Category.left_and_rights_valid?
+ categories(:top_level_2)[:lft] = categories(:top_level_2)[:rgt]
+ categories(:top_level_2).save(false)
+ assert !Category.left_and_rights_valid?
+ end
+ def test_left_and_rights_valid_with_left_equal_to_parent
+ assert Category.left_and_rights_valid?
+ categories(:child_2)[:lft] = categories(:top_level)[:lft]
+ categories(:child_2).save(false)
+ assert !Category.left_and_rights_valid?
+ end
+ def test_left_and_rights_valid_with_right_equal_to_parent
+ assert Category.left_and_rights_valid?
+ categories(:child_2)[:rgt] = categories(:top_level)[:rgt]
+ categories(:child_2).save(false)
+ assert !Category.left_and_rights_valid?
+ end
+ def test_moving_dirty_objects_doesnt_invalidate_tree
+ r1 = Category.create
+ r2 = Category.create
+ r3 = Category.create
+ r4 = Category.create
+ nodes = [r1, r2, r3, r4]
+ r2.move_to_child_of(r1)
+ assert Category.valid?
+ r3.move_to_child_of(r1)
+ assert Category.valid?
+ r4.move_to_child_of(r2)
+ assert Category.valid?
+ end
+ def test_multi_scoped_no_duplicates_for_columns?
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Note.no_duplicates_for_columns?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_multi_scoped_all_roots_valid?
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Note.all_roots_valid?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_multi_scoped
+ note1 = Note.create!(:body => "A", :notable_id => 2, :notable_type => 'Category')
+ note2 = Note.create!(:body => "B", :notable_id => 2, :notable_type => 'Category')
+ note3 = Note.create!(:body => "C", :notable_id => 2, :notable_type => 'Default')
+ assert_equal [note1, note2], note1.self_and_siblings
+ assert_equal [note3], note3.self_and_siblings
+ end
+ def test_multi_scoped_rebuild
+ root = Note.create!(:body => "A", :notable_id => 3, :notable_type => 'Category')
+ child1 = Note.create!(:body => "B", :notable_id => 3, :notable_type => 'Category')
+ child2 = Note.create!(:body => "C", :notable_id => 3, :notable_type => 'Category')
+ child1.move_to_child_of root
+ child2.move_to_child_of root
+ Note.update_all('lft = null, rgt = null')
+ Note.rebuild!
+ assert_equal Note.roots.find_by_body('A'), root
+ assert_equal [child1, child2], Note.roots.find_by_body('A').children
+ end
+ def test_same_scope_with_multi_scopes
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ notes(:scope1).same_scope?(notes(:child_1))
+ end
+ assert notes(:scope1).same_scope?(notes(:child_1))
+ assert notes(:child_1).same_scope?(notes(:scope1))
+ assert !notes(:scope1).same_scope?(notes(:scope2))
+ end
+ def test_quoting_of_multi_scope_column_names
+ assert_equal ["\"notable_id\"", "\"notable_type\""], Note.quoted_scope_column_names
+ end
+ def test_equal_in_same_scope
+ assert_equal notes(:scope1), notes(:scope1)
+ assert_not_equal notes(:scope1), notes(:child_1)
+ end
+ def test_equal_in_different_scopes
+ assert_not_equal notes(:scope1), notes(:scope2)
+ end
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/db/database.yml b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/db/database.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9281236d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/db/database.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ adapter: sqlite3
+ dbfile: awesome_nested_set.sqlite3.db
+ :adapter: sqlite3
+ :dbfile: ":memory:"
+ :adapter: postgresql
+ :username: postgres
+ :password: postgres
+ :database: awesome_nested_set_plugin_test
+ :min_messages: ERROR
+ :adapter: mysql
+ :host: localhost
+ :username: root
+ :password:
+ :database: awesome_nested_set_plugin_test \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/db/schema.rb b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/db/schema.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbed1eb16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/db/schema.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 0) do
+ create_table :categories, :force => true do |t|
+ t.column :name, :string
+ t.column :parent_id, :integer
+ t.column :lft, :integer
+ t.column :rgt, :integer
+ t.column :organization_id, :integer
+ end
+ create_table :departments, :force => true do |t|
+ t.column :name, :string
+ end
+ create_table :notes, :force => true do |t|
+ t.column :body, :text
+ t.column :parent_id, :integer
+ t.column :lft, :integer
+ t.column :rgt, :integer
+ t.column :notable_id, :integer
+ t.column :notable_type, :string
+ end
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/fixtures/categories.yml b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/fixtures/categories.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc8e078e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/fixtures/categories.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ id: 1
+ name: Top Level
+ lft: 1
+ rgt: 10
+ id: 2
+ name: Child 1
+ parent_id: 1
+ lft: 2
+ rgt: 3
+ id: 3
+ name: Child 2
+ parent_id: 1
+ lft: 4
+ rgt: 7
+ id: 4
+ name: Child 2.1
+ parent_id: 3
+ lft: 5
+ rgt: 6
+ id: 5
+ name: Child 3
+ parent_id: 1
+ lft: 8
+ rgt: 9
+ id: 6
+ name: Top Level 2
+ lft: 11
+ rgt: 12
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/fixtures/category.rb b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/fixtures/category.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..506b0dac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/fixtures/category.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
+ acts_as_nested_set
+ def to_s
+ name
+ end
+ def recurse &block
+ self, lambda{
+ self.children.each do |child|
+ child.recurse &block
+ end
+ }
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/fixtures/departments.yml b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/fixtures/departments.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e50a944f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/fixtures/departments.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ id: 1
+ name: Top \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/fixtures/notes.yml b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/fixtures/notes.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..004a5335a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/fixtures/notes.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ id: 1
+ body: Top Level
+ lft: 1
+ rgt: 10
+ notable_id: 1
+ notable_type: Category
+ id: 2
+ body: Child 1
+ parent_id: 1
+ lft: 2
+ rgt: 3
+ notable_id: 1
+ notable_type: Category
+ id: 3
+ body: Child 2
+ parent_id: 1
+ lft: 4
+ rgt: 7
+ notable_id: 1
+ notable_type: Category
+ id: 4
+ body: Child 3
+ parent_id: 1
+ lft: 8
+ rgt: 9
+ notable_id: 1
+ notable_type: Category
+ id: 5
+ body: Top Level 2
+ lft: 1
+ rgt: 2
+ notable_id: 1
+ notable_type: Departments
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/test_helper.rb b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/test_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..693982236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/awesome_nested_set/test/test_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib')
+plugin_test_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'multi_rails_init'
+# gem 'activerecord', '>= 2.0'
+require 'active_record'
+require 'action_controller'
+require 'action_view'
+require 'active_record/fixtures'
+require plugin_test_dir + '/../init.rb'
+ActiveRecord::Base.logger = + "/debug.log")
+ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = YAML::load( + "/db/database.yml"))
+ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(ENV["DB"] || "sqlite3mem")
+ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false
+load(File.join(plugin_test_dir, "db", "schema.rb"))
+Dir["#{plugin_test_dir}/fixtures/*.rb"].each {|file| require file }
+class Test::Unit::TestCase #:nodoc:
+ self.fixture_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/"
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = true
+ self.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
+ fixtures :categories, :notes, :departments
+end \ No newline at end of file