path: root/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers')
4 files changed, 834 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb b/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9cdd3644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+module CodeRay
+# = FileType
+# A simple filetype recognizer.
+# Copyright (c) 2006 by murphy (Kornelius Kalnbach) <murphy rubychan de>
+# License:: LGPL / ask the author
+# Version:: 0.1 (2005-09-01)
+# == Documentation
+# # determine the type of the given
+# lang = FileType[ARGV.first]
+# # return :plaintext if the file type is unknown
+# lang = FileType.fetch ARGV.first, :plaintext
+# # try the shebang line, too
+# lang = FileType.fetch ARGV.first, :plaintext, true
+module FileType
+ UnknownFileType = Exception
+ class << self
+ # Try to determine the file type of the file.
+ #
+ # +filename+ is a relative or absolute path to a file.
+ #
+ # The file itself is only accessed when +read_shebang+ is set to true.
+ # That means you can get filetypes from files that don't exist.
+ def [] filename, read_shebang = false
+ name = File.basename filename
+ ext = File.extname(name).sub(/^\./, '') # from last dot, delete the leading dot
+ ext2 = filename.to_s[/\.(.*)/, 1] # from first dot
+ type =
+ TypeFromExt[ext.downcase] ||
+ (TypeFromExt[ext2.downcase] if ext2) ||
+ TypeFromName[name] ||
+ TypeFromName[name.downcase]
+ type ||= shebang(filename) if read_shebang
+ type
+ end
+ def shebang filename
+ begin
+ filename, 'r' do |f|
+ if first_line = f.gets
+ if type = first_line[TypeFromShebang]
+ type.to_sym
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rescue IOError
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ # This works like Hash#fetch.
+ #
+ # If the filetype cannot be found, the +default+ value
+ # is returned.
+ def fetch filename, default = nil, read_shebang = false
+ if default and block_given?
+ warn 'block supersedes default value argument'
+ end
+ unless type = self[filename, read_shebang]
+ return yield if block_given?
+ return default if default
+ raise UnknownFileType, 'Could not determine type of %p.' % filename
+ end
+ type
+ end
+ end
+ TypeFromExt = {
+ 'c' => :c,
+ 'cpp' => :cpp,
+ 'css' => :css,
+ 'diff' => :diff,
+ 'dpr' => :delphi,
+ 'groovy' => :groovy,
+ 'gvy' => :groovy,
+ 'h' => :c,
+ 'htm' => :html,
+ 'html' => :html,
+ 'html.erb' => :rhtml,
+ 'java' => :java,
+ 'js' => :java_script,
+ 'json' => :json,
+ 'mab' => :ruby,
+ 'pas' => :delphi,
+ 'patch' => :diff,
+ 'php' => :php,
+ 'php3' => :php,
+ 'php4' => :php,
+ 'php5' => :php,
+ 'py' => :python,
+ 'py3' => :python,
+ 'pyw' => :python,
+ 'rake' => :ruby,
+ 'raydebug' => :debug,
+ 'rb' => :ruby,
+ 'rbw' => :ruby,
+ 'rhtml' => :rhtml,
+ 'rxml' => :ruby,
+ 'sch' => :scheme,
+ 'sql' => :sql,
+ 'ss' => :scheme,
+ 'xhtml' => :xhtml,
+ 'xml' => :xml,
+ 'yaml' => :yaml,
+ 'yml' => :yaml,
+ }
+ TypeFromShebang = /\b(?:ruby|perl|python|sh)\b/
+ TypeFromName = {
+ 'Rakefile' => :ruby,
+ 'Rantfile' => :ruby,
+ }
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ $VERBOSE = true
+ eval, nil, $0, __LINE__ + 4
+require 'test/unit'
+class FileTypeTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include CodeRay
+ def test_fetch
+ assert_raise FileType::UnknownFileType do
+ FileType.fetch ''
+ end
+ assert_throws :not_found do
+ FileType.fetch '.' do
+ throw :not_found
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal :default, FileType.fetch('c', :default)
+ stderr, fake_stderr = $stderr,
+ $err = ''
+ def fake_stderr.write x
+ $err << x
+ end
+ $stderr = fake_stderr
+ FileType.fetch('c', :default) { }
+ assert_equal "block supersedes default value argument\n", $err
+ $stderr = stderr
+ end
+ def test_ruby
+ assert_equal :ruby, FileType['test.rb']
+ assert_equal :ruby, FileType['']
+ assert_equal :java, FileType['']
+ assert_equal :ruby, FileType['C:\\Program Files\\x\\y\\c\\test.rbw']
+ assert_equal :ruby, FileType['/usr/bin/something/Rakefile']
+ assert_equal :ruby, FileType['~/myapp/gem/Rantfile']
+ assert_equal :ruby, FileType['./lib/tasks\repository.rake']
+ assert_not_equal :ruby, FileType['test_rb']
+ assert_not_equal :ruby, FileType['Makefile']
+ assert_not_equal :ruby, FileType['set.rb/set']
+ assert_not_equal :ruby, FileType['~/projects/blabla/rb']
+ end
+ def test_c
+ assert_equal :c, FileType['test.c']
+ assert_equal :c, FileType['C:\\Program Files\\x\\y\\c\\test.h']
+ assert_not_equal :c, FileType['test_c']
+ assert_not_equal :c, FileType['Makefile']
+ assert_not_equal :c, FileType['set.h/set']
+ assert_not_equal :c, FileType['~/projects/blabla/c']
+ end
+ def test_html
+ assert_equal :html, FileType['test.htm']
+ assert_equal :xhtml, FileType['test.xhtml']
+ assert_equal :xhtml, FileType['test.html.xhtml']
+ assert_equal :rhtml, FileType['_form.rhtml']
+ assert_equal :rhtml, FileType['_form.html.erb']
+ end
+ def test_yaml
+ assert_equal :yaml, FileType['test.yml']
+ assert_equal :yaml, FileType['test.yaml']
+ assert_equal :yaml, FileType['my.html.yaml']
+ assert_not_equal :yaml, FileType['YAML']
+ end
+ def test_pathname
+ require 'pathname'
+ pn = 'test.rb'
+ assert_equal :ruby, FileType[pn]
+ dir = '/etc/var/blubb'
+ assert_equal :ruby, FileType[dir + pn]
+ assert_equal :cpp, FileType[dir + 'test.cpp']
+ end
+ def test_no_shebang
+ dir = './test'
+ if dir
+ Dir.chdir dir do
+ assert_equal :c, FileType['test.c']
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_shebang_empty_file
+ require 'tmpdir'
+ tmpfile = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'bla')
+, 'w') { } # touch
+ assert_equal nil, FileType[tmpfile]
+ end
+ def test_shebang
+ require 'tmpdir'
+ tmpfile = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'bla')
+, 'w') { |f| f.puts '#!/usr/bin/env ruby' }
+ assert_equal :ruby, FileType[tmpfile, true]
+ end
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers/gzip_simple.rb b/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers/gzip_simple.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b979f665b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers/gzip_simple.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# =GZip Simple
+# A simplified interface to the gzip library +zlib+ (from the Ruby Standard Library.)
+# Author: murphy (mail to murphy rubychan de)
+# Version: 0.2 (2005.may.28)
+# ==Documentation
+# See +GZip+ module and the +String+ extensions.
+module GZip
+ require 'zlib'
+ # The default zipping level. 7 zips good and fast.
+ # Unzips the given string +s+.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # require 'gzip_simple'
+ # print GZip.gunzip('adresses.gz'))
+ def GZip.gunzip s
+ Zlib::Inflate.inflate s
+ end
+ # Zips the given string +s+.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # require 'gzip_simple'
+ #'adresses.gz', 'w') do |file
+ # file.write GZip.gzip('Mum: 0123 456 789', 9)
+ # end
+ #
+ # If you provide a +level+, you can control how strong
+ # the string is compressed:
+ # - 0: no compression, only convert to gzip format
+ # - 1: compress fast
+ # - 7: compress more, but still fast (default)
+ # - 8: compress more, slower
+ # - 9: compress best, very slow
+ def GZip.gzip s, level = DEFAULT_GZIP_LEVEL
+ s, Zlib::FINISH
+ end
+# String extensions to use the GZip module.
+# The methods gzip and gunzip provide an even more simple
+# interface to the ZLib:
+# # create a big string
+# x = 'a' * 1000
+# # zip it
+# x_gz = x.gzip
+# # test the result
+# puts 'Zipped %d bytes to %d bytes.' % [x.size, x_gz.size]
+# #-> Zipped 1000 bytes to 19 bytes.
+# # unzipping works
+# p x_gz.gunzip == x #-> true
+class String
+ # Returns the string, unzipped.
+ # See GZip.gunzip
+ def gunzip
+ GZip.gunzip self
+ end
+ # Replaces the string with its unzipped value.
+ # See GZip.gunzip
+ def gunzip!
+ replace gunzip
+ end
+ # Returns the string, zipped.
+ # +level+ is the gzip compression level, see GZip.gzip.
+ def gzip level = GZip::DEFAULT_GZIP_LEVEL
+ GZip.gzip self, level
+ end
+ # Replaces the string with its zipped value.
+ # See GZip.gzip.
+ def gzip!(*args)
+ replace gzip(*args)
+ end
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ eval, nil, $0, __LINE__+4
+# Testing / Benchmark
+x = 'a' * 1000
+x_gz = x.gzip
+puts 'Zipped %d bytes to %d bytes.' % [x.size, x_gz.size] #-> Zipped 1000 bytes to 19 bytes.
+p x_gz.gunzip == x #-> true
+require 'benchmark'
+INFO = 'packed to %0.3f%%' # :nodoc:
+x = { rand(255).chr + 'aaaaaaaaa' + rand(255).chr }.join do |bm|
+ for level in 0..9
+ "zip #{level}" do
+ $x = x.gzip level
+ end
+ puts INFO % [100.0 * $x.size / x.size]
+ end
+ 'zip' do
+ $x = x.gzip
+ end
+ puts INFO % [100.0 * $x.size / x.size]
+ 'unzip' do
+ $x.gunzip
+ end
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb b/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fba8bb4da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+module CodeRay
+# = PluginHost
+# A simple subclass plugin system.
+# Example:
+# class Generators < PluginHost
+# plugin_path 'app/generators'
+# end
+# class Generator
+# extend Plugin
+# PLUGIN_HOST = Generators
+# end
+# class FancyGenerator < Generator
+# register_for :fancy
+# end
+# Generators[:fancy] #-> FancyGenerator
+# # or
+# CodeRay.require_plugin 'Generators/fancy'
+module PluginHost
+ # Raised if Encoders::[] fails because:
+ # * a file could not be found
+ # * the requested Encoder is not registered
+ PluginNotFound = Exception
+ HostNotFound = Exception
+ PLUGIN_HOSTS_BY_ID = {} # dummy hash
+ # Loads all plugins using list and load.
+ def load_all
+ for plugin in list
+ load plugin
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the Plugin for +id+.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # yaml_plugin = MyPluginHost[:yaml]
+ def [] id, *args, &blk
+ plugin = validate_id(id)
+ begin
+ plugin = plugin_hash.[] plugin, *args, &blk
+ end while plugin.is_a? Symbol
+ plugin
+ end
+ # Alias for +[]+.
+ alias load []
+ def require_helper plugin_id, helper_name
+ path = path_to File.join(plugin_id, helper_name)
+ require path
+ end
+ class << self
+ # Adds the module/class to the PLUGIN_HOSTS list.
+ def extended mod
+ end
+ # Warns you that you should not #include this module.
+ def included mod
+ warn "#{name} should not be included. Use extend."
+ end
+ # Find the PluginHost for host_id.
+ def host_by_id host_id
+ unless PLUGIN_HOSTS_BY_ID.default_proc
+ ph = do |h, a_host_id|
+ for host in PLUGIN_HOSTS
+ h[host.host_id] = host
+ end
+ h.fetch a_host_id, nil
+ end
+ PLUGIN_HOSTS_BY_ID.replace ph
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # The path where the plugins can be found.
+ def plugin_path *args
+ unless args.empty?
+ @plugin_path = File.expand_path File.join(*args)
+ load_map
+ end
+ @plugin_path
+ end
+ # The host's ID.
+ #
+ # If PLUGIN_HOST_ID is not set, it is simply the class name.
+ def host_id
+ if self.const_defined? :PLUGIN_HOST_ID
+ else
+ name
+ end
+ end
+ # Map a plugin_id to another.
+ #
+ # Usage: Put this in a file plugin_path/_map.rb.
+ #
+ # class MyColorHost < PluginHost
+ # map :navy => :dark_blue,
+ # :maroon => :brown,
+ # :luna => :moon
+ # end
+ def map hash
+ for from, to in hash
+ from = validate_id from
+ to = validate_id to
+ plugin_hash[from] = to unless plugin_hash.has_key? from
+ end
+ end
+ # Define the default plugin to use when no plugin is found
+ # for a given id.
+ #
+ # See also map.
+ #
+ # class MyColorHost < PluginHost
+ # map :navy => :dark_blue
+ # default :gray
+ # end
+ def default id = nil
+ if id
+ id = validate_id id
+ plugin_hash[nil] = id
+ else
+ plugin_hash[nil]
+ end
+ end
+ # Every plugin must register itself for one or more
+ # +ids+ by calling register_for, which calls this method.
+ #
+ # See Plugin#register_for.
+ def register plugin, *ids
+ for id in ids
+ unless id.is_a? Symbol
+ raise ArgumentError,
+ "id must be a Symbol, but it was a #{id.class}"
+ end
+ plugin_hash[validate_id(id)] = plugin
+ end
+ end
+ # A Hash of plugion_id => Plugin pairs.
+ def plugin_hash
+ @plugin_hash ||= create_plugin_hash
+ end
+ # Returns an array of all .rb files in the plugin path.
+ #
+ # The extension .rb is not included.
+ def list
+ Dir[path_to('*')].select do |file|
+ File.basename(file)[/^(?!_)\w+\.rb$/]
+ do |file|
+ File.basename file, '.rb'
+ end
+ end
+ # Makes a map of all loaded plugins.
+ def inspect
+ map = plugin_hash.dup
+ map.each do |id, plugin|
+ map[id] = plugin.to_s[/(?>\w+)$/]
+ end
+ "#{name}[#{host_id}]#{map.inspect}"
+ end
+ # Created a new plugin list and stores it to @plugin_hash.
+ def create_plugin_hash
+ @plugin_hash =
+ do |h, plugin_id|
+ id = validate_id(plugin_id)
+ path = path_to id
+ begin
+ require path
+ rescue LoadError => boom
+ if h.has_key? nil # default plugin
+ h[id] = h[nil]
+ else
+ raise PluginNotFound, 'Could not load plugin %p: %s' % [id, boom]
+ end
+ else
+ # Plugin should have registered by now
+ unless h.has_key? id
+ raise PluginNotFound,
+ "No #{} plugin for #{id.inspect} found in #{path}."
+ end
+ end
+ h[id]
+ end
+ end
+ # Loads the map file (see map).
+ #
+ # This is done automatically when plugin_path is called.
+ def load_map
+ mapfile = path_to '_map'
+ if File.exist? mapfile
+ require mapfile
+ elsif $DEBUG
+ warn 'no _map.rb found for %s' % name
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the Plugin for +id+.
+ # Use it like Hash#fetch.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # yaml_plugin = MyPluginHost[:yaml, :default]
+ def fetch id, *args, &blk
+ plugin_hash.fetch validate_id(id), *args, &blk
+ end
+ # Returns the expected path to the plugin file for the given id.
+ def path_to plugin_id
+ File.join plugin_path, "#{plugin_id}.rb"
+ end
+ # Converts +id+ to a Symbol if it is a String,
+ # or returns +id+ if it already is a Symbol.
+ #
+ # Raises +ArgumentError+ for all other objects, or if the
+ # given String includes non-alphanumeric characters (\W).
+ def validate_id id
+ if id.is_a? Symbol or id.nil?
+ id
+ elsif id.is_a? String
+ if id[/\w+/] == id
+ id.downcase.to_sym
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid id: '#{id}' given."
+ end
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError,
+ "String or Symbol expected, but #{id.class} given."
+ end
+ end
+# = Plugin
+# Plugins have to include this module.
+# IMPORTANT: use extend for this module.
+# Example: see PluginHost.
+module Plugin
+ def included mod
+ warn "#{name} should not be included. Use extend."
+ end
+ # Register this class for the given langs.
+ # Example:
+ # class MyPlugin < PluginHost::BaseClass
+ # register_for :my_id
+ # ...
+ # end
+ #
+ # See PluginHost.register.
+ def register_for *ids
+ plugin_host.register self, *ids
+ end
+ def title title = nil
+ if title
+ @title = title.to_s
+ else
+ @title ||= name[/([^:]+)$/, 1]
+ end
+ end
+ # The host for this Plugin class.
+ def plugin_host host = nil
+ if host and not host.is_a? PluginHost
+ raise ArgumentError,
+ "PluginHost expected, but #{host.class} given."
+ end
+ self.const_set :PLUGIN_HOST, host if host
+ end
+ # Require some helper files.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # class MyPlugin < PluginHost::BaseClass
+ # register_for :my_id
+ # helper :my_helper
+ #
+ # The above example loads the file myplugin/my_helper.rb relative to the
+ # file in which MyPlugin was defined.
+ #
+ # You can also load a helper from a different plugin:
+ #
+ # helper 'other_plugin/other_helper'
+ def helper *helpers
+ for helper in helpers
+ if helper.is_a?(String) && helper[/\//]
+ self::PLUGIN_HOST.require_helper $`, $'
+ else
+ self::PLUGIN_HOST.require_helper plugin_id, helper.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the pulgin id used by the engine.
+ def plugin_id
+ name[/\w+$/].downcase
+ end
+# Convenience method for plugin loading.
+# The syntax used is:
+# CodeRay.require_plugin '<Host ID>/<Plugin ID>'
+# Returns the loaded plugin.
+def self.require_plugin path
+ host_id, plugin_id = path.split '/', 2
+ host = PluginHost.host_by_id(host_id)
+ raise PluginHost::HostNotFound,
+ "No host for #{host_id.inspect} found." unless host
+ host.load plugin_id
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers/word_list.rb b/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers/word_list.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8cc7ac27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/helpers/word_list.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+module CodeRay
+# = WordList
+# <b>A Hash subclass designed for mapping word lists to token types.</b>
+# Copyright (c) 2006 by murphy (Kornelius Kalnbach) <murphy rubychan de>
+# License:: LGPL / ask the author
+# Version:: 1.1 (2006-Oct-19)
+# A WordList is a Hash with some additional features.
+# It is intended to be used for keyword recognition.
+# WordList is highly optimized to be used in Scanners,
+# typically to decide whether a given ident is a special token.
+# For case insensitive words use CaseIgnoringWordList.
+# Example:
+# # define word arrays
+# asm break case continue default do else
+# ...
+# ]
+# int long short char void
+# ...
+# ]
+# EOF NULL ...
+# ]
+# # make a WordList
+# add(RESERVED_WORDS, :reserved).
+# add(PREDEFINED_TYPES, :pre_type).
+# add(PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS, :pre_constant)
+# ...
+# def scan_tokens tokens, options
+# ...
+# elsif scan(/[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*/)
+# # use it
+# kind = IDENT_KIND[match]
+# ...
+class WordList < Hash
+ # Creates a new WordList with +default+ as default value.
+ #
+ # You can activate +caching+ to store the results for every [] request.
+ #
+ # With caching, methods like +include?+ or +delete+ may no longer behave
+ # as you expect. Therefore, it is recommended to use the [] method only.
+ def initialize default = false, caching = false, &block
+ if block
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Can\'t combine block with caching.' if caching
+ super(&block)
+ else
+ if caching
+ super() do |h, k|
+ h[k] = h.fetch k, default
+ end
+ else
+ super default
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Add words to the list and associate them with +kind+.
+ #
+ # Returns +self+, so you can concat add calls.
+ def add words, kind = true
+ words.each do |word|
+ self[word] = kind
+ end
+ self
+ end
+# A CaseIgnoringWordList is like a WordList, only that
+# keys are compared case-insensitively.
+# Ignoring the text case is realized by sending the +downcase+ message to
+# all keys.
+# Caching usually makes a CaseIgnoringWordList faster, but it has to be
+# activated explicitely.
+class CaseIgnoringWordList < WordList
+ # Creates a new case-insensitive WordList with +default+ as default value.
+ #
+ # You can activate caching to store the results for every [] request.
+ def initialize default = false, caching = false
+ if caching
+ super(default, false) do |h, k|
+ h[k] = h.fetch k.downcase, default
+ end
+ else
+ super(default, false)
+ def self.[] key # :nodoc:
+ super(key.downcase)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Add +words+ to the list and associate them with +kind+.
+ def add words, kind = true
+ words.each do |word|
+ self[word.downcase] = kind
+ end
+ self
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file