path: root/app/views/wiki/edit.rhtml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views/wiki/edit.rhtml')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/wiki/edit.rhtml b/app/views/wiki/edit.rhtml
index 1fc79bdc4..48025b368 100644
--- a/app/views/wiki/edit.rhtml
+++ b/app/views/wiki/edit.rhtml
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-<div class="contextual">
-<%= link_to(l(:label_page_index), {:action => 'special', :page => 'Page_index'}, :class => 'icon icon-index') %>
-<h2><%= @page.pretty_title %></h2>
-<% form_for :content, @content, :url => {:action => 'edit', :page => @page.title}, :html => {:id => 'wiki_form'} do |f| %>
-<%= error_messages_for 'content' %>
-<div class="contextual">
-<%= l(:setting_text_formatting) %>:
-<%= link_to l(:label_help), {:controller => 'help', :ctrl => 'wiki', :page => 'syntax' },
- :onclick => "'#{ url_for :controller => 'help', :ctrl => 'wiki', :page => 'syntax' }', '', 'resizable=yes, location=no, width=300, height=500, menubar=no, status=no, scrollbars=yes'); return false;" %>
-<p><%= f.text_area :text, :cols => 100, :rows => 25, :class => 'wiki-edit' %></p>
-<p><label><%= l(:field_comment) %></label><br /><%= f.text_field :comment, :size => 120 %></p>
-<p><%= submit_tag l(:button_save) %>
- <%= link_to_remote l(:label_preview),
- { :url => { :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'preview', :id => @project },
- :method => 'get',
- :update => 'preview',
- :with => "Form.serialize('wiki_form')",
- :loading => "'indicator')",
- :loaded => "Element.hide('indicator')"
- } %>
- <span id="indicator" style="display:none"><%= image_tag "loading.gif", :align => "absmiddle" %></span>
-<% end %>
-<% if Setting.text_formatting == 'textile' %>
-<%= javascript_include_tag 'jstoolbar' %>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-if (document.getElementById) {
- if (document.getElementById('content_text')) {
- var commentTb = new jsToolBar(document.getElementById('content_text'));
- commentTb.draw();
- }
-<% end %>
+<div class="contextual">
+<%= link_to(l(:label_page_index), {:action => 'special', :page => 'Page_index'}, :class => 'icon icon-index') %>
+<h2><%= @page.pretty_title %></h2>
+<% form_for :content, @content, :url => {:action => 'edit', :page => @page.title}, :html => {:id => 'wiki_form'} do |f| %>
+<%= error_messages_for 'content' %>
+<div class="contextual">
+<%= l(:setting_text_formatting) %>:
+<%= link_to l(:label_help), {:controller => 'help', :ctrl => 'wiki', :page => 'syntax' },
+ :onclick => "'#{ url_for :controller => 'help', :ctrl => 'wiki', :page => 'syntax' }', '', 'resizable=yes, location=no, width=300, height=500, menubar=no, status=no, scrollbars=yes'); return false;" %>
+<p><%= f.text_area :text, :cols => 100, :rows => 25, :class => 'wiki-edit' %></p>
+<p><label><%= l(:field_comment) %></label><br /><%= f.text_field :comment, :size => 120 %></p>
+<p><%= submit_tag l(:button_save) %>
+ <%= link_to_remote l(:label_preview),
+ { :url => { :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'preview', :id => @project },
+ :method => 'get',
+ :update => 'preview',
+ :with => "Form.serialize('wiki_form')",
+ :loading => "'indicator')",
+ :loaded => "Element.hide('indicator')"
+ } %>
+ <span id="indicator" style="display:none"><%= image_tag "loading.gif", :align => "absmiddle" %></span>
+<% end %>
+<% if Setting.text_formatting == 'textile' %>
+<%= javascript_include_tag 'jstoolbar' %>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+if (document.getElementById) {
+ if (document.getElementById('content_text')) {
+ var commentTb = new jsToolBar(document.getElementById('content_text'));
+ commentTb.draw();
+ }
+<% end %>
<div id="preview" class="wiki"></div> \ No newline at end of file