# frozen_string_literal: true # Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require 'forwardable' require 'cgi' module ApplicationHelper include Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros::Definitions include Redmine::I18n include Redmine::Pagination::Helper include Redmine::SudoMode::Helper include Redmine::Themes::Helper include Redmine::Hook::Helper include Redmine::Helpers::URL extend Forwardable def_delegators :wiki_helper, :wikitoolbar_for, :heads_for_wiki_formatter # Return true if user is authorized for controller/action, otherwise false def authorize_for(controller, action) User.current.allowed_to?({:controller => controller, :action => action}, @project) end # Display a link if user is authorized # # @param [String] name Anchor text (passed to link_to) # @param [Hash] options Hash params. This will checked by authorize_for to see if the user is authorized # @param [optional, Hash] html_options Options passed to link_to # @param [optional, Hash] parameters_for_method_reference Extra parameters for link_to def link_to_if_authorized(name, options = {}, html_options = nil, *parameters_for_method_reference) if authorize_for(options[:controller] || params[:controller], options[:action]) link_to(name, options, html_options, *parameters_for_method_reference) end end # Displays a link to user's account page if active def link_to_user(user, options={}) user.is_a?(User) ? link_to_principal(user, options) : h(user.to_s) end # Displays a link to user's account page or group page def link_to_principal(principal, options={}) only_path = options[:only_path].nil? ? true : options[:only_path] case principal when User name = h(principal.name(options[:format])) name = "@" + name if options[:mention] css_classes = '' if principal.active? || (User.current.admin? && principal.logged?) url = user_url(principal, :only_path => only_path) css_classes += principal.css_classes end when Group name = h(principal.to_s) url = group_url(principal, :only_path => only_path) css_classes = principal.css_classes else name = h(principal.to_s) end css_classes += " #{options[:class]}" if css_classes && options[:class].present? url ? link_to(name, url, :class => css_classes) : name end # Displays a link to edit group page if current user is admin # Otherwise display only the group name def link_to_group(group, options={}) if group.is_a?(Group) name = h(group.name) if User.current.admin? only_path = options[:only_path].nil? ? true : options[:only_path] link_to name, edit_group_path(group, :only_path => only_path) else name end end end # Displays a link to +issue+ with its subject. # Examples: # # link_to_issue(issue) # => Defect #6: This is the subject # link_to_issue(issue, :truncate => 6) # => Defect #6: This i... # link_to_issue(issue, :subject => false) # => Defect #6 # link_to_issue(issue, :project => true) # => Foo - Defect #6 # link_to_issue(issue, :subject => false, :tracker => false) # => #6 # def link_to_issue(issue, options={}) title = nil subject = nil text = options[:tracker] == false ? "##{issue.id}" : "#{issue.tracker} ##{issue.id}" if options[:subject] == false title = issue.subject.truncate(60) else subject = issue.subject if truncate_length = options[:truncate] subject = subject.truncate(truncate_length) end end only_path = options[:only_path].nil? ? true : options[:only_path] s = link_to(text, issue_url(issue, :only_path => only_path), :class => issue.css_classes, :title => title) s << h(": #{subject}") if subject s = h("#{issue.project} - ") + s if options[:project] s end # Generates a link to an attachment. # Options: # * :text - Link text (default to attachment filename) # * :download - Force download (default: false) def link_to_attachment(attachment, options={}) text = options.delete(:text) || attachment.filename if options.delete(:download) route_method = :download_named_attachment_url options[:filename] = attachment.filename else route_method = :attachment_url # make sure we don't have an extraneous :filename in the options options.delete(:filename) end html_options = options.slice!(:only_path, :filename) options[:only_path] = true unless options.key?(:only_path) url = send(route_method, attachment, options) link_to text, url, html_options end # Generates a link to a SCM revision # Options: # * :text - Link text (default to the formatted revision) def link_to_revision(revision, repository, options={}) if repository.is_a?(Project) repository = repository.repository end text = options.delete(:text) || format_revision(revision) rev = revision.respond_to?(:identifier) ? revision.identifier : revision link_to( h(text), {:controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => repository.project, :repository_id => repository.identifier_param, :rev => rev}, :title => l(:label_revision_id, format_revision(revision)), :accesskey => options[:accesskey] ) end # Generates a link to a message def link_to_message(message, options={}, html_options = nil) link_to( message.subject.truncate(60), board_message_url(message.board_id, message.parent_id || message.id, { :r => (message.parent_id && message.id), :anchor => (message.parent_id ? "message-#{message.id}" : nil), :only_path => true }.merge(options)), html_options ) end # Generates a link to a project if active # Examples: # # link_to_project(project) # => link to the specified project overview # link_to_project(project, {:only_path => false}, :class => "project") # => 3rd arg adds html options # link_to_project(project, {}, :class => "project") # => html options with default url (project overview) # def link_to_project(project, options={}, html_options = nil) if project.archived? h(project.name) else link_to project.name, project_url(project, {:only_path => true}.merge(options)), html_options end end # Generates a link to a project settings if active def link_to_project_settings(project, options={}, html_options=nil) if project.active? link_to project.name, settings_project_path(project, options), html_options elsif project.archived? h(project.name) else link_to project.name, project_path(project, options), html_options end end # Generates a link to a version def link_to_version(version, options = {}) return '' unless version && version.is_a?(Version) options = {:title => format_date(version.effective_date)}.merge(options) link_to_if version.visible?, format_version_name(version), version_path(version), options end RECORD_LINK = { 'CustomValue' => lambda {|custom_value| link_to_record(custom_value.customized)}, 'Document' => lambda {|document| link_to(document.title, document_path(document))}, 'Group' => lambda {|group| link_to(group.name, group_path(group))}, 'Issue' => lambda {|issue| link_to_issue(issue, :subject => false)}, 'Message' => lambda {|message| link_to_message(message)}, 'News' => lambda {|news| link_to(news.title, news_path(news))}, 'Project' => lambda {|project| link_to_project(project)}, 'User' => lambda {|user| link_to_user(user)}, 'Version' => lambda {|version| link_to_version(version)}, 'WikiPage' => lambda do |wiki_page| link_to( wiki_page.pretty_title, project_wiki_page_path(wiki_page.project, wiki_page.title) ) end } def link_to_record(record) if link = RECORD_LINK[record.class.name] self.instance_exec(record, &link) end end ATTACHMENT_CONTAINER_LINK = { # Custom list, since project/version attachments are listed in the files # view and not in the project/milestone view 'Project' => lambda {|project| link_to(l(:project_module_files), project_files_path(project))}, 'Version' => lambda {|version| link_to(l(:project_module_files), project_files_path(version.project))}, } def link_to_attachment_container(attachment_container) if link = ATTACHMENT_CONTAINER_LINK[attachment_container.class.name] || RECORD_LINK[attachment_container.class.name] self.instance_exec(attachment_container, &link) end end # Helper that formats object for html or text rendering def format_object(object, html=true, &block) if block_given? object = yield object end case object.class.name when 'Array' formatted_objects = object.map {|o| format_object(o, html)} html ? safe_join(formatted_objects, ', ') : formatted_objects.join(', ') when 'Time' format_time(object) when 'Date' format_date(object) when 'Fixnum' object.to_s when 'Float' sprintf "%.2f", object when 'User', 'Group' html ? link_to_principal(object) : object.to_s when 'Project' html ? link_to_project(object) : object.to_s when 'Version' html ? link_to_version(object) : object.to_s when 'TrueClass' l(:general_text_Yes) when 'FalseClass' l(:general_text_No) when 'Issue' object.visible? && html ? link_to_issue(object) : "##{object.id}" when 'Attachment' if html content_tag( :span, link_to_attachment(object) + link_to_attachment( object, :class => ['icon-only', 'icon-download'], :title => l(:button_download), :download => true ) ) else object.filename end when 'CustomValue', 'CustomFieldValue' if object.custom_field f = object.custom_field.format.formatted_custom_value(self, object, html) if f.nil? || f.is_a?(String) f else format_object(f, html, &block) end else object.value.to_s end else html ? h(object) : object.to_s end end def wiki_page_path(page, options={}) url_for({:controller => 'wiki', :action => 'show', :project_id => page.project, :id => page.title}.merge(options)) end def thumbnail_tag(attachment) thumbnail_size = Setting.thumbnails_size.to_i link_to( image_tag( thumbnail_path(attachment), :srcset => "#{thumbnail_path(attachment, :size => thumbnail_size * 2)} 2x", :style => "max-width: #{thumbnail_size}px; max-height: #{thumbnail_size}px;", :loading => "lazy" ), attachment_path( attachment ), :title => attachment.filename ) end def toggle_link(name, id, options={}) onclick = +"$('##{id}').toggle(); " onclick << (options[:focus] ? "$('##{options[:focus]}').focus(); " : "this.blur(); ") onclick << "$(window).scrollTop($('##{options[:focus]}').position().top); " if options[:scroll] onclick << "return false;" link_to(name, "#", :onclick => onclick) end def link_to_previous_month(year, month, options={}) target_year, target_month = if month == 1 [year - 1, 12] else [year, month - 1] end name = if target_month == 12 "#{month_name(target_month)} #{target_year}" else month_name(target_month) end link_to_month(("« " + name), target_year, target_month, options) end def link_to_next_month(year, month, options={}) target_year, target_month = if month == 12 [year + 1, 1] else [year, month + 1] end name = if target_month == 1 "#{month_name(target_month)} #{target_year}" else month_name(target_month) end link_to_month((name + " »"), target_year, target_month, options) end def link_to_month(link_name, year, month, options={}) link_to(link_name, {:params => request.query_parameters.merge(:year => year, :month => month)}, options) end # Used to format item titles on the activity view def format_activity_title(text) text end def format_activity_day(date) date == User.current.today ? l(:label_today).titleize : format_date(date) end def format_activity_description(text) h(text.to_s.truncate(120).gsub(%r{[\r\n]*<(pre|code)>.*$}m, '...')). gsub(/[\r\n]+/, "
").html_safe end def format_version_name(version) if version.project == @project h(version) else h("#{version.project} - #{version}") end end def format_changeset_comments(changeset, options={}) method = options[:short] ? :short_comments : :comments textilizable changeset, method, :formatting => Setting.commit_logs_formatting? end def due_date_distance_in_words(date) if date l((if date < User.current.today :label_roadmap_overdue else :label_roadmap_due_in end), distance_of_date_in_words(User.current.today, date)) end end # Renders a tree of projects as a nested set of unordered lists # The given collection may be a subset of the whole project tree # (eg. some intermediate nodes are private and can not be seen) def render_project_nested_lists(projects, &block) s = +'' if projects.any? ancestors = [] original_project = @project projects.sort_by(&:lft).each do |project| # set the project environment to please macros. @project = project if ancestors.empty? || project.is_descendant_of?(ancestors.last) s << "\n" end end classes = (ancestors.empty? ? 'root' : 'child') classes += ' archived' if project.archived? s << "
  • " s << h(block_given? ? capture(project, &block) : project.name) s << "
    \n" ancestors << project end s << ("
  • \n" * ancestors.size) @project = original_project end s.html_safe end def render_page_hierarchy(pages, node=nil, options={}) content = +'' if pages[node] content << "\n" end content.html_safe end # Renders flash messages def render_flash_messages s = +'' flash.each do |k, v| s << content_tag('div', v.html_safe, :class => "flash #{k}", :id => "flash_#{k}") end s.html_safe end # Renders tabs and their content def render_tabs(tabs, selected=params[:tab]) if tabs.any? unless tabs.detect {|tab| tab[:name] == selected} selected = nil end selected ||= tabs.first[:name] render :partial => 'common/tabs', :locals => {:tabs => tabs, :selected_tab => selected} else content_tag 'p', l(:label_no_data), :class => "nodata" end end # Returns the tab action depending on the tab properties def get_tab_action(tab) if tab[:onclick] return tab[:onclick] elsif tab[:partial] return "showTab('#{tab[:name]}', this.href)" else return nil end end # Returns the default scope for the quick search form # Could be 'all', 'my_projects', 'subprojects' or nil (current project) def default_search_project_scope if @project && !@project.leaf? 'subprojects' end end # Returns an array of projects that are displayed in the quick-jump box def projects_for_jump_box(user=User.current) if user.logged? user.projects.active.select(:id, :name, :identifier, :lft, :rgt).to_a else [] end end def render_projects_for_jump_box(projects, selected: nil, query: nil) if query.blank? jump_box = Redmine::ProjectJumpBox.new User.current bookmarked = jump_box.bookmarked_projects recents = jump_box.recently_used_projects projects_label = :label_project_all else projects_label = :label_result_plural end jump = params[:jump].presence || current_menu_item s = (+'').html_safe build_project_link = lambda do |project, level = 0| padding = level * 16 text = content_tag('span', project.name, :style => "padding-left:#{padding}px;") s << link_to(text, project_path(project, :jump => jump), :title => project.name, :class => (project == selected ? 'selected' : nil)) end [ [bookmarked, :label_optgroup_bookmarks, true], [recents, :label_optgroup_recents, false], [projects, projects_label, true] ].each do |projects, label, is_tree| next if projects.blank? s << content_tag(:strong, l(label)) if is_tree project_tree(projects, &build_project_link) else # we do not want to render recently used projects as a tree, but in the # order they were used (most recent first) projects.each(&build_project_link) end end s end # Renders the project quick-jump box def render_project_jump_box projects = projects_for_jump_box(User.current) if @project && @project.persisted? text = @project.name_was end text ||= l(:label_jump_to_a_project) url = autocomplete_projects_path(:format => 'js', :jump => current_menu_item) trigger = content_tag('span', text, :class => 'drdn-trigger') q = text_field_tag('q', '', :id => 'projects-quick-search', :class => 'autocomplete', :data => {:automcomplete_url => url}, :autocomplete => 'off') all = link_to(l(:label_project_all), projects_path(:jump => current_menu_item), :class => (@project.nil? && controller.class.main_menu ? 'selected' : nil)) content = content_tag('div', content_tag('div', q, :class => 'quick-search') + content_tag('div', render_projects_for_jump_box(projects, selected: @project), :class => 'drdn-items projects selection') + content_tag('div', all, :class => 'drdn-items all-projects selection'), :class => 'drdn-content') content_tag('div', trigger + content, :id => "project-jump", :class => "drdn") end def project_tree_options_for_select(projects, options = {}) s = ''.html_safe if blank_text = options[:include_blank] if blank_text == true blank_text = ' '.html_safe end s << content_tag('option', blank_text, :value => '') end project_tree(projects) do |project, level| name_prefix = (level > 0 ? ' ' * 2 * level + '» ' : '').html_safe tag_options = {:value => project.id} if project == options[:selected] || (options[:selected].respond_to?(:include?) && options[:selected].include?(project)) tag_options[:selected] = 'selected' else tag_options[:selected] = nil end tag_options.merge!(yield(project)) if block_given? s << content_tag('option', name_prefix + h(project), tag_options) end s.html_safe end # Yields the given block for each project with its level in the tree # # Wrapper for Project#project_tree def project_tree(projects, options={}, &block) Project.project_tree(projects, options, &block) end def principals_check_box_tags(name, principals) s = +'' principals.each do |principal| s << content_tag( 'label', check_box_tag(name, principal.id, false, :id => nil) + (avatar(principal, :size => 16).presence || content_tag( 'span', nil, :class => "name icon icon-#{principal.class.name.downcase}" ) ) + principal ) end s.html_safe end # Returns a string for users/groups option tags def principals_options_for_select(collection, selected=nil) s = +'' if collection.include?(User.current) s << content_tag('option', "<< #{l(:label_me)} >>", :value => User.current.id) end groups = +'' collection.sort.each do |element| if option_value_selected?(element, selected) || element.id.to_s == selected selected_attribute = ' selected="selected"' end (element.is_a?(Group) ? groups : s) << %() end unless groups.empty? s << %(#{groups}) end s.html_safe end def option_tag(name, text, value, selected=nil, options={}) content_tag 'option', value, options.merge(:value => value, :selected => (value == selected)) end def truncate_single_line_raw(string, length) string.to_s.truncate(length).gsub(%r{[\r\n]+}m, ' ') end # Truncates at line break after 250 characters or options[:length] def truncate_lines(string, options={}) length = options[:length] || 250 if string.to_s =~ /\A(.{#{length}}.*?)$/m "#{$1}..." else string end end def anchor(text) text.to_s.tr(' ', '_') end def html_hours(text) text.gsub( %r{(\d+)([\.:])(\d+)}, '\1\2\3' ).html_safe end def authoring(created, author, options={}) l(options[:label] || :label_added_time_by, :author => link_to_user(author), :age => time_tag(created)).html_safe end def time_tag(time) text = distance_of_time_in_words(Time.now, time) if @project link_to(text, project_activity_path(@project, :from => User.current.time_to_date(time)), :title => format_time(time)) else content_tag('abbr', text, :title => format_time(time)) end end def syntax_highlight_lines(name, content) syntax_highlight(name, content).each_line.to_a end def syntax_highlight(name, content) Redmine::SyntaxHighlighting.highlight_by_filename(content, name) end def to_path_param(path) str = path.to_s.split(%r{[/\\]}).select{|p| !p.blank?}.join("/") str.blank? ? nil : str end def reorder_handle(object, options={}) data = { :reorder_url => options[:url] || url_for(object), :reorder_param => options[:param] || object.class.name.underscore } content_tag('span', '', :class => "icon-only icon-sort-handle sort-handle", :data => data, :title => l(:button_sort)) end def breadcrumb(*args) elements = args.flatten elements.any? ? content_tag('p', (args.join(" \xc2\xbb ") + " \xc2\xbb ").html_safe, :class => 'breadcrumb') : nil end def other_formats_links(&block) concat('

    '.html_safe + l(:label_export_to)) yield Redmine::Views::OtherFormatsBuilder.new(self) concat('

    '.html_safe) end def page_header_title if @project.nil? || @project.new_record? h(Setting.app_title) else b = [] ancestors = (@project.root? ? [] : @project.ancestors.visible.to_a) if ancestors.any? root = ancestors.shift b << link_to_project(root, {:jump => current_menu_item}, :class => 'root') if ancestors.size > 2 b << "\xe2\x80\xa6" ancestors = ancestors[-2, 2] end b += ancestors.collect do |p| link_to_project(p, {:jump => current_menu_item}, :class => 'ancestor') end end b << content_tag(:span, h(@project), class: 'current-project') if b.size > 1 separator = content_tag(:span, ' » '.html_safe, class: 'separator') path = safe_join(b[0..-2], separator) + separator b = [content_tag(:span, path.html_safe, class: 'breadcrumbs'), b[-1]] end safe_join b end end # Returns a h2 tag and sets the html title with the given arguments def title(*args) strings = args.map do |arg| if arg.is_a?(Array) && arg.size >= 2 link_to(*arg) else h(arg.to_s) end end html_title args.reverse.map {|s| (s.is_a?(Array) ? s.first : s).to_s} content_tag('h2', strings.join(' » ').html_safe) end # Sets the html title # Returns the html title when called without arguments # Current project name and app_title are automatically appended # Exemples: # html_title 'Foo', 'Bar' # html_title # => 'Foo - Bar - My Project - Redmine' def html_title(*args) if args.empty? title = @html_title || [] title << @project.name if @project title << Setting.app_title unless Setting.app_title == title.last title.reject(&:blank?).join(' - ') else @html_title ||= [] @html_title += args end end def actions_dropdown(&block) content = capture(&block) if content.present? trigger = content_tag('span', l(:button_actions), :class => 'icon-only icon-actions', :title => l(:button_actions)) trigger = content_tag('span', trigger, :class => 'drdn-trigger') content = content_tag('div', content, :class => 'drdn-items') content = content_tag('div', content, :class => 'drdn-content') content_tag('span', trigger + content, :class => 'drdn') end end # Returns the theme, controller name, and action as css classes for the # HTML body. def body_css_classes css = [] if theme = Redmine::Themes.theme(Setting.ui_theme) css << 'theme-' + theme.name end css << 'project-' + @project.identifier if @project && @project.identifier.present? css << 'has-main-menu' if display_main_menu?(@project) css << 'controller-' + controller_name css << 'action-' + action_name css << 'avatars-' + (Setting.gravatar_enabled? ? 'on' : 'off') if UserPreference::TEXTAREA_FONT_OPTIONS.include?(User.current.pref.textarea_font) css << "textarea-#{User.current.pref.textarea_font}" end css.join(' ') end def accesskey(s) @used_accesskeys ||= [] key = Redmine::AccessKeys.key_for(s) return nil if @used_accesskeys.include?(key) @used_accesskeys << key key end # Formats text according to system settings. # 2 ways to call this method: # * with a String: textilizable(text, options) # * with an object and one of its attribute: textilizable(issue, :description, options) def textilizable(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} case args.size when 1 obj = options[:object] text = args.shift when 2 obj = args.shift attr = args.shift text = obj.send(attr).to_s else raise ArgumentError, 'invalid arguments to textilizable' end return '' if text.blank? project = options[:project] || @project || (obj && obj.respond_to?(:project) ? obj.project : nil) @only_path = only_path = options.delete(:only_path) == false ? false : true text = text.dup macros = catch_macros(text) if options[:formatting] == false text = h(text) else formatting = Setting.text_formatting text = Redmine::WikiFormatting.to_html(formatting, text, :object => obj, :attribute => attr) end @parsed_headings = [] @heading_anchors = {} @current_section = 0 if options[:edit_section_links] parse_sections(text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options) text = parse_non_pre_blocks(text, obj, macros, options) do |text| [:parse_inline_attachments, :parse_hires_images, :parse_wiki_links, :parse_redmine_links].each do |method_name| send method_name, text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options end end parse_headings(text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options) if @parsed_headings.any? replace_toc(text, @parsed_headings) end text.html_safe end def parse_non_pre_blocks(text, obj, macros, options={}) s = StringScanner.new(text) tags = [] parsed = +'' while !s.eos? s.scan(/(.*?)(<(\/)?(pre|code)(.*?)>|\z)/im) text, full_tag, closing, tag = s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4] if tags.empty? yield text inject_macros(text, obj, macros, true, options) if macros.any? else inject_macros(text, obj, macros, false, options) if macros.any? end parsed << text if tag if closing if tags.last && tags.last.casecmp(tag) == 0 tags.pop end else tags << tag.downcase end parsed << full_tag end end # Close any non closing tags while tag = tags.pop parsed << "" end parsed end # add srcset attribute to img tags if filename includes @2x, @3x, etc. # to support hires displays def parse_hires_images(text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options) text.gsub!(/src="([^"]+@(\dx)\.(bmp|gif|jpg|jpe|jpeg|png))"/i) do |m| filename, dpr = $1, $2 m + " srcset=\"#{filename} #{dpr}\"" end end def parse_inline_attachments(text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options) return if options[:inline_attachments] == false # when using an image link, try to use an attachment, if possible attachments = options[:attachments] || [] if obj.is_a?(Journal) attachments += obj.journalized.attachments if obj.journalized.respond_to?(:attachments) else attachments += obj.attachments if obj.respond_to?(:attachments) end if attachments.present? text.gsub!(/src="([^\/"]+\.(bmp|gif|jpg|jpe|jpeg|png))"(\s+alt="([^"]*)")?/i) do |m| filename, ext, alt, alttext = $1, $2, $3, $4 # search for the picture in attachments if found = Attachment.latest_attach(attachments, CGI.unescape(filename)) image_url = download_named_attachment_url(found, found.filename, :only_path => only_path) desc = found.description.to_s.delete('"') if !desc.blank? && alttext.blank? alt = " title=\"#{desc}\" alt=\"#{desc}\"" end "src=\"#{image_url}\"#{alt} loading=\"lazy\"" else m end end end end # Wiki links # # Examples: # [[mypage]] # [[mypage|mytext]] # wiki links can refer other project wikis, using project name or identifier: # [[project:]] -> wiki starting page # [[project:|mytext]] # [[project:mypage]] # [[project:mypage|mytext]] def parse_wiki_links(text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options) text.gsub!(/(!)?(\[\[([^\n\|]+?)(\|([^\n\|]+?))?\]\])/) do |m| link_project = project esc, all, page, title = $1, $2, $3, $5 if esc.nil? page = CGI.unescapeHTML(page) if page =~ /^\#(.+)$/ anchor = sanitize_anchor_name($1) url = "##{anchor}" next link_to(title.present? ? title.html_safe : h(page), url, :class => 'wiki-page') end if page =~ /^([^\:]+)\:(.*)$/ identifier, page = $1, $2 link_project = Project.find_by_identifier(identifier) || Project.find_by_name(identifier) title ||= identifier if page.blank? end if link_project && link_project.wiki && User.current.allowed_to?(:view_wiki_pages, link_project) # extract anchor anchor = nil if page =~ /^(.+?)\#(.+)$/ page, anchor = $1, $2 end anchor = sanitize_anchor_name(anchor) if anchor.present? # check if page exists wiki_page = link_project.wiki.find_page(page) url = if anchor.present? && wiki_page.present? && (obj.is_a?(WikiContent) || obj.is_a?(WikiContentVersion)) && obj.page == wiki_page "##{anchor}" else case options[:wiki_links] when :local "#{page.present? ? Wiki.titleize(page) : ''}.html" + (anchor.present? ? "##{anchor}" : '') when :anchor # used for single-file wiki export "##{page.present? ? Wiki.titleize(page) : title}" + (anchor.present? ? "_#{anchor}" : '') else wiki_page_id = page.present? ? Wiki.titleize(page) : nil parent = if wiki_page.nil? && obj.is_a?(WikiContent) && obj.page && project == link_project obj.page.title else nil end url_for(:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'show', :project_id => link_project, :id => wiki_page_id, :version => nil, :anchor => anchor, :parent => parent) end end link_to(title.present? ? title.html_safe : h(page), url, :class => ('wiki-page' + (wiki_page ? '' : ' new'))) else # project or wiki doesn't exist all end else all end end end # Redmine links # # Examples: # Issues: # #52 -> Link to issue #52 # ##52 -> Link to issue #52, including the issue's subject # Changesets: # r52 -> Link to revision 52 # commit:a85130f -> Link to scmid starting with a85130f # Documents: # document#17 -> Link to document with id 17 # document:Greetings -> Link to the document with title "Greetings" # document:"Some document" -> Link to the document with title "Some document" # Versions: # version#3 -> Link to version with id 3 # version:1.0.0 -> Link to version named "1.0.0" # version:"1.0 beta 2" -> Link to version named "1.0 beta 2" # Attachments: # attachment:file.zip -> Link to the attachment of the current object named file.zip # Source files: # source:some/file -> Link to the file located at /some/file in the project's repository # source:some/file@52 -> Link to the file's revision 52 # source:some/file#L120 -> Link to line 120 of the file # source:some/file@52#L120 -> Link to line 120 of the file's revision 52 # export:some/file -> Force the download of the file # Forums: # forum#1 -> Link to forum with id 1 # forum:Support -> Link to forum named "Support" # forum:"Technical Support" -> Link to forum named "Technical Support" # Forum messages: # message#1218 -> Link to message with id 1218 # Projects: # project:someproject -> Link to project named "someproject" # project#3 -> Link to project with id 3 # News: # news#2 -> Link to news item with id 1 # news:Greetings -> Link to news item named "Greetings" # news:"First Release" -> Link to news item named "First Release" # Users: # user:jsmith -> Link to user with login jsmith # @jsmith -> Link to user with login jsmith # user#2 -> Link to user with id 2 # # Links can refer other objects from other projects, using project identifier: # identifier:r52 # identifier:document:"Some document" # identifier:version:1.0.0 # identifier:source:some/file def parse_redmine_links(text, default_project, obj, attr, only_path, options) text.gsub!(LINKS_RE) do |_| tag_content = $~[:tag_content] leading = $~[:leading] esc = $~[:esc] project_prefix = $~[:project_prefix] project_identifier = $~[:project_identifier] prefix = $~[:prefix] repo_prefix = $~[:repo_prefix] repo_identifier = $~[:repo_identifier] sep = $~[:sep1] || $~[:sep2] || $~[:sep3] || $~[:sep4] identifier = $~[:identifier1] || $~[:identifier2] || $~[:identifier3] comment_suffix = $~[:comment_suffix] comment_id = $~[:comment_id] if tag_content $& else link = nil project = default_project if project_identifier project = Project.visible.find_by_identifier(project_identifier) end if esc.nil? if prefix.nil? && sep == 'r' if project repository = nil if repo_identifier repository = project.repositories.detect {|repo| repo.identifier == repo_identifier} else repository = project.repository end # project.changesets.visible raises an SQL error because of a double join on repositories if repository && (changeset = Changeset.visible. find_by_repository_id_and_revision(repository.id, identifier)) link = link_to(h("#{project_prefix}#{repo_prefix}r#{identifier}"), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => project, :repository_id => repository.identifier_param, :rev => changeset.revision}, :class => 'changeset', :title => truncate_single_line_raw(changeset.comments, 100)) end end elsif sep == '#' || sep == '##' oid = identifier.to_i case prefix when nil if oid.to_s == identifier && issue = Issue.visible.find_by_id(oid) anchor = comment_id ? "note-#{comment_id}" : nil url = issue_url(issue, :only_path => only_path, :anchor => anchor) link = if sep == '##' link_to("#{issue.tracker.name} ##{oid}#{comment_suffix}: #{issue.subject}", url, :class => issue.css_classes, :title => "#{l(:field_status)}: #{issue.status.name}") else link_to("##{oid}#{comment_suffix}", url, :class => issue.css_classes, :title => "#{issue.tracker.name}: #{issue.subject.truncate(100)} (#{issue.status.name})") end elsif identifier == 'note' link = link_to("#note-#{comment_id}", "#note-#{comment_id}") end when 'document' if document = Document.visible.find_by_id(oid) link = link_to(document.title, document_url(document, :only_path => only_path), :class => 'document') end when 'version' if version = Version.visible.find_by_id(oid) link = link_to(version.name, version_url(version, :only_path => only_path), :class => 'version') end when 'message' if message = Message.visible.find_by_id(oid) link = link_to_message(message, {:only_path => only_path}, :class => 'message') end when 'forum' if board = Board.visible.find_by_id(oid) link = link_to(board.name, project_board_url(board.project, board, :only_path => only_path), :class => 'board') end when 'news' if news = News.visible.find_by_id(oid) link = link_to(news.title, news_url(news, :only_path => only_path), :class => 'news') end when 'project' if p = Project.visible.find_by_id(oid) link = link_to_project(p, {:only_path => only_path}, :class => 'project') end when 'user' u = User.visible.find_by(:id => oid, :type => 'User') link = link_to_user(u, :only_path => only_path) if u end elsif sep == ':' name = remove_double_quotes(identifier) case prefix when 'document' if project && document = project.documents.visible.find_by_title(name) link = link_to(document.title, document_url(document, :only_path => only_path), :class => 'document') end when 'version' if project && version = project.versions.visible.find_by_name(name) link = link_to(version.name, version_url(version, :only_path => only_path), :class => 'version') end when 'forum' if project && board = project.boards.visible.find_by_name(name) link = link_to(board.name, project_board_url(board.project, board, :only_path => only_path), :class => 'board') end when 'news' if project && news = project.news.visible.find_by_title(name) link = link_to(news.title, news_url(news, :only_path => only_path), :class => 'news') end when 'commit', 'source', 'export' if project repository = nil if name =~ %r{^(([a-z0-9\-_]+)\|)(.+)$} repo_prefix, repo_identifier, name = $1, $2, $3 repository = project.repositories.detect {|repo| repo.identifier == repo_identifier} else repository = project.repository end if prefix == 'commit' if repository && (changeset = Changeset.visible. where( "repository_id = ? AND scmid LIKE ?", repository.id, "#{name}%" ).first) link = link_to( h("#{project_prefix}#{repo_prefix}#{name}"), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => project, :repository_id => repository.identifier_param, :rev => changeset.identifier}, :class => 'changeset', :title => truncate_single_line_raw(changeset.comments, 100) ) end else if repository && User.current.allowed_to?(:browse_repository, project) name =~ %r{^[/\\]*(.*?)(@([^/\\@]+?))?(#(L\d+))?$} path, rev, anchor = $1, $3, $5 link = link_to( h("#{project_prefix}#{prefix}:#{repo_prefix}#{name}"), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories', :action => (prefix == 'export' ? 'raw' : 'entry'), :id => project, :repository_id => repository.identifier_param, :path => to_path_param(path), :rev => rev, :anchor => anchor}, :class => (prefix == 'export' ? 'source download' : 'source')) end end repo_prefix = nil end when 'attachment' attachments = options[:attachments] || [] attachments += obj.attachments if obj.respond_to?(:attachments) if attachments && attachment = Attachment.latest_attach(attachments, name) link = link_to_attachment(attachment, :only_path => only_path, :class => 'attachment') end when 'project' if p = Project.visible.where("identifier = :s OR LOWER(name) = :s", :s => name.downcase).first link = link_to_project(p, {:only_path => only_path}, :class => 'project') end when 'user' u = User.visible.find_by("LOWER(login) = :s AND type = 'User'", :s => name.downcase) link = link_to_user(u, :only_path => only_path) if u end elsif sep == "@" name = remove_double_quotes(identifier) u = User.visible.find_by("LOWER(login) = :s AND type = 'User'", :s => name.downcase) link = link_to_user(u, :only_path => only_path, :class => 'user-mention', :mention => true) if u end end (leading + (link || "#{project_prefix}#{prefix}#{repo_prefix}#{sep}#{identifier}#{comment_suffix}")) end end end LINKS_RE = %r{ ]+?)?>(?.*?)| (?[\s\(,\-\[\>]|^) (?!)? (?(?[a-z0-9\-_]+):)? (?attachment|document|version|forum|news|message|project|commit|source|export|user)? ( ( (?\#\#?)| ( (?(?[a-z0-9\-_]+)\|)? (?r) ) ) ( (?((\d)+|(note))) (? (\#note)? -(?\d+) )? )| ( (?:) (?[^"\s<>][^\s<>]*?|"[^"]+?") )| ( (?@) (?[A-Za-z0-9_\-@\.]*?) ) ) (?= (?=[[:punct:]][^A-Za-z0-9_/])| ,| \s| \]| <| $) }x HEADING_RE = /(]+)?>(.+?)<\/h(\d)>)/i unless const_defined?(:HEADING_RE) def parse_sections(text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options) return unless options[:edit_section_links] text.gsub!(HEADING_RE) do heading, level = $1, $2 @current_section += 1 if @current_section > 1 content_tag( 'div', link_to( l(:button_edit_section), options[:edit_section_links].merge( :section => @current_section), :class => 'icon-only icon-edit'), :class => "contextual heading-#{level}", :title => l(:button_edit_section), :id => "section-#{@current_section}") + heading.html_safe else heading end end end # Headings and TOC # Adds ids and links to headings unless options[:headings] is set to false def parse_headings(text, project, obj, attr, only_path, options) return if options[:headings] == false text.gsub!(HEADING_RE) do level, attrs, content = $2.to_i, $3, $4 item = strip_tags(content).strip anchor = sanitize_anchor_name(item) # used for single-file wiki export if options[:wiki_links] == :anchor && (obj.is_a?(WikiContent) || obj.is_a?(WikiContentVersion)) anchor = "#{obj.page.title}_#{anchor}" end @heading_anchors[anchor] ||= 0 idx = (@heading_anchors[anchor] += 1) if idx > 1 anchor = "#{anchor}-#{idx}" end @parsed_headings << [level, anchor, item] "\n#{content}" \ "" end end unless const_defined?(:MACROS_RE) MACROS_RE = /( (!)? # escaping ( \{\{ # opening tag ([\w]+) # macro name (\(([^\n\r]*?)\))? # optional arguments ([\n\r].*?[\n\r])? # optional block of text \}\} # closing tag ) )/mx end unless const_defined?(:MACRO_SUB_RE) MACRO_SUB_RE = /( \{\{ macro\((\d+)\) \}\} )/x end # Extracts macros from text def catch_macros(text) macros = {} text.gsub!(MACROS_RE) do all, macro = $1, $4.downcase if macro_exists?(macro) || all =~ MACRO_SUB_RE index = macros.size macros[index] = all "{{macro(#{index})}}" else all end end macros end # Executes and replaces macros in text def inject_macros(text, obj, macros, execute=true, options={}) text.gsub!(MACRO_SUB_RE) do all, index = $1, $2.to_i orig = macros.delete(index) if execute && orig && orig =~ MACROS_RE esc, all, macro, args, block = $2, $3, $4.downcase, $6.to_s, $7.try(:strip) if esc.nil? h(exec_macro(macro, obj, args, block, options) || all) else h(all) end elsif orig h(orig) else h(all) end end end TOC_RE = /

    \{\{((<|<)|(>|>))?toc\}\}<\/p>/i unless const_defined?(:TOC_RE) # Renders the TOC with given headings def replace_toc(text, headings) text.gsub!(TOC_RE) do left_align, right_align = $2, $3 # Keep only the 4 first levels headings = headings.select{|level, anchor, item| level <= 4} if headings.empty? '' else div_class = +'toc' div_class << ' right' if right_align div_class << ' left' if left_align out = +"

    • #{l :label_table_of_contents}
    • " root = headings.map(&:first).min current = root started = false headings.each do |level, anchor, item| if level > current out << '
      • ' * (level - current) elsif level < current out << "
      \n" * (current - level) + "
    • " elsif started out << '
    • ' end out << "#{item}" current = level started = true end out << '
    ' * (current - root) out << '' end end end # Same as Rails' simple_format helper without using paragraphs def simple_format_without_paragraph(text) text.to_s. gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n"). # \r\n and \r -> \n gsub(/\n\n+/, "

    "). # 2+ newline -> 2 br gsub(/([^\n]\n)(?=[^\n])/, '\1
    '). # 1 newline -> br html_safe end def lang_options_for_select(blank=true) (blank ? [["(auto)", ""]] : []) + languages_options end def labelled_form_for(*args, &proc) args << {} unless args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = args.last if args.first.is_a?(Symbol) options[:as] = args.shift end options[:builder] = Redmine::Views::LabelledFormBuilder form_for(*args, &proc) end def labelled_fields_for(*args, &proc) args << {} unless args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = args.last options[:builder] = Redmine::Views::LabelledFormBuilder fields_for(*args, &proc) end def form_tag_html(html_options) # Set a randomized name attribute on all form fields by default # as a workaround to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1279253 html_options['name'] ||= "#{html_options['id'] || 'form'}-#{SecureRandom.hex(4)}" super end # Render the error messages for the given objects def error_messages_for(*objects) objects = objects.map {|o| o.is_a?(String) ? instance_variable_get("@#{o}") : o}.compact errors = objects.map {|o| o.errors.full_messages}.flatten render_error_messages(errors) end # Renders a list of error messages def render_error_messages(errors) html = +"" if errors.present? html << "
      \n" errors.each do |error| html << "
    • #{h error}
    • \n" end html << "
    \n" end html.html_safe end def delete_link(url, options={}, button_name=l(:button_delete)) options = { :method => :delete, :data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)}, :class => 'icon icon-del' }.merge(options) link_to button_name, url, options end def link_to_function(name, function, html_options={}) content_tag(:a, name, {:href => '#', :onclick => "#{function}; return false;"}.merge(html_options)) end def link_to_context_menu link_to l(:button_actions), '#', title: l(:button_actions), class: 'icon-only icon-actions js-contextmenu' end # Helper to render JSON in views def raw_json(arg) arg.to_json.to_s.gsub('/', '\/').html_safe end def back_url_hidden_field_tag url = validate_back_url(back_url) hidden_field_tag('back_url', url, :id => nil) unless url.blank? end def cancel_button_tag(fallback_url) url = validate_back_url(back_url) || fallback_url link_to l(:button_cancel), url end def check_all_links(form_name) link_to_function(l(:button_check_all), "checkAll('#{form_name}', true)") + " | ".html_safe + link_to_function(l(:button_uncheck_all), "checkAll('#{form_name}', false)") end def toggle_checkboxes_link(selector) link_to_function '', "toggleCheckboxesBySelector('#{selector}')", :title => "#{l(:button_check_all)} / #{l(:button_uncheck_all)}", :class => 'icon icon-checked' end def progress_bar(pcts, options={}) pcts = [pcts, pcts] unless pcts.is_a?(Array) pcts = pcts.collect(&:floor) pcts[1] = pcts[1] - pcts[0] pcts << (100 - pcts[1] - pcts[0]) titles = options[:titles].to_a titles[0] = "#{pcts[0]}%" if titles[0].blank? legend = options[:legend] || '' content_tag( 'table', content_tag( 'tr', (if pcts[0] > 0 content_tag('td', '', :style => "width: #{pcts[0]}%;", :class => 'closed', :title => titles[0]) else ''.html_safe end) + (if pcts[1] > 0 content_tag('td', '', :style => "width: #{pcts[1]}%;", :class => 'done', :title => titles[1]) else ''.html_safe end) + (if pcts[2] > 0 content_tag('td', '', :style => "width: #{pcts[2]}%;", :class => 'todo', :title => titles[2]) else ''.html_safe end) ), :class => "progress progress-#{pcts[0]}").html_safe + content_tag('p', legend, :class => 'percent').html_safe end def checked_image(checked=true) if checked @checked_image_tag ||= content_tag(:span, nil, :class => 'icon-only icon-checked') end end def context_menu unless @context_menu_included content_for :header_tags do javascript_include_tag('context_menu') + stylesheet_link_tag('context_menu') end if l(:direction) == 'rtl' content_for :header_tags do stylesheet_link_tag('context_menu_rtl') end end @context_menu_included = true end nil end def calendar_for(field_id) include_calendar_headers_tags javascript_tag( "$(function() { $('##{field_id}').addClass('date').datepickerFallback(datepickerOptions); });" ) end def include_calendar_headers_tags unless @calendar_headers_tags_included tags = ''.html_safe @calendar_headers_tags_included = true content_for :header_tags do start_of_week = Setting.start_of_week start_of_week = l(:general_first_day_of_week, :default => '1') if start_of_week.blank? # Redmine uses 1..7 (monday..sunday) in settings and locales # JQuery uses 0..6 (sunday..saturday), 7 needs to be changed to 0 start_of_week = start_of_week.to_i % 7 tags << javascript_tag( "var datepickerOptions={dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', firstDay: #{start_of_week}, " \ "showOn: 'button', buttonImageOnly: true, buttonImage: '" + path_to_image('/images/calendar.png') + "', showButtonPanel: true, showWeek: true, showOtherMonths: true, " \ "selectOtherMonths: true, changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, " \ "beforeShow: beforeShowDatePicker};" ) jquery_locale = l('jquery.locale', :default => current_language.to_s) unless jquery_locale == 'en' tags << javascript_include_tag("i18n/datepicker-#{jquery_locale}.js") end tags end end end # Overrides Rails' stylesheet_link_tag with themes and plugins support. # Examples: # stylesheet_link_tag('styles') # => picks styles.css from the current theme or defaults # stylesheet_link_tag('styles', :plugin => 'foo) # => picks styles.css from plugin's assets # def stylesheet_link_tag(*sources) options = sources.last.is_a?(Hash) ? sources.pop : {} plugin = options.delete(:plugin) sources = sources.map do |source| if plugin "/plugin_assets/#{plugin}/stylesheets/#{source}" elsif current_theme && current_theme.stylesheets.include?(source) current_theme.stylesheet_path(source) else source end end super *sources, options end # Overrides Rails' image_tag with themes and plugins support. # Examples: # image_tag('image.png') # => picks image.png from the current theme or defaults # image_tag('image.png', :plugin => 'foo) # => picks image.png from plugin's assets # def image_tag(source, options={}) if plugin = options.delete(:plugin) source = "/plugin_assets/#{plugin}/images/#{source}" elsif current_theme && current_theme.images.include?(source) source = current_theme.image_path(source) end super source, options end # Overrides Rails' javascript_include_tag with plugins support # Examples: # javascript_include_tag('scripts') # => picks scripts.js from defaults # javascript_include_tag('scripts', :plugin => 'foo) # => picks scripts.js from plugin's assets # def javascript_include_tag(*sources) options = sources.last.is_a?(Hash) ? sources.pop : {} if plugin = options.delete(:plugin) sources = sources.map do |source| if plugin "/plugin_assets/#{plugin}/javascripts/#{source}" else source end end end super *sources, options end def sidebar_content? content_for?(:sidebar) || view_layouts_base_sidebar_hook_response.present? end def view_layouts_base_sidebar_hook_response @view_layouts_base_sidebar_hook_response ||= call_hook(:view_layouts_base_sidebar) end def email_delivery_enabled? !!ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries end def sanitize_anchor_name(anchor) anchor.gsub(%r{[^\s\-\p{Word}]}, '').gsub(%r{\s+(\-+\s*)?}, '-') end # Returns the javascript tags that are included in the html layout head def javascript_heads tags = javascript_include_tag( 'jquery-3.6.0-ui-1.12.1-ujs-', 'tribute-5.1.3.min', 'tablesort-5.2.1.min.js', 'tablesort-5.2.1.number.min.js', 'application', 'responsive') unless User.current.pref.warn_on_leaving_unsaved == '0' warn_text = escape_javascript(l(:text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved)) tags << "\n".html_safe + javascript_tag( "$(window).on('load', function(){ warnLeavingUnsaved('#{warn_text}'); });" ) end tags end def favicon "".html_safe end # Returns the path to the favicon def favicon_path icon = (current_theme && current_theme.favicon?) ? current_theme.favicon_path : '/favicon.ico' image_path(icon) end # Returns the full URL to the favicon def favicon_url # TODO: use #image_url introduced in Rails4 path = favicon_path base = url_for(:controller => 'welcome', :action => 'index', :only_path => false) base.sub(%r{/+$}, '') + '/' + path.sub(%r{^/+}, '') end def robot_exclusion_tag ''.html_safe end # Returns true if arg is expected in the API response def include_in_api_response?(arg) unless @included_in_api_response param = params[:include] @included_in_api_response = param.is_a?(Array) ? param.collect(&:to_s) : param.to_s.split(',') @included_in_api_response.collect!(&:strip) end @included_in_api_response.include?(arg.to_s) end # Returns options or nil if nometa param or X-Redmine-Nometa header # was set in the request def api_meta(options) if params[:nometa].present? || request.headers['X-Redmine-Nometa'] # compatibility mode for activeresource clients that raise # an error when deserializing an array with attributes nil else options end end def export_csv_encoding_select_tag return if l(:general_csv_encoding).casecmp('UTF-8') == 0 options = [l(:general_csv_encoding), 'UTF-8'] content_tag(:p) do concat( content_tag(:label) do concat l(:label_encoding) + ' ' concat select_tag('encoding', options_for_select(options, l(:general_csv_encoding))) end ) end end # Returns an array of error messages for bulk edited items (issues, time entries) def bulk_edit_error_messages(items) messages = {} items.each do |item| item.errors.full_messages.each do |message| messages[message] ||= [] messages[message] << item end end messages.map do |message, items| "#{message}: " + items.map {|i| "##{i.id}"}.join(', ') end end def render_if_exist(options = {}, locals = {}, &block) if options[:partial] if lookup_context.exists?(options[:partial], lookup_context.prefixes, true) render(options, locals, &block) end else render(options, locals, &block) end end def heads_for_auto_complete(project) data_sources = autocomplete_data_sources(project) javascript_tag( "rm = window.rm || {};" \ "rm.AutoComplete = rm.AutoComplete || {};" \ "rm.AutoComplete.dataSources = JSON.parse('#{data_sources.to_json}');" ) end def update_data_sources_for_auto_complete(data_sources) javascript_tag( "const currentDataSources = rm.AutoComplete.dataSources;" \ "const newDataSources = JSON.parse('#{data_sources.to_json}'); " \ "rm.AutoComplete.dataSources = Object.assign(currentDataSources, newDataSources);" ) end def copy_object_url_link(url) link_to_function( l(:button_copy_link), 'copyTextToClipboard(this);', class: 'icon icon-copy-link', data: {'clipboard-text' => url} ) end # Returns the markdown formatter: markdown or common_mark # ToDo: Remove this when markdown will be removed def markdown_formatter if Setting.text_formatting == "common_mark" "common_mark" else "markdown" end end private def wiki_helper helper = Redmine::WikiFormatting.helper_for(Setting.text_formatting) extend helper return self end # remove double quotes if any def remove_double_quotes(identifier) name = identifier.gsub(%r{^"(.*)"$}, "\\1") return CGI.unescapeHTML(name) end def autocomplete_data_sources(project) { issues: auto_complete_issues_path(project_id: project, q: ''), wiki_pages: auto_complete_wiki_pages_path(project_id: project, q: ''), } end end