path: root/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb b/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cb9637b53..000000000
--- a/vendor/plugins/coderay-0.9.0/lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-module CodeRay
-module Scanners
- # This scanner is really complex, since Ruby _is_ a complex language!
- #
- # It tries to highlight 100% of all common code,
- # and 90% of strange codes.
- #
- # It is optimized for HTML highlighting, and is not very useful for
- # parsing or pretty printing.
- #
- # For now, I think it's better than the scanners in VIM or Syntax, or
- # any highlighter I was able to find, except Caleb's RubyLexer.
- #
- # I hope it's also better than the rdoc/irb lexer.
- class Ruby < Scanner
- include Streamable
- register_for :ruby
- file_extension 'rb'
- helper :patterns
- if not defined? EncodingError
- EncodingError = Exception
- end
- private
- def scan_tokens tokens, options
- last_token_dot = false
- value_expected = true
- heredocs = nil
- last_state = nil
- state = :initial
- depth = nil
- inline_block_stack = []
- unicode = string.respond_to?(:encoding) && == 'UTF-8'
- patterns = Patterns # avoid constant lookup
- until eos?
- match = nil
- kind = nil
- if state.instance_of? patterns::StringState
-# {{{
- match = scan_until(state.pattern) || scan_until(/\z/)
- tokens << [match, :content] unless match.empty?
- break if eos?
- if state.heredoc and self[1] # end of heredoc
- match = getch.to_s
- match << scan_until(/$/) unless eos?
- tokens << [match, :delimiter]
- tokens << [:close, state.type]
- state = state.next_state
- next
- end
- case match = getch
- when state.delim
- if state.paren
- state.paren_depth -= 1
- if state.paren_depth > 0
- tokens << [match, :nesting_delimiter]
- next
- end
- end
- tokens << [match, :delimiter]
- if state.type == :regexp and not eos?
- modifiers = scan(/#{patterns::REGEXP_MODIFIERS}/ox)
- tokens << [modifiers, :modifier] unless modifiers.empty?
- end
- tokens << [:close, state.type]
- value_expected = false
- state = state.next_state
- when '\\'
- if state.interpreted
- if esc = scan(/ #{patterns::ESCAPE} /ox)
- tokens << [match + esc, :char]
- else
- tokens << [match, :error]
- end
- else
- case m = getch
- when state.delim, '\\'
- tokens << [match + m, :char]
- when nil
- tokens << [match, :error]
- else
- tokens << [match + m, :content]
- end
- end
- when '#'
- case peek(1)
- when '{'
- inline_block_stack << [state, depth, heredocs]
- value_expected = true
- state = :initial
- depth = 1
- tokens << [:open, :inline]
- tokens << [match + getch, :inline_delimiter]
- when '$', '@'
- tokens << [match, :escape]
- last_state = state # scan one token as normal code, then return here
- state = :initial
- else
- raise_inspect 'else-case # reached; #%p not handled' % peek(1), tokens
- end
- when state.paren
- state.paren_depth += 1
- tokens << [match, :nesting_delimiter]
- when /#{patterns::REGEXP_SYMBOLS}/ox
- tokens << [match, :function]
- else
- raise_inspect 'else-case " reached; %p not handled, state = %p' % [match, state], tokens
- end
- next
-# }}}
- else
-# {{{
- if match = scan(/[ \t\f]+/)
- kind = :space
- match << scan(/\s*/) unless eos? || heredocs
- value_expected = true if match.index(?\n)
- tokens << [match, kind]
- next
- elsif match = scan(/\\?\n/)
- kind = :space
- if match == "\n"
- value_expected = true
- state = :initial if state == :undef_comma_expected
- end
- if heredocs
- unscan # heredoc scanning needs \n at start
- state = heredocs.shift
- tokens << [:open, state.type]
- heredocs = nil if heredocs.empty?
- next
- else
- match << scan(/\s*/) unless eos?
- end
- tokens << [match, kind]
- next
- elsif bol? && match = scan(/\#!.*/)
- tokens << [match, :doctype]
- next
- elsif match = scan(/\#.*/) or
- ( bol? and match = scan(/#{patterns::RUBYDOC_OR_DATA}/o) )
- kind = :comment
- tokens << [match, kind]
- next
- elsif state == :initial
- # IDENTS #
- if match = scan(unicode ? /#{patterns::METHOD_NAME}/uo :
- /#{patterns::METHOD_NAME}/o)
- if last_token_dot
- kind = if match[/^[A-Z]/] and not match?(/\(/) then :constant else :ident end
- else
- kind = patterns::IDENT_KIND[match]
- if kind == :ident and match[/^[A-Z]/] and not match[/[!?]$/] and not match?(/\(/)
- kind = :constant
- elsif kind == :reserved
- state = patterns::DEF_NEW_STATE[match]
- value_expected = :set if patterns::VALUE_EXPECTING_KEYWORDS[match]
- end
- end
- value_expected = :set if check(/#{patterns::VALUE_FOLLOWS}/o)
- elsif last_token_dot and match = scan(/#{patterns::METHOD_NAME_OPERATOR}|\(/o)
- kind = :ident
- value_expected = :set if check(/#{patterns::VALUE_FOLLOWS}/o)
- elsif not last_token_dot and match = scan(/ \.\.\.? | (?:\.|::)() | [,\(\)\[\]\{\}] | ==?=? /x)
- if match !~ / [.\)\]\}] /x or match =~ /\.\.\.?/
- value_expected = :set
- end
- last_token_dot = :set if self[1]
- kind = :operator
- unless inline_block_stack.empty?
- case match
- when '{'
- depth += 1
- when '}'
- depth -= 1
- if depth == 0 # closing brace of inline block reached
- state, depth, heredocs = inline_block_stack.pop
- heredocs = nil if heredocs && heredocs.empty?
- tokens << [match, :inline_delimiter]
- kind = :inline
- match = :close
- end
- end
- end
- elsif match = scan(/ ['"] /mx)
- tokens << [:open, :string]
- kind = :delimiter
- state = :string, match == '"', match # important for streaming
- elsif match = scan(/#{patterns::INSTANCE_VARIABLE}/o)
- kind = :instance_variable
- elsif value_expected and match = scan(/\//)
- tokens << [:open, :regexp]
- kind = :delimiter
- interpreted = true
- state = :regexp, interpreted, match
- # elsif match = scan(/[-+]?#{patterns::NUMERIC}/o)
- elsif match = value_expected ? scan(/[-+]?#{patterns::NUMERIC}/o) : scan(/#{patterns::NUMERIC}/o)
- kind = self[1] ? :float : :integer
- elsif match = scan(/#{patterns::SYMBOL}/o)
- case delim = match[1]
- when ?', ?"
- tokens << [:open, :symbol]
- tokens << [':', :symbol]
- match = delim.chr
- kind = :delimiter
- state = :symbol, delim == ?", match
- else
- kind = :symbol
- end
- elsif match = scan(/ [-+!~^]=? | [*|&]{1,2}=? | >>? /x)
- value_expected = :set
- kind = :operator
- elsif value_expected and match = scan(/#{patterns::HEREDOC_OPEN}/o)
- indented = self[1] == '-'
- quote = self[3]
- delim = self[quote ? 4 : 2]
- kind = patterns::QUOTE_TO_TYPE[quote]
- tokens << [:open, kind]
- tokens << [match, :delimiter]
- match = :close
- heredoc = kind, quote != '\'', delim, (indented ? :indented : :linestart )
- heredocs ||= [] # create heredocs if empty
- heredocs << heredoc
- elsif value_expected and match = scan(/#{patterns::FANCY_START_CORRECT}/o)
- kind, interpreted = *patterns::FancyStringType.fetch(self[1]) do
- raise_inspect 'Unknown fancy string: %%%p' % k, tokens
- end
- tokens << [:open, kind]
- state = kind, interpreted, self[2]
- kind = :delimiter
- elsif value_expected and match = scan(/#{patterns::CHARACTER}/o)
- kind = :integer
- elsif match = scan(/ [\/%]=? | <(?:<|=>?)? | [?:;] /x)
- value_expected = :set
- kind = :operator
- elsif match = scan(/`/)
- if last_token_dot
- kind = :operator
- else
- tokens << [:open, :shell]
- kind = :delimiter
- state = :shell, true, match
- end
- elsif match = scan(/#{patterns::GLOBAL_VARIABLE}/o)
- kind = :global_variable
- elsif match = scan(/#{patterns::CLASS_VARIABLE}/o)
- kind = :class_variable
- else
- kind = :error
- match = (scan(/./mu) rescue nil) || getch
- if !unicode && match.size > 1
- # warn 'Switchig to unicode mode: %p' % ['รค'[/#{patterns::METHOD_NAME}/uo]]
- unicode = true
- unscan
- next
- end
- end
- elsif state == :def_expected
- state = :initial
- if scan(/self\./)
- tokens << ['self', :pre_constant]
- tokens << ['.', :operator]
- end
- if match = scan(unicode ? /(?>#{patterns::METHOD_NAME_EX})(?!\.|::)/uo :
- /(?>#{patterns::METHOD_NAME_EX})(?!\.|::)/o)
- kind = :method
- else
- next
- end
- elsif state == :module_expected
- if match = scan(/<</)
- kind = :operator
- else
- state = :initial
- if match = scan(/ (?:#{patterns::IDENT}::)* #{patterns::IDENT} /ox)
- kind = :class
- else
- next
- end
- end
- elsif state == :undef_expected
- state = :undef_comma_expected
- if match = scan(/#{patterns::METHOD_NAME_EX}/o)
- kind = :method
- elsif match = scan(/#{patterns::SYMBOL}/o)
- case delim = match[1]
- when ?', ?"
- tokens << [:open, :symbol]
- tokens << [':', :symbol]
- match = delim.chr
- kind = :delimiter
- state = :symbol, delim == ?", match
- state.next_state = :undef_comma_expected
- else
- kind = :symbol
- end
- else
- state = :initial
- next
- end
- elsif state == :alias_expected
- begin
- match = scan(unicode ? /(#{patterns::METHOD_NAME_OR_SYMBOL})([ \t]+)(#{patterns::METHOD_NAME_OR_SYMBOL})/uo :
- /(#{patterns::METHOD_NAME_OR_SYMBOL})([ \t]+)(#{patterns::METHOD_NAME_OR_SYMBOL})/o)
- rescue EncodingError
- raise if $DEBUG
- end
- if match
- tokens << [self[1], (self[1][0] == ?: ? :symbol : :method)]
- tokens << [self[2], :space]
- tokens << [self[3], (self[3][0] == ?: ? :symbol : :method)]
- end
- state = :initial
- next
- elsif state == :undef_comma_expected
- if match = scan(/,/)
- kind = :operator
- state = :undef_expected
- else
- state = :initial
- next
- end
- end
-# }}}
- unless kind == :error
- value_expected = value_expected == :set
- last_token_dot = last_token_dot == :set
- end
- if $DEBUG and not kind
- raise_inspect 'Error token %p in line %d' %
- [[match, kind], line], tokens, state
- end
- raise_inspect 'Empty token', tokens unless match
- tokens << [match, kind]
- if last_state
- state = last_state
- last_state = nil
- end
- end
- end
- inline_block_stack << [state] if state.is_a? patterns::StringState
- until inline_block_stack.empty?
- this_block = inline_block_stack.pop
- tokens << [:close, :inline] if this_block.size > 1
- state = this_block.first
- tokens << [:close, state.type]
- end
- tokens
- end
- end
-# vim:fdm=marker