/** * This file is part of DotClear. * Copyright (c) 2005 Nicolas Martin & Olivier Meunier and contributors. All rights reserved. * This code is released under the GNU General Public License. * * Modified by JP LANG for textile formatting */ // strong jsToolBar.prototype.elements.strong = { type: 'button', title: 'Strong', shortcut: 'b', fn: { wiki: function() { this.singleTag('*') } } } // em jsToolBar.prototype.elements.em = { type: 'button', title: 'Italic', shortcut: 'i', fn: { wiki: function() { this.singleTag("_") } } } // ins jsToolBar.prototype.elements.ins = { type: 'button', title: 'Underline', shortcut: 'u', fn: { wiki: function() { this.singleTag('+') } } } // del jsToolBar.prototype.elements.del = { type: 'button', title: 'Deleted', fn: { wiki: function() { this.singleTag('-') } } } // code jsToolBar.prototype.elements.code = { type: 'button', title: 'Code', fn: { wiki: function() { this.singleTag('@') } } } // spacer jsToolBar.prototype.elements.space1 = {type: 'space'} // headings jsToolBar.prototype.elements.h1 = { type: 'button', title: 'Heading 1', fn: { wiki: function() { this.encloseLineSelection('h1. ', '',function(str) { str = str.replace(/^h\d+\.\s+/, '') return str; }); } } } jsToolBar.prototype.elements.h2 = { type: 'button', title: 'Heading 2', fn: { wiki: function() { this.encloseLineSelection('h2. ', '',function(str) { str = str.replace(/^h\d+\.\s+/, '') return str; }); } } } jsToolBar.prototype.elements.h3 = { type: 'button', title: 'Heading 3', fn: { wiki: function() { this.encloseLineSelection('h3. ', '',function(str) { str = str.replace(/^h\d+\.\s+/, '') return str; }); } } } // spacer jsToolBar.prototype.elements.space2 = {type: 'space'} // ul jsToolBar.prototype.elements.ul = { type: 'button', title: 'Unordered list', fn: { wiki: function() { this.encloseLineSelection('','',function(str) { str = str.replace(/\r/g,''); return str.replace(/(\n|^)[#-]?\s*/g,"$1* "); }); } } } // ol jsToolBar.prototype.elements.ol = { type: 'button', title: 'Ordered list', fn: { wiki: function() { this.encloseLineSelection('','',function(str) { str = str.replace(/\r/g,''); return str.replace(/(\n|^)[*-]?\s*/g,"$1# "); }); } } } // spacer jsToolBar.prototype.elements.space3 = {type: 'space'} // bq jsToolBar.prototype.elements.bq = { type: 'button', title: 'Quote', fn: { wiki: function() { this.encloseLineSelection('','',function(str) { str = str.replace(/\r/g,''); return str.replace(/(\n|^)( *)([^\n]*)/g,"$1> $2$3"); }); } } } // unbq jsToolBar.prototype.elements.unbq = { type: 'button', title: 'Unquote', fn: { wiki: function() { this.encloseLineSelection('','',function(str) { str = str.replace(/\r/g,''); return str.replace(/(\n|^) *(> ?)?( *)([^\n]*)/g,"$1$3$4"); }); } } } // table jsToolBar.prototype.elements.table = { type: 'button', title: 'Table', fn: { wiki: function() { var This = this; this.tableMenu(function(cols, rowCount){ This.encloseLineSelection( '|_.'+cols.join('|_.')+'|\n' + // header Array(rowCount+1).join(Array(cols.length+1).join('| ')+'|\n') // cells ); }); } } } // pre jsToolBar.prototype.elements.pre = { type: 'button', title: 'Preformatted text', fn: { wiki: function() { this.encloseLineSelection('
\n', '\n
') } } } // Code highlighting jsToolBar.prototype.elements.precode = { type: 'button', title: 'Highlighted code', fn: { wiki: function() { var This = this; this.precodeMenu(function(lang){ This.encloseLineSelection('
\n', '\n
\n'); }); } } } // spacer jsToolBar.prototype.elements.space4 = {type: 'space'} // wiki page jsToolBar.prototype.elements.link = { type: 'button', title: 'Wiki link', fn: { wiki: function() { this.encloseSelection("[[", "]]") } } } // image jsToolBar.prototype.elements.img = { type: 'button', title: 'Image', fn: { wiki: function() { this.encloseSelection("!", "!") } } } // spacer jsToolBar.prototype.elements.space5 = {type: 'space'} // help jsToolBar.prototype.elements.help = { type: 'button', title: 'Help', fn: { wiki: function() { window.open(this.help_link, '', 'resizable=yes, location=no, width=300, height=640, menubar=no, status=no, scrollbars=yes') } } }