diff options
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/config/locales/pl.yml b/config/locales/pl.yml
index 0c4f90cd5..818ddcb77 100644
--- a/config/locales/pl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/pl.yml
@@ -1158,19 +1158,18 @@ pl:
setting_search_results_per_page: Limit wyników wyszukiwania na stronie
label_blank_value: blank
permission_copy_issues: Kopiowanie zagadnień
- error_password_expired: Your password has expired or the administrator requires you
- to change it.
- field_time_entries_visibility: Time logs visibility
- setting_password_max_age: Require password change after
- label_parent_task_attributes: Parent tasks attributes
- label_parent_task_attributes_derived: Calculated from subtasks
- label_parent_task_attributes_independent: Independent of subtasks
- label_time_entries_visibility_all: All time entries
- label_time_entries_visibility_own: Time entries created by the user
- label_member_management: Member management
- label_member_management_all_roles: All roles
- label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
- label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
+ error_password_expired: Twoje hasło wygasło lub administrator wymaga jego zmiany.
+ field_time_entries_visibility: Widoczny przepracowany czas
+ setting_password_max_age: Wymagaj zmiany hasła po
+ label_parent_task_attributes: Atrybuty zagadnień nadrzędnych
+ label_parent_task_attributes_derived: Obliczone z podzagadnień
+ label_parent_task_attributes_independent: Niezależne od podzagadnień
+ label_time_entries_visibility_all: Wszystkie wpisy dziennika
+ label_time_entries_visibility_own: Wpisy dziennika utworzone przez użytkownika
+ label_member_management: Zarządzanie uczestnikami
+ label_member_management_all_roles: Wszystkimi rolami
+ label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Tylko tymi rolami
+ label_password_required: Potwierdź hasło aby kontynuować
label_total_spent_time: Przepracowany czas
notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
@@ -1193,6 +1192,6 @@ pl:
label_file_content_preview: File content preview
label_create_missing_values: Create missing values
button_import: Import
- field_total_estimated_hours: Total estimated time
+ field_total_estimated_hours: Całkowity szacowany czas
label_api: API
label_total_plural: Totals