path: root/app/models/project.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/models/project.rb')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/models/project.rb b/app/models/project.rb
index 931f89b55..5ef7915de 100644
--- a/app/models/project.rb
+++ b/app/models/project.rb
@@ -412,6 +412,50 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
def short_description(length = 255)
description.gsub(/^(.{#{length}}[^\n\r]*).*$/m, '\1...').strip if description
+ # The earliest start date of a project, based on it's issues and versions
+ def start_date
+ if module_enabled?(:issue_tracking)
+ [
+ issues.minimum('start_date'),
+ shared_versions.collect(&:effective_date),
+ shared_versions.collect {|v| v.fixed_issues.minimum('start_date')}
+ ].flatten.compact.min
+ end
+ end
+ # The latest due date of an issue or version
+ def due_date
+ if module_enabled?(:issue_tracking)
+ [
+ issues.maximum('due_date'),
+ shared_versions.collect(&:effective_date),
+ shared_versions.collect {|v| v.fixed_issues.maximum('due_date')}
+ ].flatten.compact.max
+ end
+ end
+ def overdue?
+ active? && !due_date.nil? && (due_date <
+ end
+ # Returns the percent completed for this project, based on the
+ # progress on it's versions.
+ def completed_percent(options={:include_subprojects => false})
+ if options.delete(:include_subprojects)
+ total = self_and_descendants.collect(&:completed_percent).sum
+ total / self_and_descendants.count
+ else
+ if versions.count > 0
+ total = versions.collect(&:completed_pourcent).sum
+ total / versions.count
+ else
+ 100
+ end
+ end
+ end
# Return true if this project is allowed to do the specified action.
# action can be: