path: root/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/plugin.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/plugin.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/plugin.rb b/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/plugin.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c52bbb0ce..000000000
--- a/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/plugin.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-# An instance of Plugin is created for each plugin loaded by Rails, and
-# stored in the <tt>Engines.plugins</tt> PluginList
-# (see Engines::RailsExtensions::RailsInitializer for more details).
-# Engines.plugins[:plugin_name]
-# Other properties of the Plugin instance can also be set.
-module Engines
- class Plugin < Rails::Plugin
- # Plugins can add paths to this attribute in init.rb if they need
- # controllers loaded from additional locations.
- attr_accessor :controller_paths
- # The directory in this plugin to mirror into the shared directory
- # under +public+.
- #
- # Defaults to "assets" (see default_public_directory).
- attr_accessor :public_directory
- protected
- # The default set of code paths which will be added to the routing system
- def default_controller_paths
- %w(app/controllers components)
- end
- # Attempts to detect the directory to use for public files.
- # If +assets+ exists in the plugin, this will be used. If +assets+ is missing
- # but +public+ is found, +public+ will be used.
- def default_public_directory
- Engines.select_existing_paths(%w(assets public).map { |p| File.join(directory, p) }).first
- end
- public
- def initialize(directory)
- super directory
- @controller_paths = default_controller_paths
- @public_directory = default_public_directory
- end
- # Extends the superclass' load method to additionally mirror public assets
- def load(initializer)
- return if loaded?
- super initializer
- add_plugin_locale_paths
- Assets.mirror_files_for(self)
- end
- # select those paths that actually exist in the plugin's directory
- def select_existing_paths(name)
- Engines.select_existing_paths(self.send(name).map { |p| File.join(directory, p) })
- end
- def add_plugin_locale_paths
- locale_path = File.join(directory, 'locales')
- return unless File.exists?(locale_path)
- locale_files = Dir[File.join(locale_path, '*.{rb,yml}')]
- return if locale_files.blank?
- first_app_element =
-{ |e| e =~ /^#{ RAILS_ROOT }/ }.reject{ |e| e =~ /^#{ RAILS_ROOT }\/vendor\/plugins/ }.first
- app_index = I18n.load_path.index(first_app_element) || - 1
- I18n.load_path.insert(app_index, *locale_files)
- end
- # The path to this plugin's public files
- def public_asset_directory
- "#{File.basename(Engines.public_directory)}/#{name}"
- end
- # The directory containing this plugin's migrations (<tt>plugin/db/migrate</tt>)
- def migration_directory
- File.join(, 'db', 'migrate')
- end
- # Returns the version number of the latest migration for this plugin. Returns
- # nil if this plugin has no migrations.
- def latest_migration
- migrations.last
- end
- # Returns the version numbers of all migrations for this plugin.
- def migrations
- migrations = Dir[migration_directory+"/*.rb"]
- { |p| File.basename(p).match(/0*(\d+)\_/)[1].to_i }.sort
- end
- # Migrate this plugin to the given version. See Engines::Plugin::Migrator for more
- # information.
- def migrate(version = nil)
- Engines::Plugin::Migrator.migrate_plugin(self, version)
- end
- end